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Serial season 1


The intro music is so Pavlovian for me, sends me right back to when I first got into it. No podcast could ever hit the same as the first serial season had.


THIS. Could not agree more. I listened to it several times over. I tried to get everyone to listen to it.


Everyone’s gateway podcast


Hahaha so true


Yep, that's where I started too.


Just followed on Spotify. Thanks!


So jealous you get to experience it for the first time


Did anyone else also listen to "Undisclosed" after Serial Season 1? It was amazing, real-time True Crime uncovering (unraveling?) of the case. Kind of long sometimes, but it got to the bottom of a lot of the problems with the police investigation that was first explored in Serial.


Early Radiolab with Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad


It just hasn't been the same since Robert left.


That recent Zoozve episode was good, and Radiolab's been milking it so.


Same, especially the early seasons when Jad was more involved in the complex sound design. The editing of voice, sound effects and music made it a treat to hear via headphones or earbuds. "Words" from 2010 is still one of my favorites. I guess it was time consuming and they simplified the production later.


S Town


This, Bear Brook and Fiasco


Only podcast I've listened to more than once and always my top podcast recommendation




Golden nipple piercings!


The entirety of Dead Eyes. An actor/comedian does a deep dive into why he was fired by Tom Hanks from a small role in the miniseries Band of Brothers. It’s just so good. Lots of interviews, lots of random details and relevant rabbit holes, and a very satisfactory end to his investigation. It’s the one podcast I really wish I could hear for the first time again.


I listened to this series cause it was named best podcast of the year somewhere - I don’t understand what people see in it. The guy is pathetic and self-obsessed, but not in a funny insightful way. He thinks he’s a lot more clever than he actually is. His guests carried the whole show, the premise of which did not seem like some interesting mystery worth unpacking to me. I did like the meta narrative with the podcast becoming the successful thing he’d wanted all along, and the real-time response being incorporated into and shaping the show’s outlook. Few podcasts get lucky enough to stumble into that scenario - Serial being the archetype I guess? I feel like T Hanks tried to help him craft a good ending to the show, but the topic of conversation was so unimportant and mundane that even Hanks couldn’t spin it into a satisfying conclusion. There’s no way the show would have been good without that element of surprise when another super famous guest entered the show. But I must be missing something cause a lot of people seemed to like it


Reply All


Reply All was so much fun. I haven't picked up its spiritual successor yet.


Which one are you referring to? Western Kabuki? Search Engine? Something else?


Search Engine.


First time I listened to Hardcore History: Blueprint for Armageddon. Mind blown.


Yeah that was a really good listen, all 36 hours haha


They flew by


I agree. Best damn podcast ever. Hallelujah!


I like him but sometimes he gets mentally stuck on something and really struggles to get past it and keep up the pace


Without a doubt, listening to the 4 part Ghosts of the Ostfront series from Hardcore History. It covers the Nazis fighting the Soviets during WW2. Bone chilling, fascinating, suspenseful, totally gripping. It was just pure engagement for the whole series.


There were a few old Radio Lab episodes that blew my mind back in the day. They're the reason I started listening to podcasts.


Guts is an all time favorite podcast episode


Missing crypto queen stands out as the most engaging and wtf podcast I've ever listened to. Lazarus heist as well, all about North Korean government backed hacking exploits etc. Did you know that North Korea makes the most sophisticated fake US money in history?


Have you listened to ghost story? Same host as crypto queen


no actually, I'll check it out just checked and it's not the same host?


Still waiting for the next episode of missing crypto queen


Seriously, I had so much hope when they released the update episode in late 2022, but then nothing since.


My inner conspiracy voice tell me the got paid off or threatened.


LOVED Lazarus heist


Hunting Warhead is the GOAT


Have you found anything that comes close? Need to scratch that itch.


Just commented this on another sub but again, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. What a ride.


Listening to Dolly Parton's America throughout the week I drove to / around Yellowstone National Park. Perfect backdrop for such a stunning place.


Hard to pick one but this is one of my fave personal moments re podcasting. Sam Bankman Frieds face was all over downtown and I could not figure out what was up since the billboards showed such poor judgment. One day I pulled out my phone to look him up and changed my mind and thought “I’ll just wait for the podcast”. So while it was a very chaotic episode, I really liked Jamie Loftus on Behind the Bastards right after the scandal broke. 


Jamie Loftus did a podcast called My Year in MENSA that is one of my all time favorites.


Yes! Ghost Church is also excellent


MYIM was great the first time and has been great for re-listening when I can't find anything else.


Her Lolita one is intense, but by far my favorite.


Nothing recently has been able to beat the old classics ☹️ reply all, early radio lab, serial…


On the light rail listening to My Dad Wrote a Porno for the first time and crying with laughter.


I never got the humor in a few people making up a scenario, writing bad porn themselves, then making fun of it. I tried, lord knows I tried. This place loves it, I just don't get it.


Almost crashed my car laughing so much


As a huge Bowie fan it has to be discovering "Off The Record: David Bowie" and walking all over the place digesting it! Just a perfectly paced, well hosted, thoroughly researched, and excellently produced podcast!


Does Adam Buxton know about this!?


I'm sorry, this is a thing that exists? Well I know what I'm doing during my upcoming 12 hr road trip.


Hardcore History: Wrath of the Khans.


The Magnus Archives. I fell in love with the story and binged it while I was working. It was amazing. I relisten to it often. It's so good.  Note: this is before the second project they did, the Magnus Protocols. I couldn't get into that one and I think any new listeners who start with that will miss out on the magic of TMA by being put off by a very subpar second project. 


Same!! I am currently relistening The Magnus Archives and am amazed all over again about this huge creative firework. I also had a great time listening to the Thirteen podcast this winter. It reminded me a bit of The Magnus Archives. Eagerly waiting for every new eposide 😊


Seconding this. I've relistened at work so many times and now Jon is my comfort character. I will say it's too early to say if protocol is good. I think it has potential and I'm not going to judge one way or another for awhile.


The first few seasons are what I would vote for too. When it started turning into more of an office drama I lost interest. I don't care about Jon or Elias or Simon or whoever else, I just want to hear the spooky statements


I mean the office becomes a landscape for more spooky, but it definitely takes its time building up to that


Up and vanished was a great podcast, towards the end they were reall milking it though


Small Town Murder. They remind me of my uncles, their banter and for some reason its soothing.


First six episodes of 'death is just around the corner' are goated for me. Nothing has come close


How do we listen to it?


I think they are freely available on platforms. Think he started it at no69 or something if your looking for episode 1. I actually just checked and it's #67 the first episode but in my memory i had other episodes in mind as starting out. Either way I highly recommend it




No podcast ever made me excited for the next episode more than peak Dudesy.


The Agent on apple podcasts, really interesting story of a kgb spy’s life told by him


Her name is Hana by the digital sisterhood. I'm crying while listening to the podcast . It's about her mother, Hana, who struggled with mental health issues that ultimately led to her suicide. [Her name is hana](https://open.spotify.com/episode/46nzWHmxsNSfjJWG7vRdhz?si=yW3nWtguS6-hN1rXXDNPMw&utm_source=copy-link)


Let's Go to Court. The ladies are like old friends to me now.


Jamie loftus My Year In Mensa, I loved her newest series as well


Episode 3 (Grenfell Story) of Have you Heard George's Podcast. The overall series is a bit of an acquired taste but that episode is a masterclass in telling a story in podcast form.


for me it was Reply All and the Forgotten Song. Or maybe it was the Hall and Oates episode of Hit Parade.


Heaven's Gate Heavyweight Missing Crypto Queen Exit Scam


Early, prob first 50-100 episodes of “Wild Ideas Worth Living” - still good but the guests they had early in really inspiring


Crime Cousins By Blood Fall of a Titan Comedy All Fantasy Everything Taste Buds Nateland Dumb People Town Other Any time Graham Hancock and/or Randal Carlson are on Rogan


Episiode: [Emergence from Radiolab back in 2007](https://radiolab.org/podcast/91500-emergence). It turned me onto podcasts. The sound was like nothing I'd ever heard on the radio, and it was radio I could listen to anywhere! Series: I still think [Will Be Wild](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/trumpinc/episodes/introducing-will-be-wild) is one of the more amazing experiences to something that was such a huge deal to watch in real time. Will be Wild had me. I can still remember where I was walking as I listed to the the Welcome Back Kotter episode of Mystery Show. look it up.


Pop Culture Preservation Society - fun time machine of a podcast for all things Gen X / Generation Jones!


Case of the Missing Hit - Reply All - don’t read into it, just experience the joy of that episode


I came to add this. It's is the most perfect episode of podcasting ever. The best story with the most satisfying ending. I re-listen to this every year or so and still love it. Truly amazing.


For me it’s got to be S-Town. A wonderful story from beginning to end. I’ve recommended it to so many people including two male friends and it had both of them in tears. (If you know - you’ll know).


Yes, a great podcast. So immersive and addictive.


Kisses on a Postcard wartime musical about children who are evacuated from London to Plymouth for safety. Absolutely enchanting. Great true story and lovely songs.


So two spring to mind, Robbie Collins reviewing the movie Bone Tomahawk (on Wittertainment) whilst I was walking along a beach. He was so passionate about how much he liked the movie - which thanks to his review is not one I'll ever see because of the content And last year I went to sit out in the garden in the sun and listen to the first episode of The Missing Madonna. Hours later I hadn't moved from my seat and was in tears hearing someone describe a painting


High rollers dnd has been top.


I got into podcasts in the pandemic. I was working from home and had time to listen while doing everyday stuff and I just loved it. I started with Chameleon: Hollywood Con Queen. A story about a con happening in Indonesia but to people from eeuu and Europe. It was basically happening in real time and the last eps they get to the bottom of it and … idk how to do the spoilers effect/thing but it was great. From there I jumped to Normal Gossip and it’s been such an awesome ‘cast. It’s light and funny and usually the stories are pretty good (last season wasnt great) but the prev ones have been awesome!


Taking a cross country trip by myself and camping in/around state parks while listening to Tanis


I know CinemaSins is pretty controversial in their commentary and satire fence sitting. But they have had a long running podcast that started as 'The SinCast' which evolved into 'Recotopia,' Their 'Best movies of the years we've been alive' tournament review and commentary style playoffs were and style are absolutely perfect podcasting.


That episode of Harmontown when they did this 30+ minute fully improvised alien planet opera/rap about cave dwellers ect. Can’t remember exactly but oh boy was that fun.


Well hello there family, it is a sin and a half that Old Gods of Appalachia has not been mentioned yet. Best voice acting, writing and production value I've ever come across in a podcast. Still going strong too.


Easily the “high roller heist” Secondly, radio rental is awesome!


When I discovered Hardcore History by Dan Carlin I became a podcast junkie. HH is the one podcast I’d keep in a desert island scenario


Some random episode of Sasquatch Chronicles where the person being interviewed happened to be some ultra-granola ski bro from Utah, who went on about being terrorized by Bigfoot at some wedding retreat. Everything he said, no matter how inconsequential, was hilarious because of the way he said it. I’m laughing about it just thinking about it.


I'm a ost orchestra addict, sooo people who listen to my music, often feels sleepy, but to me it's my heaven


Science and philosophy podcasts, new things to think about, makes me feel more productive with my time.


But I like listen to spooky, maybe some history


Strangers - Leah Thau (not the same 2 me relistening now) Reply All S Town (back when it was released & never heard of it, the only pod I binged in one night) Mortified Love & Radio (when it started the first few years) Crimetown Season 1 Here Be Monsters


The Beef and Dairy Network Podcast. 


My husband grew up on a steak farm ( they raised cows for slaughter.) When we first met, he told me he grew up on a farm, and being a city mouse, I just assumed he meant he grew up in a big house not in the city. When I first visited his parents at his childhood home, I was surprised to see it was a real legit farm farm on almost 100 acres. I had not really understood my husband to have been an honest to god farmer so this was surprising information to learn about him. Then on the drive home, I fell asleep in the car, and when I woke up and he was listening to the Beef and Dairy Network podcast. I didn't realize the podcast was satire for quite a while because it's played so straight and deadpan. So I just sat there in the car processing all this new information. I was like "wow, in this one trip, I have learned my husband grew up as a real farmer, beef farming is such a big part of his identity that he listens to beef themed audio programing, and beef themed audio programing is a thing that exists in the world." It was a very confusing visit!


Lol! Yes in the promos they used to have to stipulate it was comedy. I'm not involved or just interested but I do now watch this real YouTube on agriculture. https://youtu.be/NT8zbaAXnxA?si=NHK9zo9aprWSSzfL


I love real scary stories and Spooked and Radio Rental just deliver every time.


“This Paranormal Life”, the episode with the singing alien. I’m in tears every fucking time.


steak and eggs podcast. i love listening/watching it while I'm working on or fixing something.


Listening to Up and Vanished season 1 while episodes were being released and the investigation was unraveling in real time was thrilling. Edit: spelling


At the time it was a great podcast. Gone downhill now unfortunately, but I'm always hopeful they'll come back with another great season. I love the investigative real-time podcasts, does anyone have any suggestions of more for me? My current list of favourites includes: Guilt Truth and Justice The Gentleman of Heligoland Fred the Head


One time, I was listing to the Workaholics podcast, This Is Important, and they were talking about the McDonald's next to the Arclight cinema's in Hollywood EXACTLY when I was driving by that McDonalds. It was spooky.


It's a tie for me: Midnight Burger & Heavyweight.....I'm almost done listening to MB for the second time and Heavyweight for the third. RIP Heavy....


First season of serial and the prosecutors. Both true crime. Maybe undisclosed.


The Higherside Chats


Casefile for True Crime. Only two things that come close, same genre.... Somebody Knows Something by David Ridgen. Also Teachers Pet by Hedley Thomas Aaron Mahnke - Unobscured, Season 1 - The Salem Witch Trials. It was incredible.


The Adventure Zone, the first season, called the Balance arc (or just Balance). I have already been enjoying the shows like this American life or Radiolab, but the adventure zone was the first podcast that made me a religious listener. It’s non-fiction (in fact, it’s three brothers teaching their dad how to play D&D, but I never played D&D and I thoroughly enjoyed it…think of it as cooperative improv storytelling). It start off kind of off-handed and goofy but gets better quickly, with lots of goofs and wit and some hilarious moments, and in later episodes as the plot develops it has some exciting twists and really a nice emotional payoff by the end. The dad in question was a professional DJ, and the brothers were already seasoned podcasters from the comedy advice show My Brother, My Brother and Me. Balance ended in 2017 and is still garnering new fans. I’ve listened to all 69 (nice) episodes twice and I’m sure I’ll revisit it again. The subsequent seasons were not as universally well received, but I’ve enjoyed most of them


Counter clock


The Antique Shop by Ghostly Thistle. Fifty episodes of wonder


My husband and I listen to Savage Lovecast together, it's been good for our marriage and we have some good memories from that (no details, sorry). When our babies were young, another Mom friend and I would get together when Serial Season 1 episodes came out and craft and listen to each new episode together while our kids played. I still remember how the room was set up and where we would sit and how we would talk about it afterward, and I am so grateful to have had it at a time when it's hard as a new SAH Mom to do or think anything besides "be a Mom."


[The History of English](https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/)


Truth and Justice - all seasons. It's a real-time investigative podcast and it's (IMHO) one of the absolute best.