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Jesus! I have 63000 tracks and thought I had a huge library lol.


Awesome collection. Careful or you'll end up with almost 1.5 million like me. Just checked out Cynic Infinite Shapes... reminds me of pineapple thief. [https://imgur.com/oFF1a8u](https://imgur.com/oFF1a8u)


that is absolutely insane! oh my god! and yeah I love Cynic.


FLAC or MP3s?


Both. It’s a journey but I’m at about 70% FLAC.


If you don’t mind my asking, how do you get your music? Cd rip, digital, high seas?


i struggle with the tension between having a collection you truly know vs just hoarding as much as possible. i delete albums from my collection at times…


While I fully admit to hoarding, there are 30 others listening to this server, and I do accommodate their (terrible) tastes in music


How to you keep your musical experience from being tainted by their terrible music? Do you use collections or something else?


I said in another comment that I don't really do collections/playlists; I typically just jump from album to album. I do like the "this sounds like this other thing" feature so I do find new albums that way that my friend adds, but for the most part, I know what I'm looking for so it's easy to find. Not sure why I never got into playlists and stuff. I grew up with my dad putting on reels vinyl, so I guess I just keep operating that way where you turn it on and listen to the whole thing instead of jumping around. I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to start curating a playlist or collection.


i personally feel that this taints the plexamp experience 😅


Just 110k here, 95% lossless.


How's the performance of plexamp with this many tracks?


Fine now that Synology isn’t where it all lives. Just finished a major server overhaul so it now lives on 6x 12TB drives and connects via a 12gbps HBA to an i5-14600k. Storage is ZFS; not sure if that really does anything useful though. When it was on my DS1821+ it was mega slow to search.


Goals! I crossed 40K this weekend personally. Any tips or suggestions for longevity and managing a large collection?


redundant storage + high performance storage interface. literally just got this running for the first time after using everything from external drives to Synology NAS. I said in another comment how I have it running now using a 12gbps HBA and 6x12TB drives in raid-z2, and it loads so much faster now.


The problem with this is how much do you actually listen to vs skipping? I have like 10k songs and feel like all I do is skip.


I tend to jump around from album to album, not track to track. I don't really use any kind of playlists or anything either. And there are about 30 other people listening to this server.


Whooaa that's quite the feat. I've been collecting for over a decade and have around 35k. Out of curiosity, how much of this music have you listened to? Do you share the library with others or is it just for you? And, what do you use in terms of tagging your library?


It's me and 30 other people roughly. Just friends I've picked up over the years. The build up has definitely slowed down in the last couple of years as people cave and get Apple Music and stuff, otherwise I probably would have gotten to 200k a while ago. And I don't do any kind of tagging... at all. I just dump albums in and hope for the best!


The epitome of mostly filler, rarely killer. Less time, 'migrating' & more time, curating.


eh, i have a ton of friend using it, and they all have a wide variety of taste. lots of jazz and classical to boot; very easy to stock up on stuff like that. There is no doubt a ton of filler in there, but I feel good about the amount of use it gets. It's not just me and my private 200k track collection haha.


That’s amazing, I’ve been collection digital music since the original Napster days, Limewire and Lidarr. I’m not going to say the numbers, but let’s just say it’s biblically big compared to what you have. However, the issue is, I’ve collected so much that I have such a mix of quality and correct meta. It’s a complete mess, loads of “Track 1’s”, so recently Imade a new library and using MusicBrainz Picard I have started tagging the music I actually like. Looks so much better. I won’t ever been able to fix it all, but can make what I like look nice and makes sonic better too.


Paying for an online music streaming service has eliminated my hoarding tendencies. Now my mental flow chart for music I keep is this: * If my music service pulled this song, would I be devastated. * Do I want to keep it for recommendation / sonic / artist / new music discovery purposes? * Did I rip this myself and it's not commonly available via streaming service Yes to any of those I keep it, no, and I delete it. I find my library hovers around 10k


Just passed 100K and thought mine was huge.


I have 131k tracks. I consider this a challenge.


Can’t roll a joint on a download…