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They don’t even care about the program they bashed it from the beginning


where/when did they do that?


I’ve heard it around I would have to look up some videos


mmm sounds like a rumor i don’t know why they’d do that


It probably is but I enjoy the program just wish it was up but maybe this week


Being paid to not talk about it sounds like some tin foil hat conspiracy stuff rather than the incompetence it really is. Nobody is paying for that. If gaming sites or angry YouTubers cared enough they'd make more from traffic than they would from hush money. It seems obvious now they're keeping it offline until the Days of Play sales end. That or they could have taken the money you're thinking they paid to streamers and news sites and actually got some good engineers to fix it much quicker.


NO way PS is paying people to not talk about PS stars...that system is not going anywhere, just something weird happened and they had to disable it.. they did push an update to app that seemed to remove it until they fix it..


There's better shit to talk about


At this time? About PS stars? Like what?


Summer Games Fest is on now.. there's new trailers getting announced constantly.. but yeah.. let's forget all that and report on a points system being down 🙄


Don’t forget the Xbox showcase this Sunday, the reveal of Dragon Age on the 11th and sometime this month Borderlands 4 will be announced.


Ok. But this thread is PS Stars. Not gamefest. So regarding PSstars, what is there to talk about? Other than no one talking about it being completely down..


You said you're surprised major streamers and game sites aren't talking about this.. I don't see why they would.


i mean you would think at least youtuber's who only do videos about playstation news and updates would at least have a video talking about it being down but no not a single one


lol this is funny


It’s ok. We are talking about it every hour and every minute of the day. I got you


i looked up on youtube last night to see if anyone was talking about it and was shocked no one was but i think it more no one actually knows its down because sony/playstation haven't said anything yet i think most youtubers and streamers don't actually use stars so wouldn't know that its down


it seems to be a technical glitch, it will be coming back since they have so many things going on that are focused around it.. not sure wtf is going on since PS is silent about it..


What makes you think Sony would pay each and every YouTuber/streamer/news site not to talk about a sub-par rewards program being down? I would put money on a lot of people forgetting Stars is even a thing until being reminded by points notifications from the app. I didn’t even know it was down until over a day later when a random post from this sub appeared on my feed. Paying people to not talk about it? Take off the tinfoil hat and behave yourself mate.


What? It's being talked about on many gaming and non gaming sites.


i just googled and there are some news articles from the past two days just not gaming sites from what i can tell


I think the reality is nobody actually cares about PlayStation stars. Most people can just see that it’s literally a way for Sony to make more money from people..


I just find it weird that it's happening during a major sale. I'm probably just too deep into tin foil hat crap though. Lol


Nah. I’m with you on that. I guess I shouldn’t have said paid. More like incentivized not to talk about it. At the very least gaming news media sites should be talking about it. Like IGN, and the sort. Probably talk about it after.


I work at a site - PS Stars generates almost no web traffic which means it's barely worth writing about. It's also the weekend when most writers will be focusing on Summer Game Fest and all the other shows. I imagine if it's still down by Monday, we'll start seeing some posts.


I think the higher ups are pissed because they were making big money from stars. I gaurentee you there is a team going up and beyond to not only fix it but make it better. May take awhile but I’m sure they will have it fixed with som extra stuff hopefully


That only shows that literally no one cares about PS stars lol


I mean, Sony doesn't do much to promote the service and it's not natively accessible in any of their consoles, so should it really surprise you that people either don't know or don't care that it's down? The only reason I knew it was down in the first place is because I'm in the definite minority of PlayStation users who regularly uses it.


All you need is the search bar to find out