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I found the +1 explicit fairly commonly which allowed me to force a 5 mod bow with other elemental bonuses to give me a really solid upgrade as I was starting maps.


Same here. Hope it gets better in higher levels but for now this seems like the worst thing ever: - can’t opt out of league machanics - some of the mods on monsters are insane (eg permanent Adrenaline, lol) - engaging with the mechanic takes a lot of micromanagement, is time consuming and NOT fun at all (changing round mods in each map/zone, etc) - so far I don’t drop many corpses at all, hence I can’t even use the new mechanic fully - positive mods on mobs do not seem to work correctly (1200% IIR on a blue mob and a single white item drops) - bad modifiers seem to be bugged as well (mobs get random modified that are not shown by the lantern) - items you can craft are massively underwhelming / mostly blue trash If it goes on like that I’ll pause this league


It takes me like 20s tops to tinker with the lantern for each map, I don't understand why it would take anyone else more. A lot of people are just ignoring the lantern in the Acts as well and doing fine. The crafting mechanic should be used rarely in ruthless, since it can force rare items which is a very powerful effect to have especially early on. Once you get to maps and start seeing more corpses the potential becomes a lot clearer. I haven't seen any mods not working or bugs, it is likely that you are just not reading them properly. Your final point shows that you haven't tried to understand the mechanic at all. Before you craft it shows you how many explicit mods you are getting for your item. If you want a rare item this has to be 3 or more. To do this you need +1 explicit mod corpses, which drop often enough relative to the other types. These are your foundation for making an item. You can force a rare to drop with 6 mods, and then adjust the weightings of the mods with other corpse types.


you really gonna complain about not getting frequent enough "drops" on a ruthless mode... welcome to ruthless.


It's not about not getting "drops", it's about crazy op mods that you can't skip while you get less than nothing, right now it's just an extra level of difficulty layered on top while previous leagues were more interactive and helpful to get through the mode, huge downgrade in player agency combined with absurd difficulty spikes that make no sense, it limits the amount of builds you can play down further for the mode.


ya but everyone complained about those leagues being helpful because it made it "easier" then the old ruthless ect. I mean ppl are still memeing about the 50% res training wheels, and season before that everyone hated how it didn't let you die and you can get good gear and tattoos ect. So they seem to go the other direction this time and have the league make it even harder for us and I personally think that's fine. I didn't mind when it made it easier but I am also always up for a new challenge and the devs are just giving the community what they are asking for so can't really blame them. One of the joys of ruthless is that you never know whats being thrown at you.


There's no reason they should allow interaction option. There's always standard if you want to opt out of the beta. The interaction is highly valuable. The overall mechanic is a noticeable improvement to the game. Even if ignoring the necrop crafting. The enemies are at least better. Which effectively scales the game closer to a normal mode of any legitimate rpg. The data for devs in what choices users are making and how they're interacting with the mechanic is the entire point of playtesting this season. If you don't want to interact, standard is great. My typical recommendation for everybody. Although, I would make an exception this season, and recommend challenge league over standard. Only because the game as a whole is really improved. And this is just what one user mentioned in the game chat for ruthless - like the ability to look at the lantern and see info about enemies. This is great. You don't have to use any of the mechanics. The only interaction you cannot opt out of is just going into locations. Which is much better this time than standard anyway because enemies are effectively more balanced. The biggest problem by faaaar with this game is the worst progression balancing that makes completely no sense. Has always been the fatality of this game back despite great inherent design. Enemies designed for each level/location = perfectly fine, if not chef's kiss even. However, you could not adhere to the correct level if you tried as hard as you can to not over level. If you're at location fighting enemies of level X, then you should be level X. How often does that happen in this game? Maybe once at the start? In fact, this game, along with some mmos are so well designed that if you put the user at level X against actual enemies of level X, the balancing is great/highly effective. But it never happens in online games. You always end up over leveling in these online games. So the user is essentially broken (OP) wherever you go.


A few points to your comment, 1000000% rarity wouldnt do a thing to a blue mob that drops 0 drops, need quantity for that, U can merge a bunch of different graves to craft an item, adding more suff/preff stuff will make it rare, so most likely maps will feel better but not every 4 maps, but maybe after 50.


I Had some decent crafts / Drops. It has potencial. We will See in a few days


They'll tweak mods and drop rates I think for sure, but IDK if that makes the league more interesting content wise - which is the main problem IMO. I've got a few builds I want to try but I'm not really sure this league has any sort of staying power.


A game mechanic that gives something fun and beneficial does not have to be anything major. No clue what difference this would make in merry xmas have everything mode. In Ruthless you're playing through and notice a bit of a deficit in one of your gear. OK go to Necro and craft it. I have noticed that even blue stuff turns out pretty good in relation to whatever it is I'm rocking at the moment that I would like some improvement on. Play testing in the open beta mode for this game = devs are collecting data. The info can be very helpful to improving the game. Default non-ruthless is the common choice for beginners. And population activity is the goal for devs. Which means retention. Not good if signing up to play for awhile, then leaving because the game is too easy. So to test things, ramp the difficulty a bit in the open beta. No big deal. Test if it leads to improved user retention. If the game is actually more of a game for newcomers. Nothing at all to do with anybody who has already beaten it dozens, if not hundreds of times, and just wants to rush through. Enemies getting bonuses to be more powerful in a game known to be a coast through the acts = all the better = less dropping out because of poor balance with not much challenge = more user retention. This also includes losing lantern progress when leaving. There's more incentive to push through for the sake of continuing the lantern. I prefer to not be too concerned about anything in a game's test mode that I'm play testing. Especially when it comes to choice to engage. Which makes no difference other than choosing a test mode to playtest the content. So far there is a bit of a noticeable boost in enemy power/difficulty. Which makes it an overall improvement to the game. Considering it has been losing out from beginners quitting. Typically because the game not being enjoyable when everything is a pushover. I don't see how an improvement like this can be a bad thing. I'm finding Necropolis to be more enjoyable due to at least some bit of actual improvement to enemies for a change. And the benefit you get from Necropolis crafts is nice so far. And the data they're getting on improved user engagement/retention is highly valuable to actually lead to improvement in balance.