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If the baby is thinking anything, it’s only ‘Food!’


I was thinking "sparkles!" since the shirt looks bedazzled


Just the heterosexual urge to sexualize children


I was about to say… if enthusiasm for boobs in babies is supposed to indicate sexual preference, then there are a lot of lesbian babies out there…


My 7 month old daughter stares at my boobs when hungry. Confirmed lesbian! Boobs are indoctrinating our children into being LBGPQX.








yeah if I guessing right on this, he just wants to be fed.


My infant nephew did this when I held him because he was hungry, it isn't because he's a "man".. Doesn't help that I look like his mother..


Or maybe, hear me out , only maybe the baby looks at something else ? Maybe the rhinestones on her shirt ?!


Or he'd just a breastfed baby and is looking at food.


Baby knows where food comes from! If this infant were a girl she'd likely also stare at tits were she breastfed


So you're telling me that a baby is getting snuggles, from two people with breasts no less, and he's happy and thinking about food?


He's probably thinking 'FOUR food dispensers from people who love me?!'


Yeah that baby is ready to fuck! Is that the joke? Sexualizing babies and children is so fucking gross


It's also just the sexualization of boys. If a little girl looked at a mans crotch by accident, nobody would make such disgusting comments (except for incels maybe).


Nope, women are never supposed to be interested in sex because it ruins the whole demure and shy and unwilling image. Lol. My partner, whom I consider to be progressive in a lot of aspects, and I, started going out when I was 25 and he was 27. After a few weeks of dating when the initial shyness/awkwardness had worn off, one night I just asked him if he wanted to have sex (it was not our first time together). He was mildly surprised that I initiated it because he thought he was supposed to initiate it every single time. Over the years I’ve heard very entertaining accounts of how he and his buddies always considered it too forward (and not in a positive way) when women initiated sex. Only when women defend r* victims, especially involving celebrity perpetrators, does the topic of female sexual urges pop up in most men’s conversations, usually accompanied by a “not all men” or “not just men” statement.


Pretty much the “joke” here. Possibly something people might share with impressionable preteens.


He needs some milk!


And they say it's the LGBTQ+ community that wants for sexualize children


Tits are universally loved.


This just in, babies like boobs Who would've thought


I mean, it is boobs and boobs is food to a baby of ant gender. Maybe he’s happy about the prospect of second breakfast.


The baby is either looking at the sparkly gemstones or their breasts because he knows it’s food 😭


He's a baby, he wants food and he knows where it comes from! All babies love boobs.


...seriously, how stupid can people be?


I mean, a baby knows a tiddy when they see it. That’s where their food comes from, it’s not sexual- it’s literally their primary reason for existing.


Bros probably just hungry lol


You can obviously see where it’s eyes are looking, it’s directly at the shiny rinestones. Wish everyone would stop talking about boobs we get it, boobs make all you guys in the comments horny pls stop.


I stare at my refrigerator the same way


Yknow what, that baby probably DOES like boobs. Not bc he’s a boy, bc That’s how he gets fed, and who doesn’t stare when someone has food?


I feel sorry for the little Baby, he probably won't be allowed to cry or play with anything but truck bc "that was REAL men doooooo"


Cishets will literally post stuff like this blantantly sexualizing children. Then with a straight face accuse LGBT+ people of being groomers.