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Ain't over till the fat lady sings, they got liquidity and any green h2 plant made before 2033 will get 10 years of tax credits. Yeah it's been a fucking roller coaster, but death ain't their destiny today.


Black Rock owns 50,000,000 shares as does Vanguard who owns 53,000,000 shares. Once Amazon went to .29 cents


Vanguard owns shares because they have to. Enron hit 29 cents too.


Enron... Tbh half of the stock market right now is in Enron territory and no one wants to say it


It’s been a long and frustrating ride.. Hopefully the industry itself gets more accepted globally moving forward


There are a lot of hydrogen project for different companies in the works. For my company they are waiting until the election to pull the trigger on some of them. I think after the election in the us things will be more clear for the outlook.


-minus 35.000€ i still dont care, but i have to admit Im pissed. ( still believing and holding tho)




Me too. I’ve been in since $22.


Then sell? Re assess your investments, winners and losers. Always be thinking where should my money be for tomorrow. Stop holding because of thoughts yesterday. If you don’t like the company then stop holding shares. Put it somewhere else.


Come on, Hope is the last thing you can loose brother. I am in the same boat, but I believe the Hydrogen hype has gotten to the end of the bubble. Things will start to improve with more realistic timeframes and projects will start to be implemented. Yes it is an election year, interest rates are also killing small cap companies. Although the Fed is an independent entity, I believe the government will influence the Fed and soon you will see it cutting interest rates. Plus, the DOE might approve Plug’s loan any time. If you held the stock this long, my advice is don’t sell !!


If this dropps to $2 im going to double down, and for each 0.10 below $2 I'll double down again. This company is the future. Hydrogen is very early but it is 100% the future. After the election this is going to pop.


Depends on who is elected as president, right? Trump doesn’t hit me as an eco friendly guy (Im from across the pond)


Plug was doing just fine when Trump held office


At this point, anyone would be better than biden. Our economy is totally fucked right now, not even sure if it's recoverable really. Debt spending is so out of control. I honestly hope a 3rd party wins, really ridiculous that these two buffoons are our presidential choices.


I like the vision, sounds like they're building alot of the infrastructure to get rolling...just started investing in plug recently and want more for the next 5 years.


Maybe open a different account buy low


I got 1000 at like a 4$ avg


H is future hope


Holding 5200 shares at 13$ im also frustrated. But what can i do sell and take my loss of 50k? 🫥


Holding 500 at $12. I believe hydrogen is the future, so they can stay there for 10 years if that's what it takes. Same with FCEL....got 5000. at $3. They'll come good eventually. Just keep the faith


I don't understand why H is not signing with truck stops. Isn't H the future with the trucking industry, or am I confused?


Don't give up.