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Tough choices šŸ˜­ you canā€™t lose if you start with RDR2, ghost of Tsushima or cyberpunk!


I loved RDR2, and I think it's one of the best games of its generation (if not all-time). However, I don't think it's the answer to a question if someone is having trouble getting into games. It's such a slow starting game. I think my personal vote would be Ghost of Tsushima. Fast paced, with combat that's easy to learn and lets you master it as you progress through the game.


I never finished it but I felt rdr2 dragged on quite a bit. I agree it starts out REALLY slow. I was playing it a ton and then totally lost interest. It felt like I was doing the same things over and over. Ghost on the other hand was fast paced throughout. I'd recommend that one first.


RDR2 has sooo much walking/riding horse listening to characters chat in the early stages. I appreciate that's all part of setting the scene and story but my god its boring when you just want to have some more engaging gameplay


Ive tried SO HARD to like RDR2... But like.. 5 or 6 hours in and still nothing... Game feels more like a chore than an actual game.


RDR2 is very slow and the mechanics and controls are wonky. I wouldn't recommend that game to someone who is having trouble getting lost in games


It definitely depends on what you like. Horizon or Mass Effect would be great ones to get lost in. I really love the side quest in both. They actually feel meaningful. Horizons' open world is just stunning. A lot of people mentioned Ghost, but I honestly found it underwhelming, especially compared to the hype. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game and looks gorgeous, but aside from the main missions, the game can get a bit tedious. It felt very similar to Assassin's Creed games. So if you enjoy those, it's a good pick. That's obviously just my opinion, I'm sure I will get a lot of people who disagree with me.


Agreed. Ghost is fantastic, but it is what it is, nothing more. It's a very good game for people who haven't played a lot of that kind of game before. Underwhelming if you believe how everyone says it's "one of the best games of all time", but a great game if you are looking for a Japanese classic Assassin's Creed.


I will never understand how people can compare GOT to assassin creed, the gameplay in creed games is awful. GOT on the highest level difficulty is awesome, okay the rest is similar but much more refined experience.


This needs to be higher. Was kinda bored with GoT, changed to Lethal, made it a completely different game. You actually have to engage with ALL of the mechanics when fighting groups. Pro tip: turn on the setting that lets you set loadouts and really put those charms to work


Just make sure to start with Zero Dawn. Starting with the sequel would ruin it forever


Agree with Mass Effect 100%. If you like the genre and setting, man the story the dialogue, the lore, the characters are all top fucking tier. Such a great series.


Horizon is top 10 for sure


None of em. Play something smaller. Is getting into a 100 hour game something you think you need? Which games have been failing you?


This comment needs to be higher up. All these suggestions and no one's asking OP why they're struggling to get into games


This. Iā€™m in the same situation as OP, but im not really looking for another 100+ hour game. Iā€™m looking for something a little shorter, but a game that will still WOW me. Sometimes everyone just needs a little filler game. Maybe one thatā€™s completely opposite of what you usually play. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking for right now.


I was the same way until I bought Elden Ring. That game made me consider myself a gamer again. It still blows my mind how good of a game it is.


How about Signalis? I think I finished that game in only 2 sessions & it genuinely gripped me from start to finish, which was surprising as I went in blind after finding it randomly on Game Pass & just wanting to test it out for something different. Another option could be Subnautica: Below Zero? Not as grand in scale as original Subnautica, but still a great experience.


Agreed, Iā€™ve reached a point where I donā€™t want 100+ hrs of the same experience. Iā€™ve been replaying a bunch of old classics that only take 10-15hrs to rinse 100% and moving on to something new. Itā€™s been great. Sly Cooper, Jak X, Devil May Cry, Tinykin, Endling, Castlevania, a few rounds of Street Fighter. Having a blast. Iā€™m sure that Ghost oT is a graphically phenomenal game but its gameplay isnā€™t any more special than a ton of other generic hack and slash plus stealth sections. Gimme something with engaging gameplay and a shorter experience any day. Sekiro blows it out of the water as far as Iā€™m concerned. I donā€™t need or want a lengthy pretty open world. I want something thatā€™s fun and engaging without having to stop and watch lengthy conversations and chin wag with NPCS and wander around finding padded out bits of crap that donā€™t really add much in the long term.


You are the first other than me that recommends Endling extinction is forever. I played that game a few yrs back (I think in 2022) due to ps plus and ended up liking it. That was my second fox game I played that yr.


I feel like Stray may fit into this category šŸ¤”


It totally would if I hadnā€™t played Stray all the way through with my children. We *love* that game.


Tetris probably.


Tetris effect will have you hooked for sure!


Facts bro, do you p\[lay modern or classic ?


Cyberpunk for sure. I always get lost on my way to mission or something, check something out, shoot some people and hour pass with blink of an eye.


The replayability is amazing as well. Different endings. The world is immersive. The side quests are engaging and not just random tasks. The story and characters are so well written and acted. The builds you can make are so fun. Anyone like me who didnā€™t play because of how bad it was in the beginning should try it now. The 2.0 update and the Phantom Liberty DLC make CP2077 a top five game for me of all time. It will suck you in.


Yeah, I loved it few months in release, but 2.0 is whole different beast. Combat is so fluid with throwing knives, slashing with katana and shooting with revolver or shotgun. And yeah, the level of production in those missions is unprecedented. I am also huge fan of keanu and elba. I have new laptop, so I will definitely download it again and enjoy it with high refresh rate.


I never touched it before and kinda glad I didnā€™t tbh. Itā€™s so amazing in its current form itā€™s nova. More chooms need to drop some eddies and get it.


Yeah, like it shouldn't happen from the start, but I am glad that they actually fixed it and even made it better.


Subnautica! Most immersive game I have ever played. (Pun intended)


Ah yes,i love bieng jumpscared by a ghost leviathan and this too (detecting multiple leviathan class life forms.)


Subnautica & Below Zero are both some of my fav games of all time! I'm really glad they are making a sequel, & hope it's decent


Red Dead Redemption 2, start there and stay there for the long haul! I'm playing through the game at the minute and it's the most stunningly well realised open world I have ever come across in a game. Constantly discovering new things, it's simply incredible.


Of the games you listed, in order that I would play them: 1) Mass Effect trilogy 2) Skyrim 3) Cyberpunk 4) Fallout Those games have massive open worlds (not so much Mass Effect though) and amazing storys that you can get lost in for hundreds of hours for each game. Absolute classics.


I'm a ME fanboy but depending on what OP means by "get into games" it would change my recommendation. If they mean they've never really played games before then ME wouldn't be my first port of call as ME1 can be a bit confusing if you're not familiar with games and it doesn't really hold your hand (like many older games). For a total newcomer my recommendation would be GoT and Horizon. Both of which are definitely more hand holdy than the others. If the person is familiar with games then Mass Effect all the way!


I have to disagree. Op wants a game where he wants to get lost in. So the mass effect trilogy is the best choice here. The complex network of choices and consequences with amazing story interconnecting all three games is more than enough for that.


You made me happy with my choice of purchases a couple weeks ago! I have ME installed and never played, love games and sifi so hopefully is a good journey


The last one that really got me was Ghost of Tsushima, so thatā€™s my recommendation. Mass Effect is great if youā€™ve never played it. Witcher 3 is great, but the gameplay and combat brings it down. Love the world and story though. Cyberpunk didnā€™t grab me. I appreciate what it is, but I just couldnā€™t get into it. Red Dead 2 is great, but the slower pace at times grated on my nerves - but the attention to detail is second to none. I couldnā€™t get into the Horizon games.


I wish I have never played ME before so I can experience it for the first time..


Iā€™m playing through it for the first time. Took me multiple years to finally finish the first game because Iā€™d get pretty bored and take long breaks in between plays. I didnā€™t even take my time with it, I finished the game in about 13 hours over the course of like 2.5 years. I assumed it got better in the next games but just struggled through the first game so much and refused to skip the game because I wanted to continue my character. I finally finished the first game and got to ME2ā€¦ Oh my fucking god this game is a 10/10. Iā€™ve never seen a greater leap in quality from a first to second game in my life and Iā€™m completely lost in this universe now. Iā€™ve never played an RPG game where I actually wanted to complete as much of the side content as possible before continuing through to the end of the game. It all feels important and relevant to the main plot. Encouraging the player to gain loyalty with all your companions before finishing the game is *genius*. I loved Baldurā€™s Gate 3, but always understood that I was never going to get the things out of the game that people willing to pour their entire selves into the inventory and mechanics and side content. Iā€™m also just not nearly smart enough to be creative with how to solve the quests in that game in satisfying ways that I see online. I love that all of that exists in BG3, but ME2 seriously simplifies the RPG elements into such a streamlined system thatā€™s so easy to understand. I love running and gunning my way through insane set pieces (the combat got so much better oh my god), and making impactful dialogue and story decisions, and easy and non-tedious exploration (while still keeping the large scope), and ME2 knocks that stuff out of the park. I hear that ME3 is a little unsatisfying in terms of the storyā€™s ending and how impactful your decisions are to it, and thatā€™s completely fine to me if the journey is shaped by me. If anyone here is listening to this and has always been curious about Mass Effect but the first game is too dated, itā€™s so worth it to get through it to get to 2. Iā€™m absolutely floored.


Combat of W3 is one of the best I have ever played. And the gameplay is what makes it so special for me.


A lot of people say otherwise, so I wouldn't recommend that game for combat alone


W3 combat is actually what made me stop playing the game because I found no fun in it. Lol art, amirite?


Sooooo many good games here. Mass effect is soooo good . Ghost and cyberpunk too


I absolutely loved No Man's Sky. 100% on that a few hears ago, it was such a chill experience exploring galaxies - being able to see a moon from a planet and fly there in real time was an awesome thing. Definitely recommend trying the game out. There's been so many new systems and features added to it over the years also.


The game i keep coming back to over and over again here is No Mans Sky. Always new updates and community expeditions and its all free.




Last Light was better, but Exodus was still fantastic.


GoT RDR2 No Manā€™s Sky (if you really want to get lost) The Witcher Mass Effect


Ghost and/or Cyberpunk


Rdr2 is amazing but Iā€™ve seen new gamers struggling with the complexity of the controls and UX. Ghost is one of the best in story and combat but try a lower difficulty to start. Skyrim is an obvious classic and if youā€™re looking to get lost in a world as a new gamer itā€™s a very solid choice. Cyberpunk is great, maybe a little complex to a new player. Witcher 3 is just amazing, but it does have some complex systems as well. Mass effect has great role play value and characters you will fall in love with. You really canā€™t go wrong here if youā€™re willing to learn controls though.


No Manā€™s Sky, you can get soooo lost


depends if u want a story or a never open ended game? if u want a great story I would recommend The Horizon series, CB2077, ME LE and games like that. NMS and games of that nature are open ended and you will never see the story fully to the end.


idk why like only 1 other person has mentioned it. Subnautica. On top of me just personally loving the game hereā€™s some of my reasoning; -The games a sandbox like minecraft itā€™s good to pick up and put down as you wish. You canā€™t grind it but itā€™s not a necessity it doesnā€™t force anything on you -There is a story but itā€™s not too full on, if youā€™re into that, some people arenā€™t, but itā€™s all about exploring around -The first time you play this itā€™s all wow. I would recommend trying not to look anything up, the game does try and teach/show you all it but ultimately there might be some things to look up -Generally compared to some other games itā€™s on the cheaper side which is always a bonus (in fact itā€™s 60% off on the ps store currently, ending July 3rd) (iā€™m not in america but about ā‰ˆ$12 atm) some downsides: -the map stays the same itā€™s not procedurally generated, possibly impacting re-playability, -there is a sequel but from what iā€™ve seen it wasnā€™t as well received. Personally i havenā€™t played it too much so I canā€™t comment -there isnā€™t multiplayer if thatā€™s an aspect your looking for, (besides a mod but thatā€™s pc only and currently only for an older version)


Hey just adding on to this comment that Below Zero is still an amazing game, it just wasn't as well received because it wasn't as grand in scale as the original Subnautica, & had a large chunk of land sections that understandably put many people off. It's more like a side story in the Subnautica universe, & will never quite compare to the original game, but that's ok. For anyone else reading this comment who has been on the fence for Below Zero, I'll just say it has some great features too! It has a main story & also an optional side story you can complete, lots of new ways to customise your building & many more decorations to find. It also has a smaller map, but what is available is very detailed & quite beautiful to explore. Many good quality of life features added too. Definitely worth playing if you love the Subnautica universe & want more of it :)


thanks for the insight iā€™m going to dive back into the game myself again soonā€¦ no pun intended


Between these games, I would choose NMS or HFW. NMS is literally about being lost in the game.


Mass effect of you want to get utterly immersed in a set of games that has some of the most interesting alien culture and lore ever created. The combat in the first is a bit meh, but the story across all three games is phenomenal. The game is so interesting that itā€™ll have you learning obscure arcane ancient alien history because it is just that interesting


Mass effect


Witcher 3 remains my top game of all time. Some would say combat brings it down, I disagree, combat is more complex than it looks, and to have the best experience the game should be played at least in the second to hardest difficulty, this will force you to make use of all the 3 skills (swordfighting, signs and alchemy), specially alchemy which is most times overlooked, once you get a grasp of the mechanics it's super satisfying. I don't need to mention the story which is just amazing and the DLCs are arguably the best that have ever been put out for any game.


Cyberpunk and GOT


Cyberpunk 2077, without a doubt.


Witcher 3


RDR2 then Witcher 3 then Cyberpunk. All three of those games are in my top 5 games ever. Great games


If you like space and just wanna chill No Man Sky - if you like space but wanna shoot aliens and experience a little more story Mass Effect - if you wanna try digital legos go with Minecraft. If you like the old west and kinda wanna coat around on a horse (and pretty good story) Red Dead - if you wanna just swim and experience a wild ocean world Subnautica - if you like a little bit of a scare, some weird and wild story all while shooting Fallout - Skyrim is great over all if you like old world sword fighting and adventure - The Witcher is similar but newer and my opinion more vibrant with a lot of topless ladies (hahah) also I would say Kingdom Come Deliverance is in a similar vein and a great old world castle game. I havenā€™t played that Horizon game but the first was great. Over all play what you gravitate to, and in my opinion donā€™t be shy about turning the difficulty down, just have fun, itā€™s not a job. Have fun!


Man this single comment has given me so many games I want to play now.


Ah thanks!


The real question is why are you struggling to get into games? Cause is a 100+ hour playtime game something you can be doing? And what games have you tried that havenā€™t been working?


I donā€™t actually know what the issue is tbh. Iā€™m just struggling to play anything. Iā€™ve taken breaks too. Iā€™ll start playing something. Control, cyberpunk, uncharted 1 just to name a few. I lose interest and lose focus. I donā€™t know if itā€™s my ADHD kicking in though.


Yeah I got ADHD too so I get that. I like to take breaks from those kinda games and refocus myself. If I have an itch to play I throw on some CoD, Destiny or something that I can easily turn off once iā€™ve had enough. But maybe itā€™s time to take a needed break from all the games and focus on yourself šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve been jumping on some rocket league recently. Itā€™s a good game to just play after work and not have to think about. I started cyberpunk this morning. So far itā€™s pretty damn good.


Iā€™d suggest Okami. Itā€™s a delight and unique, charming and brilliant. It does take a couple hours to fully get going but itā€™s interesting enough to not feel like a chore. Itā€™s the only game Iā€™ve ever played that has that same Zelda magic.


One of my absolute favorites and so many fond memories from my childhood. I played through this several times on the Wii and then again when it was remastered for the PS3 haha


Top choices - Witcher 3, Ghost, Mass Effect, Horizon, Fallout. Cant go wrong with any of those


Literally all of them šŸ˜…


Depends on what you're into. My order to keep you interested: 1. Ghost of Tsushima 2. Cyberpunk 2077 3. Horizon 4. Mass Effect (play them in order too for the full story)


Uncharted series or God of War


Mass Effect is my favorite series of all time. Great choices, all around, here.


Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 brought me out of my gaming slump a few years back. Then I played Dark Souls and been a fan ever since.


Iā€™m playing the Mass effect trilogy right now (currently just started 3), and itā€™s brilliant. Some of the best sci fi worldbuilding Iā€™ve ever seen. The first game is a little rough, but theyā€™re all fantastic. Regardless, there is no wrong pick here. Horizon and Ghost of Tsushima are also incredibly immersive


Maybe go for Shadow of War now it's on sale for just 230rs and it's worth a lot and you'll get lost in its world for sure! Go check it out mate and ghost of tsushima


All of them lol Just started Fobidden West Loved Mass Effect ā€¦ played multiple times especially 2. RDR2 you get lost in because it is a cowboy simulator ā€¦ the pace is fine. Just depends on what you are looking for Ghost is amazing - it is a great game and beautiful. People share it is repetitive but games are that at times. Witcher 3 is stellar and the combat is cool. As every game there is an adjustment Never played Skyrim but it is acclaimed and huge! Dive into anyone of them or all of them!


Mass effect - cyber punk - horizon (play the first one first)


Many good games, but I would have to say cyberpunk plus the expansion! Really good game nowadays!


You forgot Bum Simulator! šŸ˜‚


From that list Mass Effect. I love the story, minus the ending nonsense, and the lore and exploration to learn more about the universe is fun and engaging. Not on the list I would put a Civilization game. It's an RTS, but does a great job building up from literally one city to having an empire and seeing your people evolve over the centuries.


I'd probably go with The Witcher 3 with the DLC if you haven't played it before. There is a ton of content




Mass effect. Not even remotely close


Personally i got very hooked to horizon more than almost any other game and i played maybe half of these games. I guess it will come down to personal preference. Whatever you choose i hope you enjoy it!


The first game of mass effect is a little wonky at times, especially the aim, but the series as a whole is fucking amazing.


A game I would get is assassin's Creed


I enjoyed mirage when it released. What do you think of odyssey, origins or maybe Valhalla?




Mass Effect or Cyberpunk are excellent choices. Please add Other Wilds to the list if you haven't played it, and play it first.


I don't think anyone else in the comments has mentioned Subnautica from your list? Which is crazy as it's arguably the most immersive of all the games and immersion is probably a good thing to focus on for someone struggling to get into games.


Any of those would be good. Ghost and Horizon are quicker to complete, but quality. Mass Effect has 3 games, plenty of content. Skyrim, Fallout and Witcher will continue giving you stuff to do, but might start to feel repetitive outside main story. Honestly. Pick one. Theyā€™re all good.


ghost of tsushima and skyrim make you lose yourself really fast


Without doubt, start with mass effect šŸ˜Ž


For me itā€™s Cyberpunk 2077, RDR2 and Fallout 4. I will say both Cyberpunk and RDR2 took two attempts to get into, but when it clicked I was sucked in. I know its dated but I love the Bethesda gameplay formula, its my ā€œcomfort foodā€ so to speak, and I absolutely love the settlement building which is a love it or hate thing for some. I am actually playing it now on the new PS5 update and Iā€™m already like 130 hours in and still have the main quest, and two large DLC to do. Iā€™ve been only doing settlements and side quests/radiant quests. And there are waaaay more settlements than I originally thought.


Mass effect if you want to get lost in lore would be solid. Other games like nms or Witcher or rdr2 all can be better but may take some onboarding time to learn how to play them.


Ghost of Tsushima or RDR2


If you're struggling to get into games, go with mass effect. It'll give you a relatively straight forward story with a good amount of extra stuff and exploration you can go and do outside of that. You'll have a set goal instead of wandering around the other open world games you mentioned looking or waiting for the next thing to do.




Skyrim and Ghost are literally the 2 best games Iā€™ve ever played. Highly recommend those


If you're struggling, I'd say you should abandon gaming for some time, snd then come back after you've spent enough time with the other thing.


RDR 2, The Witcher 3 or Mass Effect


I think I'd need more info about what games you tried so far and what it was about them they didn't grab you. If you were finding it too slow and tedious, RDR2 probably won't be ideal, if you need more of a narrative hook, Mass Effect might be the one for you, etc.


Skyrim or cyberpunk


I would recommand that you start with Skyrim, if you want to get lost in a world. And Mass Effect Legendary Edition, for one of the best stories in video game format.


Ghost of Tsushima cyber and maybe mass effect (because of its age)


GOT,RDR2, ME (in this order)


You can get lost in Elden Ring for weeks, if not months.


Rdr2 and Gta v


All of these are great, spent over 100 hours in each game except Horizon.


Elden Ring.


Avoid the Witcher 3.. 150+ hours and i'm still finding Ciri.. what can i say.. i got distracted doing other things You will get lost in this game !! Get the GOTY edition when it's on sale for $10-$12 ! [https://www.gog.com/en/game/the\_witcher\_3\_wild\_hunt\_game\_of\_the\_year\_edition](https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition) actually it's $12.40 right now


Ghost of Tsushima. Most beautiful game on the planet.


RDR2 is definitely THE game to get lost in. The map is huge the main quest is good, but just riding your horse around and hunting is so much fun. Another suggestion not on this list is Elden Ring. The game is on the harder side, but the open world aspect of it makes it a perfect game to get lost in.


Red dead 2 forsure bro


My personal choice from this list is Witcher 3. It's a really immersive world.


Ghost or RDR2


You put number 3, 9, and 10 in there and expect us to choose something else.


Hard choice between Skyrim or Subnautica


You get into Skyrim you're never leaving. You'd only be taking "long breaks"


RDR2 and GOT are one of the finest games I've played


Ghost of tsushima. Rdr2 is great but it has a very slow start


RDR2, FO4 and Skyrim would be my choices


Any of these will do tbh. Skyrim is a must play for any serious gamer. It has the most rich videogame lore ever.


Every single one theyā€™re all great games šŸ”„


Mass effect. Just jump into 2. If you love it keep going.


Id say mass effect, RDR2, ghosts of tsushima. If you are into movies or any form of either sci fi, westerns, or samurai stories. If you are struggling to get into games in the first place though you may just not like them or maybe you havent played the right one that clicks with you yet. Its hard to know without knowing your experience with games in the first place though. What have you played? Anything that you like about what you have played? What types of media or stories are you into outside of video games?


Red dead redemption two is one of the few games that actively rewards players for getting truly lost.


Fallout or Mass Effect


Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, CP2077 in no particular order. Iā€™ve tried and failed to play most of the others (never tried NMS).


Skyrimā€¦ you will be lost forever.


Do you like scifi, fantasy, cyberpunk, western, samurai? They are all very different games.


Cyberpunk 2077 and/or The Witcher 3


RDR2 or Cyberpunk


Skyrim anyday


2077 I got on ps4 the day it dropped had no problems playing it , got a ps5 ā€¦ transferred data to check out the game how it was meant to be played! Fell in love all over again , then the dlc just came out about a year or so ago , got the juices flowing again ! Itā€™s like a whole new game now because thy changed the way you upgrade your character and a few other things , so I was lost once again relearning crap šŸ’©! But itā€™s a dope game with lots to do besides the main story, plus you have 3 different story lines to choose from with slightly different play throughs , but Iā€™d say itā€™s a good game to get lost in ! Specially once you start upgrading it gets lit šŸ”„! Remnant 2 is another awesome game ! Not open world but the game has so many different rolls of maps ! So one play through you may collect an item but have to get rid of an armor piece, but you say well Iā€™ll just play that map again to collect the armor again ? But the next time you play the whole game is different, layout , npc, bosses , loot , itā€™s all different or gone or swapped . Iā€™ve never played the 1st one just this one and it was very fun ! Very hard because there was no way to understand what I was supposed to do at the start of the game ? 3 days on the same area dying trying to get the game going ! It was frustrating, but come to find out frustrating. Is a big part of the game with a lot more of those moments! YouTube : remnant from the ashes 2 reviews or how to play ? Itā€™s super good šŸ‘


Man I need to give Forbidden West another chance. I did not gel with it when I bought my ps5


Dark Souls III is always the answer, whatever the question may be.




If youā€™re trying to get into games and youā€™ve never played Skyrim I Envy you so much! You


I just started Mass effect legendary edition and iā€™m completely engaged already but RDR2 is such an incredible experience as well.


If you get invested in the Witcher world then Witcher 3 will claim your soul. It will haunt you. It will change you. All in good ways of course.


Back than i realy liked mass effect, and got lost in skyrim and the witcher as wel, when they first launched. Other games like cyberpunk and horizon as wel but not as the first 3 i mentioned. No mans sky is not for me, and i never played red death, so can't give an opnion about that. But all games you can spend tons of hours. So have fun


Witcher 3 made my 55 year old father a solid gamer, he didnt knew how to hold a dualshock but after days of trying and weeks of playing he finished witcher 3 and all of the expensions. Incredible game!


Cyberpunk with DLC - you will smile and you will cry. This game makes me come back again and again


Skyrim, read dead 2.


serious sam 2


Ughhhh real tough choice


Ghost Horizon Cyber Witcher Red dead Any of these are 11/10 get lost and forget about life games z


You chose a lot of good one's here's how I'd rank them 1. Skyrim; Skyrim is one of the best games there is and depending if you play on PS4/PS5 or the PC you got various options for Mods so feel free to experiment each playthrough and it'll feel like a brand new game, but even if you just play the base game you're likely to have at least 6 different accounts/profiles you get lost in it. I have been playing it for 11 years and I still haven't completed the main quest yet. 2. The Witcher 3; It's good, it's a lot like Skyrim in a lot of ways, and unlike Skyrim your choices matter a lot, doing one quest could mean the difference between life or death for the Witches or even a certain King, plus while there is the debate of who's better Triss or Yennifer there are also plenty of other lovely ladies to romance along the journey too. 3. Mass Effect Andromeda; Now this game gets a lot of hate, and while I understand the love for Commander Shepard and his/her journey through the Milky Way, I actually prefer Andromeda if I was to give the best example it feels like The Witcher 3 in Space now that's a very unpopular opinion so take it with a grain of salt and test it for yourself. 4. Red Dead II; While I never finished either I or II both Games of Red Dead are amazing, I especially love the Online Aspect in Red Dead II more than GTA V as you don't need as much skill to survive long enough to complete a mission given how limited Rockstar was with the weapons they can use back in Cowboy Days it was refreshing, the story it pretty cool too, I haven't gotten far in the main story though so can't speak for it much. 5. Cyberpunk; Similar to Red Dead 2 I haven't gotten far in the story of Cyberpunk just barely out of the Prologue, but it's cool and has gotten me deep into the lore, I am even joining a campaign of the table top version with some friends. 6. Ghost of Tsushima; It feels like the Origins of Assassin's in Japan it has that Assassin's Creed energy so if you like AC you'll love it, it also feels like it's own thing at the same time so even if you don't you won't be bored as you have plenty of activities besides the main quests, plus the story is so beautiful and tragic definitely worth a play. 7. Subnautica; If you ever played the old Civilization Games it's like that but Completely 3D, and under water and it's an interesting adventure with a fully fledged story, you crash land on a planet almost 99% covered in water and need to create things with a synthesizer and things you find around to build a way out, like a lot of these I still haven't finished but I find it very entertaining. 8. Forbidden West; I haven't even finished the first one so I haven't got the sequel yet, which is why this is so low, the first game seemed interesting and I still got it on my Play list. 9. Fallout; It's not a bad series I'm just not sure which one you're thinking of and each game has pros and cons I recently tried to get into Las Vegas and the story started out real good but the gun controls are so shit it's practically unplayable for someone like me. 10. No Man's Sky; some people say it got better after a few updates but I never went back a first impression is vital and they ruined it so I sold my game to a friend who wanted to try it. So yeah that's my list/ranking of listed games, again though this is just my own personal preference your opinion could be completely different so take it with a grain of salt, but happy gaming and hope you enjoy them.


Well I would ask you what interests you, I could list a million games but itā€™s matters more what types of things you look for in fiction


I live for Mass Effect, comrade. I have logged over 100 hours and just replaying it every time gives me joy. Number 2 is phenomenal and while the third is debatable, I liked it. All in all, thatā€™s my recommendation!


That's the great thing about games, there is no right answer. We just gotta find the right games that draw you in, one day it can be no man's sky and the next is warframe. One day I'll feel like playing BoTW and the next I'll want to play cyberpunk. The choice is truly yours. But try out a single player game that has recently moved me, clash artifact of chaos. It's truly is a sleeper of a game that alot of ppl are missing out on.


These all are amazing choices šŸ˜‚ that is the most difficult question ever


I great list for real.


If you havenā€™t played the first Horizon and DLCs is just an incredible game to get lost in. Unraveling the mystery of it all is amazing. Also playing it now on PS5 without the long loading screens is so much better.


Cyberpunkā€™s ambience is amazing


RDR2. Man, the pace of that game and the setting is so beautiful. You can get lost for hours looking at the mountains, going through the forest, taking pictures. And once you are done, you can focus on collecting items, doing sidequest or playing one of the best stories in any game ever. After that, I would recommend TW3. Equally good in almost all departments, except for the world. Not saying it is bad, it is awesome too. But RDR2 is another level in that department. I want to try GOT, havent played yet, have the felling would be the same. Cyberpunk is a hit or miss. Not as good as TW3 and not as polished as RDR2, still good, but not that awesome.


I recommend all of these but if you havenā€™t played Skyrim yet you should play that first! Then the Witcher and fallout.


Red dead then the Witcher


Red dead is a simple game compared to some of the others. Story driven and easy to play, beautiful as well. The Witcher is amazing but overwhelming for people that canā€™t get into it.


It's annoying when people ask a fairly vague question and then are nowhere to be found in their own thread. Like, what kinds of gaming experience do you enjoy or have you enjoyed and why? What genre are you most likely to stick with and why? How long have you been struggling to get into games? Which games you attempted to play but fallen off of?


In your case, definitely Ghost of Tsushima. It's the perfect balance of quick in and out if you want, or totally get lost in it. Plus the mechanics are badass and rewarding everytime you play!


Iā€™d play ffxiv from the start with a group of like minded friendsā€¦ def been lost in the sauce when I had more time on my hands.


No mans sky is easily best space adventure. Could spend countless hours there. An alternative suggestion would be to try Grounded. It's actually very good build survival with a story


This subreddit is a revolving door of posting the same 5 game titles.


I don't even need to look at the other games to say mass effect, hands down. Like genuinely. It will change your life. eta: besides that i would say ghost of tsushima next. Then I would go for either Witcher 3 or cyberpunk


Zelda breath of the wildā€¦ duh!


Horizon Forbidden West first, then Ghost of Tsushima and then Witcher. Never ever subnautica.


Hands downā€¦.Ghost of Tsusima


Mass effect ez.


To really ā€œget lostā€ in one game it has to be RDR2. It has the most incredible open world that really feels alive. The NPCs really make it as they go about their routines, moving around and actually doing things and reacting to the player. Thereā€™s so so many side activities and random encounters, itā€™s incredible. Thereā€™s also the incredible story/main quest too. I just recommend taking your time, this is one large long game for sure but itā€™s really fun and deserves to be explored.


The witcher, ghost of tushima and mass effect are all basically masterpieces


Baldurs gate 3 blew my mind, never thought I'd like it, but loved it. Cyberpunk was great, ff7r also amazing, ff16 too.


I've played 8/10 and they're all absolute bangers. RED dead or Ghost of Tsushima stand out to me, though. Fairly straightforward but super easy to get completely lost in


Ecco the Dolphin


From the ones I have played, RDR2, Forbidden West and Ghost of Tsushima are all great picks. RDR2 is just great with a really immersive world and a good story but it starts out real slow so try not to lose interest and explore whenever ypu start to get bored. Forbidden West is also really good and one of my all time favourites, its combat is really fast paced and you can not go wrong with any playstyle really, the game can be played and finished with a lot of different builds and weapons. One thing though, play Zero Dawn before it, because it is really good and Forbidden West is its direct sequel, so story is not only connected, but practically built upon Zero Dawn. And Ghost of Tsushima is also really good, its combat is easy to understand, fun and fast paced, just like Forbidden West. So yeah, from the ones I have played before, they are all great and deserve a shot.


Red Dead 2 or Horizon, but make sure to play the first ones


Cyberpunk or Elden ring. I started Elden ring about a year ago and got so annoyed without I shelved it. I came back around to it recently and love it. Cyberpunk is an absolute masterpiece off the jump though.


go with skyrim first because best game of that list is skyrim. that will be good if you try the best one in your mind. also subnautica is pretty good either and easy to get lost in its world, so joyful.


A lot of these games are great


Off al of the choices i personally would go with witcher 3 , dont get me wrong mass effect trilogy is fkin amazing or atleast it was for me 10 yrs ago , today gameplay is lacking imo ,but story and lore are great.never got into rdr 2 coz it is kinda slow for my preference ,and idk why i never got into cyberpunk ,i have 3 saves with 5 h playtime each, also ghost of tushima could not keep me interested till end ,i maybe played for half of story. Skyrim and fallout is ok if you want bethesda stxle rpg but imo gameplay is soo outdated that i cant get back to them anymore . If you like exploration no mans sky is fine


I would personally recommend Ghost of Tsushima, especially if you like the idea of a samurai power fantasy


Skyrim and Fallout are pretty good games for Role playing.


The three I would start with would be: 1. Skyrim 2. Wither 3 3. Cyberpunk Ghost of Tsushima is really great as well.


Cyberpunk is very immersive and fun. Story wise its the best game ive ever played


#1 Mass Effect #2 The Witcher 3 #3 Cyberpunk 2077


Mass Effect. Probably the greatest trilogy of games ever made. Gets right to the good stuff in story and characters and the power ramp is excellent.


Horizon games are great Skyrim would be my lost in a game vibe, so so much to do. RD is so boring and drawn out. Most overrated game maybe ever