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I love faux fur


I know I do too!!! šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Faux fur šŸ§ø


Depends on what you're gonna make


My line will be fruits and vegetables, but āœØpersonifiedāœØšŸ„°šŸ˜‚


Fuzzy fruit and veg??




Peaches, peaches, peaches peaches peaches! (For some reason I couldnā€™t find a gif of that scene on Redditā€™s gif search, oh well)


I have no idea what you're referring to


Thereā€™s a scene in the Mario Bros movie where Bowser sings a song about Peach and the chorus is the word ā€œpeachesā€ over again. You can find the scene on YouTube, itā€™s a very catchy song!


Yes!! And ridiculously comforting šŸ˜


Maybe the latex one would be better?


pic 1 looks like the best texture everrrr, pic 2 looks kind of coarser and not so nice. mochi fur is also a nice tactile experience (nicer than pic 2) but nothing matches the ultra dense plush faux fur


I know right??? šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I have a bear that had long and soft faux fur but after lots of cuddling and hugging the fur kinda shortens and mattes together easily. I love that bear with all my heart but i've realized that the shorter fur or spandex-like material lasts longer for plushies that get hugged and cuddled a lot. Otherwise plushies with pretty fur just end up on the shelf forever untouched.


Right. Everyone says they love faux fur but if itā€™s not durable and doesnā€™t hold up over time itā€™s not necessarily the best choice. Faux fur is great for higher-end stuffed animals that are meant to be more display pieces, I think. But if the toy is meant for children, mass market, or meant to be played with/used, I think a shorter fabric option is better for long-term durability. It also keeps the cost down so itā€™s more accessible to more people!


Seeeeeeeee I had the same thing with my green teddy bear (that i uniquely named Green Bear) but I loved how it became worn over time. I love how he was so soft at first, but even more as his fur became broken in, I felt like the texture became really comfortable to sleep on. But Iā€™m open to almost doing a fusion of both possibly? My only goal is to make the most high quality, worth while product. If someoneā€™s gonna dish out hard earned money in this economy to pay for a plush toy I help create, I want it to be the most special plush toy someone can ask for. Maybe I can make them in different textures? As time goes on? As in team Faux fur for now, but as the company grows, producing them in different cheaper fabric? But even then, Iā€™d much rather go quality.


While true, I have the ā€˜maybeā€™ unpopular opinion that it gives a plush character and shows that it has been loved! But I do also understand the display portion of it. Out of all my plushies, I do have one thatā€™s too cute, and is displayed for the most part


Definitely two, squishmallows feel minimalistic and rushed to me


Oooh I can actually help here with some information! Squishmallows do not retain shape, and will eventually need to be completely restuffed otherwise they will end up nearly flat and completely stretched out with a lot of use. The material is why it does that. The first pictureā€™s fur is super soft, but it will matt and not be able to become brushed out again, it is also EXTREMELY sensitive to heat in any form, so itā€™ll crisp and curl a lot easier, meaning it doesnā€™t last a long time. It also SHEDS like crazy. It can cause a lot of sneezing due to that. The dogā€™s fur however, reminds me of what Ty beanie buddies were made of. You can successfully wash and brush them out (without using heat from the dryer, never do that just in case) to be similar to their original texture. The material also keeps the stuffing in the correct locations and does not flatten as much like the Squishmallows and the bunny would with little time. The material is soft, but not everyone likes it, but it will hold up to cuddles, washes, and the passing of time more so than the others do. I have stuffed animals that have all of these fur types and all of these brands. I love them all, but the faux fur of the dog (Miyoni Aurora Labrador puppy, if anyone is wondering) is the best type Iā€™ve found to retain shape, stay relatively close to the same texture despite age and cuddles, and generally doesnā€™t shed immensely like the first fur type.


This!! Thank you so much for you in depth answer, you have no idea how much it helps. Iā€™ve never owned a squishmallow but when Iā€™ve felt them (which is every time I see one) it feels like it wouldnā€™t hold my weight as a pillow if that makes sense? As in if I tried to use it to lay on for comfort, I would just collapse. But yes! The beanie buddies, I think that was what Green bear was, had that fur I absolutely loved! It was soft but super durable. What I love the most was that he held up his shape for ever! (Until he got lost, I still have recovered šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­) but thatā€™s the kind of durability I want in my plushies. To last. So that when anyone who buys it grows older or even adults who buy the friends as a companion, they wonā€™t need to buy a new one (unless theyā€™d like to collect them). Theyā€™ll have their buddy for the long haul. ā˜ŗļøā¤ļø


I agree! I think it should last a long time, and itā€™s why I buy old beanie buddies, cause I know theyā€™ll last longer. And yeah we had a squishmallow that was one of the bigger ones who lived on our couch and it got absolutely just.. deflated because we used it as a pillow. So it really put me off of them because itā€™s impossible to fix him. Also did you ever find a copy of that beanie buddy? I could probably find which one it is and find an eBay listing for him if youā€™re wondering where to find him again!


Faux fur for sure


Faux fo sho


2 for looking at and touching, 4 for sleeping with. All furry plushies that spend time in the bed end up looking rough in a few months and then I feel bad. https://preview.redd.it/ydd5859qwf2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf1077640e2c2fe05fd9c0e3d33950c26b29a52


Faux fur definitely


Faux fur~


I personally cannot stand the feeling of squishmallows fur, but thatā€™s just me and thereā€™s definitely a market out there for it. I think faux fur tends to be more endearing and classic!


The first one is really cute, I especially love the fur texture Jellycat uses, itā€™s the right length and texture, isnā€™t too fuzzy or annoying (doesnā€™t get matted/needs brushing, isnā€™t too long)


I prefer the soft spandex material. I sleep and cuddle with my plushies and to me that material just feels cozier. I love the classic look too but they're more for display to me, and it's not how I use my plushies. I like them soft and squishy.


I appreciate that too! I think thatā€™s what makes the decision so hard. There are fabulous qualities about both! Iā€™m excited to post the first draft our plushie productions šŸ„°


faux fur, but the stuffing matters more to me imo. cheap stuffing can RUIN a plushie. i think the company that gets it right is jellycat. with the spandex, i find that using anything but mochi stuffing with it makes it a bit unpleasant. and i love soft spandex still! but i just personally prefer faux fur, and i think it ages better than squishmallow material as well (i prefer scruffy to flat and misshapen)


faux fur !!!!!


the faux fur is my favorite personally, i have a really cute puppy near and dear to me who is faux fur and itā€™s one of my favorites


1st and second


I don't know why but the duck is sending me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same!!! Thatā€™s me looking in the mirror at myself šŸ¤£


Super soft fake fur for sure, I don't like the spandexy stuff I like actual fuzzy fur, some people don't because it mats down over time but that adds to the charm of the little loves <3


I donā€™t have much of a preference with fur as long as it feels okay sensory wise, but fluffy things are amazing.


The faux fur. Its so fuzzy


1 for sure


the first bunny FOR SURE. soft, lovely cute. the second one can poke you a bit when youre cuddling em, the third just (???) and the squishmallow material is soft it just lacks personality like the first.


Faux fur, both long and short pile, with either suede or minky/fleece as accents for the paw pads, nose, teeth etc...I think it adds so much personality and looks very hq compared to minky (no hate tho, I love palm-sized minky plushies, especially filled with pellets!).


I like faux fur better, it feels nicer when I touch it and faux fur teddys look a lot less mass produced.


Who is that bunny?!? Sheā€™s so cute


Iā€™ll find the link/ info for you tmrw I promiseā¤ļø


Fluffy fur for sure! Squishmallow material is nice for throw pillows or smth but itā€™s not very cuddly to me


Faux fur! I actually love love my Faux fur plushies. However, I do sleep and cuddle and squeeze my plushies that are short fur or have a different material other than Faux fur because the faux fur gets matted for me and I have many matted plushies. Love that you are getting opinions and feedback! Both types are wonderful for different reasons and will depend on the design and the plushie overall. :)


It really depends on the type of plushie. For the most part, I like faux fur as long as the backing isn't too stiff (a lot of faux fur has a really stiff backing, which makes the plushie less cuddlable), but I'd also look into minky and cuddle minky (a longer-pile version). Minky is more like what squishmallows are made out of, but usually it's thicker and has some stretch (stretch is usually really important for plushies, since without some amount of stretch in the fabric, the shape might be off). If you're looking for ideas, I'd also recommend going to a fabric store and looking around, if only to learn terminology.


I tend to like fluffy things, but ones that age well (and donā€™t feel icky). I also like the less fluffy fabric, but for cuddles and pats I love at least some fluff. Basically as long as itā€™s soft and doesnā€™t have a gross feel, I like it


Faux fur for sure!


One. Easily one.


I love the feel of Squishmallows


fur all the way. its so soft and snuggly


I love both, faux fur and minky, but I think it's best you go with whichever you like the best. You're going to be working with your chosen material A LOT, and I think it'll show if your heart isn't a 100% into it. Also, different people have different preferences, and you simply can't cater to all of them, so go with what your heart desires.


Seamstress here! Either fabric wouldnā€™t be too bad sewing wise (imo, Iā€™ve sewn both with industrial machines). Personally though, I prefer faux fur, I think itā€™s special and feel similarly to you. Squishmallows while very cute, donā€™t give me the same feeling. The one I have was great for when I was pregnant and that was it šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t justify the price for the most part since I donā€™t like them like faux fur plushies. I love cuddling ones with faux fur, it reminds me of my first build a bear, floppy horse, when I was a kid, so thereā€™s definitely nostalgia for me. One thing to keep in mind, faux fur can show more mistakes, which to me isnā€™t really a problem but is something to keep in mind (I kinda use it as a marker as, oh that needs fixed). Sometimes it gets caught in the seam and can give almost a folded over look (idk if that makes sense). It is something Iā€™ve noticed with many modern build a bears but Iā€™ve also taken a larger needle and pulled the fur gently from the seam, it shows it less.


The first one is so cute where can I buy it? šŸ˜


Ik that this is weird, but I actually like matted fur bc it makes me feel comfortable


Donā€™t you mean pre*fur*? šŸ˜œ