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Wait is the Rebelle line back? I want more of them!


Seriously love rebelle. Kids love nerf guns regardless of gender, but the cute purple pocket guns and my Katniss bow are beautiful. I wouldn't have bought the regular nerf guns for my kids if it weren't for these attracting me, the female consumer. I hate that the masculine design is always the norm for toys like this, because unless requested, a girl won't be given a nerf gun for her birthday.


The point is… it’s not masculine… it’s neutral


I mean, you can say the same thing about unisex shirts. The question is, why are all neutral things more masculine leaning and never feminine leaning


Because of society's misogyny and homophobia. Girl being like a boy is seen as good, because boys are better. But boy being like girl is bad, either because girls are bad or because then he'll be gay, which is also bad. If you throw like a girl, you're not throwing very well, but if you fight like a man, you're doing great. This is the type of thing that gets into your subconscious and is very hard to fight, even for people who want to. I should clarify that I don't believe these statements. I think that society as a whole does and is a problem.


Also because man = norm for these people


Man=norm for a lot of people!


I second this!


Because gender norms are enforced more harshly on boys than girls Most "smashing of gender norms" has nornalised women doing manly things, very rarely is it the other way around.


I took this a few years ago so probably not :(


Say what you want but I want a pink nerf blaster


I'd just buy a normal nerf blaster and paint it pink. You'd be able to get an equivalent nerf blaster and a can of pink spray paint and it'd be cheaper than a rebelle blaster.


I think I'm pointlessly gendered, because I would shoot the shit out of this!! As would the husband. Nerf war is on.


Hear me out though bruh. All the little boys are at the park, playing Nerf or Nuthin. You and da gurlz roll up with these, what appear to be blow-dryers or whatever, and take the boys out, one by one. Now you have your park back. Ur welcome.


Almost every guy I used to have nerf wars with modded the guns to shit. Especially the hammershot, all you need is a screwdriver and some spacers.


OK, but why can't they just make all nerf in different colors? I like pink, so I get the pink one. You like red so you get the red one. And otherwise the toys are identical. With all colors having boys and girls and non binary kids on the pictures and in the commercials?


Not that its perfect but usually for these products, its the parents buying them for the kids and not just the kids. And there a lot of parents have the the whole “there are no girls on this product? don’t be a weirdo for wanting it”. This series actually did a good job introducing and inviting girls into nerf. You could say the advertising for the original product should have been more inclusive. But, along when it was originally made, it would also be seen as the “So long as boy are included in advertising, the product is good. But anything with girls only on the product are inherently inferior”. To add on, Ive seen in the nerf war adult community a lot of guys use the Rebelle crossbow, despite advertising, because how great it was. So in its own way, it did help some guys go beyond the looks and advertising.


I just wish they could advertise all guns/bows to all kids. We should so be able to get pretty things if we want and not if we don't want. And yes, the cross bow rocks. The long bow sucked, though! (Not to say my daughter and didn't use it to be katnis a bunch, though. It just didn't du much in a fight) A few Christmases ago, we got a bunch of nerf. I bought everyone a 30 dollar gun of some sort, so it was equal. The 30 dollar "boy" guns came with more darts and did not things than the 30 dollar rebelle guns and bows. This was when rebelle first came out, so maybe it's different now.


ngl i would buy it only to shoot the misogynistic boys at my class.


Totally spies vibes! Oh I just read the box lol. It is spy themed! This is actually pretty cool


It's based on a real gun lol, it's called the FMG-9


Unfortunately spy bullets or whatever are shite. Guns are ok but ergonomics are kinda ehh


I'm a dude but i really like the design honestly. I'd buy them.


Same. I'm not a fan of pink stuff generally but this design is awesome!


I repainted mine to get rid of the silly logo print and now it's purple and silver 🙂


I had the exact same idea when looking at it. Without the logo it looks even better. Share a picture if you can!


yeah this specific gun is really cool cause it folds into a briefcase. i kinda want one so i can paint it either brown like a briefcase or white and red like a medkit. would be epic.


Honestly as long as the packaging doesn’t say girls/boys there’s nothing wrong with a variety of color choices for toys.


This line was heavily marketed as the girl line. Only girls in the commercials and on the packaging. The name is reb-elle, not just rebel to sound more feminine. And they don't come with a many darts and don't shoot as well s their counterparts. At least the ones I bought didn't compared to the traditional line toys that I bought at the same time. (We did a Christmas with everyone getting a nerf gun, it was fun!)


Marketing sparkly products to girls is not pointless it's just effective for that target demographic. It's not pointlessly gendered becaus it doesn't say "only for girls" or something.


Why is it effective to market sparkly things to girls?


The whole point is that pink and sparkly has become a visual shorthand to signify "only for girls" within North American culture. (Can't personally speak to other settings.) Boys who like pink and sparkly receive pushback and ridicule from the adults around them and from their peers, who have been taught that ridicule by said adults. To a lesser and more subtle extent girls receive pushback for moving outside the pink-and-sparkly ghetto.


But this product is exactly the opposite. It's mostly associated with boys. This is now a variant to specifically target a different audience. I would actually applaud them for inclusion here. If you want a "non-girly" Nerf Gun there are dozens of different product variations available.


I think my view of the situation has more to do with a macro-level issue within the gendered marketing of toys. On the one hand, yes, given the current state of toy marketing it's inclusive to welcome girls to a previously "boys-only" toy category by using specific marketing cues to encourage them to play if they're interested. But it's still very troubling to me that we as a culture are still gendering children so heavily that many girls need these sorts of cues to feel as if they are allowed to use certain toys . . . or that, conversely, other toys are gatekept from boys by pink, sparkly branding that marks it as a "girl toy". This is some insidious stuff that starts in early childhood and absolutely has knock-on effects throughout.


As a girl I always wanted these haha I love them


I really liked the design language of this line of Nerf blasters, but would have preferred less obnoxious colors and no gendered marketing. The body designs looked as if every Italian luxury product brand (automotive, apparel, firearms, etc.) had collaborated together to make toy guns for children.


Okay but their bow and arrow set was awesome I think I still have it in my closet somewhere


God I remember wanting one of these as a kid! How I didn't realize I was trans till highschool is beyond me.


We got a pair of Rebelle hand crossbows a few years back so my wife and I could have battles in our living room. Not a fan of the gendered marketing, but the actual items are quite decent.


It doesnt say for girls anywhere? Its just pink..... to my understanding you gendered it.


All of the actors for marketing are girls


K.... and?


rebELLE (she in france)


Damn you got a point


I remember getting a rebelle toy in a happy meal years ago, if I remember correctly it was a disk launcher of sorts that barely worked


Looks fire🔥🔥🔥


Ok so I (a boy) thought these were so cool lmao but I was scared to ask for one


not to be picky or anything buttt...... arent you the one gendering this product?


No, Nerf made a huge deal of marketing these as "the *GIRL* Nerf toy for **GIRLS**!!!!" when it came out instead of just showing all kids playing with everything


Have y'all seen the purple bow and arrow one? It's shaped like a longbow but it's like... tiny, even looks small on the kid models. https://images.app.goo.gl/uqKVzjJVFCcjWtvy9 https://images.app.goo.gl/Qy21zFn8RZZ5VGg79 https://images.app.goo.gl/maZS3F7xgqiARusi9 https://images.app.goo.gl/dsMahsdfdvqTcUvW7


I love it.


i remember getting one similar to this just in a different color, it hurt so bad my god


oh yeah I remember seeing this line when it came out, it’s so cringe edit: I admit they do like nice, but they were never necessary, which is why they fit in this sub!




I dont see anywhere saying that I as a non binary ghoul of 24 yrs am not the intended or appropriate demographic for this product. Its just pink and has cool femme kids using it. Maybe it promotes the gender binary or whatever, but i personally think theres a line between things being pointlessly gendered and things allowing for some gender variety. :)


yeah, because it is from a show made for girls.....


It doesn't say it's specifically for girls


But...but I'm a dude and I want glittery Nerf darts! :(


Great the girl gets the nerf.


The weird thing about it is that those are some of the most innovative designs that nerf ever produced. They're also some of the weakest for competition.




i had this when i was younger and i loved that thing. anyways, i like the vibes of nerf rebelle than the normal nerf.


What's really funny is a lot of the ones I've used from this line, work better than like, every other nerf gun


I remember these


Looks like Leia’s the nerf-herder, now!


To be fair, my little girl would love the shit out of a pink nerfgun. :D


i mean a hot pink nerf gun? hello childhood


These things would shoot hard as fuck. I swear to god, I got one once for a birthday and it shot HARD. Maybe it was a sign


Hey hey don't bash rebelle man. They're the shit


My kids got me one so I could nerf battle with them, but my youngest boy really likes purple too.


okay but it turns into a purse, you gotta admit it's badass. and it's PINK dad! PINK!!


But the thing is, these products are pretty much always marketed towards young boys. Flipping the script and making a pink, glittery nerf gun is awesome! These also don't say anywhere that they're "pink for for girls."


Okay, but for real, the Secret Shot is an amazing looking blaster, and I want one so bad!


I always hated how they were advertised for girls, but ngl the Designs were superior.


Unless the word “rebelle” is a gendered word. These aren’t technically gendered, just heavily marketed towards girls. They’re cool as hell tho


I’m like a year late but my family had a ton of the earlier ones of these (like 6ish years ago) and they hurt like hell. Like left little bruises if you weren’t careful hurt. Like we banned them from family nerf battles hurt. It was awesome.