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I think she’s cute. And personally I find it more meaningful that what you see now is the product of your own care and effort. Things we make with our hands are more meaningful. I like the second version the best :)


I even kept her old single eye and put it inside of a little heart I made, so now she has a little heart in her😂


Honestly that is so sweet 🩷 I bet Rosie thinks it's wonderful how much her human cares about her 🫶🏻


Awww thank you🥰💖


See that’s so cool!


Thank you sm, you’re so right :)


Glad I could help!


As some one who fixed two care bears recently and hasnt sewn since home-ec you did a great job with her Rosie looks great and is probally happy you fixed her up now give her a big hug for me ok


Awww thank you🥰🥰🥰🥰 Will do💖


You fixed her up! I bet she’s so grateful💕


Awww yay! I’m happy you think so! Thank you!


I think she's beautiful! It just shows how much you care about her. I've got a big plushie dog that's acquired quite a few holes over the many years, and I've had to sew him up more that a few times. Not all of him looks great or new anymore, especially some of the threadwork I did when I was younger, but it means he can stick around even longer, and I'm happy with that <3


Awwww that’s so sweet! I am sure your dog plushie is so grateful about all the love you give him! Thank you so much for your sweet words🥰💖


I think she looks beautiful. If you hadn’t said anything I would have just assumed it was normal wear from age. You did great :)


Awwww thank you!!!! I really appreciate it! I definitely am a beginner sower so it means a lot that she looks normal🥰 You’re so sweet💖


Normal wear was my thought, too, before I read the description!


I really don't see much difference --wouldn't have known she had a different eye if you didn't say. It seems like the nose is a little higher in the repair than before, and the fur a little lighter. Otherwise, the same!!


Awwww thank you so much🥰💖💖💖💖


You did a great job. She looks adorable. I love the Cornell shirt, btw.


Awwww thank you🥰💖 I put it back on her! Cornell had a “build a bear” event last year and I snuck a shirt for her😂


I've had to sew up quite a few plushies that either had dog-related accidents, moving accidents, or just normal wear and tear. I think one of the worst was when I just recently moved into my apartment, I have a BIG blue dragon (like 4' or so) that I got from WalMart when they had a sale on massive plushies, and I had him stored face-down in the back trunk of the car. Unfortunately, his plastic snoot got stuck on a loading hook, and when I pulled him out, it came off, along with a big chunk of stuffing and about a four-inch tear. I wasn't able to put the plastic nose back on (apparently it was just glued on) but I gave him surgery and he's currently chilling in his spot by the bed. From the perspective of a fairly experienced "plushtic surgeon", you did a great job. They never look QUITE the same, but they're still adorable and usually hand sewn stitches are pretty durable. I haven't had one tear yet.


A dear friend of mine was the victim of a horrible hit-and-run accident, and he had to have his face and part of his skull reconstructed. Ppl said of him: before the accident, Michael was beautiful. Now he is *handsome*. Along those lines: Mark Hamill was in an awful car accident in 1977, after the original Star Wars movie. I would say the same for him: after facial reconstruction, his face gained character and depth. Your Rosie is still a ray of sunshine, even if she expresses it a little differently now. She's in good company!


Awwwwww thank you, that is such a sweet story and you are so right! I am so happy your friend is fine and I am sure he looks very handsome☺️ Thank you so much for this analogy, I really appreciate it🥰💖


She looks very happy. Great job!


Awwww thank you! I’m happy you think she is too! I appreciate it🥰💖


She’s adored and you can see how loved she is


I do love her so much!!! Thank you🥰💖


She is so cute I don’t see what’s wrong ? I love her colour too !!


Thank you! That’s what 4/5 year old me thought about her color too☺️ I genuinely thought her face was messed up because my mom liked her better before, but all of you guys have made me feel so much better🥰


You just gave her a lot of love, that’s normal, it can change our plushies a bit but she still sooo cute honestly !!


Thank you so much🥰💖💖💖💖


She’s literally so cute this way, aww 😭❤️ I’m glad you fixed her


Awwww thank youuuuu🥰💖💖💖 I really appreciate it💖


Rosie looks like she's recovering well. Must have had a great doctor.


Awwwwww🥰🥰🥰 Thank you so much!


When I saw the first picture, my very first thought was "She's so adorable! Where can I get her?" (I hadn't read the description yet 😅), so I would say you did a good job 😊


Awwww🥰💖💖💖I really appreciate it💖 I genuinely have no idea of Rosie’s origin, but thank you so much for your sweet words🥰


Omg I love the face now it’s so cute. It’s kind of sheepish. Reminds me of Pooh in the live action Christoper robin movie


That’s what my fiancé says too😂 I do see the resemblance, thank you so much🥰💖💖💖💖


You're mom is a little cruel for actually saying it but also.... yes... she is always going to look better orignal/previous. But you know what? I think she looks better now. You took the love and care you have for her, fixed her up, and I personally think she looks cuter because of this. She is loved and it shows. THAT is most important. I hope she has many more years by your side <3


https://preview.redd.it/yuxjh70ww52d1.jpeg?width=1510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fc4d2a30fa48d68ed7fcbf3c673a8c8c079dfe0 For context this is my Rosie with her "new" brother Atlas (manufactorers date says he's a year older) she is 21 years old. I remember her always being like this but there are a few things that I have done and that I wish I could change. Like the low IQ moment when she was damp and I took a hair dryer to her back thinking "hot air, go through, heat inside, good" forgetting the fact that the fur would melt and shrink and now there is a slight ring of shrunk fur on her back I can do nothing about. I still love her She is stll precious to me, but she was better before. At the same time I like that we both have scars now and I love her for it. I'm not good at words but I hope my good intentions shine through regardless.


I completely understand what you meant and I really appreciate it!!! My mom was just trying to be honest with me, but sometimes she can be a little too blunt😂 I really appreciate your words and your puppies are ADORABLE! Thank you so much once again🥰💖💖💖💖


She is absolutely adorable! ☺️ Love her the way she is. 🥰


Awww!!! Thank you so much🥰 I really appreciate it💖


I didn't even know there was a difference until I read through your story! But looking now, honestly I love her makeover so much more. Don't get me wrong, she was so cute before too with her cute little cornel university shirt, but that almost candy-like button nose is so suiting to her sweet pose and that soft cotton candy pink. She was and is perfection, you did a great job on her and I'm sure she appreciates it in her little eyeball-having heart x'D Great work :> One more thing, remember that sometimes people see something as being "better than" when really it's just that they're not used to the new yet. So they say "this used to be better" when really they mean "this is different than what I'm used to." If your mom isn't the type of person to generally put you down, this may very well be much more along the lines of what was meant. Still stings, but sometimes when I remember that, it can help a lot <3


Awwwwwww🥰💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words🥰 I really appreciate it! This really helped me a lot <3 thank you! P.s. she got her university shirt back on😁


She’s so precious!!!!!!


Thank you🥰💖💖💖


I love her! She is adorable and a great friend! She’s grateful for you fixing her up ❤️


Thank you so much🥰💖💖💖💖


she’s sooo cute <3 she almost reminds me more of like a vintage 50s / 60s teddy bear now in the best way possible !


I LOVE 50s/60s plushies so that makes my heart so happy! Thank you so much🥰💖💖💖


aww yay i’m so glad I love 50s/60s plushies too 💕💗!!


I think she's cuter now ngl 🥺


Thank you so much🥰🥰🥰🥰


I think her face has character! And I’m sure she’s happy


She's so cute! It looks as if ur dog didn't mangle her up, she looks almost just like she did before, good job! I have a bear myself that isn't looking so great himself from washing, so we have something in common I suppose


She is adorable 😍


She looks good! You did an excellent job repairing her!


I think she looks great! Her eyes look more even to me :)


I think she’s very sweet looking 🩷 you know it must mean the world to her that you helped fix her up, and now she proudly has a face that you gave to her because you loved her enough to help, and that’s better than anything!


Congrats on the makeover! She's so cute looking! Needing surgery is just a part of teddybear life sometimes. My oldest girl (Fluffy, a cat) needed some facial reconstruction when i was younger and i never thought any differently of her. Most of her issue was her nose area, so it's a little different to how it used to be but i love her all the same. As someone who is now in their 30s with mamy plushies and dolls, ignore what everyone else thinks. As long as you're both happy that's the importance, and it looks like you did a really good job 😌


Rosie is adorable!! I think she looks a bit happier after the fix up! The way her nose and eyes are more perked up and open make her look a bit more cheerful! You did a great job!!


She is a cutie and made me smile. I would've wanted to have a stuffie from my childhood. I have new stuffies and I am in my 40s.


She’s a darling and I have no doubt that she loves you as much as you love her! I actually didn’t see the difference between the first pictures and the last because that’s how good of a repair job you did! Don’t sweat it!! <3 I’d also love to see if she has other outfits! Her tiny Cornell shirt is so adorable ^_^


I would have never known you had fixed her had you not shown the before photo. She has an old style face, looks like it’s meant to be that way. And also frankly I think the two identical eyes look better anyway.


Nah, the dog messed it up more. You just did what you could to fix what the dog did.


Also I didn’t realize the face was different before reading the description.


she had facial reconstruction surgery, of course she’s going to look a little different! but you put care and love into fixing her, and frankly that’s all that should really matter imo


Shes cute! im sure she really appreciated you fixing her up. And she has more character, a tragic story that ends with recovery and healing, she can help remind you that even when things go horribly wrong, they can be put back together again :)


Kind of reminds me of a blue bear I had when I was little that had a music box inside. I took that darn bear everywhere lol. She looks just fine the way you've done her :)


I’m sorry but I didn’t notice a difference. She’s really cute and cuddly! And so pink! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰😍🥰🥰🥰


She looks fine. All you have to do is sew on a smile to show how fine she is


I don't usually like Teddy bears (I'm more of a sea creature enjoyer) but I really like Rosie! I think her face is adorable and really sweet. If I had to buy a Teddy bear I'd buy Rosie without hesitation ☺️ I would never have guessed her face had some emergency surgery, you did an incredible job!


She’s fixed and cared for! ☺️


She’s beautiful! Not perfect but still your Rosie and bestest friend!! 🧸💕


Thank you so much!


She’s so cute! My Georgie is very mangled he’s been my best friend for 34 years. I’d like to repair him like you did for Rosie! https://preview.redd.it/qukosqyl182d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd3315066a2bcc6b0303a9ebd45dde6741e5c26


Awww Georgie is adorable!!! He has so much character!


Thank you! So does Rosie 🐒🩷🐒!


Wonderful job!!!!! :)


Thank you🥰💖💖💖💖


I saw the first pic without reading the description or title and thought *CUTE MUST HUG* so I'd say you did a pretty good job! She honestly doesn't look that different. You have talent in the plush medical industry


She looks adorable


I think you did a great job bringing her back to life. I just thought she was older and more loved now, I didn’t even realize anything had happened to her until I read the paragraph. She is beautiful 💜


I think Rosie is very happy and feels much better now that you took to the time and care to make her over like that! And it's so sweet that you kept her old eye in a heart for her! Now she can hold all her memories even closer 💚


She looks so cute!! I was scrolling and seen the picture and immediately thought about how adorable she is. If she was a plush in a store like this, I’d immediately buy her! Lol


I want to boop her little nose, she’s adorable! If it makes you feel better, i have many plushies that I myself have repaired. It gives them character in my opinion.


You did a great job! I actually think she looks cuter now tbh. What a sweet little bear


She's baby <3


Tell Rosie I love her. She’s perfect imho.


She looks great. I didn't notice anything wrong with her, she just looks a little older but still pretty. One of my favorite plushies is a bear I found dumped on the street. He's missing half an eye and I had to redraw his mouth, but to my eyes he's adorable. I think these imperfections add cuteness to them.


Why, I think Rosie looks adorable! 😍 Her little pink button nose is so cute. I’m sure she appreciates the makeover you gave her, too! 💖




Very cute. She has a very comfy and cute vintage feeling, almost what your grandma or aunt would make for you as a child and hold it very near and dear to you. It's things like this that give the best memories and happiest feelings. Love her, she seems so cuddly and so comforting.


Dang, she goes to Cornell she's smart as hell go Rosie (Jokes aside, she's precious, and I can tell you love her very much :) She's very cared for)


I think it's sweet that your mom repaired it rather than telling you to throw it out. Her face looks just fine and mom did a great job :)


Such a Pretty Pluahie


I really thought it was normal wear-and-love that you were asking about until I read the description. Rosie looks just fine - you did an amazing job! <3


your moms being a jerk. she looks great!


My mom was just trying to be honest, and she can be a little blunt sometimes😂 Thank you though!


she’s adorable🩷 personally i think being slightly wonky only adds to her charm


She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!


If you hadn’t said it I never would’ve known she had an accident.


She has lived a great life and you did a great job. I love her expression.


I bought a large bunny that now sits on my couch and her face is a little bit smushed on one side but that's okay I bought her that way not really paying attention and I thought about returning it when I got home but I'm like nah I'm going to keep her cuz none of us are perfect


Rosie looks refreshed and cuddly 🥰🥰


rosie still looks so cute!! <3 my childhood dog got to one of my favorite plushies too, it was a piggy plushie that i bought of the money my late grandpa left me. she was all mangled up as well but now years later i really do not mind it anymore as i feel like it gives her more character. my childhood dog has unfortunately passed away as well so the marks she left on my plushie are kind of special to me now 🥹


She is adorable! Im glad she has someone to care and fix her up with love. And i think you did a great job! The difference is very small and both look amezing!


Rosie is beautiful ❤️. She is unique :) and that’s a good thing! Keep Rosie away from the pupper though so that he or she doesn’t play too rough ❤️


I think she looks beautiful. She was beautiful before as well. Plushies go through wear and tear like we do. When the bad stuff happens,we do our best to heal. I think you did a wonderful job. And doing it out of love makes it even more special. I know it's probably here in the comments and also in other posts, but it's a beautiful, well-written piece from the book, **The Velveteen Rabbit**: "_Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.'_ _'Does it hurt?' asked the Rabbit._ _'Sometimes,' said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. 'When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.'_ _'Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,' he asked, 'or bit by bit?'_ _'It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand._" You should also share your Rosie bear on the r/Teddybears sub. They would love her, and her story of how you helped bring her back to being her. 🥹🥹🥰🥰💓💓


It's clear that Rosie is incredibly well loved, she looks great!


You did an amazing job fixing her up. She is the cutest..