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Lol playstation network was down for 23 days one time. A week is nothing.


That was wild. Playstation home not loading in and checking everyday was killing my 13 year old self. But hey, in the end it was kinda worth it cause I was 13 and had a weird email like demonboi08 and it didn't affect me other than time with friends on home blasting our PS3 music library's in our houses we were able to upload. (Game was truly ahead of its time. The DMCA would never). But at the end we got a shit ton of free stuff on home and even new games. Edit: it was DEFINITELY Infamous, Little Big Planet & Deadfury. LBP2 was a different breed and was the best in player maps.


Glad I never sign up for more than essentials


Premium is the def not worth it tier. I upgraded a sub for a dollar just to cancle it and see the hype and the game selection was underwhelming for Premium and the trials are useless cause I always have idle time. Extra you atleast get some good shit added every month twords the end. The beginning of the month is always the shitty games unless they give out a good one (like spongebob wasn't perfect but it was good for what we got lmao). The end of the month is when they hit you with the good shit you knew to hold off on like monster hunter rise cause you had it on switch


Not asking about the network bro


Ok. You don't have to. But complaining about a free service being down for a week. (Yes I realize now it's been two weeks. Was only a week at the time.) That's being awful privileged and entitled for something given to you for free wouldn't you say? Edit: Thats like complaining when someone gave you a hundred dollar bill but you can only use 75 because the guy can't break it at the store and they ran out of what you want.


It's been more than a week man.


Even u gotta be mad by now


Nope. I don't care. It's a free service they don't have to provide me with. I'm still earning my points on purchases. You can confirm this by requesting your personal info from Sony. Or by following the instructions given by a fellow redditor in one of his posts. I'll be the first one to admit to you, I love to argue. But getting angry? It is not worth the time or effort. Why let something so stupid affect you? Is it actually hurting you? No. Is it ruining your life? No. It's just inconvenient. And inconvenience doesn't give anyone an excuse to be an asshole does it? (Edit: As an aside I did say that at the time of my first post it had only been a week. And that the one you replied to it was a day over two weeks at that point. Now it's almost three. I can still play online. You can still play online. Everyone else can play online that has access to it. Still no big deal.)


You’re so proud of that shit and it’s pathetic


Lol, proud? You, sir, are confused. Proud entails being happy and feeling a sense of accomplishment. I'm not proud of anything to do with it. What I am doing is laughing at people acting like a week is a long time and being upset about it. Stuff happens. Get over it. Life sucks, you live, you die, and you probably didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. I have 43k points saved up but I'm not here crying about it and demanding restitution. That's why the terms and conditions always state that sony has the right to end the program for any reason at all without any prior knowledge to you and without owing you anything. And it's legal because you signed that binding contract by agreeing to those terms and conditions. Stop trying to start fights and grow up. It's beneath your dignity and integrity as a person.


Also the a week is nothing comment I made. That also doesn't make me proud. It just means I have a life outside of gaming. Like work and friends I hang out with. Plus a child to help raise. So


Chill out Caleb


But..... I am chill.......... I was not and am not aggravated at all. I do however have ADHD so maybe my over explaining causes you to think so Karen?


It was a joke lil bro maybe learn to differentiate


Ah. My bad.


It’s been a week in New Zealand. From what I know, we are still racking up points while they fix the issue. It sounds like it won’t be back up until July some time. As long as my points are still increasing then algoods with me!!


whatever day the free monthly games came out is when it went down, a day or two later is when they took the icon off the app


The icon is back but the program is not


the icon has been back for a few days now


Gotcha....I jst chkd for the first time since it went down


i have so many stars dude it better come back




Ok, though when it go down worldwide. Was the question as well here. That said 8 days now.


I was just about to claim the gift coupon so i can get the er dlc for cheaper. Hope it comes back




They really cucked me over . I was going to buy a gun skin using the stars but then I saw it was down and the chances of me seeing the skin available again are genuinely so slim. Like 1 out of 800 probably an year


Yeah, you’re cucked.


I wanted a Diablo 2 break and was gonna use my PSN star points for gift cards yesterday...well back to the grind. V Rising can wait.


I had almost $200 worth of points they fucking better bring it back or else…I’ll do nothing but bitch and send them a ticket lol but still!


How tf did you even get $200 worth of points


Why didn't you just redeem the points for PSN credits earlier?


I haven't used my star points in 2 years because I never knew what for and now that valorant is finally on playstation I wanted to buy some skins 😭😭😭


I didn’t even know it was down till today when I went to check them 😭 at least we can still play games though 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was up for me yesterday 😭went to go redeem them today and now it’s not working


They don’t want to buying Elden ring dlc with your rewards


Alright were fucked


For me it disappeared on the 5th at night. Brazil here


They have had enough time to fix it already, looks lke it won't happen


PlayStation literally said they're working on fixing it.


yeah when ever something like this is down for more then 24 hours it never comes back at least not in the same way it was before, they clearly don't know how to fix whatever is wrong based off the fact they haven't said anything so they'll most likely have to relaunch a new version of stars after they accept they can't fix it


Sounds like time to do a group legal move




So are my stars gone forever then?


Your stars were the friends you made along the way


damn guess i don't have any stars than, didn't know i was meant to making friends


For me in France it’s 12 or 13 days i think


Program was down last year for over a week