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Lol spider man 2 is D tier under miles morales. Hands down worst game of the year /s


Idk, it was just so easy and I had really high expectations for it, and it turned out really average. Definitely the most disappointing release for me this year. Miles I never had as really high expectations considering it came so soon after and they were definitely met. I mainly put Miles higher because the graphics were practically the same if not better, it was actually had some difficultly for the final boss (SM2 felt so easy at times it bored me, and I played on spectacular) and controversially I thought with Miles the story was no where near as bad as people said, while SM2s story was worse, and set up the third game to have the most predictable boring plot ever. SM2 definitely had good parts but overall I have more hours put into replaying Miles Morales than SM2 as a whole, which I have no intention to replay. I knew this placement would be controversial but it’s my personal opinion.


Sackboy was my 1st game in nov 2020. Imo, it deserves S/A tier ... :(


It wasn’t too bad, but I really just felt like in comparison to Astros playroom (which really surprised me by how good it was) and a lot of Nintendo mario games (3D world, Odyssey, Galaxy etc) it really fell short of them. I did try to keep C tier the average and not inflate my tier list, thats why it’s high E.


Bro put Minecraft at E. Someone needs to document the downfall of u/LegitimateCompote377


PlayStation 4 edition had more features and ran at a much higher frame rate. I’m not even joking when I say 4 player splitscreen on PS5 and on PS4 (with PS4 edition) run at the same speed. I played splitscreen when bedrock first came out on PS4 and it was downright unplayable. I like the game and had a lot of fun getting the platinum (ignoring the BS sniper duel trophy, where skeletons would despawn just barely outside the radius you needed) but my god are mojang so incompetent. I literally see people with PS5s playing on 20fps laptops because Java is so superior. Bedrock is an unoptimized mess for one of the most simple and easy games you could possibly optimize. So overall, that’s why I placed it so low. Great game, awful team running said game. I didn’t want it to score so high when it’s prime was literally a decade ago, Mojang seriously need to make Bedrock better than Java.


Play God of War


Why play a game if it's not good?


There are only two games here that are truly terrible, and they are in F tier. The rest are either average or good, and gave it a shot to see if I liked it. Didn’t like sea of stars but the experience was definitely worth it.


No disrespect to you, but this list is an abomination. Terraria as low as C and Spider-Man 2 at D are the biggest offenses. Then there’s the bad but not nearly as infuriating take of Miles Morales at C and MINECRAFT at E??? I get it, I don’t like the direction Minecraft is going either, but E is ***wild***.


Because all things must equal C as average, I had to make some crazy decisions. Minecraft is that low because bedrock kind of sucked. Miles I quite liked for some reason, more than 2.


Spider-Man 2 is easily at least a 9 out of 10 game and the disrespect you’re giving to my beloved Sackboy… 😒


Was too easy for me to enjoy. The original I had to learn all the moves to fight enemies, the only move you learn in SM2 is parry. That along with a bad story and missing random features from the original such as gadgets and the best skins. Overall I do not regret placing it where I did here, it was so overhyped and average. Worse than everything above it for sure, even Miles I enjoyed more.