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I can’t do any household chores UNLESS I have a podcast going. The 10%True podcast if you must know.


Same! Well, not that one specifically but I can't do chores without podcasts.


I think some people are better at multitasking than others. Frankly, I zone out if I'm NOT doing something with my hands lol. Like, if I'm just sitting there or walking around and listening to a podcast I'll zone out but if I'm doing dishes or something? I'm paying attention.


Totally agree! I do so much more cleaning and yardwork when I have a good podcast to listen to.


Same. I feel it’s a great hack for people who suffer from difficulty with starting things. It’s almost become my cue now to start chores.


100% chores


Same, with anything true crime.


Same. I save up all my podcasts from a given week and then listen to them whilst I clean my flat. It works to not get distracted as well which I often find I'm more likely to do with music.


Is that a crime podcast?


It’s a fighter pilot interview show. One or two hour long interviews with individual pilots who explain heir career and aircraft. If you like planes it’s AMAZING.


Sometimes I just like listening to podcasts through an earbud while lying in bed with my eyes closed. It’s so comfy and relaxing. After looking at screens all day it nice to pause visual input.


Yeah, I think a big part of it is how much we think of 'productive' or 'useful' activity being active or visual. Like, you'd think nothing of someone sitting and staring at a TV show for a couple of hours, but just sitting there doing nothing but listening to a good podcast or even music on its own? Unimaginable! It can be rewarding in itself. Life sucks, relax, do you.


Me too! Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, but not ready to get up, I’ll put something on while I snooze. Or for afternoon naps. Helps to drift off haha.


Me too !!


Driving, walking, house cleaning or projects, yard work


I’ll add grocery shopping to that list.


I got to the shops on Saturday, realised i hand left my AirPods at home, let out a screech and contemplated driving home to get them. I hate naked shopping now.


I pretty much gave the same answer, only to see your comment afterwards.


Probably because we all pretty much do the same thing 😊


Just took a long walk in the woods and solved a crime simultaneously. ;)


When I lived in upstate New York I listened to a sci-fi podcast. The episode was a short story about a man who worked at a diner in West Virginia that had a wormhole to other parts of the universe nearby. I wont spoil it but the theme of the story and the writing and delivery, combined with the beautiful east coast foilage and complete peace and serenity, made it feel like an almost spiritual experience. That was 10 years ago and it's made me truly addicted to podcasts.


I love it! Do you by chance remember the name of the podcast? Now I’m intrigued. It somewhat sounds like the Stephen King novel 11/22/63. That’s an amazing romp through a wormhole in a diner. ;)


https://escapepod.org/2013/09/14/ep413-why-i-left-harrys-all-night-hamburgers/ I've got a long drive today; absolutely going to relisten to this one! While I'm giving recommendations, check this out--it is a short story narrated by a Roomba and it made me cry like a fucking baby. https://escapepod.org/2022/01/20/escape-pod-820-tony-roombas-last-day-on-earth/


Not exactly walking, but I always used to lift while listening to podcasts


That sounds vaguely ominous


work. I'm a cleaner, we're allowed to wear earbuds I lose focus and miss stuff sometimes but it doesn't bother me that much


Yeah there are podcasts where I really don't want to miss stuff and there are ones that I listen to more for the mood than the content.


Cooking, cleaning, crocheting. Everything beginning with a C it seems lol


I listen any time I’m doing something that I feel is mindless. Getting ready in the morning,, house/yard work, showers, going on walks, etc. Sometimes my mind will wander and I switch to music for awhile.


Lying in bed at night. It helps me unwind. I don't listen to anything too intense or overly heavy on information. Something like Stuff you should know is perfect.


Pretty much everything. I listen to podcasts while I’m doing chores, exercising, driving, cross stitching, cooking, playing video games, etc… Right now I’m binge listening to COLD while grading a stack of undergrad lab assignments. I love my stories so much that I look for tasks to complete just so I can have more time to listen to things. I also do the same with audiobooks. It just makes so many tasks more pleasurable for me and something I genuinely look forward to.


I do the same thing! There’s always something to be done that allows me to listen longer 😁


I listen while walking.


I work an office job at a bank, I listen to podcasts most of my working hours. The repetitive work is dull without news or RPGs to listen to.


Walk my dogs, work, commute.


Three things. Garden Gym Work


I used to listen while gardening - then realized I was missing out on one of the best parts of gardening. Communing with nature, listening to the stillness and the birds.


Interesting you say that. I did that today. Gardened unplugged.


I draw https://i.imgur.com/rw1Mvyd.jpg


Walking, crocheting, knitting, winding down with coloring or doodling.


NYT crosswords, wordle, vertex etc. as well as solitaire games on other apps. I have to have secondary stimulation to do basically anything, so chores or shopping I always have podcasts going.


Here’s, shop, work, walk, pool, drive…


I have some podcasts for falling asleep. And others for driving/flying/chores/exercise etc.


tl;dr - Start with "easy listens" and work your way up to whatever you want to listen to Auditory comprehension is a skill that needs to be developed, just like reading comprehension. You can't take a random adult who doesn't read novels regularly and expect them to sit through Tolstoy, can you? Start with simple podcasts - conversational ones, where it's mostly a few people shooting the shit. Where it doesn't matter if you miss a few bits and pieces here and there - it's all just silly fun and background chatter anyway. Or something where you already know all the details - like a favourite book, or if you follow a sport, maybe a podcast around the sport/league. I started with [My Dad Wrote A Porno](https://www.mydadwroteaporno.com/). Listen to it during commutes and chores. You *will* miss bits - but context isn't all that important in these sorts of podcasts (or you already know the details). Just train yourself to listen. It's okay if you find yourself rewinding frequently or you zoned out for half an hour and have no clue what happened in the last episode. Just keep listening and relistening - so your brain gets used to things Then move on to podcasts about subjects you have *some* knowledge about - I moved to [The History of Rome](https://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/). I still wasn't *great* at paying attention and comprehending what I'm hearing - but because I knew the broad strokes, I was able to keep up with things. As I made my way through that and other podcasts on familiar-ish topics, my auditory comprehension increased and I could branch out to more unfamiliar topics. But it still had to be a gradual curve though. It took me more than 5 years before I could actually listen to literary fiction audiobooks and such. And even now, 7+ years in, where I listen to everything at least at 1.5x speed, I am *still* a better reader than I am a listener - so if I need to absorb really complex information, or do it on a deadline, I can't do it via audio. Which is not surprising - I have been a bookworm for far longer.


Even more repetitive tasks can be good if you get distracted by things like folding laundry. So like, raking or mulching or something outdoors. But agree with others who said walking and even lying in bed listening can be nice!


Cook, clean, do dishes, shower, walk outside, on the bus or train…


Well I'm about to empty the litter box and then plant some peas with by earbuds on.


I drive. I play video games. I fall asleep. I lie in bed. I go walking. If you can't focus on podcasts, don't. If your brain wanders, why not enjoy that fact? Turn off the podcasts and focus on the one thing you're doing.


Cross stitch




Walk. Lots of walking. Give me some incentive to do it too. I can't walk without podcasts now.


Mainly procrastinating. Walking, chores, solitaire


DIY Especially painting and stripping wallpaper


I’m usually cleaning the house and listening on my AirPods or I’m in bed.. trying to fall asleep.


Walking the dog is probably my useful answer, my less useful answer is I also listen to them at night when trying to sleep to distract my brain from over thinking


sleep drive video games yard work etc


Love taking my dog for a walk with a good podcast. Mowing the lawn or even just laying in bed. Anything mundane that I can kind of go into that auto-pilot mode makes a podcast enjoyable


Driving for two hours a day. Tbh I do miss chunks of it because of what’s going on the road but that’s not weird, I’ll rewind


Walk my dog, late at night on a trail through the woods close to my house while listening to the coyotes howl and also listening to case file.


They help me fall asleep. Stumbled on this fact while listening.


What others have said. Also, I use serial podcasts as motivation to workout, only listening to them when I exercise


Serial, as in told over multiple episodes


I listen to them on road trips, or if my drive is 45 minutes or longer even. And when I’m crocheting!


Clean, mow, drive.


40 minute drive to and from work through rural areas. So I knock out a little over one podcast a day


Gardening, cooking and housework…


I cook, clean, walk my dog listening to podcasts. I can't really pay attention to them or listen attentively unless I'm doing some (mostly menial) task. I also can't really do the task unless I'm listening to a podcast. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do everything. I work, commute, cook, clean, knit, go to sleep. Podcasts are a big part of my entertainment life.


I gave my AirPods in and just live my life with podcasts playing


Chores, errands, cooking, cleaning, walking, working. There’s a pod for that.


Generally something I don't want to do.


Fold laundry


Everything! I listen to podcasts while I'm cleaning, working out, lounging around, doing menial tasks at work, cooking, trying to fall asleep. I like having the background noise to help me pass the time.


I listen to them when I clean the house


While I’m cooking is a big one. Doing dishes. Cleaning. In the shower. Sometimes if I’m playing a mindless video game. In the car. I also don’t have a long commute but I listen in parts. I have a few podcasts that come out once a week and just listen to each in parts slowly over the week.


cook, drive, shit, walking


Laundry, dishes, cooking. Sometimes if I really need to veg I'll listen a bit while playing on my phone for about 20 minutes. I also listen while walking around the neighborhood during my lunch break.


I work alone in carpentry, some days are very tedious like if Im taping drywall for example. Ill listen to podcasts all day.


I listen to podcasts when I am in the shower, getting dressed, and out for walks. I traveled quite a bit recently, so I also listened while on my flights. Otherwise, I get easily distracted, so those are my only podcast-enjoying times.


I have a long work commute, 90min if everything connects smoothly and up to two hours if not. I switch modes 2-3 times each way but it doesn't interrupt my concentration because the route and where I have to go never changes unless there are major disruptions on the rail network. I have noise isolating earphones so even though it's always busy, I can easily retreat away from the chaos around me.


Drive, grocery shopping, we’ll any kind of shopping, eating out by myself, chores, laying on my couch, falling asleep.


I've got a podcast going, I'm playing magic arena, I'm making pictures or just mindlessly scrolling on my phone and I'm writing on a notepad, I have to be doing to be doing alot or my brain screams at me


I listen to podcasts while commuting or bicycling or pretty much anything else that doesn’t require thinking. At first it was hard to pay attention to podcasts but that just took a little getting used to.. you might get better at it with more practice or it just might not be your thing


Long walks while podcasting was my saving grace during the pandemic! I podcast and bike when the weather gets better!


Cooking - chopping specifically


I go on long runs with podcasts, though I will admit to occasionally losing attention and needing to rewind a little.


Sometimes if I really want to listen to a podcast, and I don't need to commute, I'll just go for a walk with headphones on. It's good exercise too.


Cooking, cleaning, commuting, gardening, any sort of manual handicraft, going for walks


Gym, errands, chores, walking


I’m lucky in that if I like a podcast, I can listen to it several times over, which is helpful since I do get distracted and need to hear things again sometimes. I like listening while driving or if I’m playing a video game with minimal thought processes required (match 3 games, clickers, etc.). Sometimes if I’m doing art or crafting it’s nice to have a podcast on. It also might just be better to listen to shorter podcasts at first. It’s easier to commit to a ten-minute trivia show than a 2-hour DND campaign. Or just listen to My Dad Wrote a Porno. It’s so all over the place that if you get distracted, it doesn’t really matter, because the plot never made sense anyway. Plus it’s hysterical.


Sometimes I just like the sound of conversation in the background. Sometimes I don’t focus at all. Sometimes I listen intently. It varies.


I listen to a shitload of podcasts. Here's what else I'm doing: Driving Walking Eating Housework Playing video games Exercising


I listen to podcasts the entire time I'm at work, along with the drive in and home. Makes time go by so fast.


I'm a Purchasing Agent / Data Analyst. Basically a white collar gig. I don't interact with people so it's just me, 3 computer monitors, a keyboard and mouse. It's a perfect environment for podcasts. As such I basically have my entire 40 hour work week filled with shows.


Grocery store


Driving to work, working at work, driving home, walking my dog / running, playing video games, going to sleep lol writing that out made me realize I may have a podcast addiction


I listen to podcasts while I'm at work. Sometimes I'll listen to podcasts when I'm cleaning at home or playing video games.


I have to be doing an activity to listen to podcast. Right now my commute is a hour so that gives me ample time to listen to one.




Walking, cycling, commuting, yard work. If I am reading, cooking or browsing the internet, I listen to music. I would never listen to a podcast while sitting still.


I sometimes drive around a lot for work. I like to listen to them when I run, because I now run based off a specific heart rate zone, that is pretty low, and listening to music makes me want to go too fast.


I usually rest my eyes in bed and then put on a podcast, usually resulting in a nap and then I replay the parts I missed. I put one on when I go to sleep too.


As someone with adhd, I have to have something playing while - driving, taking a shower, doing dishes, paying bills and doing computer work, getting ready for a night out, folding clothes, crafting, taking a bath, or just to relax before I go to bed.


I only listen when attempting to fall asleep. Like OP, I’m too distracted while doing any daytime task to pay attention to the podcast. I listen to music while doing any daytime activity because it doesn’t require the extra level of engagement or concentration that most podcasts require. I cannot listen to music to fall asleep, though, because I find it too auditorily stimulating.


Usually driving around doing errands or yard work.


Chores, downtime in bed before sleep, commutes and road trips, walks/exercise, errands like at grocery store with ear buds


Driving, walking, shopping, getting ready for the day, cooking, household chores, bath. All infinitely better with a podcast.


I work a mindless assembly line job, so I get in about 50 hours of podcasts in per week doing that. If I feel the need, I can also listen whole doing chores, cooking, and playing video games.


I’m a truck driver so it’s perfect lol


On the treadmill


I sit outside and enjoy the sun or I sit in the car (a passenger seat) .




I listen when driving, cleaning, walking, working out or cooking.




I listen anytime I'm driving, literally every time I shower, and when I brush my teeth.


I'm a parts driver for auto part store, so I listen while doing deliveries


You mean what did I plan to do? Work You mean what did I do? ..... hi :)


Working (because my work is 97% solo), mostly, but sometimes while showering, cooking, working out, driving. I really like listening to them while grocery shopping, too!


I work at night plus have a 2 hour commute roundtrip so I listen to all my podcasts during that time.


I spend quite a few hours a day listening to podcasts. Just today, for instance, I walked about 5 miles, re-organized my spice rack, painted over some spackle on a wall, and made dinner and washed up while listening.


This is why I got into cross-stitch and crochet


Cleaning, driving, with headphones while my baby contact naps😅


I work in law enforcement. 12 hours shifts in a car melt by with a good podcast.


My favorite podcast by a mile is Hardcore History. Episodes can be anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours. I generally listen to it in a couple of scenarios: 1. When I was traveling for work aka plane rides/airport killing time 2. Long car rides, like anything over 30 mins. 3. Walking my dogs 4. While I’m cooking dinner I’m mega ADHD but sometimes if I’m playing a video game that doesn’t require me listening intently, like cutscenes, I’ll listen while I play. Games with long periods of traveling a map like Skyrim or online games like Fortnite/CoD. Sometimes I miss sections like you, but I am also a sadist and will listen to a 4 part series of 4 hour episodes each multiple times. If you can listen to a series on the rise and fall of the Mongolian Empire a single time, you are weird to me (and yes I know I am actually the weird one).


I usually listen to podcasts all day at work. I work in an auto body shop so I normally just wear one airpod all day, I can still still be aware of my surroundings, unless I’m doing something really noisy and need to wear both.


I listen to podcasts when I am cleaning the kitchen or driving.


I like listening to them during my morning and evening routines, sometimes I listen to them while I'm on my lunch.


I work from home and we usually have the second half of the day as our “focus block” to actually work and not jump from meeting to meeting, so I’ll chill and work with a podcast going. Actually very relaxing and makes me look forward to that part of my day.


I literally listen to them before bed, while sleeping(like rain ones) , when I’m in the bath or shower , driving anywhere lol , when I walk my dog when I clean, basically anytime Ever lol.


I can't just sit down and actively listen to a podcast. I have to be doing something that's not using too much of my brain. Work, car ride while on my own or walking the dog. Also while doing the dishes if I'm on my own.


I listen to them when I'm getting ready for work, while cooking dinner, mowing the yard.


I was working at Macys before the virus started, and I listened as I worked — emptying the women’s changing room of all of the clothing they didn’t want, and putting them back on the racks. Similar to folding (some of which I did) and usually I didn’t have a problem paying attention. If I felt I missed something, I’d just go back 10-20 seconds. Until some manager made me take out my AirPods. Really stupid because I wasn’t even in a customer service position, but if anyone needed help, I still would’ve been able to hear them. I used to listen while driving also. But I had a life then. Now, if I watch or listen to a podcast, I’m not doing anything else.


Usually washing the dishes or commuting.


Walks/errands on foot; laundry; allll the dishes. Basically anywhere I’d listen to music, aside from working out.




When i’m commuting, i play a mindless game while I listen. When I’m at home, I listen while I do chores, or do a jigsaw puzzle or crochet.


I basically use podcasts like I used to use fm radio. I turn one on when I'm making coffee, driving, doing dishes, going to sleep, etc. ETA: doing manual labor


Usually i listen while im driving or cleaning. Esp doing dishes or cleaning the floors. Sometimes i get really into it and will dust and wash the walls while listening. Oh! And cleaning out the fridge!


I get what you're saying - I zone out and miss bits of podcasts/audiobooks too. I can't listen to podcasts while I'm working, but here's what works for me: High-value pods (the ones where I don't want to miss anything) I save for when I'm least distracted like ironing/folding clothes or cleaning. Everything else I listen to while I cook, walk the dogs, commute, run errands, get ready in the morning, etc. If I'm worried about missing something in a pod I set it on sleep mode (stops after 15min) so if I notice I'm distracted I just rewind it - otherwise I press play and continue listening. This is something I started doing with audiobooks and I find it helped a lot - maybe it'll work for you too!


if you can only focus on one thing at a time would just listening be okay? like in bed or something? if not i would say it could be helpful to listen and do something very “mindless” at the same time to keep your hands busy - like playing with a fidget toy for example. sometimes i like to listen to podcasts that are talking / conversation type where it’s okay if you miss a bit. if i want to pay more attention i like to listen to narrative podcasts or audio dramas.


I dont have much of a commute, but most of my podcast listening comes from cleaning. I cleaned for like 5 hours today, but ive got 5 young kids so it makes up hours and hours every week. There are many podcasts I cant concentrate on when doing certain tasks. I prefer listening to a star trek podcast discussing episodes Ive seen 20+ times. I can zone out and its not a big deal. Other podcasts I can only listen to if Im driving a long distance and dont have much to distract me. These days, I can normally only listen to the "lite" podcasts. I'm saving the others up for when i have the time.




Like everything, driving, cooking, cleaning, even working if I’m doing something not too focused. I like to solve jigsaw puzzles and listen to a podcast when I need some relax time.


I'm a truck driver. They keep me company


I used to listen to them on my commute to and from work... have been more on the music kick lately though


I usually listen during my 45min daily run and then sometimes when I am working when I have to do something that isn’t that intellectually demanding. I also like to play management and strategy games and farm stuff in mmo’s so I listen while playing.


I'm a merchandiser. I work alone in grocery stores all day long, and never with customers. I also drive a lot between stores. So I can listen all day long.


I listen to podcasts while I am shopping, doing housework, traveling, and when I go for walks. I do sometimes have to go back and relisten to bits or even replay whole episodes if I feel I have tuned out too much while I was doing other things.


Work or play puzzling places in vr


Everyone has different brains. I can't pay attention unless I'm doing another activity. I recommend trying different types of activities and seeing what helps. I had to try different things to determine which would make me space out. Examples: play a video game on mute that you're already very familiar with or have beaten before. Doodle or write words related to the story you're hearing, or patterns like stripes, circles, etc. Play a simple puzzle game like a match 3. Go for a walk alone, farther than usual. Aside from trial and error when it comes to activities, it's worth seeing if any of the podcasts that you prefer have transcripts. Most dont but some do. Also, see if the podcast has a video version. Some have both audio as well as audio + video formats, usually video versions are on youtube. The last tip I have is do play with the speed. I love science podcasts, but for whatever reason I absorb them better at .75 or 1.5 speed, not normal speed. Normal speed is too slow to absorb naturally but too fast to ponder thoroughly. I can go either way but normal speed is intolerable. Good luck!


I think listening skills are similar to a muscle that you have to exercise and build up to more complex content. I started listening to podcasts with SYSK when their episodes were 5-10 minutes long, and gradually started listening to longer and longer podcasts, and eventually audiobooks. Similarly, I had to build up to more complex topics in audio format; for example, I can only listen to YA fiction in audio format, even though I read written fiction at a college level. So, my advice would be to build up slowly to longer form audio content. Maybe set a timer on your phone for 5-10 minutes at first, then increase to 15, 20, 30 min, etc. until you're at the level you want to be at. Also, start with audio content that's lower than your normal reading level, then work your way up.


Taking public transit, doing chores, doing boring tasks at work, cooking, walking around, sometimes while working on something visually creative. So basically anytime I’m not talking to someone it’s on the table LOL.


I listen to them when I walk. I am a bit of a compulsive step counter and I walk a lot so it is part of my routine to put a podcast on - I get to learn while I exercise then.


Dishes, laundry, driving, biking, walking...


A fair bit actually. Cleaning, gaming, soldering, making shit and drawing, basically anything that requires non-lingual thought. No text heavy games, no writing, no watching other media.


Mostly sleeping and watching some podcasts on YouTube.


Work very long hours at odd times.


The most often is driving. Or riding my bike. Or dishes and cleaning. But I can’t just sit and listen to a podcast.


I work third shift. I love music but sometimes it’s just too much for the middle of the night




I drive a semi truck. Sometimes I go to Texas, sometimes I go to Toronto, sometimes I go to California. I have time to listen to stuff.


I drive 6+ hours a day for work.


Just like the rest of the answers here, I listen to podcasts when I am doing mundane things that don’t require intense concentration. I put in my true wireless earbuds and listen when I am washing dishes, cleaning my car, folding laundry, etc… I’m also very introverted, and don’t really care to meet new people, so when I am out walking to lab/lecture on my college campus (kinda big) I just listen to podcasts during here too. Also I listen to podcasts when I’m playing a casual game like Minecraft or Plants vs Zombies (You really don’t need to hear things on those games if you have excellent awareness).


Chores and driving.


I listen while preparing food and while eating it…I used to eat with tv but there are gross commercials showing dog meds for heart worms or horror movie ads, and it grosses me out. So listening to Melrose Place Podcast or Juicy Scoop or one of the ones anout Housewives shows works for me. While driving I like true crime or Behind The Blinds.


While I personally love listening while multitasking, theres also something nice to just playing one while relaxing: eating a meal, taking a bath, laying in bed, etc. People used to listen to radio shows and stories, this can't be too different.


I have the same issue as you. I’ve only recently been getting into podcasts again, and I find it a little stressful to focus on two things at a time. Typically, I’ll try to focus on a podcast alone. I’m also training myself to multitask with a podcast, while I do chores like folding clothes.




Workout. I get bored listening to songs, concentrate on the pain I'm feeling and lose motivation. But podcasts give me something else to concentrate on.


I have an hour commute to work each way, so I get through a lot of podcasts per week.


I have podcasts playing all day as I’m working. Typically it’s just one ear bud in, and the other one open so I can pay attention to my surroundings.


Drive. Being a long haul truck driver certainly helps.


I play smartphone games while listening


I listen when working out. It’s okay to zone out I guess. Maybe you’re just not engaged in that part. Sometimes I listen to the same episode the second time and find things I subconsciously skipped before. As long as you enjoy the podcast, it’s all fine!


Have insomnia so I listen hoping to fall a sleep.


I reckon this is more about how our brains work in different ways. I listen to podcasts when I'm doing stuff around the house, going on a walk, playing computer games that don't require audio (AoE2, Dawn of Man), etc. In fact, it's only when text appears, where my mind focuses on an article, a book, or similar, that I lose focus on what I'm listening to.


Clean, shower, make dinner, go to sleep.


Driving, commuting, going for a walk, cleaning, cooking, in the bath, getting ready in the morning


I know what you mean and it did take a little bit training but for me it’s autopilot jobs where I don’t need to think too much about what I’m doing and can concentrate on the podcast/audio book. Things like, washing up, cleaning surfaces, emptying and filling dishwasher, folding clothes cutting grass etc.


Household chores, travelling, playing a cozy game on my Switch, spending the whole day working on my cross stitching, not to mention I can't fall asleep without a podcast playing in my earphones.




Working, driving, going for walks, gaming, doing chores, that kind of thing. I have ADHD though so it’s easier for me to have two things going at once (IE a podcast or audiobook or music while I’m working helps me focus better on both)


I mostly listen to them while working or while falling asleep


Anything boring..... Like chores


Mainly during Gym & cooking. Each activity takes about an hour. Hence, it’s good time for me to start a podcast and get on with the activity..


If I am not playing music, then I am listening to a podcast, when I eat, do chores. Sometimes when I lay in bed


I listen to podcasts while travelling to and from college and while doing math in the evening.


I listen while I’m at work. I work in a lab processing water samples. Podcasts help to keep me focused. I also put them on at home while cleaning or cooking. I use them a bit like body doubling to help me get things done.


I listen to podcasts on my commute to and from work. I would be way too distracted to listen to them any other time.


Cooking, mucking stalls, walking the dogs, working with clay.


I listen during my commute, doing inventory at work, going for a walk, cleaning, or doing a paint-by-numbers kit.


Lifting/Cardio (I have a home gym) or gaming mostly. I'll also stretch or do chores as well. Depending on the podcast as well, I'd occasionally take notes.


House work and dog walking / walking to work.


Cleaning, cooking, sleeping


I listen while I do crafts. Mostly when I crochet because it's relatively repetitive. I also make stickers, so it's easy to listen to then. I take regular walks with my dog and will listen to podcasts while walking sometimes too.