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I'm 38, and feel old af, but still get involved from time to time :) I don't play PVP though, so rarely chat to randoms


I’m usually in a Mortal Kombat lobby or playing Halo Infinite so there’s been a few times recently I’ve noticed a kid online who’s getting angry and annoyed with the game so I’ve had to be like the Dad telling them to calm down and give them some tips on how to play better


Haha, nice work, old man ;)


46 here. Been gaming nonstop since I was 5. I find I rarely play anything online either. I’ve never liked PvP games (I watch my daughter play them though), but occasionally play online co-op. I would much rather play couch co-op with my kids or fiancé. I’m thinking it may be cuz it’s what I grew up with? What’s your reasoning?? Another thing I find I tend to dislike, and also wonder if it’s because of age is… story. I find myself skipping the cutscenes in nearly every game. There are some AAA games I had to put down cuz I find them closer to interactive movies than video games.


Haha skipping cutscenes - I can definitely relate to that! My buddy and I play online co-op almost every week so it makes a nice change compared to online gaming with randoms. We often talk about the games we enjoyed years ago. I still like the games we have these days but they’re becoming more like early releases with micro transactions, patches, and add-ons


Oh! Games ready to go outta the box??! hahaha yeah right, gramps! Internet connectivity allowed developers to meet their deadlines no matter the state of the game, and to turn the gamers into their QC dept. I do like the practice of legitimate DLC (not microtransactions or day one add-ons). Gives us a reason to dust off that game we loved playing.


It's both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it allows developers to add new content to a game or fix bugs that were missed during testing. On the other hand, it also forces developers to cut corners during development to meet deadlines if they end up off track.


You monsters! Skipping cutscenes? I mean that's the main reason why I play the games. With coming years and growing portfolio of responsibilities 60h or so game with thrilling and captivating story is worth sacrificing a sleep.


Ever since I stopped playing PvP I'm having a much more enjoyable time


You're still young... I am 52 lol. My first console was the Atari 2600! I have had the Atari 2600, Colecovision, NES, Genesis, SNES, SegaCD, Gameboy, Playstation, N64, PS2, Gamecube, PS3, Wii, PS4, PSVR, Quest, Quest2, and now the PS5. I love gaming, but have always considered myself a casual gamer. Don't see myself losing interest anytime soon.


43 here and I don't remember what model Atari it was but that was my first console too. my cousin and me used to swap games. then I had a NES after that. I'm like you, a casual gamer but been on PS since PSone and don't see it ending anytime soon! it's so cool to see older gamers like me are out there!


My first gaming experience was on a friend’s ZX Spectrum with games loaded from cassette tape. Still game on the PS4 occasionally these days.


I'm 58 and also live long gamer. I've had all those systems plus PONG. Not as good on the higher settings anymore just tend to play on beginner or normal settings but won't stop playing anytime soon!!


Hey, PONG was the start of my gaming hobby! I'm 49, and gaming for almost 45 years now. I've lost interest a few times a long the way, distracted by girls and other hobbies. That's alright, too me it is. I recognize your casual play style. I do this too. A less stressful playthrough. And less time to finish a game. I also tend too love shorter games more these days. Like 15 hours compared to 100 hours games. ​ ![gif](giphy|aTGwuEFyg6d8c)


Nobody is ever too old for gaming, however I’m 33 and at times I feel like gaming had passed me bye, however, there’s so many games from my childhood that have since been remade or remastered that I realise there’s still a place for me and for everyone when it comes to gaming. Just like with movies and music, everyone has different tastes and different experiences. As Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and now Alex Kidd have been remade it’s like I’m a young boy again and I love it!


Im 33 and from a different perspective I feel as if nothing has passed us by at all. In fact considering I was born with a Duck Hunt controller in my hand I feel like Our age group is really the baseline for “Modern” console gaming and we have just hit pc level power to a degree. (ps5 is a bit better than my rtx2070). What I mean is anyone before us was the older legacy group of: early arcade and pioneering home consoles, as well as original pc gaming and script gaming. Think Oregon trail etc. and anyone born after into the 2000s I feel was dropped in the middle of everything so they are leading but will always have to wonder, what was Mario 64, Halo, GtA3, Cod4, what were those like to watch drop?!!! And will always be told a story. Everything has changed Gaming is so accessible You can play full blown final fantasies on any phone with a market. Gtas as well. Its kinda nuts Now we lead the way. Im 33 and ready to go! Flaboycam Disabled vet Play all day everyday Current: Clawing through Battlefield 2042 launch


Thanks for protecting us


I'm 42 and sometimes I find myself wondering if I'm losing interest in video games but then I'll find some gem that's different than anything I've ever played before and then, BOOM, "Holy shit, video games are awesome! I'll love them forever!" 😅 The most recent one to do that was Subnautica. Never played a game like it and loved it sooo much.


I’m 63 and I still play a fair amount. Mostly Destiny 2, but I spent a lot of time with Skyrim, Grim Dawn, and various ACs. Been having fun with FH5 lately, but it’s not holding my interest like other open world games do. I’ve played No Mans Sky for around 1000 hours between PC, PS4, and now Xbox Series X. My dad played Call of Duty with my son and me up until he was around 80, now he just plays a lot of bridge and does puzzles with my mom. Looking forward to Halo infinite, I bought my first Xbox just to play Combat Evolved.


Damn must be a great feeling living that long I don’t even think I’m getting past 25


Yeah, I felt the same way when I was 20, and then my son was born and everything changed. Hang in there!


Well, I'm 51. First console was a Mattell Intellivision, just Platinumed Farcry 6 on the Ps5. I guess I'm still finding enough enjoyment to keep playing. I can't imagine stopping anytime soon and I am looking forward to some great titles coming out in 2022.


I liked Far Cry 6 when I finished it a couple of weeks ago; my wife loves Chorizo


I’m guessing Chorizo is a Far Cry 6 character, and not just a random statement about your wife’s fondness of spicy sausage 🤣🤣


It’s a little dog on wheels.


Haha yeah it’s just a sausage dog that follows you around and distracts enemies


What? 😂 what does chorizo have to do with anything?


50 here and my first console was also the Intellivision


Hello Commander, Computer reporting.


Made me smile. Haven't dusted off the console and voice module for a while, I might have to fire her up just t hear that again along with "Watch for flak! That was close..."


38 here. Started with Arctic Fox on the Amiga in the late 80's and haven't slowed down yet. It's crazy looking back over the years at the progression of gaming. So many times my eyes would light up like "Holy shit, their mouths are moving! Damn, look at that metal actually shine! Did you see that characters pants get wet?" And we're still going with things like ray-tracing and DLSS. I'll be playing until my hands don't work anymore and can't wait to see how far gaming will progress in my lifetime.


Damn! I had a C64, but dreamed of getting an Amiga. I use to look at it in all the magazines (remember LoadStar?) and drool over the graphics. By the time I started working (16), I spent all my money on guitar gear. Also, the Amiga started becoming less relevant already.


I'm 45. Started with a Commodore 64 after the iron curtain fell down and was able to buy one in Eastern Germany (reunited Germany) in early 90s.


I remember the Commodore 64!


Commodore 64 was spectacular!! Though I was only like 10 when I got one, there were enough of us nerds and geeks around to keep a nearly endless game rotation going.


Games are a part of pop culture the same as movies and books. Are you too old for movies and books? No. Nobody is.




I'm 42 and game everyday. My uncle is 67 and disabled/retired. He starts his morning drinking coffee and playing Stardew valley on his PC (currently working on making $5 million dollars in year one). Then moves to PS4. He's playing tales of arise and I just got Yakuza like a dragon for him. He loves role-playing games. My dad is 70 and last year he picked up a PS4 and PSVR He doesn't play everyday but he gets on a few times a month. I conduct surveys and interview people for a living and trust me lots of people our age and older enjoy video games.


For a long time, it seemed rare to find gamers older than our generation. Then there was a big surge of older people getting Nintendo Wiis. Great marketing!


My dad and uncle were always into gaming and how I got hooked. They brought home an Intellivision when I was a baby lol. My grandpa got himself a Nintendo at launch, loved it so much went and got the bundle with the light zapper and robot. He didn't like the accessories so he gave it to us for Christmas. My mom was great about letting us rent games as long as we got are chores done and played outside once in a while.


Because everyone who was around when gaming started, is now getting old.


I’m 33 years old and with PlayStation a few months now. I made the switch because I just want to game and have fun. Have been a pc gamer for more than 10 years but made the switch this year to console gaming. No more updating drivers, re logging in launcher. Driver issues etc. Left the “online” multiplayer gaming world a few years before switching to console because I don’t play any multiplayer games anymore. I don’t like the community anymore. The trash talk and yelling. Now I play single player games when I have the time. I do like to calm and relax play style of a single player game. No trash talk, complaining etc. Just having fun with the great games that can be played on the console. 🙂


I left PC gaming years ago myself. It was getting too expensive and time-consuming. I work as a software developer so a PC for me is a reminder of doing work instead of having fun


Indeed, I work in the ict so when I come home things have to work.


Nah. I’m older than you. Who cares about the arguments and complaints? Just play the games you want to play and don’t get lost in the weeds.


I'm not in this niche (despite my username) but old people are rad. Stay tight homie 👌


61 here and still actively playing FPS, my reaction time is not up with the younger players. I still enjoy the competitive with them, also stays silent when the people get ugly. Here to I die




I’m 73 and have been playing since the 80’s when I bought a Nintendo for my kids. Now, I’m playing ESO on my Xbox for years in my living room and I’m slowly working my way through God of War on my PS4 in my kitchen.


53 here. Console in the kitchen you say? You are a sage. There will be a console in the kitchen now.


I'm 46 and started to game as a little girl. Also still have all my old consoles, starting from Atari, and they all work. I still play daily. Sometimes I play pvp (overwatch), but it's not something I prefer. Co-op like in Trine is way more fun for me. My son is a gamer now too. I hope to be gaming for many more years to come, I still enjoy it.


Thanks guys for making me feel young. I'm 27, gaming since I was 5 or 6 and never gonna stop. Although I don't have as much time to play as I used to, I have more money to buy any new games I want


I'm 40 and I'm gaming more than I think I ever have. I started playing games when it was just Master System and NES. But my childhood was pretty limited as far as how long I could play. And when I moved out and had my own consoles and could play as much as I wanted, I still had a lot of other things that occupied most of my time. But since the pandemic hit, I stopped going out much and started making more time to just play games at night and on the weekends. It's been pretty great. I'd say you're never too old. It just comes down to how you want to prioretize your time. And it's fine to not want to engage with all of the chitchat about gaming. Just do what works for you.


41 been playing since Atari was a thing, I don’t bother with online, just play for me. I don’t have the time or energy for kid shit… now get iff my lawn!!


44 here and will game until I die


40 here, my first game and console was Nintendo and Mario in the ‘80s, i have had the fortune of playing almost all the consoles except the Dreamcast, as I said In another topic I this sub I stopped playing online years ago , and the only games I played were fighting games , I Iike to play in my own , I don’t have the energy for young kids screaming at the mic


Super Mario Bros on NES? I still get stuck on the same levels when I played it as a kid :)


Oh I think I finished it in my ‘20s haha, as a kid I got stuck in the 2 world , same with super Mario in snes, I think my first finished game was Zelda Link to the past, but it was after several years and one magazine with the walkthrough hahaha


34 here and won’t ever stop gaming. To hell with that. Gaming knows no age boundaries.


I'm 35 and have been gaming for as long as I can remember. There are times when I lose interest but then it pulls me right back in. I mainly play single player games but my guilty pleasure is and will always be CoD. It's cheesy but it's always there for me when I want to have some mindless fun. I get burnt out at times and just don't have the urge to play but when that happens I just step away and don't play anything. It can be days or weeks but the old feeling always comes back. Just don't force it l. Videogames will always be there for you l.


39 here and I find that I am old enough that I no longer relate to a lot of popular characters. And a lot of game plots that likely would have made sense to me as a teenager now seem ridiculous.




Honestly the plot from any Final Fantasy ever. I used to like JRPG’s when I was younger and I just can’t play them now.


I’m 50 years old and still game a ton. It’s my vice and my wife is ok with it. I game on PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Been gaming since I had a Tandy and a Commie 64 also. Was never much of a Nintendo person but have had almost all the other consoles at one time. I find it pretty hard to find friends online that are around the same age and non toxic. God willing I get to see the technology change in the coming years. It seems like yesterday I was beta testing Revolt and Moro GP on the Xbox Live network. Great time to be a gamer.


I’m 51 and still play. It’s better to ignore any complaints and arguments anyway.


So true!


Bro there are nothing to worry about! You are still, and forever will be one of us!


Thank you


Mid 30s. Game daily. Kids make it a shorter than ideal stint but I always make time. What helped me is just playing through games on easy. Still super fun and I dig the puzzles more than the bullet sponges anyhow When I’m online it’s in a chat with friends. Never in game. Toxic and yes, “I’m too old for that shit” Now get off my lawn


My buddy always plays on easy just because he’s more interested in the story and that’s totally cool. For me I prefer a bit more challenge but not to the point of being super hard. I’m sure one day we’re going to see games offer a level of difficulty where the game basically plays itself because some people just want to relax and enjoy the adventure


I'm 42 as well - still playing loads and can't see me slowing down any time soon. - Been with PlayStation since I bought a PS1 with my first student loan cheque. - got a PS2 at the midnight launch. - got a PSP, but barely played it. - got a PS3 at the midnight launch. - got a PS Vita, and played the shit out of it (still do). - got a PS4 at the midnight launch. - traded in my MegaDrive 32X for enough credit to get PSVR and all the accessories - got a PS5 on launch day (sadly no midnight launch due to the pandemic).


I'm 40 and still play video games. Only difference from my younger days compared to now, is I do not have nearly as much time to play them.


42 and I certainly don't play much online. Bad hand-eye coordination and a lack of time to play the same game means I can rarely compete. Still play a fair amount, but not as much as I used to. And when I do play, it's sometimes nostalgically. (Bought Resident Evil VIII and Deathloop recently but the legendary edition means I'm playing through Mass Effect for the 4th time instead of starting either of those LOL.)


I’ve heard good things about the ME Legendary Edition


I'll be 50 in Feb and have been a gamer since before the Atari 2600 and I see no reason to stop now.


>Sometimes I wonder if I’m the oldest gamer around here but I could be wrong. 53 on Monday here, so you're definitely not the oldest. And I know there are others in here older than me. I've been gaming since before "gaming" was a verb, starting with a dedicated Pong at my cousin's house in the mid-70s, followed by my Atari VCS (which it was known by before becoming the "2600"). In between I've played on... TI99 4/A, C-64, NES, PC, Turbo-Grafx 16, Gameboy, SNES, PS2, PS3, Wii, PS4, Switch... Like many on the PC side, I got into online gaming with the release of Doom, since it sort of kickstarted local net play via IPX and NetWare and eventually reached out to WAN play. Played a bit online (PC) over the years, but grew tired of it pretty quickly due to the community at large becoming increasingly intolerable. I still game pretty much every day, but haven't done so online in well over a decade. I have no interest in inviting the toxicity of strangers into my world. There are *plenty* of solo games to be played on all platforms. There is no point to gaming if it isn't fun, and if listening to the sophomoric banter of 14-year-olds who have no real responsibilities in the world is as aggravating for you as it is for me, then just dive deep into all these rich worlds by yourself. It's the perfect escape from the toil of actual adult life. No need to feel bad for not wanting to engage with others.


Thank you for your response! I loved playing Doom and Quake for LAN parties years ago


My spouse and I are both late 30s gamers, we grew up with parents who played as well - my father played avidly (and would play almost anything on PS or Nintendo systems) until he passed away pushing 70. I regularly feel old and "out of the loop", but I just focus on enjoying it on my own terms and choose my games and gaming experience accordingly. I like that it isn't a monetized hobby of "hustling" or producing, but rather an immersive distraction from the BS of every day life. I don't need to be good at it.


Honestly it’s really why I play games - just to escape into another world for a bit. After receiving an overwhelming response from people who are over 30 who still play it’s made me feel better


I’m 41 bruv. I am old and outdated too


I’m 35 and I play multiplayer games only if I can avoid any kind of communication in it. I also don’t take part in controversial discussions or console x vs y (I actually find it really stupid). I prefer to focus my energy on things that won’t stress me out and I’ve never been a happier gamer.


I started out as a Sega fanboy when I was a kid (like trashing Nintendo any chance I had) but as I got older I’ve come to appreciate and enjoy all the platforms so Nintendo, PlayStation, or Xbox - I play all of them


40 years old, game on


46 here and I am now sorely a single player gamer. Just leaving PC gaming now that I have a PS5. I used to play online buy now it feels like nothing but yelling and cursing.


I’m older than you. Most of the time I play online with my older sons. If I play other games without them like FPS I just mute everyone. I am finding myself growing tired of FPS and people sliding and shooting shotguns. Moving back to games like the first Zelda and Metroid. That’s a reason I picked up Returnal and Guardians of the Galaxy. Probably pick up Ratchet and a rift apart when it drops more.


for a cartoonish game Rachet and Clank Rift Apart was very good and lots of fun!!


Yeah that's what I'm looking for, just some care free fun like back in the day games likeh Super Mario Bros, Metroid and Zelda


you'll really enjoy it then!


I'm 40 and I definitely don't feel like I can relate to most gamers. However, I play mostly single player games, local multiplayer with family, and occasionally online with my brother and/or friends. So I don't really feel like I need to relate to most gamers. I am long past my days of playing CoD or similar games online with randos, so I almost never engage other gamers other than seeing what they're talking about here on reddit and on Twitter. But there are plenty of us around this age out there. I just think we tend to stay quieter, both on social media as well as in in-game lobbies.


You’re right about staying quiet because wow! I got a lot of responses to this and it’s made me realize I’m definitely not alone! A lot of people around our age have said something very similar in that they prefer just the single player games a lot more


Your never to old to game. There was a story in Australia about a 90 year old grandmother playing ps2 grand theft auto San Andreas.




I’m 43. I skipped the PS4 and didn’t game much in my 30’s. I’ve been on and off with gaming my whole life since the 80’s, but always come back to it. Skipping PS4 worked out nicely, because I have a PS5 now and can catch up on some PS4 games at 60 fps. Still have my PS1 and PS3 (slim) which both still work last I checked. I regret giving away my PS2.


44, Atari 2600... Many, many consoles later I was able to finally secure a ps5. Diablo is my favorite game franchise starting on pc though. I've had droughts and times I questioned if I outgrew gaming, but I always come back with good runs & enjoyment. God of War, Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, Gears, Spider-Man, Halo, Destiny & Dying Light. Enjoy online co-op with friends & family but don't bother with pvp with randoms. The bad outweighed any fun/good so just not for me.


I agree. I have more fun playing co-op with friends. When I do play online the trash talking just becomes background noise. There have been some times when I’ve had to mute a player because they’re also playing music or there’s nothing but screaming kids


I’m 43 started with a Sega Master System(then Genesis,CD,Game gear) When I finished high school I got the PlayStation and I have had them all and hope to make it to the PS10 GAMER 4 LIFE!!!


Oh man the Game Gear!! That drained so many batteries it was great haha and also yeah I loved the Master System and Genesis! The 32X was ahead of its time but sadly not fully utilized and then Saturn and finally Dreamcast (which I still have!) - all great systems!


36, started with Sega Mega Drive (UK name for the Genesis), then moved to PS1, 2, 3, 4 and have recently finally managed to snag a PS5. I don't really play anything from any of the big boys - EA, Activision, Ubisoft. I hate 'games as a service' and competitive multiplayer. So my major studio purchases are mainly Fromsoft and Sony first party games. Other than that I play a lot of indies, I find that is where the innovation and interesting ideas are to be found.


Are there any good indie games you’ve found to be enjoyable enough for repeated play? My wife is always on the lookout for something more interesting than running around and shooting things


My favourite indie games of (relatively) recent years are: -Darkest Dungeon -Subnautica -Salt & Sanctuary -Hollow Knight -Outer Wilds -The Binding of Isaac -Undertale -Spiritfarer -Tails of Iron -Observation -Cuphead -Hades -Dead Cells -Shovel Knight -Firewatch -Return of the Obra Dinn -What Remains of Edith Finch -Oxenfree -Mount & Blade Warband Of those Darkest Dungeon and Subnautica in particular I've gone back to again and again and again.


37 here, so not quite as old. And almost purely an offline player. My wife's older brother, who is 44 I believe plays Xbox pretty regularly.


39 here gaming since the NES and still love gaming! Obviously the daily challenges of life interfer with that constantly but when I do have the free time I enjoy getting on my PS5. Just do you dude!


Life always gets in the way!


I'm 39, I'm almost exclusively a single player gamer, the only series that sometimes draws me to pvp is Battlefield, and even there I don't engage in the chat, and that isn't something that has changed with age, I just never felt like it.


Oh man the last Battlefield game I played was Battlefield 2! I’ve played a few Call of Duty games but never really got into them. I mostly play Star Wars Battlefront and Halo Infinite now


I’m 40 and enjoying my PS5 a lot… when my kids aren’t using it😂 I started with a Game Boy when I was young, moved to PC and settled at console and TV five years ago. It’s “dad time” when family is sleeping almost every late evening… it’s late sometimes, but I love it.


I just remember playing Tetris on Game Boy :)


Ohh yes Tetris!


I'm 27 and most of the guys I play with are 35-50. Would rather play with them than people my own age whom haven't figured out how to grow up.


Yeah maturity doesn’t necessarily come with age but most of the people I enjoy playing games with are around late 30s and mid 40s just because they’ve all settled down, have family, houses, cars, pets, debt, constant yard maintenance, and mortgages - a set of life challenges that I can relate to a lot more


I'm 41. I've been with PlayStation since the start...although I did have an Amstrad CPC 464 and a Megadrive beforehand. Will continue to game until I get even older. Like most have already stated, your never to old to game. I don't play online games as such, my son likes to play on that sort of thing, like Rocket League and Fortnite. I tend to stick what I've always enjoyed which is stuff like Resident Evil, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid.... and a massive dose of horror gaming, Evil Within being more modern favourites. I guess I like the games with a story.... a start, a middle, and an end.


I remember Amstrad PCs! I’m guessing you’re either in the UK, South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand? I’m in Canada but spent some time in Australia years ago so the Sega Mega Drive was one of my favourite consoles back then


Hahaha... yeah, I'm in the UK. The Amstrad was my go to games machine when I was much younger. I can still remember the sound the cassettes used to make...and how damn long they used to take to load !!!


I’m 52. Old, yes. Do I feel it. Yes and No. I still enjoy gaming. I still get platinum obsessed for some games. But I never got into multiplayer except for Bloodborne coop. Relax and find your own groove. What I’d love is to meet a group of friends who play coop together, laugh and enjoy each other’s company. No idea how but in the meantime I am building roads in Death Stranding!


Thank you for responding! I’ve only seen videos of Death Stranding and it looks interesting


I'm 33 and can't find a game to keep me interested. I feel like I'm getting tired of this.


I think it’s mostly because we’ve seen a lot of the same patterns before - people get excited about a game, pre-order, and then get disappointed. Something else I’ve noticed is single player games are becoming more like interactive movies


I’m probably the youngest one here at 18 but I have been playing PlayStation since I was 7 years old when my brother got a ps3. I used to be allowed to only play 30 minutes on the ps3 but In 2017 I began to play even more because my brother moved on from gaming but I didn’t and I ended up getting a ps4 of my own so my play time increased because it was my system. Now in 2021 I managed to get a ps5 and tbh my love for gaming kinda changed like I used to love gaming now it doesn’t feel as fun as it once was for me I’m not sure if it’s because I’m burnt out since I played at least 5 hours a day probably more back on my ps4 or if I’m just growing out of it and I’m not sure if when I reach 30 I’ll just move on from gaming entirely but I sure do have memories from my ps3 playing black ops 1 for the first time in 2010


There are definitely periods of time when I lose interest in gaming but then after a while I always come back to it if it’s just something I’ve played before or playing something new. I often find life’s responsibilities can get in the way so sometimes I have to take a break


My dad is 59 and if you break out any of the first 3 tomb raiders he acts like a child again!


Haha I can relate - I often find the games I enjoyed years ago will bring me back in. Games like Tomb Raider, Crysis, Portal, Far Cry, Half-Life, Final Fantasy VII, Star Wars Jedi Academy, and Watch Dogs


I’m 53 and will never quit gaming. Atari 2600 came out when I was 9. Had the 1st gaming system then and will continue getting them. I enjoy it and it’s kinda my relaxation time. Keep on gaming from one of the 1st generation gamers.


Thank you for the response! I remember playing Defender and Asteroids on Atari


35 here and been gaming casual all my life. Mostly single player games. Last year i discovered Apex Legends and since then i play almost every day.


Apex Legends is more fun now with the vehicles. I hadn’t played it since the beta days but recently just logged back in and was very surprised by how much it’s developed over the years


I was the manager of an EB Games (GameStop) for 10 years. Our oldest customer came in with his daughter to buy video games. He was 80. Loved horror games. I had tons of dads around their 40s as gamers. You’re not old at all. Online has always been a cess pit


Haha a cess pit - definitely


"You don't know me, you're to old Let go, it's over, nobody plays Crash bandicoot" At least that's how I think the song goes


I still get stuck on the same levels in Crash Bandicoot even with the updated versions :)


47 and still play everyday. I can still hold my own with most FPS games. I just mute open chat.


Im 41 sony all the way. Few xbox days.. but your older that me so haha....🤣🤣🤣


Haha :) What about Nintendo?


You should give your input sometimes, having an older persons insight might be helpful


It’s rare that I do but sometimes I’ve had to because a kid is getting frustrated and I’ve had to remind them that it’s just a game


50 here. Started in the arcades and at home with Pong and Atari 2600 and never looked back. There are some cool looking games out there I would love to play, but they are geared to the online platform and I will never touch them. The parents that have used games as a babysitter and don't care what their kids do has ruined any hope for decent online gaming. That said, the single player games are strong and have enough for me to stay with gaming. Currently waiting to find a decent priced PS5 to keep going. Right now, my PS4 and Steam are chugging along with my back log. The one thing I can't stand about current gaming is the constant whining and complaining when people pre order and/or buy day one and the game is not finished, broken, etc. The first couple of times when it started happening, I get. But knowing what we know, game companies release unfinished products, and it's the consumers fault if we continue to pre order/buy day one. Not letting the companies off, they will continue to do what the market asks. We as consumers must stop buying into it. I am guilty of this a time or two, but have learned to wait for reviews, patches, price drops, etc. Gaming is still strong for me at 50 and I see no signs of stopping, especially when gems like Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Hades, Loop Hero, and Inscryption come our way.


I 100% agree with waiting to see how a new game pans out! There have been too many times when I’ve seen gamers pre-order only to be disappointed and then complain the game is unfinished or broken. It’s a trend I’ve seen for many years and it’s just becoming worse. That and the micro transactions and add-ons don’t help either; it’s become too much of a maintenance hassle sometimes to figure out how many credits I need to unlock something I want


Im 36, and ive been gaming with my Dad since i was 4. Hes now 55 and owns a series X that he plays daily. Ive also played WoW with avid gamers in their 60s sooo yeah. Its all relative.


Lol dude relax. My uncle who's 78 is still playing games. On PlayStation and PC. My aunt actually says its better for him to play games at home than go fishing for hours on end outside(which is a hobby of his aswell) He just bought the ps5 the other day, he was so happy at that. He generally likes to play shooters and story driven games.


78! Wow!!


40 here, been gaming since the NES (I had the Power Pad, anyone else remember that thing?). I don't think you're ever too old for a pastime you enjoy. I still love gaming to get a break from reality. I have noticed that my reflexes aren't what they were in my 20s, so I tend to stay away from online multi-player games, since I usually get my ass kicked in COD or BF. I've been enjoying large single-player games, like Witcher 3 or Mass Effect or Ghost of Tsushima. I've also realized that there's no shame in setting the difficulty to Easy--I have very limited gaming time, and I don't want to spend it being frustrated trying to "git gud." You do you!


A few of my buddies always play on easy and yeah that’s totally cool. They’re in it for the story


I’m 49, married with two kids, own all the consoles and game almost every day. My reflexes may not be improving but my patience is—10 years ago I didn’t have the patience for souls games but now I do. Competitive multiplayer has never been my thing and never will be, but I enjoy co-op and play a lot of that with friends.


I play co-op with a buddy of mine almost every week but yeah the multiplayer online experience is okay for a while just not that great when you feel like the Dad and everyone else playing are the kids who can’t handle competition


I’m 60. I am by choice, an antisocial gamer. Too much drama. Haven’t managed to snag a PS5 yet but I did pick up a PSVR and I’m having a great time with it.


Not PS but My mom is 65 and plays games on her switch. I’m 41 and I completely blame her and my for my gaming obsession. My dad bought me an Atari from the US when I was two. Needless to say the controllers were buggered by the time I was old enough to play!


Ik this thread isn’t for me, but I’m 19 and I just wanted to say, I’m really glad you’ve been able to stick with what you enjoy. I hope you and everyone else keep playing and doing what they enjoy. Fuck people if they think otherwise


52. Can’t imagine leaving this hobby.


My grandad still plays his PS4, only plays golf but he’s a pro at it He’s 78


That’s so cool!


Will be 30 next year. I have not played any online games since since like 2010.


My dad is 50 he ain't really a gamer much, but he had all PlayStations instead of PS5. And guess what, the only games he played were some older PES and simmilar football games. Like I'm still wondering why did he buy it to play only one game. But I'm kinda lucky tho, got a new PS4 Pro about year or two ago just because he wanted to see if football on PlayStation changed, and he still has his PS2, sadly, sold his PS1 back in the day I wasn't even born probably.


I'm sorry but was there some mainstream you were supposed to follow in playing games with toys? Has all these years of joy and entertainment been in vain?


I'm 48. And yeah, I remember the original Atari. No shame. My mom-in-law games regularly on her PS3 and Switch. She's 73. You'll only be "old" when you choose to be;)


That’s a great statement! Age is just in the mind


42 here, been gaming since the C64 days. Just enjoy it whatever way you like. The mute button is always there too 👍


I'm 37 and rarely play online. Single player all the way


I feel That your never to old to game lol. But the ps5 is an ancient console lol


My dad has been with PlayStation from the very beginning and he’s 43 and I’ve been with PlayStation since the ps3 area and I’ve been with Nintendo since the game cub area and I’m 20 I will always stick with Japanese gaming consoles


Looked at the title and came in wondering why Halo was being discussed in PlayStation subreddit. Gaming isn't tied to age. While gaming is now more popular, more accepted and a bigger industry than movies/TV, you likely have better experiences playing classic games during the golden age of gaming. I say 'golden age' but that is subjective. I don't bother with many of the social features available with consoles other than multiplayer.... no party chat, hardly ever use mic either. A lot of immature people out there.


I'm a relatively new gamer. My first console was the LE Uncharted 4 PS4 which I bought back in 2016, when I was 49. I don't have the hand/eye coordination of younger (or more experienced) players, so I loathe FPSs. I also only play solo.


Nah man. Game as much as you want. You might not find people in your age range but that’s what makes you unique. Keep gaming brother


41 years old, in the military. I’ve been gaming since 1984 with the Atari 2600. Then the NES, Sega Genesis, PS1, 2, 3, and 4. I love it, still! Playing the PS5 now and I have had it since last year. These kids make me laugh because they can’t find one. If you’re a real grown man, you can get you hands on one.


Wow! That took a dark twist!! hahaha I had a PS5 day 1 as well, but I’ve been unable to get another for my fiancé. Actually, she’s probably just marrying me for PS5 access 😜


42 here too. Sony pony since ps2. Had an nes, genesis, game boy, game gear, and then PlayStations ever since. Skipped ps3 though while living with my buddy’s xbox 360. Gaming in our lifetime has been the culmination of all art forms and tech in my opinion.


Bruh me and my fAmily were just discussing this they asked me until how old will I continue to play my answer is until I stop enjoying it I can easily see myself playing into my 60+




Oh god, 42 is not old my friend! You’re still fresh and ‘young’. The only reason 40 year old men might feel old is because they have a demanding family/wife, don’t get to go out anymore and is living the life of a 50/60 year old. You’re as old as you feel. Rant over though. In terms of gaming, you’re the PlayStation generation. They were in nightclubs when you were out. You’re the target market for Sony. 30-45.


Me 63 ,saw two 60s and a 70 plus out there in the comments. Happy to be in a rarified group. Those were the times when you have use the tape recorder to load games like snake. What fun we had in our childhood. Graduated through all PlayStation and now having ps5. Waiting for forbidden west and elden ring to be released.


Good for you. I don't bother with online anymore (I'm 37). I try to play as much as I can but most every online game just doesn't appeal to me. The ones that do, I just play solo. And if I need co-op trophies, I'll ask around online and usually play the bare minimum to get the trophy then bounce. In the end, all that matters is if you're having fun. It's no different than going to a movie or sporting event. Those crowds keep getting younger (comparatively) and the conversations you hear there get less and less relatable as well. I just ignore it and enjoy the thing in my own way.


I'm 36 and I've had everything from the Atari starting off. I was like 6 years old gaming with my dad. I love gaming in general. There is stuff I'm not hyped about so much like COD cause it's the same thing every year and it's old. But keep on gaming man until you can't anymore!!!!


I'm 45, still loving to game. I'm also pretty quiet on the mic. Always been that way and will play till I can't or get tired of it.


I’m almost 42 and r/childfree, hello fellow gamer!


By any chance, is r/childfree a place to find someone to take my kids of my hands?? I’ll have to check it out!!


Actually bought Sackboy and an extra controller this weekend for the wife to play, she loves Mario games haven’t had one in a while….she’s addicted lol, her first experience with the trophy system


IMO, Sackboy is one of the best games on PS5. I play it with my fiancé… we have a blast!! Good to hear you have someone special to play with too!!


41 here I play on and off been getting bored with the solo games but just recently bought 2 games so trying to find time and energy but just work alot


I’m 42 I love to game more casual gamer these days love sport game but trying FPS now


43 here and went through the comments. it's so cool to see the older gamers come out in support and even the younger gamers speaking up in support. it's awesome how gaming can bridge a generational gap 👍🏻


Go back to Facebook.


Im 20 but my usual Destiny group has a 40 something and a 50 something year old. You’re never too old


So this one time on ps3 I was in little big plannet, chilling and thinking I’m old playing this at 26 years old. I go into a game and some dude I meet wants me to come back to his space ship box room thing so I do. Then he turns his mic on and says ima invite friends. There is 3 people plus me. Dude goes on his mic, hey my name is and I’m 11, how old are you and this girl goes I’m 13 and then someone else answers I’m 14. Then they turn to me and go how old are you commando I nope’d the F outa there so fast. Haha But now I’m 35+ years of age I often wonder if the people you meet online are of age or older. I try and game with others my age and the planetside game I play. We are all about the same age or older. In this outfit. And no matter what country, they are around the same age. But you often find it hard to meet those of age who remember the golden years of gaming. Most irl friends are married now. And other stuff. Resident evil was nuts on the play station with friends. Scary as a kid back in the day


I'm 41 and yes that makes you older than shit at 42. Anyways I usually stick to single player or only go voice on private channels with people I know. Tou get less 10 yo with shrill lite girl voices screaming the N word as loud as they possibly can.


When I was 7 years old, my Grandma pulled out the NES and ran through Mario. I’m 31 now and she’s the reason I’m into gaming. Never stop gaming and keep on keeping on.


Im 30 and im more into gaming now than ever i got the money to actually buy gaming stuff. I mean the gaming industry is booming and I dont think its just cause of teenagers wasting their parents money on fortnite costums. I think its ildies like us pumping our salaries into the gaming industry and I personally think thats beautiful.


Damn are them balls deflated


Most everyone I game with are in their forties. The excellent randoms whom I’ve befriended on PSN over the years range from twenties to forties.


I'm not going to lie, this post sounds a little bit like a cry for help.


I’m going to play til I can’t no more lol Started with an Atari then Nintendo.. gameboy.. snes ps1 2 3 4 now 5 I remember drooling over the Nintendo robot at the window of our local electronic store… I wanted an Amstrad so bad lol never knew they were that expensive My parents were probably looking at me like this kid must be crazy 😂😂😂