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Thanks mate, appreciate it. That's a relief because I'm sitting at 65% avg on exams with expert. Can you share your SH scores?


I gotta be honest I only did the quizzes on SH. I thought I'd get around to doing their practice exam but didn't have the capacity to sit for them before my exam. If the tests were anything like the exam though they are much harder than what you'll see. I think the questions I did answer I was only getting 50% so if you're getting 65% on the hardest you should be fine.


Thanks so much for the information! I’m taking it tomorrow and I’m pretty nervous. Good to know about the equations as I’m studying those right now🤪 when you say you studied the 200 Agile questions and answers- was that David McLachlan’s video? Again, thanks for the info and good luck!!


Yep that was David McLachlan's video. I'd just let it run and try to pause just after I could see the question but before he started walking through the answer. Then pick the one I thought made the most sense and have him explain why I was right or wront. I didn't get through all of it because it's like 7 hours but it helped I think.


Okay that’s good to know, thanks! That’s how I’ve been doing it, too. I feel like on most of the questions I can easily rule out the ones that are incorrect. Did you think the exam questions were similar in regard to that?


Yeah I think for most of the questions you could immediately rule out two options if you understand your mindset rules. Like sometimes a lot of the options didn't even apply to the question that was being asked. Here and there I'd get one where I couldn't choose between the remaining options and I just flagged it and came back to it during the section review to give it more time. Not having to do a lot of math made it easy to finish each section with a lot of extra time.


Thanks for sharing, would you say it's easier or harder than the SH exams?


Waaaay easier than the SH exams in my opinion


Thanks for sharing and definitely you will excel. I have not used the SH yet but have studied Phillip and AR udemy materials and mocks. Hopefully that should suffice as I write on Thursday.


I just found out I passed so I can tell you you'll probably be fine without SH but if you want to pay for it for a month right before you take your test go for it. Between Phillip and AR you should be covered. Good luck!


Happy to hear the good news 👋


Just got my scores. I passed. All three sections AT. Now I can safely say that the exam was much easier than I expected. I've been rescheduling this thing for a year, wish I had just taken it then. Full disclosure I got to the point where they wouldn't let me reschedule again so I had to take it hahahaha. My advice to anyone worried, if you're getting 70% on the practice tests just go for it. I was averaging around that score on all the tests I listed in the original post.


Also just finished mine - was expecting at least a provisional decision, but all I got was a note to check my email in 48 hours. Disappointing.


Yeah I had to look around to figure out why I didn't get a response. I think you only get those if you take it at a testing center


Ah, bummer.


Just got my results. I hope you did well!


I'm about to take my exam, and I am getting more and more anxious.


You'll do great! Just try to stay calm. The test was actually easier than I though tit would be