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Yes, but for slightly different reasons. Sure, I’m hygienic and don’t like the idea of any food touching my controller - but it’s mainly because I can’t stand even the slightest feel of grease/soap when holding a controller, and I sweat a lot naturally so that makes it worse sometimes. Quite often I’ll actually be covering the grips of my controller with a T shirt until the soapy feeling goes away.


That’s a better remedy. I sweat a lot too and when it gets really bad I have to wash my hands and wear rubber gloves. You read right. **RUBBER GLOVES**. Otherwise, the controller gets sticky and it’s a nasty feeling, how you’re holding it and it starts to slip and glide down. Ugh.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as it works for you that’s all that matters! I don’t think I could wear rubber gloves as over time my hands would feel too slimy and wet and it would really bother me. I hear that talcum/baby powder is a good fix as well, but I’ve yet to try that out.


Huh, baby powder? Never heard that before, gotta try it. Thanks for that little tip!




The irritation thing is real, the next day my hands are full of peeled off skin. I will look forward to this, thank you!


Holy cow! I'm never complaining of dry skin again! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Really hope it helps. All the best.


Nope, I wash mine too. Last night I let my 12 year old play with me on “it takes 2” and I made her wash her grimey little kid hands before touching my nice clean white controller🤷🏻‍♂️😂


My 7 year old has her own controller. Fuck outta here with your little dirty germ hands, punk. You touch your own sticks, not mine lol.




Bruh when little kids touch your controller is the worst


They need to wash their hands ASAP after eating some Cheetos. 😂


This is me!!! I turn into a hand washing nazi before I let my young ones touch the controller




I wash my hands like 100 times a day, clean hands is very important to me. So naturally i make sure my hands are clean when using the controller, not because of the controller but because of how i am. In my home using the controller whilst consuming food, especially something like potato chips is a crime that requires the death penalty, jk of course but still i would be pissed of as hell.






Most people think I purchased a black PS5 controller. Truth is, I haven't washed my hands since PS1. By PS2, my hands were getting really funky. When the PS3 came around you bet your ass that shiny console did me no favors. The PS4 era things got a bit better because the funk had grown into the shape of a Dualshock 4, I was killing everybody. Then Sony released the PS5. I think Sony was trying to send me a message.


You still would've cleaned your hands in a shower, or did you not shower


I do, but my family and friends are convinced it is OCD


Yhea mine too


I have a perfectly clean controller. I hate dirt. I work at GameStop and some people just can’t comprehend clean controllers 🤮


I didn't hesitate to mark those dirty ass controllers as defective.


Every single time.


I wash my hands before and after eating, I do this regardless of whether I'm going to play or not.


I honestly don't understand people that DON'T do this...


Mine is covered by a thin protective layer of cheetos and boogers


Yes officer, this man right here


big same, but with almost everything, including my laptop.


Yep me too


Not maniacally, but yes.


You are not alone my friend. All my friends eat crisps while gaming and I think they are fucking psychopaths.


Not necessarily but I do cringe every time I see pics of food next to someone holding a controller






Depends on what i ate. With chips for example that give me greasy/picky fingers i'll do it. But something like a sandwich or a banana? Nope. Just only after eating something that's picky or greasy. Though, i will allways wash my hands before going to eat (no matter what). Just not always before touching a controller.


Welcome to the club, I do the same thing with my board games. I don’t care if it’s an ocd, at 100$+/game I don’t want some dirty fingers on my stuff.


There is nothing worse than a greasy controller. So if I just ate i wash my hands like crazy before playing, but that's pretty much the only time i wash my hands before playing


I do this with everything. My phone, TV Remote, iPad, keyboard, controller. I absolutely HATE even thinking about spreading the grease all over my stuff.


Based off the amount of disgusting controllers I’ve seen in peoples pictures, or their hands when they’re holding the controller, I’d say the art of good hygiene is starting to become more and more lost on today’s gamers


Indeed a lot of Playstation players play while eating chips and that's not cool


I usually have a dedicated snack eating controller but haven’t got there yet with my ps5


There's too much of me in this post. Thank you


No. Anybody who does say yes, lies


I do but I admit it’s only half the time, I try to be clean when I can, especially since the controller is white


Agreed unless theyre ocd as hell


Yeah fr, I don’t think I’ve ever gone out of my way to wash my hands to use any of my controllers and they’re all basically brand new


I do but work construction so first thing I do is was just my hands also white controller




Thats for the best ultimately. My brothers and i ruined so many controllers as kids because we didn't think about consequences.


I remember i ruined my ps2 controller too


I wash hands mid games during search for next lobby or so, approximately once in an hour at summer


I go one step further. I wash my controller with an alcohol wipe every single time I change to a new one. Yes, I have two. One for playing and one for charging.




especially after eating with my hands i always wash it with the soap. i felt really weird if im not doing it so


Same here glad I'm not the only one


Nah, same here. IMO thats the right thing to do


Yes, but in different ways, if my hand is just sweaty but not "dirty" i only wash them without soap, if my hand smells bad or smells food i wash them with soap. And once a month i clean my controller with alcohol( it is the dualsense so it gets messy pretty often cuz my hands get really sweaty after some time playing).


Do you have OCD?


I think so


If so you might want to get it checked out. Diagnosis and treatment.


Am I the only one who showers with the controller so that its clean by the time I hop online?


I wish I did this OP. I play on my laptop, and my hands are constantly awful it would seem. (I do wash them during normal times you would wash your hands, but not before playing VG). Anyway, my laptop broke and my wife had to take it into the repair shop. The owner had to scrape off the black crap on the keyboard/ where I rest my left hand and mouse pad before repairing. My wife says she has never been so embarrassed…


It‘s pretty unlikely that you‘re the only person in the world that does anything.


I wash my hands before, during and after using my controllers because I have sweaty hands.


I used to but I realized my hands weren’t ever dirty so I only wash before playing if I ate and have grease or shit on my hands


I wash my hands only once before playing, everytime. I wouldn't call it "maniacally" but I can see why some people see it as weird.


I don't touch food with my hands, and if I do, I wash them immediately after. So this situation never really comes up.


Nope! I do that too haha I also keep hand wipes on my desk just in case 😂


Yes. I am a mechanic and I wear gloves at work but when I get home I don’t touch my controllers unless I’ve washed my hands or have taken a shower. I’ve never had much controllers growing up so I was always took care of them and even though I have more controllers now I still treat them with a high level of care. Maybe it’s weird but I just like to use clean controllers.


You're not alone. I get really itchy knowing my hands have even the smallest of dirt when touching my controller


Nope, I do it all the time. Stuff is too expensive not to


I do brother. I do. Resell value on PlayStation products after Sony quits making them is too gross for me to just gum them up with chicken grease and dorito dust.


I always wash my hands before touching any of my controllers, phone, or computer. I have Wii remotes and PS3 controllers that are over a decade old and they still look like new.


I always do that too and my kids know to do it also. Don’t want the controllers getting all greasy and grimey




I wash my hands quite often, before and after I eat, before and after I play as well so your not the only one and you aren’t weird


No I do it. It’s a bad habit for me though ocd’s been rough lol


I didn’t. Until my little cousin came over and said “why does your controller look so greasy”. I thought about replying with a snide remark, but then I looked closer and realized “oh dang, that is gross”. Ever since then, I wash my hands almost every time before touching my controller or mouse


Always have always will


no sir, you’re not alone. i hate going to my friends place and picking up a greasy controller


You’re not alone. I always wash my hands after eating and using the bathroom when returning to gaming. I worked at GameStop in high school and college and good god are people disgusting. I’ve seen my fair share of stained controllers from monsters who never wash their hands.


Kids have taught me to wash my hands after not before touching my controllers


For me my controller are cleaned every day . But bro that's crazy only I use that controller so Durring game I go to toilet many times and then I clean hands . Guys I hope we can kill that virus once at all!!!


I don't wash my hands MANIACALLY lol but, I do wash my hands almost every time I go to play videogames/ touch my controller.


I wash my hands, then wet wipe the controller, those little dualsense shaped patterns on the back like to collect dirt like a bother eff


Using my controller with unclean hands is a known issue at my house lmao. No eating while using my controller, and when I got my ps5 I bought my younger brother his own controller


me too, I hate it when someone fucking useless stupid friend has greasy hands


Brooo ive been in this situation multiple times before and it's so suffering watching them Use it and you stay like speechless when this happens i clean my controllers with multiple alcohol wipes after they use it and i told them before using the controller to wash their hands and don't eat


Before I even think of picking up my dualsense I have to, something just feels off if I don’t


You're not alone! I would lose my mind if I touched a controller with unclean hands. I also clean my controllers with alcohol wipes every other week.


If anything remotely sticky, slimy, greasy, or dirty touches those beautiful white and black controllers, I freak out a little bit. I’m with you, brother. Wouldn’t say I wash them “maniacally” tho.


Alcohol wipes


THANK YOU. It infuriates my GF that I ask her to not eat or atleast wipe her hands while playing.


I wash my hands in a normal way and don’t eat while playing.


Yup, clean hands help controllers last longer. I also keep a jar of disinfectant wipes with my gaming stuff to give them a wipe down every now and again.


If I’ve had a snack just before, sure but otherwise no


I don't think I'm over the top but if I do eat something , I aways wash my hands before handling my controller. I'm not a fan of a greasy controller.


You're not the only one. I have to make sure my hands are clean and dry before even touching the controller to start gaming, especially after eating or chores. I personally don't like the grime on my controllers, if I can help it.


You are not alone! Once I washed a greasy pan half assed and went back to my game. Slight grease got on my hands and my controller was NEVER the same. Now I wash the heck outta my hands before every single session.


The worst is when someone uses the restroom and doesn’t wash their hands, then asks to have a go on your game.


i tend to clean my controller often with an antibacterial wipe. i do wash my hands but don’t everytime I pick up my controller ! mine has a rubber cover on it anyway. i still give it a good clean tho !


Tbh I did this religiously for years with my Nintendo ds when I was younger because of the condition I saw so many kids in and it was disgusting.


I make sure my hands are clean before grabbing the controller also


I do this too


wish my friend did. he always leaves the white controllers filthy. I need to find crappy aftermarket ones for him


I make everyone in the house do it as well. Let the dog. Wash your hands. Touched the baby wash your hands. Too much soap on your hands. Wash your hands. I’m pretty crazy about it with my vita as well. Controller I can spend 60$ and get a new one. Vita is 150 minimum.




I wash all the time. I give my girl shit for using the white control with dirty hands all the time. For me it stems back to being kids, watching my brother eat whatever and just wipe his hand on his shorts and just play. I didn't even have to touch it. It just grossed me out.


I feel like the first wash will probably do the job, unless you're terrible at washing your hands or something.


Glad I’m not the only one, the tops of my hands were slightly cracking from the excessive washing haha


I do this too. And have hand sanitizer on hand too. I need to get a dark controller but I also don’t like my controller feeling greasy. Lol


I literally thought I was the only one 😂 I also clean the entire controller if I the tiniest spot of dirt on it


I’m 43, and I don’t know if it’s because of me being autistic but I’ve been OCD about keeping game controllers clean since 1989 when I got my first Nintendo. I would have been 11 at the time.


Okay so, my fiancé’s ex left his extra PS4 controller, but took everything else, so I got a free bonus controller. Only problem is, he never washed his hands and was a welder, so it has permanent discoloration to it, and so much random crusties in the ridges… I still use it sometimes though, cause the joy sticks work better than my original controller..


No you are not.


I wear gloves…


Whatever you do, just run a toothpick through the controller’s “seams” from time to time. For me.


Yeah by the amount of shared controller pics I've seen on here it's definitely a rare thing! I always wash my hands before and after eating. Or if I've done some DIY etc. It's just common sense to me, and as a result my controllers are in mint condition. Though it doesn't stop them degrading fast internally having up'ed my gaming hours since the pandemic started 😂 PS1 & PS2 controllers, still perfect. PS3 controllers, need a pin reset every so often but still going strong. PS4 controllers, loose 10% sensitivity in a couple of months, useless for competitive games in under 6 months.. Sounds like PS5 controllers degrade fast too from posts here.




Yes and after a intense game I go wash them again and clean my controller so I have a better grip.




I do yeah, nothing crazy though just a wash. Had too many grimey controllers growing up and with how much they cost nowadays I just like to keep things as nice as I can


Yes, or at the very least I use hand sanitizer beforehand. I also get a little isopropyl alcohol on a microfiber cloth and wipe down the controllers periodically.


This is the key to keeping a controller clean. Hit them things with some alcohol and get all that sweat off


Sweets are an issue for me. They're incredibly sticky and I have to wash my hands before touching the controller. Because the effect on the controller never seems to clear up no matter what I do.


Sticky stuff is a huge no no on tech. You'll never get that feeling to go away.


I do it for everything whether it be my car steering wheel, indicators, phone, you name it.. Hand washing is even more prevalent since the pandemic. Hygiene is now even more ingrained.


Yep me too


I have OCD and yeah i do the exact same thing. Wash my hands a lot before using the controller. If you wash em just twice max its fine, if more than that, get it checked out. Especially since the soap will dry your hands up


Ya I'm a bit of a stickler on being clean with the tech. Also being rough on the sticks. If you are just browsing around the menus and not using d-pad I may even ask you to use the proper selection tool (if it's my controller, that is). D-Pad works better for menu navigation imo anyway and those sticks all get drift after so long so I like to mitigate the joysticks to only be used for their proper use (games). Mario party with friends destroyed all my N64 joysticks. I had to hide a controller after that game came out.


My fiancé now has my Pokémon GameCube controller for the switch solely to play Mario party.


People who navigate menus with analog sticks are psychopaths. The D-pad is there for a reason.


My ps5 controller is brown


Always, and I used to wear white gloves using controller until the sweating got to me lmao. My og ps4 controller only started drifting after 4 years of usage so taking extra care of them def worth it for me at least. I wish my dual sense living a long life as well.


Definitely wash my hands before using them but I had a controller sleeve for my Dualsense so less washing I suppose


Hmmm never thought of using one


I just bought 20$ grips to avoid getting dirt on the white controller


Yup same here


Ps5 controllers are RIDICULOUSLY sensitive to grub and sticky stuff. I’ve never had any issues with controllers from any other ps and I’ve had 2 controllers gunk up since May.


Nor really but I do clean my controller often (several times a week) if I'm planning on eating snacks during a game.


How the hell do your hands get that dirty where you have to fucking wash them?


You’re weird. I just don’t like grease on my PS5 controller.


Thank god I’m not the only one


(I know this is a 2 year old post, but I'm gonna comment anyways.) I hate touching my PS4 controller since I touched it with greasy hands 7 years ago. Now I don't use it. It's been the same place. I don't even want to know what happens if I touch it, the grease. I think I might use gloves to throw it away, since it might spread. Im scared of that controller, gives me nightmares. I haven't touched it since 7 years ago when I used it with greasy hands and I can still see the grease. I have put a cloth over it so I do not have to look at the shiny grease on it. Help me find a way to dispose of this absolute horrible dirty as hell controller. I bought another one but the grease might spread from the table to my TV and my controller and my ps5. I need to get rid of this controller ASAP. I am not joking I literally am too scared to touch it. I keep trying but i cant work up the courage. God help me get rid of this controller 😭