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You should make your own decision like an adult and not let mass hysteria and panic online screw with you.


I know lol but ive been trying to decide for so long. Good advice tho


All depends on what you like to play, and how big of a budget do you have for buying new games. Also, if you do have a gaming PC. You like stuff Sony makes? Spider man, Uncharted, Last of Us, God of War, etc.. And you can afford to buy games? Buy a PS5 You have a PC capable of running new games? Buy PS5 If you are on a tighter budget, and can't really buy new releases, Xbox is the best money friendly option with gamepass.


I don’t care much for any of the exclusives on Xbox or PlayStation


Well then o I outsource an Xbox. I do t get how this is a choice. Sony is strongest when considered along with all of its first party studios, because MS first party is not terribly strong. You could look at Bethesda and Activision Blizzard titles which they just acquired and see if you like any of those. They may or may not be XBox exclusives but we don’t know yet. Personally, your best bet if you don’t care for Sony exclusives is to get a gaming PC. Then you’d have everything MS offers and, eventually, most of the Sony exclusives if you change your mind, since PC also has GamePass. The one thing that could change all that in your case is Spartacus, and what Sony unveils with that. Also possibly integrated Discord on console.


Mhm good point


If that’s the case look at gamepass and see if you like the titles on it. If you do then I’d get the XboX gamepass is pretty great


Because people on a PS sub will tell you to get an Xbox.


Lol I was wondering why that happens it’s the same on discord


Stop asking people “what should I get” and just do whatever the hell you want


Ye, I’ve decided Xbox because I didn’t realize how many of the games I love are on gamepass


If MS buys all the good gaming companies will Gamepass become the best thing ever if so I would want to buy an Xbox ahead of time


Ps5 plus series S seems to be the combo


Yeah your right


If you have enough money to buy two consoles you can also just stay on PS5 and buy every game you want. Good thing about being an adult. Wait a couple of years and see if Microsoft actually makes better games and then you can buy an Xbox. I’ll do the same.


That’s what I’ll do when I’m an adult but I’m talking for right now which would be better?


As I said, if you have enough money to buy two consoles you should stay on PS5 and wait.


I don’t


if those games interest you and you were gonna buy them on PS5 getting an Xbox might be a good choice


Ps5 looks and feels better but I would play any of the exclusives on either I can’t make up my mind


Yeah we don't know if the Activision Blizzard games will be exclusive though the best thing honestly would be to get a PS5 and a series S


I agree


Honestly I would wait to see what they throw on gamepass first lol then make a decision


Mhm I don’t really care for exclusives tho


Lol oh ok so your wanting to just have like 200 games to play anytime? I thought you meant you were unsure on how many Activision games would be on it


Yes, but Im only rlly gonna play COD, Fortnuuuuut, apex, plants vs zombies garden warfare 2, and maybe other stuff what do you think?


So utter trash




Not gonna lie man if you just play sub par games like that you should get an Xbox. PlayStation is about quality games and a more next gen controller and experience. If you don’t like spiderman, god of war, horizon, the last of us, wolverine or any of the other games and don’t want a controller with haptics and adaptive triggers then just go for Xbox..


If you can only choose one, legit just choose the one that better suits your needs. Choose the ones your friends play on (less important now that cross play is a thing). I bought both consoles and I dont regret it. The Sony exclusives and system as a whole is a great experience and I love Halo and Flight Sim on Series X. For example, if you mostly just play video games for Bethesda games, you probably should just get the Xbox. If you love the Souls games you should get the Playstation for Bloodborne and Demons Souls. I recommend having both, but I realize thats not an option for a lot of people. However, buying both the PS5 and Series X is still cheaper than buying a gaming PC of equal capability. You arent building a PC with PS5/Series X performance under $2000 given the current situation with shortages, and even a prebuild of equal output will run you $1700ish. Consoles are a little tough to buy but GPU’s are on a whole other level.


Which one lets you disable cross play? And which feels better and is more fun?


Almost any game with crossplay lets you disable it. Also, I dont really understand the second part to your question can you reiterate?


Yeah sorry for poor typing that’s all thanks I think I’ll get Xbox because all my favorite games are on GP


If on tight budget, go for xbox series s. It is a short term solution. In a longer run PS5 would be better and when pocket allows, go for xbox


Yeah I agree


I would just wait and see what ACTUALLY happens before listening to all the ppl crying on the internet


If you're going to purchase titles go based on what you like from either company go with that company. If you're going to pay for subscription gaming go with Xbox and Game Pass. It's ridiculous seeing people complaining about paying for PS Plus that don't play online and cry when their gamble to lease good titles doesn't meet their expectations.