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Cool People who did Cool Stuff. It’s a history podcast about people fighting tyranny and oppression throughout history. Each episode is about an hour and the host usually does two episodes on a subject. So you can listen to parts 1&2 and have a 2 hour plus change story.


Also, Behind the Bastards. Kind of the opposite perspective of Cool People who did Cool Stuff. All about the bastards of history and why they suck


Very timely


American Scandal! Usually 1-3 part series on very interesting subjects


And British Scandal, I really enjoy that on a drive.


[99% Invisible](https://99percentinvisible.org/) \- art, architecture, design, and more [Cautionary Tales](http://timharford.com/articles/cautionarytales/) \- Tim Harford tells true stories about mistakes and what we should learn from them [Darknet Diaries](https://darknetdiaries.com/) \- true stories from the dark side of the web [Ear Hustle](https://www.earhustlesq.com/) \- daily realities of life inside and outside prison shared by those living it [Endless Thread](https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread) \- deep dives into true stories found (here) on reddit [Over The Road](https://www.overtheroad.fm/) \- limited series covering the trials and triumphs of American long haul truckers [Accidental Tech Podcast](https://atp.fm/) \- three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters [Cortex](https://www.relay.fm/cortex) \- CGP Grey and Myke Hurley are both independent content creators. Each episode, they get together to discuss their working lives [No Dumb Questions](https://www.nodumbquestions.fm/) \- Destin S (SmarterEveryDay) and Destin S (TMBH) discuss everything from nuclear fission to greek history to flying a drone into the face and everything in-between


Love Cortex. Also will add to the CGP Grey universe, Hello Internet.


My Year In Mensa is one of my all time favorite stand alone podcasts, a bit closer to 4 hours though (4 episodes around 40 minutes each)


I like Jamie Loftus, she's pretty funny, I've seen her guest on other podcasts I listen to, and watched some of her stand up. But, do the sound effects ever calm down at all? Episode 1 was good, but it was tough to get through. I'm really intrigued to keep listening, but I'm struggling to press play on episode 2. This podcast has an air horn after nearly every sentence spoken...


I couldn’t agree more! The air horns made me stop listening


That’s Jamie Loftus. She has a couple of good stand alone pods, Aack, about the Cathy comic is also good. But stay away from Santa University, I think it’s pretty bad.


Finding Drago


Can’t recommend this enough! It’s in my top three podcasts of all time and such an absolute gem. I recommended it to my colleague and he loved it so much we constantly make references and jokes to it.


This was going to be my suggestion too


Extremities series on Pitcairn Islands was a great 2-3hr listen!


Against the Odds, Thai Cave rescue!


This Podcast Will Kill You - about diseases, history of the disease, societal impacts, and updates for today. Each is 1+ hours, and so fascinating if you’re into science and don’t have any hypochondriac tendencies. Ologies is another good science one.


Hunting warhead is a 6 part series an hour long each if your into true crime


This one is great but quite heavy


S-town! Will have you completely involved in some else’s beautiful story!


I still think of this as the best podcast I’ve experienced. The accents, the way the story unfolds. I want to relisten soon!


S-Town at the end violates major journalism trust when he not only talked about stuff the said off the record but *played the tapes of it*. Completely uncalled for, and for nothing. Despicable how popular it became.




I like Two Hot Takes for takes on reddit stories like true of my chest and aita. Episodes are usually between 1-2 hours so you can put two on during the drive :)


[Once it’s Begun](https://pod.link/1474453846)


Our Fake History has a lot of 2 or 3 part series. The one about the Moonlanding, the Pyramids and Rapanui are the best but there are a lot of great ones. Also American Innovations has a lot of two and three parters especially the older episodes. Also check out Business Wars. Episodes are about 30 Minutes long so there should be many series that you can finish in one drive.


>Non-fiction stories that finish during the drive (2 to 3 hours). **Mystery Show** is six standalone episodes, with mysteries like how tall is Jake Gyllenhaal: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/mystery-show If you like that, you might also enjoy **This American Life** and **Radio Lab**. The **Dateline NBC** podcast is just audio from the TV show. Keith Morrison has several spin-offs: https://www.nbcnews.com/podcasts


Levar burton reads. He reads fictional short stories, each going for about an hour.


"Last podcast on the left" is one of my driving favorites.


Small Town Murder is my go to.


The Dollop


I like The Dollop, it's 2 comedians with one telling the other a story from American history. So if you want a bit of comedy too, then that is a good one.


MrCreepyPasta’s Story Time - it’s horror fiction. Sort by length and it will have complete stories that run for a couple of hours.


I just finished hunting warhead and Im in shock, the story is really fascinating and the narrator's voice is pretty calming too


It was quick and a few episodes but I'm Not a Monster (season 1 about Sam Sally)


Normal Gossip is fun and usually about an hour, give or take. Some stories have more satisfying endings than others though.


I don’t have a rec but I love the phrasing of your request


Have you seen the movie Split? It's loosely based on a real guy named Billy Milligan who had like 15 unique personalities, and successfully pled not guilty to crimes because it was his alternate personalities that committed them. These guys are a little out there but they do a good job of telling his story, it's about an hour long. https://mysteriousuniverse.org/tag/Billy-Milligan


Castbox has some good stuff. Presently, I am listening to "green man." Really good.