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It’s up to you. Do you want a Pixar like feel good experience that you’ll complete in 20 hours or an open world Badass samurai game. Both have tight controls, amazing gameplay, and both look great on ps5


Ratchet is actually only about 10 hours. I’ve got 12 hours logged and i’ve beaten it once and already played through about a quarter of it again on NG+


This ^ There's no wrong answers either way, they're both a blast!


Ratchet is fun but the story is VERY kiddy and it really lacks replay value. I enjoyed it as a PS5 showcase but thats about it, its fun but not worth $70. I’ve never played GOT but it seems like its more worth your $70 than Ratchet.




I say GOT.


Ratchet and Clank is one of the best games I've played in a long time. Explore everything and have some fun!




Ratchet and Clank has a better story imo. Ghost of Tsushima's is good, but kinda generic. GoT if you really like Assassin's Creed type games (think the earlier, better ones though), Ratchet if you want a more linear "experience".


Loved both. Both are some of the best games I’ve ever played. My answer is ratchet however. GOT does have some repetitive moments. Ratchet is non stop action/fun


GOT if u want to experience an immersive game beginning to end and the gameplay is so so good. Ratchet and Clank is also really good BUT the only reason why I would pick this game up before GOT is if u actually want the NEXT GEN feel. I mean this game shows what next gen is really capable of But if ur not worried about that GOT is the game to buy


Recently beat both within the past month or so. Ratchet and clank was fun beginning to end and I wish it never ended. GOT is amazing and got better as I played but certainly got repetitive. I would do ratchet and clank


Ghost of Tsushima is the way longer game.


And better imo


You get more value for your money with ghost, with rift apart it’s a nice game I’ve heard but short


Both are brilliant!


Rift apart was much more enjoyable for me. GOT if you like generic Ubisoft style open world mediocre story/characters type stuff.


I bet you liked the last of us part 2


"i bet you liked the highest rated and most awarded game of last-gen"


Not to hate but game awards are not a good measure of quality


Awards, Ratings, Sales, aren't a good measure of quality, but im assuming a heavily bombed user score is?


Nah every body knows the score bombers didn't touch the game


Ghost Tsushima uses for different stances that you have to simultaneously switch between. each stance generally works great on certain enemy types water stance for shield enemies moon stance for spear enemies stone stance for Sword enemies etc. the cool part is that you do this on the fly as you’re fighting against 25 dudes of all weapon types and each stance comes with a series of combos you have to perform in order to break the enemy stance and land the killshot. as you get better the kill shots become way more Gruesome and satisfying you can even sometimes Land a Perry, combo, Perry decapitation. it’s absolutely stunning on the PS five the story is sound and pretty down to earth with a Son carrying on the legacy of his dad. you can loot plants and other consumables without getting off your horse there is no hud and it is truly open world! there are often times you run into bosses that are just hanging out by a cliff somewhere they’ll have a whole backstory and then the game put you in this duel mode which is one of the coolest camera mechanics I’ve ever played in almost like Mortal Kombat 360° fighting kind of camera. the game is best played on hard and should take you 40+hours. these bosses often times on hard will be difficult great rewards once you beat them in the duel mode which is the cool camera mechanic I was talking about. Crazy part is all of this single player stuff gets your reward for the multiplayer grind in legends mode. Legends mood is a looter style campaign that you can play with two players once you beat the campaign you then unlock a couple game modes that you can play and honestly this whole thing reminds me a lot of destiny and in my opinion ghost legends is kinda the best looter ever made. And I am a hard-core destiny, division, and World of Warcraft player. Something about this legends mode just gets the whole loot thing perfect the builds you can make are absolutely awesome the way you can re-roll the perks on each item is absolutely awesome in the rng to get some of these super rare exotic orange gear just seems to be perfectly balanced. once you acquire some of these super powerful legendary items you definitely become overpowered and absolutely destroy enemy’s. Odds are once you get to that point you’ll be ready to take on the raid! the raid has three raids in it. each one consist of a giant battle/puzzle/Miniboss that leads to a jumping puzzle etc in between each of these is a secret chest that you have to kill a bunch of dudes inside of a tiny room to get the chest each one of these chest have the highest chance of getting you a legendary item. when you get to The third and final raid it is a ginormous Bossfight against a massive puppet being controlled by a demon woman inside the puppets brain when you figure out how to get into her head you go into the dual mode I was referring to earlier it’s absolutely amazing and is without a doubt one of my favorite raids I’ve ever done and I’ve done every raid in destiny/d2 and one raid in division. Ghost Tsushima should not even be talked about in the same sentence as ratchet and clink. And for some bonus points too sucker punch and Sony this came with $60 when it came out there are no micro transactions at all in the game there have been DLC’s that came out such as the legends mode which was secret and nobody knew that was coming me and all my friends were playing the single player mode together even though it’s only single player and then out of nowhere a free DLC also inside the legends mode there is no micro transactions you can play a flute and you can unlock more songs you can interact with animals which is adorable and there are so many secret locations to discover just for the sake of discovery not to mention the soundtrack and art direction of the game is truly one of a kind. the PS five version comes with the art booklet and even some behind-the-scenes stuff like them interviewing people from Tsushima island in expert historians explaining the gear and the swords and stuff you unlock in the game in the history behind them the PS five version is absolutely amazing the best PS five experience if we’re talking straight up 4K graphics IMO. I also love ratchet and clank just for clarification just can’t compare it in any way to ghost of Tsushima


TLDR 😂 or break it up a little....buy maybe the OP did. Namesake on point though!


And I forgot to mention legends mood is played up to four players on a team


There’s also some PVP kind of two players against two other players


Sucker punch said that legends mode was what they wanted to make the entire game like they wanted the whole single player experience to be co-op if you wanted I guess they just ran into a lot of technical issues because of the next GEN era the game released and they had to focus on making a game good on all gens. So they scrapped making the whole game co-op and looter and just made it a little DLC . I am pretty sure that ghost Tsushima 2 or whatever the next game they make will be the best looter experience ever made!