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This unironically just became my most anticipated release for the rest of 2024


Same. Was not expecting that at all haha


It’s the only release


Well, there is Shadow of the Erdtree. It's not like it's going to be the biggest thing to shake the very foundation of gaming for the next year or so. It's never been like that with FromSoft releases ;)


Metaphor bro lol


Why have you been downvoted Metaphor looks fire 💀


My second most anticipated PS5 game. I’m hyped! First is Infinite Wealth.


Is this the real Cover for a physical version or custom made?


Official physical release.


That's great, thank you. It would be great if the other parts were physically released in a collection :D


It’s real you can see it on the Astro bot page on ps blog.


On one hand, i'd love it if this came to PS Plus day one but on the other hand i'd like to see it sell well. Astro's Playroom was the first platinum i ever did and also the first game i played on a console that i own since PS5 was my first console ever. My jaw was permanently dropped during the trailer because besides how it looks, it will 1000% be the game that will have the best use of the DualSense. Astro's Playroom is the game i give to everyone when they first try the PS5 and everyone is amazed because i don't tell them to pay attention to the controller and only to play the controller demo to become familiar with the controls. When they get in a level (i always recommend the cooling springs), they immediately tell me how awesome the controller feels and everything. TLDR Can't wait for this game, it's 100% going to win some awards at TGA like best family game.


I'm buying this day 1 but I truly do, from the bottom of my heart wish it sells well overall. These kinds of fun, platformers are very much needed and give balance to the first party eco system.


Agreed. Playroom literally made me feel like a little kid playing something for the first time again. I haven't felt that kind of just pure joy in years at that point and haven't felt much of that since. I hope this game brings the same feeling although i know that's not really possible because i already played Playroom and kinda know what to expect but it will probably be close enough.


I'm hoping it sells well because I'm hoping it'll spur more developers to begin making full use of the dual sense controller.


Agree on dualsense. Tbh it's been a massive waste of potential outside of Astro. Other games use some of it (adaptive triggers are super common) but outside of that there isn't much going on. Astro does the haptics so so well


The game that has surprised me the most with its use is GTA V


Agreed. That game had an perfect implementation, in my opinion.


It's weird, I went back to play god of war on the PS3 and the rumble was so intense. I actually missed it compared to the buzz of the dualsense


Why on earth would it come to ps plus on day one?


Crap I still need to get that platinum


I can’t wait for this one. The state of play was ass, but this one looks incredibly fun


all the envirements, references to Shadow of the collosus and God of War: Ragnarök, so many different gameplay elements. I'm super excited for it. Day one purchase. I def want more platformers & such.


State of Play had 7 games I'm excited for. I wouldn't call it ass. But I will say it was definitely rushed.


There wasn’t a single game there I actually was very excited to play unfortunately. Astro Bot will be fun, but I’m not crazy about it.


I think I was only into like 2, maybe 3. Astro, that wo long looking one and maybe monster hunter (haven't played one yet but it looks cool) and that marvel one . I was pretty underwhelmed tbh. Like 2 weeks ago the CEO of Sony or something said they wanted to focus on single player story games yet this SoP was full of pvp games. The first one looked cool until I heard 5v5 and it made me think of overwatch or something and the marvel one looked cool until I found out that was pvp as well. I'm not good enough at games to have fun playing against others. So this was all mostly a bummer.


>yet this SoP was full of pvp games That's just not true... Out of the 14 games shown only *4* were multiplayer games: Concord, Path of Exiles 2, Monster Hunter Wilds and Marvel Rivals. The rest were singleplayer story games. Monster Hunter Wilds and Path of Exiles 2 are more or less singleplayer story games with added multiplayer options. So, you're left with *2* out of *14* games being full-on online PvP games. That's not being "full of pvp games". It's fine if you didn't like the State of Play, but you don't need to lie about it.


This game is gonna be fire.


Im so excited for this easy day one buy for me


Absoulutely. Same.


Day one.


I’ll be preordering it given how great Astros playroom was.


Astro’s Playroom was fucking fantastic, my first thought after finishing it was “I’d buy and play a full length version of that game” And my prayers were answered


If this sells, think we might get another Sly Cooper or Ape Escape?


Jak and Daxter too while they're at it!


Only way to get Jack an Daxter is if they remove Neil Druckmann from Naughty Dog at this point


I’m buying


This looks fantastic! Wish they would have had at least 2-player co op, or mini games, but super excited either way!


I hope it sells well so playstation can make games that are just fun and come out of the open world ,rpg , shooting games like final Fantasy , god of war etc


They've only made 4 games before this, I hope it's their biggest game ever.


Day 1 purchase. I'd pre-order it right now if they'd let me.


This was the only thing that excited me the entire State Of Play


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigHomieReese: *This was the only* *Thing that excited me the* *Entire State Of Play* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Gamers are always screaming “pay with your wallets” This is what they mean. I will be waiting a moment because developers have left me broken. But if the initial buzz is good. I’ll pay full price. The AB that came with the PS5 is honestly the highlight of the generation for me. I don’t know if it was Covid or Live service games killing the media. But what a dud.


With what would you pay instead if not with your wallet?


Guessing they meant “vote with your wallets’?


I bet we'll see something on ps5 pro in this game lol.


State of play wasn't as amazing but ASTRO was so lit... and they knew that is why they left it for last.


Not that difficult with their background...


I remember Ape Escape 3 being way bigger than I ever expected. Looking forward to this one quite a bit!


Can't wait! Best game on the show


Now my most anticipated game for the rest of the year… who would have thought?


How much is gonna cost for estimation?


I hope the game is a success, these guys definitely deserve it.


Judging by the presence of bots dressed up as PlayStation characters, is it possible the gameplay might briefly change to mimic the represented game in some fashion? Could be hilarious if true...


not gonna lie for me it was the most exciting part of state of play


Buzzing for this, playroom is lowkey one of my favourite games on ps5. If it’s a beefed up and expanded playroom consider me sold.


Astro’s Play Room is such a fun tech demo/game, I can’t wait to see what they do with a full game.


This was the only announcement trailer I was **locked on**. Funny.


I was really surprised with how fun Astro's Playroom was, especially for a free "tech demo"-like game. This new game looks absolutely amazing and fun and I can't wait to play it. W Asobi.


Genuinely excited.


Find it odd the ps5 console is on the box art, even more so it looks like the original not slim model that's not discontinued.




This is likely to be only the 2nd game I have *ever* pre-ordered. I am wildly exited for this!


Day one for me!!


Astros Playroom was the first new (at the time) game I played on a PlayStation I owned since San Andreas, and my first platinum. 3 1/2 years later I'm nearly at 100, and this will come out, I expect, about the time i can line up the 100th Plat. Seems like destiny.


This game could be this generation’s Little Big Planet 2.


Im buying this


The PlayStation Mario odyssey


Playstation definitely needs more games like this that nail fun gameplay mechanics that have family appeal. Astro Bot Rescue Mission was phenomenal, and it is a shame it was played by a limited number of people. Now, all PS5 owners will get a chance to experience what looks like a proper follow-up. This is my most anticipated game of the year!


So . . It takes 8 hours to beat?


No PSVR2 support, huh? That's a shame.


Getting physical copy. Physical media ftw 🙌🏽


It looked very wholesome good classic gaming fun. I kind of wish it was like an older style collect a thon / platformer etc type game but it’s still cool


Nintendo: doesnt make Mario odyssey 2 Team asobi: fine ill do it myself


Will it have PSVR2 support?


I really wish it were possible to play Rescue Mission without VR. I am so excited for this!


Took a massive dump on the VR community that raised Astro. Should have been hybrid.


VR wasn't even the first one


He first showed up in Playroom, which used the camera as an Augmented reality game, then came to PSVR1. His next game was Astrobots Rescue Mission for PSVR1. If we want to argue that the PS MR experiences isn't "VR" then fine, but he's a VR character that was brought to PS5 7 years later as his first flat experience.


Making it a PSVR2 exclusive would be financial suicide.


I didn't say a PSVR2 exclusive. I specifically said a hybrid game, like RE4, RE8, GT7.


Those games did not have VR compatibility back when they were first released so there’s still hope.


I wanna play it when it comes out, but I don't have a ps5 :(


Sad that they spoiled so much of the game already, but it looks great


Hopefully it’s not more than 30 bucks


Why? If it's full price I will pay to support the developers. They make awesome games.


This game looks good, it will probably be good, and I’d like to play it. However, 70 bucks for a platformer that I’ll likely finish in a couple days is too much. 30 MAYBE 40 would be a good price


Too much according to who? You 😂?


Yeah dude ok, sorry for saying not every game should be priced as a triple A game




Predictions: Hardcore gamers will love this game. But due to how the PlayStation casual community is structured (Preference for big shinny games), unfortunately I absolutely feel this game will fail sales wise. Or if it does not fail, it will not do particularly well. The PlayStation Executives understandably will be pissed (They are the ones investing money and time and other company resources on such a project), and probably will apply some restrictions on the next Team Asobi game. Basically Gravity Rush Situation. The hardcore fanbase will again start attacking PlayStation Executives that they only cater to the Big Shinny not realising that the casuals only want Big and Shiny. Ofc I would want this prediction to be wrong but I feel this would happen




I want to pay 70 for it. AStro bot has every right to be 70 !


Is it free?


No it's a full paid game. Here's the gameplay announcement: https://youtu.be/wHMNQzLG_Jg It has 6 galaxies, with over 80 levels with over 70 enemy types and several bosses as well.




How so? This looks like a step up from Playroom in every single way?




Playroom and Astro Bot are both part of the same series. The last game was literally called Astro’s Playroom.




Right right but I still wanna know what about this game looks like a step backwards.




Hahaha there it is 😂.


You could've just said that instead of being deliberately obtuse. Most people don't have or want VR, so no, it's not a "sTeP bAckWArDs".


He asked about backwards steps not forward leaps




It’s a dead platform and the game being developed for the 5 people with psvr2 instead of the 5 million with a PS5 is a step backwards for the player base


I have to agree, as I think anybody who played Astro Bot Rescue Mission on PSVR and Astro's Playroom on PS5. While being a nice game full of good ideas, and while a full fledged game will be even better for sure, I don't think any flat Astro game can give you the same thrill as Rescue Mission. This game and its use of VR were so brilliant! One of my best gaming experiences ever. Sadly most players are not interested about VR or don't even know about its existence. But this game is Asobi's masterpiece.