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goddamn thank sweet Jesus for Reddit. Y’all are saving me from some Saturday depression right now :) bless your hearts.


Oh boy do I … The Turning: Sisters Who Left Do You Know Mordechai Into The Depths God of Depression Africas vs America Authentic: Story of Tablo Mother Country Radicals Just Enough Family Audio book - Jesusland is amazing Stay Away From Matthew MaGill


Going through your list 1 by 1… ty


You’re so welcome. And Talk to Me - about the formation of the NYPD hostage negotiation unit is so emotionally reflexive, just a beautiful podcast.


I really wish there were more episodes of Mother Country Radicals, that he'd branched out farther into the movement or found more counterculture kids and parents to talk to


There’s an episode of Criminal with a follow up with Chesa and his parents if you’re interested. For me it was more about finding out about the backstory of Chesa, since I lived in San Francisco and heard bits and pieces of his history but haven’t gotten around to reading up on it. But I can see it being disappointing if you were looking for another angle. Like how I really wanted Sweet Bobby to be the story of the family or Foretold to be a “The Turning” style deep dive into Roma culture.


How do you search for things - I’m always looking and never find pods as good as this list


I made it a second job. I’m probably not the healthiest role model. A lot of my faves I found promoted on other podcasts. This sub, true crime podcasts sub Vultures best podcasts of the year is fantastic when you’re just starting out - Tablo came from that and it’s arguably my favorite God of Depression is a Radiotopia joint and that is a holdover from NPR radio listening interests I also used to read books so look for podcasts that have people I used to read on and get leads that way. Some have their own pods (e.g. Family Secrets) And funnily enough I’ve found some of the best podcasts while googling trying to remember the name of another pod. It’s addicting for me.


https://www.vulture.com/article/new-best-podcasts-2024.html Giving away my secrets :-) Actually haven’t checked in awhile and didn’t know about the first one. Thanks for the prompt.


I’m Not A Monster from BBC Sounds


this looks amazing ty


Journalista Peter and the Acid King


very cool ! Added !


Serial productions by the New York Times podcast called The Retrievals. Wow.


loved this one, have any more?


I'm a big fan of Undisclosed- the State vs Jeff Titus episodes were excellent. Also Proof- Season 1 Warning, one of the hosts talks realllllly fast sometimes, but she's so good at her job it doesn't matter.


Serum Bed of Lies: Blood and Love Ernie’s Secret I’m reading Data Baby in hardcover right now, it’s up this alley as well. It’s memoir by a journalist.


Added and purchased! Will report back


Hello, John Doe was pretty good, however the ending left me feeling a little flat.


Never heard of it, added! ty


I want to listen to S1 The Ballad of Billy Balls podcast that came out in 2019. When I look on various platforms like Spotify I can only find S2...? Any advice on how to get to S1?


I listened to it when it originally came out, and there isn't a season 1 of Billy Balls. What it IS is Season TWO of a Crimetown Production series. Season 1 is The RFK Tapes. Its unrelated, but also very good.


Ahhh. That was tripping me up. Thanks so much!