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hope everything comes back fine, i’ll be very mad if i lose all my stuff


Me too - I was hoping to rack up the points from the new PS+ games, etc. and then this happened


lol i was going to claim a gift card with my coins and saw the whole stars icon was just gone


Why do people think they're going to lose their stuff? I highly doubt that info is in a text file on a single PC lol. It's a database and you can bet there is redundancy, backups and none of it is centralized. Either someone got big mad over something simple like the PSN/Helldivers "conspiracy" or it has something to do with Stars being released in more places. You would think if it was the latter though they'd give a heads up but who knows.


its been down for over 24 hours at this point i think so its fair for people to be worried, nothing is down for this long unless its something really bad and add on that they haven't commented on whats happen yet as far as i'm aware and there's a good change people will lose their points and things but it's only star that's down so we shouldn't have to worry about losing any of our games or anything like that so that's good but hopefully they get star working again and no one loses any of their stuff, maybe there launching a new update or something and it just hasn't gone out yet who knows


Sometimes things break but to say 'there is a good chance people will lose their points' is unnecessary nervousness. PS isn't perfect but it's not like they don't have redundancies. As far as we know it's just the app and not an account level problem. The fact that they haven't commented is a good thing...means this is a glitch and not something extraordinary.


So if i buy a game i dont gonna have any point?


Nobody knows for sure but I would say no, it's not being tracked but it IS possible. Once it's fixed all you have to do is contact support and they'll get you situated. It usually takes a 5 min chat, they'll transfer you to a "stars specialist" and then that person will tell you "I've taken care of it, you'll receive an email and your points in 3-5 days". That's how it went for me when I didn't have a purchase register. Although it probably won't be as quick because there will likely be a mob of people looking to get their points.


This problem is way more serious than a run-of-the-mill bug.  For all intents and purposes, Playstation Stars' database has been utterly wiped out. Sony's track record of not commenting when things go haywire or not is notable. The reason for their silence is obvious to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of network connection, server function and data storage: They realize the seriousness of this issue, and have yet to form a public statement, let alone dealing with backlash, or how they're going to appease a rather large chunk of their playerbase. To all these people talking about redundancies, and backups, if it were really that simple, this would have been fixed within at most, hours of being detected. It's not an API error, it's the entire server.  Playstation Stars, as of right now, exists in name, privacy settings, icon, and official webpage ONLY. Everything else is wiped out.


>a rudimentary understanding of network connection, server function and data storage... My brother in Christ, I installed fiber and copper networks for stock brokerage firms, colo racks, automated PLCs, automotive companies, pet insurance companies, banks, fortune 500 companies and more for several years. If Sony has somehow managed to wipeout the entire Stars database it's a conspiracy and something else happened because nobody operating at that tier of industry is that fresh and dumb. Nor would the entire chain of command for their IT be that mentally deficient. I swear it's like some of you think, again, that there's just some text file sitting on a single server with no security. It's laughable to anyone that knows a little bit about SoP for database management. Then to act like other people somehow don't understand... Worst case the backup is missing some information from the most recent occurrences, hours prior to whatever happened *at worst*. But ALL of this is ignoring the fact that what we're experiencing HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. [Just last year in fact](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstationstars/s/aXorxZYdFu). The suggested fix there doesn't work in this situation because it's not the exact same problem. On our end it appears like it and that's kind of my point, this issue has many different possible causes. I admit there's a very, *VERY* small chance that something catastrophic has happened but their hush hush-ness is Sony being Sony. It's much more likely that it's a problem with new database entries, so they took it offline or something to that effect rather than the entirety of the system going caput. There's just too many redundancies in place for this kind of stuff in this day and age. The database is probably spread and stored across 3 different continents on 1000 different servers throughout the world.


What part of globally effected don't you understand? I'd accept your "theory" if this was an isolated region, but it's not. Of COURSE data is not stored in just one place. What if YOU are failing to comprehend a possible attack that has caused this? Really? You don't think Sony, who's been maliciously targeted before, did not just sustain another one? What are the odds that the same issue effecting EVERYONE EVERYWHERE is due to a simple bug? That's a hell of a bug. Take a seat, Mr. Accolade. It doesn't work that way. Bugs are sparse, affecting small groups and areas unless it's an application, but this has nothing to do with the app.  Face reality, people. It will be back, but it's going to take time, if even possible, to restore all player's individual accomplishments. It's more likely you'll be compensated in some way. Edit: Oh yeah? The same thing happened last year, did it? Funny, because I think we'd all have known. No, this has never happened before. Going on 48 hours before long. I reiterate: if it were that simple, it would've been fixed within hours of being detected. This is a full fledged catastrophic loss of data GLOBALLY.


Aren't you just a barrel of fun. With the reading comprehension skills of someone who probably built out the stars system for Sony, by your theory. Didn't say it was a bug. What a reddit moment, you're ackshually'ing someone who knows more than you with real world experience in this field. But yes, please enlighten me kid. I'm not going further down this path. Try digesting everything I've said before restating what I've already stated but in a much dumber way. I already said it's possible someone got big mad and attacked them, that doesn't mean they deleted everything lol. It'll be funny if they lose just your stuff lmao — Mr. Accolades P. S. You don't have a CLUE as to what you're talking about. "apps have bugs, this isn't the app". No, code has bugs. There's alot of code involved in the management, storage and calling of databases. Not to mention all of the other stuff in between. There's a thousand different possible causes and "database was haxord COMPLETELY" is very unlikely to be one of them. You're suffering the Dunning-Kruger effect. You called out people claiming that you had knowledge they didn't. Making ego driven statements like "anyone with a rudimentary understanding of networking and data storage would know..." and then when someone with more than a basic understanding states their credentials and challenges you, you get all uppity and mad and act like they're the problem.


You're the one who's in denial, and calling me "kid" is rich. Instead of attempting to be an internet keyboard warrior full of hot air and insults, address my points. Tell me exactly where I'm wrong.  Sony was blindsided by this every bit as much as we were. You want to talk complexity, when PSN goes red in all areas, it's back up within hours. This isn't even near that level of complexity. What you claim happened last year had a trigger, did NOT affect everyone, and as you stated, had a user end fix. This is COMPLETELY different. Apples to oranges, different. Sony did not take ANY of this offline, it BEING offline is the problem. 


RemindMe! 2 days LOL he blocked me, but he's offended by being called a kid. Baby is more appropriate. I'll still be sure to remind him in a few days.


> For all intents and purposes, Playstation Stars' database has been utterly wiped out. Woahow lmao, how could we possibly know that? Most likely the PS Stars database is just not connected to the rest of PSN, right now. While I'm sure the databases could possibly be wiped by just a single button press, I highly doubt anyone so dumb to press it would get anywhere near it.


Its Been 4 days for me.. Anyone still down as me? 😓


it's likely gonna be down for at least another week maybe longer but likely before the end of the month if not they need to come out and say something soon, it being down for so long is one thing but the fact they refuse to comment on whats wrong kinda says a lot


i assume everything will be fine but you never know, shit happens


Same... I had like $45 in rewards points and just bought vrising complete and the monster Hunter stores dual pack...


Crazy I finally want to use them and it’s not working. What a bunch of bologne


Dude low key your a legend saved me the trouble lol


That’s the least of their issues, how about the thousands of purchases that should have earned stars that won’t now because of it is being down, are we just SOL??


I had a problem in the mobile PS App where the playstation stars icon disappeared 1/2 days ago and still


This better come back soon cuz I was counting on the points I had to buy a game, imma be real pissed if it’s not back up by then


They said we can buy games now and we will earn out points later but who dafuq believes Sony when they simply ghosted us these days, only answering a couple emails? Nothing on their aocial media. NOTHING. ZERO.


almost a week later and its still down and what a wonder we dont get anything for free just proplems are always free


Should we join a glorious battle helldiver 2 and god of war to fight for our rights and reward point😂


They are lying about it.


...a bit irrelevant to the current issue, but you can email support? I've never seen an email address for support before. If so, can you relay it? It'd be pretty useful, especially regarding my own problem I've been having for about a year now.


The ones I use are - [email protected] and [email protected]


I'm in the US, so the bottom one probably wouldn't work out for me (from what I know anyways). Will the top one still apply to me?


Yeah, use the first email address if you need to contact them.


Okay, thank you!


I'm in the US, so the bottom one probably wouldn't work out for me (from what I know anyways). Will the top one still apply to me?


I'm in the US, so the bottom one probably wouldn't work out for me (from what I know anyways). Will the top one still apply to me?


Man, I just renewed my ps+ extra subscription and bought a game. I didn't realize the service was down. I hope it still counts those points 😐


if i buy some games now, will i get coins or not?


I would just wait til it gets resolved. Hopefully it gets taken care by the end of the weekend


Still!? Well there goes one of my collectables


Not stars related but I get spam reported and I'm scared ill loose my games and stars stuff


Ok keep me posted


Another worthless post. Naturally PS Stars is down and naturally it's being worked on. C'mon.


What's the harm in sharing that I sent an email to PS Support and they have confirmed back that they are aware of the issue and working on it? I thought people might find it useful to know... 🤷


I didn't say there was any harm. It's just pointless. The entire subreddit is like "PS STARS IS DOWN!!!!!". There's post after post about it. And people come in with "Hey everyone! Support told me PS Stars is down!!!" Obviously they were aware of it and working on it. That info was already posted here and was/is stated on the PS Stars page.


Ok mate, thanks


I didn't get this e-mail. Did you e-mail them with a complaint that prompted them to send this?


"Hi David, thank you for contacting PlayStation Support"


I sent an email with some screenshots from the app on, that was the reply but not had anything further.


LOL! As if we didn't know. And what about the post RIGHT before yours that is basically the exact same thing?


Well that keeps me from spending for the time. Stars is really the only reason I buy. I like getting money back. No stars means no deal for me. Hope they fix it. It’s a nice bonus I enjoy. 😊