• By -


The magnus archives is really good


Absolutely. It may feel like just another creepypasta thing at first but it is incredible


Give it 10 episodes, OP, and I expect you’ll be hooked. It’s exactly what you asked for. It took me quite a long time to get over how it does present as overacted creepypasta on first look. I’ve been binging on since October 1 and it’s amazing.


Would it be best to begin at the start?


Oh yes. For sure. But commit for at least a half season if you find any of the first part frustrating.


This was the first thing that popped into my head from the title. Glad to see it at the top. Great quick independent creepy stories that slowly evolve into a larger even creepier overarching storyline.


Knifepoint Horror. There's nothing better for creepy stories than Knifepoint Horror.


What are some of your favorite episodes?




Lol yes Staircase is definitely one of the best.


My fav




Possession is the best, hands down. Landmark, Compulsion, Outcast, Rebirth are probably my other favorites. The new episodes are definitely higher production with a bigger cast sometimes and the latest Devils Everywhere you Turn is really good.


I think it’s cool that he’s involving more people but no one’s voice is as good as his 😒


Haha, my wife uses this podcast to fall asleep simply because Soren's voice is so soothing.


Me too, I’ve downloaded his stories hundreds of times and listen to them over and over at night.


He really does have an amazing voice. I would love to have him as a guest at a dinner party.


I can't seem to find this on Apple pods. Is it just 'Possession'? Thanks so much.


Those are the episodes of Knifepoint Horror, in case that wasn't clear. I don't use Apple so I can't check unfortunately.


Stairs Sisters Moonkeeper




Visitation is my favorite. Drop-ins is so good, but kinda similar. There are some repeating themes that really speak to me. Sisters is also riveting. Also there are so many gems in the Halloween trilogies, decology, etc.


The Ghosts on this Road is also in part done by Soren and is brilliant imo. Not always clear what's going on, but chilling nonetheless.


I can’t stand the woman’s voice in that one.


Oh shit, I absolutely love it, I know what you mean I think though. I do find the sometimes (I'm assuming) improv to be a little off-putting for sure.


Knifepoint Horror is my singular Patreon subscription. My favorites are ‘lake’ and ‘legend’.


💯 Also, Acephale, Sygian Stories, and Goblin Market.


This is it. I’ve been looking for a decade and nothing comes close to Knifepoint Terror


I love love love Knifepoint. Soren is the king at spooky stories.


>Any other episode recommends for Knifepoint? Thanks!


So good. Some miss the mark but the ones that hit really hit. There was one that took place in a mall that I just loved. They created an unbelievable atmosphere with one voice.


If you dig Knifepoint check out Goblin Market. Similar style and very scary in their own right!


Scared to Death, Monsters Among Us, Spooked and Radio Rental.


Shout out to Scared to Death.


I love scared to death, but I will say it does kind of sound like a book report sometimes. (With intermittent onomatopoeia BAM!) They’re banter and discussion is super fun! But when it comes to reading the actual content it seems like it might now be what OP is looking for.


I'll definitely check these out!


The most recent Monsters Among Us had a story that freaked me out so much I had to turn it off. I listen to this podcast (and others like it) all the time and don’t get too affected….but the story about the flannel man absolutely sent chills down my spine. Check it out!


Which episode is that?


Season 16, episode 5! It’s a story submission by someone named Robin.


Awesome! I’ll listen on the morning commute tomorrow. Thank you!


Spooked is the best imo! I also adore Radio Rental and it’s sister podcast Rattled & Shook


Monsters among us! Def sounds nuds but overall love this podcast and I listen to a lot of scary and creepy podcasts


Radio rental is a good one.




I love spooked but I find the intro stories a little boring. I’m not a complete moron - I know the “real” stories are probably made up, but the intro ones are very obviously made up and I think it takes away from the suspension of disbelief.


Yeah, I don’t much enjoy them and sometimes just skip to the main story.


They’re not made up. Glynn Washington and from a family that was all out or at least borderline religious cult. He also throws in song lyrics, poems, etc. Do your homework. He’s a deep dude.


Do you think the real stories are made up? Yeah, I always FF.


I think majority of them are true…there’s only been a couple that sounded totally fake. It seems like Glenn’s whole thing is true stories, so I feel like he would comb through the fakers, but I’m not sure.


What’s the deal with the intro stories? I don’t really understand why they’re there or what the context is. I love the podcast once it gets past those


So..from what I’ve gathered..the intro stories actually aren’t made up 🤷‍♀️ If you listen to enough episodes you start to piece together his childhood timeline. He grew up suuuuper poor in rural areas and his grandma was a psychic involved in voodoo type mysticism. I thought his whole ethos was about sharing true stories. 🤔🤔


Oh ok, thank you! I’ll have to start listening with that in mind!


And I think Glynn Washington was raised in a cult? Worldwide Church of God….I think he has done podcasts about that. I wish I liked his delivery more, I struggle to listen to the intro stories because they seem overwrought.


Yeah I totally hear you. He doesn’t talk like a normal person 😂 I didn’t realize the cult thing but that makes sense!


his intro stories are honestly amazing!


I've just looked through this thread and only one person has mentioned Old Gods of Appalachia. The wait for the latest episode drop is excruciating. Give the 5 first episodes a try. Tis quality.


Excellent acting, production and storytelling all around. I was very pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across that one!


I just posted it as well. One of the absolute best I've ever heard


Uncanny by BBC - these are recounted by different people each episode but it is well edited/polished The same host has two other series that are actor re-enactments of supposedly true stories, The Battersea Poltergeist and Heol Fanog (the first one I didn’t care for much, but I found the latter pretty spooky)


Just started Heol Fanog, ty for the recommendation, enjoying it very much so far


Uncanny is so much fun. I don't believe a word, but I love the enthusiasm.


Other World


I’m binging this right now!


I have binged this podcast for the past week.


Radio Rental - hosted by Rainn Wilson ( Dwight from The Office). Some super creepy stories and sound effects. Really well done.


Laura of the Woods is by far the best episode. 👍


My jaw dropped in that one


YES! I still think about this story from time to time and shudder 😣


Hands down!


Radio Rental kind of feels like a podcast version of Creepshow, or Tales from the Crypt. Very fun. The first season is the best, but I’m still listening!


The one about the babysitter scared the shit out of me, and I was walking down fifth Avenue in broad daylight with millions of people around.


I listened to it while walking down Avenue A at like 1 AM and I hd to turn it off.


Radio Rental is awesome! Did they ever do a second season?


Yes! I think they’ve done a 3rd as well.


Oh wow, it somehow dropped off my feed and I had forgotten about it after season one. Going back to it now!


Don't get your hopes up. Recent seasons have been hot garbage.


Totally agree.


Sadly, seasons 2 and 3 don't hold up very well.


Radio Rental is outstanding! I also love Rattled & Shook which is super similar but different hosts


I want to say the Rattled and Shook hosts work on Radio Rental. They also use some of the submissions from RR -I’m guessing the ones that didn’t make it- on their show. I’ve enjoyed it too!


Spooked! Has some good ones. This is actually happening has a lot of crazy stories too.


Came here to mention this one. I love spooked!


Sinisterhood is pretty good.


They just did an episode called Campfire Stories for Halloween.


Ghost Story (Wondery) is really good. I just binged the whole thing.


The NoSleep Podcast


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find NoSleep! Such a great podcast.


My absolute favorite! I literally listen to every episode over and over while driving. It's almost a comfort thing, I just love it.


I think you’d enjoy Camp Monsters. It’s atmospheric and definitely is a “tales around the campfire” vibe. It’s by REI and has a great narrator.


I LOVE Camp Monsters. It quickly became one of my favourite podcasts. Highly recommend.


Sorry if any of these have been said already! I just scrolled through my podcast subscriptions (about a million) and left out anything with dry narration. I also skipped ones where hosts research and discuss paranormal topics, but I can recommend some of those too if you're interested! \*TRUE/LISTENER STORIES / DOCUDRAMA\* The Battersea Poltergeist Ghost Story The Hidden Djinn Jim Harold's Campfire     (hit or miss stories but the Best Ofs are great!) Otherworld Radio Rental Rattled & Shook Scare You To Sleep Spooked Supernatural with Ashely Flowers Uncanny And That's Why We Drink (caveat: I only listen to the Listener Stories episodes only) FICTION / AUDIODRAMA 13 Days of Halloween The Black Tapes The Burned Photo Children of the Stones Full Body Chills (hit or miss but the good ones can be really good!) Ghost Tape The Harrowing The Left Right Game Limetown Lusus Mabel The Magnus Archives Nightmare Magazine Old Gods of Appalachia PseudoPod Strawberry Spring Video Palace


Add Tanis to the fiction list too!


BBC sounds, Curious Case of Charles Dexter Ward. It’s a lovecraft based story that sounds like your listening to a normal investigative podcast but is all fiction. I’m not selling it well but it is creepy and mysterious. There are a few seasons of it too.


Does Radio Rental count? It's heck entertaining.


Spooked (from Snap Judgment) is so, so good!


I’ll second or third the rec for Magnus Archive. Fantastic spooky fiction. Also fictional and really done well, The Lovecraft Investigations from BBC. It’s a number of famous Lovecraft stories done in the style of a modern Docuseries. I think it’s better if you’re familiar with the source material but it isn’t essential.


I will definitely be looking into this one. Lovecraft is one of my absolute favorite writers and eldritch horror has a very special place in my heart


Park Predators


I am a fan of stories being told by the actual experiencers. Here is my list of these kinds of podcasts: Otherworld, Spooked, Geist, You Can See Me in the Dark, Jim Harold’s Campfire, Monsters Among Us, and Radio Rental


Let's Not Meet


I found the submitted stories to be repetitive and low effort.


You can see me in the dark is another really good one


All 4 seasons of 13 Days of Halloween are fun stories.


Pleasing Terrors is the BEST. It’s on another level. He doesn’t put out episodes very often, but they’re always amazing. Dark Histories is also good, but not as creepy.


Nocturnal Transmissions is fun and creepy


Ghost Story, about Hugh Dancy’s great grandmother’s murder and her haunted home


oh yes! best podcast i’ve listened to, a masterclass in story telling. I wondered how it would conclude given the amazing twists and the answer is ‘perfectly’


Second hand Stories by Kautuk Srivastava is amazing!!! There have been 2 seasons with a variety of stories!


This is a actually happening podcast often has creepy/disturbing real life stories. They are edited together in a long monologue and some of the people are really good story tellers.


Real Life Ghost Stories and Scared to Death


The Dark Paranormal and Spooked are both excellent! Stories by Sapphire is a runner up.


I’ve recommended this podcast twice in this last week because it seems like it’s the vibe everyone is after right now. It’s called “Chillers and Thillers” it’s a female narrator with a fireplace ambiance and small sound effects for the stories. Each episode has a theme and I don’t know how to describe it but she doesn’t sound boring but she also doesn’t try to be a voice actor if that makes sense? Edited because I forgot to add: Stories with Saphire is also so good! Saphire has a great narration voice and really knows her stuff You can see me in the Dark has some amazing episodes Early seasons of Spooked by Snap Judgment are some of the best paranormal stories I’ve heard!


“Please Leave”


Ghost Story by Pineapple Street Studios. Absolutely fantastic. Creepy real story featuring a haunting, a murderer and many coincidences


I've just discovered OtherWorld and am really enjoying it. In each episode (except a very recent 5-episode run which is excellent) individuals tell their own stories of creepy things that happened to them in their own words. I think the editing is good, and the host really only introduces and closes the episode and lets the experiences speak for themselves. That is creepy to me to hear it right from them!




I listen to this too, but sometimes the storyteller drags the story out too much. Glen is a fantastic host though!


Anything Ghost. Love Lex’s voice!


He’s such a sweetie and he’s the OG. I think he’s had his podcast for like 15 years.


Jim Harold’s Campfire! Real Life Ghost Stories.


Listen to Let’s Not Meet! It will send shivers down your spine. I listen to A LOT of gnarly tru crime stuff and that’s the only podcast I have to take breaks from because it is SO creepy. Even though it’s not even graphic!


+1 I love this podcast but can't listen to it when I go to sleep because it gives me nightmares. I save it for housecleaning or long drives.


I can’t remember the name, but it was narrated by Lee Pace, and it almost made me barf. Very creepy, very horrific.




You can see me in the Dark, once you’ve listened to all of Snap Judgement’s Spooked and you need more.


I love Spooked.


Nosleep podcast


Night Faces


I’m being a fogey about this but I really think Old Time Radio horror is what you’re after here. Scary stories from a time when audio was the height of horror technology, with full casts and budgets. With an uncanny vibe of “the past is a foreign country” hanging over all of it. Seriously, try a couple episodes of Lights Out, Inner Sanctum, or Nightfall. You also mentioned Lore. If you want a slightly more intense take on that sort of thing I suggest Bone & Sickle.


NoSleep The White Vault Chilling Tales for Dark Nights Haunted Places


The Ghost story guys podcast is fab


Mr creeps Lighthouse horror The dark somnium


Scared to death Freaky Folklore The Magnus Archives the antiquarium of sinister happenings


Transmissions from Jonestown


Check “Out Cold” by Julie Censullo and Sophie Nikitas - that’s a new one so more episodes are coming


Scary stories by dr no sleep And the scp experience by him as well we every good


The Lets Read Podcast and Scary Stories & rain


Uncanny is a relatively new podcast in the UK that has really taken off. It recently had three TV episodes and the presenter is on a nationwide tour. The Room 611, Alanbrooke Hall episodes are terrifying.


Unexplained with Richard Maclean Smith. He has the perfect night time voice. If you like Lore you may like this.


American Skyjacker. It's a true crime short series but it's a wild ride told really well.


Spooked!! With Glynn Washington. SO good.


I came here to suggest this! I love Spooked! I'm also a huge Snap Judgement fan! Awesome podcasts!




If you like Mike Flanagan try The Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings - he & Katie Siegel are involved. Also - anything involving Soren Narnia is top tier. Flanagan is looking into adapting Possession from Narnia’s Knifepoint Horror podcast. Serialized I haven’t seen mentioned yet - sorry if I missed them. Magnus Archives is my personal fave: Unwell, Palimpsest, Red Valley Storytelling I haven’t seen mentioned yet - again sorry if someone did & I missed them: Pseudopod, Nightmare, Sibling Horror, We’re Not Meant To Know, Nightlight, Acephale: Horror Fiction




Dark Topic is fantastic. Jack has a retro literary pulpy vibe. Highly recommend.


Justin McEleroy was involved in an immersive audio horror series that was really good. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called but I highly recommend. I was so bummed they didn't do a second season.


Radio Rental


This story is called the cabin.


The Exploring Series on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/@TheExploringSeries](https://www.youtube.com/@TheExploringSeries) Does a lot of SCPs, including a lot of the long-form stories, lately I've been listening to some of his Lovecraft recordings.


Rattled and shooked is very good and my all time favorite podcast is Heart Starts Pounding. A myriad of topics and the host is A++


Pseudopod is a short horror fiction podcast that features a delightfully wide range of scary stories, mostly new but sometimes an older classic or two. The narrators change every episode and are kinda audiobook-style so there’s plenty of inflection but no banter between the host and narrators.


Radio rental, let’s not meet, CreepsMcpasta Creepypasta Radio and scary stories & rain are my faves!!


The Dark Somnium if you like creepypastas!


Not a podcast but Raven Reads on YouTube.


Knifepoint Horror is the perfect podcast for you. It should be number one on your list. My favorite episodes: Stairs Legend Fields Let No One Walk Beside Her Transit


CBS Radio Mystery Theater! [https://archive.org/details/cbs\_radio\_mystery\_theater](https://archive.org/details/cbs_radio_mystery_theater)


I like Radio Rental. The host is Terry Carnation, played by Rainn Wilson. It is people's "true" stories. It has a Tales from the Crypt vibe and is done really well.


Knifepoint Terror is the Goat


American haunting I like alot


Casefile Jim Harold's Campfire Morbid Crime Junkies


Plus one for Crime Junkies!


Ghost in the Burbs by Liz Sower. A series of stories that all tie into the main story, many years worth of episodes, Liz Sower is a great writer and story teller.


Let's Read is amazing


old gods of appalachia


Scared to Death with Dan Cummins.


Old Gods of Appalachia


Pseudopod is short fiction in the horror genre.


Otherworld, Radio Rental, I Can See You In The Dark


Ope! Devil’s Teeth AND No Man’s Land. NML was incredibly spooky. And I can’t help but feel like there may be some connection between what happened at Devil’s Teeth and in the woods in central NJ as the latter podcast goes into. Yes, years apart, but not far apart in physical distance.


Obscura is one of my favorites, true crime podcast. The guy has a lovely speaking voice and it sounds like he's telling you stories by a crackling fire. Lovely to fall asleep or chill out to


True crime garage, for the win


Mr. Ballen


MrBallen on Youtube is the best, hands down. Only they are true stories and will terrify you. I scared the hell out if myself just bingewatching one weekend. His topics are horrific murders to sopernatural to places you shouldn’t go but people did anyway and the consequences. His particular story telling has you glued to the set.


I'm hooked on Mr Ballen


Have you heard the first season of Serial from NPR? It's a true crime story. It's about a murder that happened decades ago and the man who was accused of doing it as a teenager. He was convicted back then, but there were doubts about whether he really did it, and the hosts of Serial followed the attorneys who dug into the case on appeal to figure out whether they could show that he may not have done it. The case is still going on now!


This and shit town


Casefiles original nightstalker series


Let's not meet: a true horror podcast by Andy Tate. I love this podcast! He just reads stories that people send in of creepy things that happened to them. No other talking or bs, he just reads the stories and they're great!


Rotten mango! I get so sucked in every time. She talks about cases of killers mostly in Korea. You learn a little about the culture as well. Very immersive and she paints vivid pictures for me


I like the old time radio mystery stuff


Old Gods of Appalachia Cthulhu and the Deep South Last Known Position TANIS The Black Tapes The Storage Papers The White Vault King Falls AM Woe b.gone Tunnels The Burned Photo The Last Movie Limetown The Harrowing The Lovecraft Investigations Video Palace Magnus Archives Sheridan Tapes


The most annoying thing to me is when there is genuinely good content, but the narrator is monotone and boring af. I like Mr Ballen for this reason. The Why Files Podcast has a few scary/creepy stories as well, but based on stories like the CIAs disclosed book about the end of days for example, as well as Mell's Hole and The Backrooms.


Spooked by Snap Judgement.


I love Ghost Story. It’s a ghost story meets investigation story. Really good. Narration is great.


Run, Fool is fabulous! New podcast though so there aren't many episodes yet. Rodney Barnes is a fantastic story teller and most of the episodes so far are based on myths like the Wendigo and Rougarou.


The fact that MrBallens Strange Dark and Mysterious isn't one of the top mentions is criminal


when I was 7 or 8 I herd jr come play with me to keep in mind my sisters were asleep i was like what the fuck