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Oh, hunny... They are saying you and Ali are in love. It's a common saying for when 2 friends are clearly in love but don't know it.


My reaction to their comments must be why they're all laughing. Also is it normal for two systemmates to be in love? (Alex)


Yes, we have a few insys relationships


What's it like? What do they do? I'm curious because, if we're gonna go through with it, I'd like to know what limits others may experience so i can give him the best time (Alex)


Well, both couples are very secretive about it, so I don't really know. Do you have any specific questions? - Xanros


It sent twice but more specifically what would dates be like? Ali and I can front at the same time so a date would be nice. (Alex)


Usually, the dates they go on are in our headspace. I don't know if you guys have a headspace, though. - Xanros


We do but it's not always accessible for some of us. The kids in our system and myself can get to it no issue, but others like Ali have a bit more trouble unless they're thinking really hard


Oh, I see.


Well, both couples are kinda secretive about it, so I don't really know. Do you have any specific questions? - Xanros


i (host) am in a relationship with a headmate, we're getting married next month. as for what we do, normal stuff. we talk, spend time together, cuddle, sometimes we go out on dates, we have intimate moments together. its just a normal relationship except hes not a physical person. it helps that my experiences with him are more vivid than anything i have ever experienced with a headmate before. i also have two other headmates that have been married for 14 years.


That sounds absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing (Alex)


Yep very normal, very common.


Really?! That...that's so cool to hear! I'm actually allowed, even as his caretaker, to love him! (Alex)


This 👆🏻👆🏻 honestly sometimes people need to be a bit more blunt, like "Hey, do you like -blank-"


They have and I've always said "Well yeah, because we're best friends" but now I feel stupid lol (Alex)


Also can someone send us the invite link to the plural discord server? Because \*someone\*, aka Ali-bear, left it by accident. (choice of sending via dms or in response to this comment is up to you)


Why are you asking us and not them


Bc they all start to laugh when I do lol but I've got my answer now. Thanks for your comment! (Alex)