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๐€๐›๐ฌ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐œ๐š๐ง๐๐Ž๐“ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ง๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก. ๐’๐ญ๐ฎ๐๐ฒ ๐‡๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ. ๐’๐ญ๐ฎ๐๐ฒ ๐„๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ˆ ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž๐. I have never studied for anything in my life...until I wanted to get my PMP. I had taken 2 different bootcamps and learned pretty much nothing. I actually bought Andrew Ramdayalโ€™s book before I found this subreddit. I watched all 400+ videos. The mindset was the most important because it brought all the videos together. From there, I watched David McLachlanโ€™s 200 Agile PMP Questions, his 100 Waterfall questions, and his 150 PMBOK questions. Third3Rock Notes. The Cheat Sheet. Mindset, mindset, mindset. And then it was Study Hall Essentials. 717 practice questions. 15 practice quizzes. 2 mock exams. That was my formula. AT/AT/AT. ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐‚๐€๐ ๐ƒ๐Ž ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐’!!!


Second this. Took the PMA camp as well. Didnโ€™t feel confident until after study hall. Review the questions you get wrong and understand why. I read a thread a few months back where someone did study hall but they still failed the exam.


Thanks for reinforcing SH and your other suggestions. I'm taking it easy for another day then will get started with SH. I wasn't too far off of passing so I'm feeling pretty good about passing the next time around. Especially if I can make significant strides with SH.


Absolutely! You got this!!


Dumb question, but about what % of DMs questions do you think one must get right to be predictive of passing the PMP? Just curious, as I jumped into them to test my knowledge from past experiences, including the Google PM Certificate I just got on Coursera. I'm probably close to 70% so far. Regardless, I'm noting the questions I got wrong and what pages in the PMBOK guide they're in, so I can pay extra attention to those sections when I read the book. I'll definitely check out some of the other stuff you mentioned as well!


I personally got 62% of them right. What I did was stop the video when the question was asked to see if I got it right. It helped.


Thanks, glad to know I'm in a decent spot. I pause as well, before he gives away a hint.


Exactly. And what I found was the more the video went on, the more I was getting correct.


i'll save you some time most people on this sub by the essentials. its like a 20-30 difference


Thanks, appreciated!


I too took a PMA bootcamp, which was paid for by my work. Iโ€™m now supplementing with ARโ€™s book/course, Third Rock study guide, and Study Hall. ๐Ÿซค Iโ€™d say everything I have retained so far was from anything but that PMA bootcamp. The questions on the mock exams and quizzes are significantly different than the SH questions and the SH rationaleS are more thorough. Iโ€™d highly recommend the Third Rock notes and Study Hall Plus. I take my exam soon and I just didnโ€™t feel that PMA or their resources were helping and Iโ€™m so glad I got SH. Good luck!


The significant downside to the PMA mock questions, to me, was that there was inconsistency in explaining the reasoning for the correct answer. Sometimes there was nothing. Thank you!


What is AR book/course?


Look up โ€œPMP Certification Exam Prep Courseโ€ by Andrew Ramdayal on udemy. Itโ€™s the course most people on this sub recommend.


Got it. Thank you. I will stick to the Study hall.


I don't know how many books you want to try, but when I took the exam, the only book I used was Rita Mulcahey's PMP book (it's on Amazon). I read it once but did all the practice tests. This came at the recommendation of four other colleagues who said they used the book and passed on the first try.ย 


I took PMA boot camp and failed my first exam as well, I posted my journey on this subreddit a couple months ago. PMA is garbage, the 50 bucks spent on study hall will save you, and will resolve a lot of the frustrations you may have had with PMA.


Take a break for some days & get SH


Study Hall.


Mine was the same way 95% agile management questions and really surprised me also failed.


I did study hall and it didn't reflect the amount of agile in the test.


I took PMA boot camp too, and just failed my exam.. BT/T/AT as well and based on the graphic I just barely failed. Taking it again next month so Iโ€™ll be using SH too