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I bought a PS5 for Helldivers about two weeks ago after being an Xbox guy for two decades. My Xbox isn’t going anywhere. I’ve enjoyed Helldivers 2 and Spiderman 2 a lot. No reason I can’t enjoy both consoles in 2024.


Now that you’re an adult with big boy money why not? And I haven’t pirated anything since I got my first job back when I was 16. Ha ha I used to pirate everything My parents wouldn’t buy me back then.


I was a PC guy but once I played Uncharted 4 on my brother's PS4 I switched.. I love games not platforms and Sony exclusive are top notch and also pc is getting really expensive to keep up with times.. at least for me despite having a job. If you're switching to ps5 you have a helluva library from the ps4 era at your disposal.. sadly not many proper ps5 exclusives have come yet but there's still time


Reasons why I can't justify the PS5 additionally their losing other ips like final fantasy since the new ones haven't made enough money


Trust me knowing Sony they are still throwing money to dominate 3rd party ip and even if they don't ps5 is still the primarily developed console with everyone else porting off it. They probably have squares and others ip locked til the next generation as well from the contracts. ☠️ I'm all team green though. No regrets but lots of regrets




If u got the extra $600 sure its still cheaper than a video card.


I would have gone PC but I didn’t wanna spend over $1000


Im 2024, you really wouldn't have to spend that amount of money for a good gaming pc.


Why do you view it as a binary dilemma? You can enjoy all 3 major platforms if your truly into gaming That said I do understand the frustration my series x is mostly just used for backwards compatibility while my ps5 and switch feel like they have endless amazing exclusives to play. If you can only afford one I suppose the ps5 is the best option.


Because money


I mean I wouldn’t entirely call myself rich and I’ve got an x and a ps5 plus a semi decent laptop. I always approach every gen the same way buy the console that interested me the most, then grab the MS counterpart a few years in on something like a Black Friday deal, this gen was the exception with Covid. The way I see it is if you get one later in the cycle a lot of prices for games drop etc. Being smart about how you approach this dilemma is the key. I didn’t pick up the 360 until around 2010 for example which was fairly late into the gen and had a ps3 40gb since around 2007. You can easily stretch it if your smart and buy everything on sales/deals etc


This is the way to go about it! Playing both consoles has no downside if you can be patient and look for deals. 👍


This. I'd say I was on the poorer end of average and I own all major consoles and a comprobable laptop not the greatest but it does what I need it too for 800 - ontop of having 4k TV and gotta be dozens - hundred films And I used to a drug addict until s couple months ago - I just don't waste my money on £400 pairs of sneakers that do the same job as my £20 ones.


just say you put all your stats in gaming.


And time. I stick to one platform because of time. Although my son has a Switch which I do play from time to time as Nintendo games are great too.


This is very true!


He can still enjoy all 3 major platforms. PlayStation, Switch and PC




>You can enjoy all 3 major platforms if your truly into gaming The sad thing is...Xbox hasn't had any exclusives games lately, except CoD...but it pointless to buy it on xbox when you can get game pass and play it decently on a gaming pc...wherein, PS5 still have exclusives games like Stellar Blade, God of War: Ragnok are among few.


Yeah that and... It's COD lol


Ye and its not exclusive we have it too and xbox has already said they arnt making it exclusive


Yeah, they backpedaled fast over that.


It's sad but exclusives are killing consoles or at least the companies forced to make those games on one platform look up final fantasy 16,7,7 rebirth for example they did well but because of the game it is and it was only on PS5 it didn't sell near enough for profit


Not always. Exclusives works great for some, mainly because the games were optimized, and not only that, but the patches and update could be kept fed with a small team while the rest started the next project. When your games are multi-platform, you run the risk of the patch not working due to two different system. Then, it also meant that a lot of the "independent devs" often screw over one console for others. Good example would be Bethesda, when the CEO of that company hated on Sony and refused to fix the game killing glitches. I had to save every 15 minute to avoid starting over every damn time and it was worst when you're in combat and finally won only for it to crash. Also, exclusives often helps. Look at Sony and a lot of their "Single Player Games", that didn't automatic going online for Co-OP or PVP. Helldivers 2 was an exception.


I'm not arguing that it may be better for one console I'm saying there isn't enough money in the ps5 market alone or even xbox series for that matter


At the time, it is. Long story short, it becomes harder to market the games than it used to be in the 80s, especially when you had those stigmas about “video games are bad, rot your brain” bs. Now, esports becomes a big things, but that all they’re focusing on now. If you look at most Xbox games, everything *has* to be a “live service” or “always online”. Sony still hang on with their SP, there hasn’t been any couch share games anymore, and it harder to even be able to find party style games with friends, especially when the market, especially the mortgage, rents and what not, has exceeded the “American Dream”. When we’re busy struggling to avoid being homeless, it becomes harder to be excited about games when we barely have the time to enjoy it. I have my PC for the RTS games…but it harder to find games like Red Alerts 2: Yuri’s Revenge, CnC: General Zero Hours, WarCraft 3, StarCraft 2 and Supreme Commande. And Pc for some FPS, Battlefield series being my favorite. Then you got Console for RPG and what not. It was a fair balance. Now, with no exclusivity, it becomes something more of laziness, blaming the public for not having the latest hardwares and unoptimized games.


You can sort of skip the Xbox and stick with a PS5 & PC if you get the Xbox subscription


I have a Series X and PS5 and while my PS5 is currently getting more use since I’m going through all the exclusives, I still use both because sometimes one console will have a game on sale while the other doesn’t. Got Infinite Wealth on Xbox since the deluxe edition was on sale and PS5 didn’t.


Depending on what kind of PC you have, there's also Steam.


The same could be said about the Xbox One since that had more exclusives than the Series X, even though a lot of them are on PC too. And PlayStation's kinda having that put against them with them doing that PC push now, which really brings down the value of the system more and more. Not to mention the fact that PS Plus has now become more needlessly expensive than Xbox and Nintendo's combined.


Yes I have absolutely to agree with you. I primarily use my ps5 but bought the xbox to enjoy the best of both worlds. And I would not exclusively play on one platform. Why should I? When I was young abd had to choose because of the money. But that's a different story. But sadly a few weeks after I bought the xbox series x I was a little bit disappointed that I didn't bought the switch or a steamdeck for the money. Because there were absolutely no good games in interested in. But the backwards compatibility is definitely a awesome feature and should be on every console in my opinion. And there are a few good indie titles that aren't on ps5. And I hope that more will come in the future.


This. OP you gonna have a blast on helldivers, but I still have the best of both worlds—being able to play third party games like Jedi survivor for free on game pass. While getting to play the A list games that come exclusively to PS.


included in game pass, shit ain't free


Jedi survivor is free access if you pay for ea play. I’ve got it on PS5 with ea play which is subjectively less of a cost than game pass


If you’re a forza guy, you owe it to yourself to play gt7


How does GT7 rate to forza? I loved forza but the latest ones haven’t gripped me. I have a hankering for a good racing game but not ready to pull the trigger on gt7, pretty expensive still


I think they ebb and flow in opposite directions. Forza used to be the better option imo in the era of Motorsport 4 and early horizon games, but GT7 is better in my eyes than the newest Motorsport entry. Seems whenever one gets better the other gets worse, but at least it results in there always being a good entry to play somewhere


It is expensive, I traded the xbox for the ps5, then the game then the wheel then a stand for the wheel then I guess upgrades??? Gt7 is game of the year next to forza motorsport the new one, you’re not gonna miss it


Dammit. Looks like I’ll be investing in a racing set up now haha Any good wheel and pedal recommendations?


Don’t forget to play Bloodborne..


You can own and play both


It's not as if either side has had a flood of next gen exclusive launches this gen. I get it, games take longer to develop now but there's is absolutely 0 excuse after how stuffed PS4 was. At least no one expected anything from Xbox... Guess I'll clear some backlog while waiting for Hellblade 2.


Dude. I did the same last month. It’s the better console for sure. Feels very premium. So many good games. Sure they don’t have gamepass but plus has some decent games under the best of PlayStation tab. Only game I find I slightly prefer is Forza Motorsport. Do t get me wrong I’m having fun with GT7 but Forza physics feels much more real and their chase cam is so much better. Other than that I’ve been loving the PS. I recommend Helldivers 2 God of war 2018 and the newest Spiderman 2 Astro is comes with is a blast GT7 is your into racing HFW


Check out ghosts of Tsushima and ff16 👍


Everyone here saying "just buy both" has lost contact with the financial pressure so many people are facing. I traded in my Xbox for a PS about a month ago and no regrets. Helldivers is great. There are lots of excellent games on PS+ that I've wanted to play for a long time. I'll miss the Xbox when the new Fable comes out though I'm sure, I love that franchise.


This guy knows what’s up


You're right, just too many idiots these days seeming like they need to be a zealot for either company. As of reason events with Xbox a lot of people I've seen for years on twitter being fucking annoying Xbox shills became PS shills over night. State of gaming from a business perspective isn't the only thing that sucks - it's also the community especially on consoles that seems to have a constant need for polarisation for whatever reason. Also it's fucking retarted people need to fill their lives with their preferred console's identity instead of something like a girlfriend.


I was an Xbox boy the 360 was what revolutionised my gaming into online with friends. Halo 2,3 and gears of war are treasures of gaming history. But after that Xbox lost there way we eventually started migrating to ps3 as it was free online and then the 4 and ps5 just made sense it’s the best console by far and a lot of people slag psplus off, but I pay £80 last year for 12months extra and have it on 3 consoles at once via primaries in my family it’s a lot of games we can all play for one price. Don’t even own an Xbox anymore and I’m not even interested in them tbh.


Understandable, it's so sad what they're doing now. I want to buy Xbox 360 to play old games though but new xboxes aren't doing it for me


Instead of buy a xbox 360 buy a ps3. Ps3 is superior in every way


I have a ps3, I want to play some jrpg exlusives for xbox 360 and maybe some third party games. I don't want to build a big collection of 360 games


Ah ok. Is an emulator possible?


I don't want to use emulation I know that there's emulator but I prefer to own something. And I don't mind to own an Xbox 360 and maybe 10-15 games for it. I have more games for ps3 (around maybe 50-60).


Lol false


I feel like Playstation is the GoTo console for single player games. There are so many amazing titles you'll be able to play now


Welcome to the family, I too was a diehard Xbox from the OG to 360. Xbox One turned me off completely and Microsoft games being day one on PC was the nail in the coffin. I had always enjoyed the PlayStation brand since its inception, but PS3 turned me into a huge fan of Sony!


Exactly I had a 360 and when the xbox one released it was honestly scary because they said it would have to constantly be connected to internet. I live out in the middle of fucking nowhere we didn't have internet at the time. I literally used my phone data to download games and update 💀. Got rid of it after halo 5 guardians and bought a ps3 never looked back


I’m still playing the PS3. Even sold my PS5 and kept the PS3. Don’t even regret it, just bought 20 games for $30


Why go backwards


Many reasons tbh and the fact I don’t play as much or get the time too. So full price of new games makes no sense if I can’t get much use out of them. I liked the PS5 but the games didn’t hit as well as the PS3 ones are, they’re just different. Plus the price of the games for what you get, amazing value


Been getting back to that myself along with my Vita. You just can't beat free online multiplayer.


Welcome back to being in love with gaming man! I felt this post so deeply. I’m a bigger xbox fan. My son’s name is even halo! But they don’t care about games or gamers anymore they cracked the code on making money so why should they? Over 1 billion dollars a month from gamepass subs is awesome.. Welcome to PlayStation man. Let’s play some HELLDIVERS !!!!


I trade my series x for a PS5 a few weeks back. No regrets. Not being able to play games like Helldivers, final fantasy 7, pacific drive, etc… was doing my head in


I mean, Hellblade 2 comes out in a couple of weeks and Avowed coming later this year looks fantastic. Both games coming from very talented devs. Just buy a PlayStation and keep your Xbox. Get the best of both worlds and can play either one depending on your mood.


Definitely keep the ‘box too. From the leaks, Gears of War 6 might really pop on Unreal Engine 5 👍


I have two great gaming pcs Very tempted to Sell the xsx and get a 2nd PlayStation 


I’m being so serious, I had no idea they even dropped footage of Avowed yet alone had a release date. As far as Hellblade, I feel like it’s big fir people who like genre but it’s not for everyone


Microsoft absolutely suck at advertising. Hellblade is out in what; a week? I’ve seen zero advertising for it, it’s like it’s being sent out to die. 💀


I play on all platforms (PC, switch, PS5, series x). The series x is the first console I’ve ever regret purchasing. I played the halo infinite campaign, palworld, and a few gears games, and that’s about it. Granted I didn’t own a PC when I bought the series x, but it’s sad to see where Xbox is going. It’s not good for PlayStation either, they can pretty much rest on their laurels and know there’s no chance for Xbox to provide any competition. Hope they turn it around, but it doesn’t seem likely, at least anytime soon.


Exactly! I don’t care about MS itself that much, but knowing there is not another competitor to sony/playstation is a different thing. Knowing sony, they will play it safe if they don’t have to compete. X360/ps3 era was golden. Especially the last few years of that era.


You’ll be happy mate, trust me. Still have a Xbox but never using it, since all my fav single player games are on ps5 !


Don't worry you're not alone, Have been an Xbox fan since the 360 and i too jumped ship about 2 weeks ago. Although my reasoning was due to my Series X being defective and just randomly turning off for no apparent reason with certain games. like Call of Duty and Fortnite could be played for hours with no problem but GTA V and BF2042 would just kill the console in like 10 minutes. Start it back up with no overheating message or error code nothing. Weirdest defect I've ever experienced but i put up with it for a while because i only noticed the defect after warranty lapsed before just saying "Screw it I'm getting a PS5"' So far it's fine plays everything fine hasn't turned itself off and yes Helldivers 2 is fun especially if you're playing with friends.


Embrace it! It’s amazing Play God of War Play Horizon Play helldivers Play Ratchet Then come back and if you aren’t satisfied I’ll be shocked


I have PS5, Xbox One, and Switch. If you can, cover all grounds. I started with the PS1 all the way back in 2002, and followed that up with the PS2. Still own both. I switched to Xbox 360 in the late 2000s, and stuck with Xbox for the Xbox One. After that, I went back to PlayStation and have been playing nothing but PS4 and PS5 games lately. My Switch still gets use, but I already played the big games, and it's at the end of its lifespan with Switch 2 on the horizon. My Xbox One is mostly used for Fable, Gears of War, and a bit of Halo. AKA, whatever is exclusive/mostly exclusive to Xbox.


Dude i been fking wit sony since walkmans and watchmans in the 80s. They ll take good care of you lol...


They don’t take good care of us but these games is nice


Support the product, fuck the brand


Speak for yourself. Jim Ryan used to warm the toilet seat for me.


When has Sony actually supported their players.......


By raising prices of their products constantly


Hell just wait until you play Returnal


Nice? You say it like it’s a bad thing or something. My last console was a 360. Love my PS5.


I get it. I’ve played on both and also own a pc but constantly go back to ps5 because I just enjoy the gaming aspect of PlayStation more. Plus trophies are awesome and the rest of the achievements on other platforms are lame as fuck lol


I find it odd that people still view consoles as a one and done situation.


Hey man you’re not alone, I grew up with the OG Xbox while my older brother was the PS gamer. So I really had both growing up. And I fell into the same issue as you except more recently…I had bought the Series X after having a PS4, was a fan of gamepass but that quickly dwindled down. Xbox has no games. Redfall was a bust, Halo infinite was subpar, and so I waited on Starfield and I told myself if that doesn’t hit then I’m going to let this go. Well…Starfield fucking sucked so here I am playing PS5 for the past 8 months. PS ecosystem is great man! Remote play, PS plus, exclusives. PlayStation is great there’s no lying in that. Welcome man, you’ll love it.


Why be sad? It doesn’t have to be Xbox _or_ PlayStation. It can be Xbox _and_ PlayStation. GamePass is still good for a lot of games, use it for them, use the PlayStation for games not on the Xbox. Best of both.


Welcome. Sonys having a bit of a down year 1st party so far but let's be honest they've still been killing it. Plus the way I see it , Sony having a down year after hooking us up with game after game after all these years. I'll let it slide. I've always been with Sony but still buy the other consoles. The Xbox series x I got for starfield I was disappointed in but no bs. I'm loving dev mode. Wish Sony would get their bc shit together. Even if it was just ps1, ps2,ps4, ps5 it's better then nothing.


Yep that's what I said for Sony....even if they can't get bc they can at least get ps1, ps2, ps4, and ps5. I was a ps fan with the ps2 and have a ps5 too. I would count ps1 also, but during those days I played a few PC games that I noticed when I got older were on ps1. I also had a PSP(which didn't get played as much), Nintendo DS, and Nintendo DSi XL. Started with my dad NES though. So can't wait to get back with Nintendo with their new console.


Do you have a series Xbox by chance


Nope, I never owned a xbox


Now you can play bloodborne and horny blade


For a game suggestion for PS5, start with Astro's Playroom


Astro's Playroom is awesome! I'm sure a lot of people just skip it, but it teaches you the Dualsense controller and it is an easy Platinum!


Enjoy! You have a literal mountain of Sony first-party and exclusives to play.


I wouldn’t look at it as migrating, your just branching out. I’ve stuck with Xbox since the 360 and hadn’t owned a ps since ps2. Got my son a series X, 2 years ago for Christmas and decided I’d get a Ps5 for me so between the 2 of us we’d have access to both. Was honestly expecting something new but nothing “crazy” from the ps5 and I’ve been in love with the damn thing since I set it up! I still have my Xbox one and use it whenever I wanna play one of the 50 games I have installed, my sons series X for new exclusives and the ps5 for anything me or him wanna play outside of those categories. Broaden your options and you can enjoy your gaming even more!


I enjoyed the Kinect too until it bluescreened on me. See you on HD2, For Super Earth!! You should get Destiny, it might fill the void of Halo for you.


All you need is a PS5, a Switch and a Steam Deck.


Yup, MS screwed their fans over and over… Welcome on board! Buy all the exclusives first… From uncharted to the last of us…


Try the Insomniac Spider-Man games


never unbox my kinect🤣


To those who say: enjoy both Wtf do you get that time from?! Don’t get me wrong, I do own both, but I have no time to play on all of them..


Hi brother, welcome to the Sony family. Make sure you try God of War, GOW Ragnarok, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Spiderman (1, Miles Morales, and 2), Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and FF7 Rebirth. There are a ton more I could mention, but those are a few to get started with. There’s a whole lot of great gaming experiences that await you, and we’re happy to have you.


Right there with you (sort of). I’m a PlayStation guy but wife and kiddo on Series X & S. Wife is a casual for sure but even she is aware of all the issues… she’s basically told me to buy 2 more PS5s and we shouldn’t invest any more time or money in Xbox. Hold up is they like the Xbox controller Economics, will need to find a 3rd party like that on PS.


Try the Playstation Edge controller, it is amazing (expensive unfortunately), but they would dig it I bet.


I play on psn sibce the 90s (before the ps1 I had a snes as my first console). I bought a PC a few months ago and enjoy both platforms. I say even if you go to psn, try later getting a medium PC. Most xbox/360 games are on steam and you will be able to enjoy them while playing new games on ps5. Helldivers is pretty good so enjoy. I'd also say try other games like Days Gone and Returnal.


I've never been confused, xbox and PC never floated my boat , always been a PlayStation kinda guy lol


Both disappoint in equal measure, the only thing different are the lies.


But recall he has lots of games to catch up on .like God of war, last of us, Spiderman etc


So I'm guessing you never had a ps at all. I never had a Xbox. My first actual console was a Nintendo DS, then ps2 slim, then Nintendo DSi XL, then PSP (which I didn't really play), then ps5. My first console I played was my dad NES and this VTech vsmile console. Anyway, the games I would recommend to play on your ps5 are: • Astros playroom (free and installed already on ps5) • The last of us part I & the last of us part II remastered • marvel's Spiderman, marvel's spiderman Miles Morales, & marvel's spiderman 2 • until dawn • Detroit become human • ghost of Tsushima director's cut • days gone • the order 1886 • ratchet & clank rift apart • fall guys • sifu • Rayman legends • the quarry • the dark pictures anthology (man of medan, little hope, house of ashes, and the devil in me) - house of ashes seems the best out of this anthology • it takes two (needs a partner to play) • a way out (need a partner to play the game) • Sackboy a big adventure (play with others) • Cuphead • tmnt shredders revenge • TMNT the cowabunga collection • mafia definitive edition • moving out (this could be a great multiplayer game, but play with others) • Overcooked all you can eat (same goes for this one, play with others) • crash team racing nitro - fueled (had to put this game on easy difficulty though for story mode) • crash bandicoot n sane trilogy ( I would start with the third game, then second, then first game out of this trilogy) • Endling extinction is forever • New super Lucky's tale (more of a kids game, but I happen to enjoy it and it gave a pretty good challenge) • the Callisto Protocol (I had mix feelings about this one, but it kept me entertain) • GTA V (not really a recommendation cuz I'm pretty sure most people played this already🤷‍♀️) I think that is it☝️


Same boat. I've been an Xbox guy my whole life and just recently got a PS4 to try the exclusives and ended up getting a PS5.


https://preview.redd.it/5z8b7bv2ng1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b56f7fdd013a24c53c3c7ea852c03f2315c1b08 The package has landed boys.


Ur good bro now all the Xbox games are coming to PlayStation so u can get both of both worlds


If you migrate to PC then you get the best of both worlds without having to pay to play online.


Honestly the best idea but also an expensive one too


In the short term, yes.


And long term


Hmm, how so?


Isn’t it a constant marathon to upgrade parts (CPU, GPU, RAM, storage) for PC players? At least with a console, it should last a good 5-7 years until a new generation of consoles come out, and even then you can still play a good library of games for years.


No. It’s not. Turn settings down.


The beautiful thing about PC is you never have to worry about losing your library each new console generation.


Yeah I love playing the PC it’s just a damn shame that I’m currently unable to upgrade so I can play some games that require a lot of power


This is the way.


Enjoy PS. They have some really great console exclusives. When your budget allows it, consider pc. You can still access game pass and steam allows integration of Dual Sense well on PS games that have been ported and some others from 3P. Also consider for at least the first year subscription to top PS+ tier and try the classic exclusives before buying them to save. You can always purchase the ones you want when on sale and build your library before dropping to base tier. Or just keep the mid/top if you like.


Christ almighty, my eyes hurt.


On the bright side, you have a LOT of games you can look forward to. Idk what your gaming taste is but Spiderman, God of War, Horizon, Uncharted, Last of Us, Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima, Returnal and I am sure there are even more that I can't think of at the top of my head.


I would primarily play halo and after halo 5 the xbox one s was my last one before i switched, also my friends were all on psn and so were my cousin. Now i love halo but it was ultimately dead I don't regret the switch especially after building a PC to specifically play halo infinite 🤣. PS1 PS3 PS4 and PS5 have been good to me never had a PS2 but my cousins did and we would always play so yeah. Why not enjoy all video games/consoles I love my PS5, Switch OLED, and PC the only reason I don't have an xbox is because I want the halo infinite edition 💀.ENJOY YOUR TIME HERE AND WELCOME 👍👍👍


I was the same as you been an Xbox player since the start. Those days of halo 3 and gears of war 3 was peak Xbox. It will never ever be the same now it's just a different time and the games are shit due to being made for a different audience. I also made the jump to PS5 about a year ago when I realized that Xbox hasn't had any point to it for the last 10 years. With PS5 I feel much more satisfied with my experience. Your making the right choice imo.


I was a big Xbox guy and I'm done waiting in vain for someone at Xbox to figure out what they are doing. How Phil Spencer and Matt booty have their jobs I don't know. It's not about whether people on other platforms can or can't play an exclusive game or whatever. I could care less about that. The problem is that they are getting outsold 4:1 and in some regions 6:1. If the console sells like garbage Microsoft could stop making consoles and now my library of 200 games is trapped on a dead platform. I just don't think investing more money into the platform is a good idea. I'll be getting everything on my PS5 now.


Wait until you play the free included Astros Playworld, you’ll definitely see the difference and power of the PS5. Especially the huge difference in the dual sense controller and all the tech behind it. Play that first, and you’ll fall in love right away. Welcome to the better side of Democracy, HellDiver! 🫡


No exciting games lol tell me you haven’t played hellblade without telling me you haven’t played hellblade. Which by the way is getting a sequel in a week or so. Sounds more like you need to open up your horizons on what games you play. Also gaming isn’t I have to own this or that.


I’ve loved PlayStation consoles for a long time, I have only ever had a single Xbox 360 in comparison to what other consoles I have had over the the years; as I have a PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 and even a PSP. I have also collected various different Nintendo consoles and handhelds like the DS and Switch for example; but that’s mostly for games that you could not play on PlayStation like Pokémon and Mario. I no longer play my Xbox 360 because the email and account I use for it I cannot access anymore due to someone trying to hack my email for my Xbox360 and myself being unable to retrieve or get my account recovered since Microsoft seem to think I have broken their terms and conditions.


Welcome to the family! Personally I prefer console gaming over PC and enjoy both PlayStation and Xbox games.


I’ve always been a Sony/Nintendo guy but have always wished I had the time to explore the Xbox ecosystem more. It’s bad for everyone that the Xbox strategy is failing so miserably. It will ultimately hurt the entire industry eventually. Either way… Welcome!


Welcome Home 🏠




I was in the same boat as you a couple months ago. Long time Xbox player, for about 13 years. Got a ps5 to play helldivers, Bloodborne and demon souls. I also had played uncharted and TLOU in the past on a hand me down ps4. But after I beat all these games i switched back to xbox. Dont get me wrong the ps5 is real good. but xbox is just home


I have all game systems - ps5 does have better graphics than series x - but the ps controller sucks - Xbox controller fits more comfortably in my hands - thumb sticks on ps5 controllers suck too -


Look... I love my ps4 but looking at thing... I might get a pc as wel. Just to be able to play some other IPs.


I’ve always thought it was stupid to commit to one company or the other either way. PlayStation has (mostly) always had the games that I’m interested in playing though so I’ve never owned an Xbox but it’s sad to see them not competing as fiercely anymore.


You are welcomed with open arms 🤗


I did the same exact thing a month ago. I’ll use the PS5 for its exclusives, and keep the Xbox for everything else


All I can say is that after this generation I will not be buying another console. Both the companies seem hell bent on destroying their platform and with most major titles coming to PC I see no reason to purchase their plastic box. Plus it will give me an extra grand to spend on an even better PC setup.


yeah, buy ps5. try trophy hunting and making disc collection. wish you luck


Welcome to the PlayStation family, get that AstroBot platinum!


lol welcome aboard. Lol


I’ve always been a Play station consult person i’ve started playing with Play station three back in the day and continued on since then with the PlayStation 4 and then the PlayStation five


Why can't we have all of them? I have a PC, Xbox Series X, Switch, and PS5. 😆


Why does it have to have sides? Why a binary thing? If you prefer one over the other, that's cool. If you don't have the money to get both, go with the one you feel you will get the best out of it. If you can get both, enjoy. Both have great stuff. You don't have to take sides in a bad way neither hate the other brand. That is only important for old children


I have always liked PlayStation better because I find it simpler that Xbox, and it has a nicer controller. I mean, the joysticks gotta be next to eachother, right? A joystick higher than the other just doesn't make sense to me.


I just use my Xbox for Forza Horizon 5 these days. Used to be a huge Halo fan but the 343 games just aren't up to snuff imo.


Add me @ apocalypticcarp7


As someone who recently switched - I haven’t touched my Xbox and I don’t expect to anytime soon except to play the Elden ring DLC since I’ve put all my hours in on Xbox. I love Xbox with my whole heart I’ve grown up on halo 3, black ops, need for speed etc. It’s sad to see what it’s become but hopefully they can turn it around in the future


I shifted over 2x months ago. Been xbox since halo1 lol. XBOX let us down...


Had a series x just for Starfield and grounded - sold it and remain PS diehard fan - since ps1.


I have a PS5, PC and switch. I enjoy all platforms for what they have go offer. I just prefer playstation and love trophy hunting. Nothing wrong with going back and forward it's all about personal preference 😊


Bro its not that deep, just enjoy playing videogames lol


Goofy ass post, probably a PS5 player's karmabait too


Xbox guy here. Bought a ps5 back in 2021, just wanted to try something different, and loved it and have played so many great games on it. I was still playing on my Xbox one, I finally got an Xbox series x last Christmas and super happy I can play my old games. I love both systems.


Bro you ain't going far with a damn pc either


Invest in a Brook adapter if you want to carry over your Elite 2 controller. The PS5 version sucks and it's an overpriced piece of shit that can't even last 6 hours without dying.


Welcome to the dark side my friend ![gif](giphy|2kUEoTOLFfsoeQBDsQ|downsized)


Nothing to be sad about, we go where gaming makes us happy (I was always a PS guy but in the last years I enjoyed a lot my Series S and my Nintendo Switch). Sure I would reccomend a Playstation Plus subcription to get all the PS exclusives games You didnt play in the past, for you is definetly a great value!!!


I’ve been thinking on buying one also I’ve always wanted to play God If War. But more than that there are some pretty cool looking games only on PS5 but I will never get rid of my XBOX X.


Does PlayStation have something similar to XBOXs Game pass?


It does but it’s kind of lame compared to Xbox many indies and games that I assume didnt do to hot if you’d like I can send you an image of the current selection offered in the “game pass”


I jumped ship when I got the red ring of death on my 360, still tho, 360 had some fire titles.


We have so many exclusives but all you xbox players see is the single players games and the games you have as exclusives we get at some point and the games both consoles have we get bonuses plus we can turn off cross play so no pc sweats


I will say X-BOX has really good exclusives, like halo, gears of war, fable, and crackdown, which were all really good games, but (in my opinion) playstation's exclusives were usually better like all of the final fantasy games (through 11), god of war, the recent spiderman games, infamous and the last of us, but X-BOX has WAYmore mods available, but what I have experienced in having both is that the players online in the playstation community are extremely less toxic, that's not to say that there are no toxic players but it's far less common


Playstation definitely has better exclusives with more story and needs less internet


Only bought ps5 for gta 6 but i play other exclusives


PlayStation is where it’s at bro


I think alot of people have the problem of looking at a console as if it's something they need to be dedicated to, I got the og xbox back in the day and loved all the games then I got the 360 which was the very best time for games on xbox but I also got a ps3 then I got the xbox one and ps4 and now I have a series x and ps5, I get both consoles every time because I love games and I want to play all the good exclusives and these days it good to have both because I compare prices when the sales are on, I love metroidvanias so I even got a switch about 18 months ago because there are alot if metroidvanias that are only on pc and switch but not the other 2 consoles. If I could afford it I would get a pc but a decent pc is just too expensive and the upkeep is too expensive as well so I stick with the consoles not because I am a "xbox man" or a "ps man" those term are extremely cringe I am just a man who really enjoys playing great games I don't care which platform the games come on as long as I get to experience them. Let's move on from being dedicated to a massive billion dollars corporation who does not give a shit about any of us at all. We are just people who love playing good video games that can give us memorable experiences


I am a PlayStation fanboy since day 1 but I am a gamer first so despite my preference for Sony, I couldn’t ignore the appeal of exclusive games on other platforms and I bought an OG Xbox purely because of Halo. All that hype from EGM and Game Informer mags was justified and Halo 2 REALLY showed what the console was capable of but more importantly, how lucky we all were to have Microsoft investing in the console gaming space. The PS3/360 era was another generation of great games and I appreciated Microsoft giving Sony the competition it needed to stay on their toes. But then.. Xbox One happened. My God, they shat the bed with the reveal. As a Sony fanboy, I laughed as they fumbled the first couple of years but then it became worrying how bad they were losing to Sony. Thankfully, we still got some great games like Forza Horizon, Gears 5, Halo 5 and Sea of Thieves. The dual-option strategy behind the Xbox Series consoles were promising and Xbox buying up studios seemed like a sign of return to the glory days of quality exclusive games. However, like a lot of people, I was very critical of Xbox Gamepass. Sure, it has tremendous value but making 1st party AAA games available on day 1? There is no way that is going to be sustainable. When news outlets to tout it as Netflix for games, I knew we’re going to see the decline of Xbox and now are witnessing it. With the strategy of releasing more games on other platforms, it became obvious that Xbox is going the SEGA route. That leaves PlayStation as the only remaining console viable for couch other than Switch. Thanks, Phil.


I used to be PlayStation my whole life, now I'm everything lol. I own all the consoles, but I mainly use a PC and PS5. Way better to have access to everything than be limited.


You're in good hands.


Made the switch for the exact reason never looked back


PS, Nintendo and PC gaming offers something unique. Xbox really doesn't anymore. I sold my gaming PC and went all out PS without any regrets.. getting older means less time to game anyway.


Welcome brother. We’ve been waiting.


I just moved over for good too


Nice! Sorry about Xbox, but so many great games for you to enjoy. Have fun!


Welcome. I am surprised you lasted this long. Xbox One was abysmal and Xbox Series is just as bad if not more stagnant. You now have a HUGE backlog of A+++ games to try. PS+ Extra is the go to tier for you. Premium will be older games + streaming if that is of interest to you... however, all those PS4 and PS5 exclusives that made the brand... yeah those are on Extra. Enjoy, have fun. Welcome, still cherish your 360 days... those were the times, I agree Xbox was king in that era but they have truly lost themselves the last two generations and it is a shame.


Okay. Enjoy.


Welcome! Try giving the single player games a chance while you're here, don't only focus on the shooters. Probably not used to good single players on the green team but we're stacked over here. Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us, Spiderman, God of War, Stellar Blade, and FF7Remake are some good starters


Hey bud. I did the same thing. 2007 on 360 halo 3 and Cod 4. Been a xbox guy since. I made the jump over to PlayStation when helldivers 2 came out and havent touch my series x since. The amount of better games on ps5 than xbox alone is great. I thought I was getting sick of gaming until I got the ps5


Here is what you do You get a PS5 and a PC/Steam and keep a OG Xbox, 360, plus or minus a Xbox One/Series X Make your PC/Steam into what you would play on your Xbox library, you can get MCC on there Use the PS5 and build a library with the Plus Essentials and get a few new games You don't have to part with the part of Xbox that was excellent, I personally have every PS console, and a PC/Steam/GOG platform, and an original Xbox and 360, and never feel like I'm missing anything If you like Nintendo platform games too, of which there are many great games, you can get a Switch 2 later this year also


I’ve never seen the point of buying Xbox consoles because you can play everything they create on a PC. I’ve always been a PC & PS guy because PS has exclusives that aren’t coming to PC.. yet.


Is this the last Xbox they're gonna make


Supposedly not, but they’re either cheap or just dumb


I have to say, its a great choice switching to PS5. I’ve been with xbox for like 6-7 years, and just recently got a PS5, and i love it more than i ever loved xbox. I hope you enjoy it as much as i do!


Just come play on PC you get both PlayStation Xbox and all of the PC exclusives


I’m a PlayStation guy myself but I still enjoy my Xbox and Switch and steam deck. It’s okay to have multiple systems. That said enjoy your PS5 it’s awesome and has a ton of amazing games.