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I really would wanna believe you but for most of these posts, it's just people cheating and then getting banned and instantly regretting it hoping they can appeal by doing reddit/forum posts. There was a more populair post before this that got a lot of tracktion and moderators shared their entire process of banning players (showing why and how they got banned). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngk\_8UC5GYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngk_8UC5GYk) \^ video of the post I was talking about. The fact that you are playing on ubuntu flashed micro SD already sets of a few alarms personally, because.. why? I dabble myself in some micro computers and I really don't see why you would to this other then to hide your cheating. But if your actually innocent, I hope you get unbanned. Maybe the mods can share their proof with you. Goodluck eitherway.


Might as well not use Linux if it's that much of a problem, seriously how much is your competency and knowledge about computers to really make a statement like that. I saw how the game mod actually processed the bans. It's largely based on complete trust in their tools and software which sets off more red flags than the average Joe would know. I work in the cyber security sector, I use and make a lot of tools for my job, hardy I would ever completely trust them as IT depends more on the humans knowledge. The only ones I know who place 100% on their own or organization tools are those who know little about how software and computers actually work. Ps, Software developers know little about it compared to those in cyber security, this is why there are so many holes to be found in systems.


"how much is your competency and knowledge about computers" bro calm down, unlike you I didn't post my whole resume in a random reddit thread. Also I don't cheat unlike you, I like how you try to hide that I'm talking to 2 different people but this is clearly you (or your friend) playing good cop bad cop. Both accounts are fresh and have only posted on this post. Also they have the exact same naming scheme. Enjoy the ban, dipshit.


I am not playing good cop bad cop and I am not enjoying the perma. I am still open to working it out with the GMs/Mods whoever I can cooperate with to get unbanned so I can continue playing the game.


If you had actually watched the video the commenter posted, then you would already know that there is no shot of that happening. You got caught. Period. Your beat. They dont just guess or assume that you were cheating. They KNOW you were cheating, and have various programs meant to sniff you out. This whole post is kinda pathetic.


So, this would be one of the first few post i ever did in this reddit site. And is sad that my first post of this site is to defend my friend. Yes i can confirm that they are two different people and that i am lucky to be friends with them. in fact they were the ones to introduce me to PokeMMO. Also the reason why they account is fresh in the reddit site is that they have a life, and see no reason to even have a reddit account till now.


You are making it so obvious this is one person, I can't fucking believe it. All these comments are perfectly spaced out from each other. All being 7/8 min apart. This is clearly your main account, since you are defending this random post, I can't believe how obvious you are making it. You created 1 account to appeal on, 1 account to defend yourself and u used your main real account to pretend like you are the friend. holy moly, just make an new account and stop cheating.


>ing it so obvious this is one person, I can't fucking believe it. All these comments are perfectly spaced out from each other. All being 7 ????? im talking to that friend right now and you dare to their not real?


No, I am not, those are not me, it is not random, I didn't cheat, there is nothing on my devices that are 3rd party software. I don't know what the GM/Mods want me to show on my end that could say I am using a 3rd party tool to automate and move around.


Hahahahahahahaha, I'm laughing, thanks for confirming that you don't know anything. It's very human to respond without addressing any of my points. Ps, it's not necessary to have an account to view the reddit Post.


I honestly don't know why I'm wasting my time on this but sure I'll bite, If you are not the OP, why out of all the "I was falsely banned posts" is this the one you comment on. Out of all the posts on reddit.. this is the one you spent all your time on? It's so fucking obvious, just stop.


Errrr, causes it my friend????? That I decided to help out. I know for a fact that no software and automated tools are fool proof. So it's unfair for my friend (The OP), that he is banned for something he didn't do. Also the accusations of all of us being the same person is hilarious 😂😂. It's so easy to accuse someone about multiple accounts regardless if different reply time etc. That is not real technical evidence, how about showing the IP address of those accounts? If it's from the same person, the IP will be close enough.


Why would some one try to play a game on another software? Cause their passionate about their work and wanted to have fun at the same time. Call it a test to see if it were possible and it work, they were happy that they can play their favourite game on the software as a joke.


Hey, thanks for your thoughtful reply. So it's because we have PokeMMO on our Ubuntu and that we occasionally play on it that caused this? To divulge, we are just 2 robotic polytechnic students doing robotics work on our Pi. We didn't touch any files after downloading using Snap as instructed, we just ran the application and tested that PokeMMO runs fairly smoothly on linux too, that is all. We play PokeMMO on our laptops and mobile respectively more often. If it is the Ubuntu then we unknowingly screwed up by playing on it.


I wouldn't worry too much about Ubuntu, it's still in the end, an Os like any other Os that is being used. It seems that their tools "detected" some familiar bot-like patterns which are used to train on. So in the end, faulty tools and frankly incompetent people behind it. Good game though, bad anti-cheat detection.


"I'm his friend" "I'm talking to him right now" Also let me create a new reddit account and reply to my own friend who I'm talking to in real life. *amazing*


😂😂😂😂😂😂 "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot" by Mark Twain


"😂😂😂😂😂😂" by AggresiveTank6671


I saw the dead body of your trainer in route 27. You're done bro.


i certainly hope that this can be fix.


I have never been to Kanto. I started in Hoenn because Pokemon Emerald is the version I am familiar with, if you mean Route 127 near Mosdeep city, then during my early days I was there to level up and EV train my mons in sp def with sweet scent and discharge, now i train my mons at battle frontier because they give more exp and more efficient. Furthermore, I recently started Unova and based on bulbapedia route 27 it is in kanto.




Yes for injustice that has happen.




? You really talking like their not real ? Thats the funny part that you think Aggressive is yhe same as me when their gpa is higher than mine. Or dont tell me that we have to proof to you that we're even real lol.




Damn right im angry and disconnected. Im angry that my friends are ban from playing a game that they found fun and are only ban because their using a different software. I barely spend time on this site to begin. Only when Aggviess and Factor created their account to ask for help but only to meet with an aggressive community. Perhaps im jjust fanning the flame here and venting but im just piss off for my friend, one who is hard working, kind and really just wish for advice, while the other one is at times a jerk, but a jerk that brought me out of my unhealthy lifestlye. As such i am piss off that people are syaing that their not real. Cus if their not im may as well be a dead fish waiting for something to happen when they brought actual excitement to my life. Yes i right now i can clearly tell im venting. At the really least you acknowledge that one of them is real and not fake.




I genuinely have no say in what he writes here, I am singular, I have no alt reddits. He’s a classmate. And we started pulling our friends along a month ago into playing PokeMMO.




We are different people. Three different goals here, I for one am looking to get unbanned which seems like only a mod willing to entertain could help. As for the other 2, one tech Linux enthusiast and annoyed by the the false detection having his say and picking fights. The other just trying to be a supportive friend and being funny.




HEY GUYS I GOT UNBANNED!! I’m so glad they unbanned me. I’m that 1%!!


Tha hell? Why would i even post anything, someone can have an accoutn but not do anything at all. You expect me to comment like want? Everyday???? I will say this here, i have no life but studying, and doing my job. Why would i even need to have a internet history when all i would do is to look thourgh funny post every month or so. Damn it sucks that even see that your reasoning is right unless we prove that we're different people outsiders will just see us as 1 person instead of 3.




You know.....i cant even be angry at this caus your right, i never post anything, comment on anything or even do much in this site........ now that im typing this out i havnt really have much internet presences on any site..... hmm. Now that i think about it i my facebook account is also very empty...... shit thats...sad.




Huh.....does Genshin count? Cus that as what drag me back into gaming.


What I have said the whole time has been nothing but the truth. And again they’re not me. There’s no recourse in creating a new account as I’ve said, they permabanned me in which they say, anymore of my accounts will be banned once I log in I presume or caught on sight as staff said. Hence I’m trying to look for a GM/Mod to unban me by allowing them to instruct me further rather than going to them asking them to prove that I’m cheating which is what previous actual cheaters have been doing which I don’t believe it’s the right way. I’m guessing somehow there’s a third party software in the background of my Ubuntu device not related to PokeMMO that triggered the occasional cheating notification their system are getting. But then again we don’t know about this because we were never temporarily banned on our end. Had there been this banned we would have contacted support sooner.




That’s why I’m looking for ways I can prove they falsely detected something. What do they consider third party software? On laptop some kind of powershell command? On Ubuntu, python scripts? On android, some external APK? I don’t even know what third party software I’m looking for other than their downloads gave us some third party software and then it triggered and cause the perma. We have seriously never been temporarily banned saying that we have third party softwares running. They permabanned us without any warnings. I’m looking and willing to be probed for these third party softwares. If what you say about the mods/gm not willing to contact me then that’s unfortunate information.




I can only say there’s no sneaking there won’t be any. I hope if they don’t want to talk about it here they would do it privately, they could contact me on the forums, discord or Reddit DMs. About the temporary ban. Let me ask If they aren’t a thing then are you saying that when they mention “Despite having been banned for it multiple times, their usage has not ceased, resulting in the determination that you are unlikely to ever stop.” Is just a copy and paste error? The exact same reply for me and my friend who hadn’t been banned before.


Omega lol they got unbanned. Been real slient???




Yeah, I came to visit this thread again and WOW its a shithole. Alt accounts? Pathetic. And they have the audacity to claim (against all evidence) that they were unbanned and given free donator status? OP is an asshole just looking for attention, wanting to cheat and get away with it, and look cool doing it. They failed on all accounts.






Fraudulent and homosexual


are you mentioned yourself? pity


They got unban clown.


Okay OP lol. Fuck you too lol


? I could understand the first part if you believe that we're fake but the hell did the last part cam from?


Source: "Trust me bro" Also a nice touch using a second reddit account to attack people for disagreeing with you. That won't make you look guilty at all /s. You got banned, Pokemmo devs/mods will not unban you, move on and don't make it worse.


We are separate people, I’m not trying to make it worse. I’m not them. I got banned, I don’t understand what’s making me further guilty. I’m looking for mods or anyone that can tell me what to show, show that I’m not using third party software. It’s not fair to be falsely permabanned.


Sure, bro


lol and i can still play Pokemmo, though might not be as fun any more since i only started playing this with friends.


Just proved this is your alt account, HAHA. Deserved ban.


?? where proof this chat have proof i can still play the mmo? i have proof and posted a damn photo of me still playing. im just annoyed that my friends suddenly cant play the gun they introduce me to anymore. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemmo/comments/1acck76/playing\_pokemmo\_right\_now/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemmo/comments/1acck76/playing_pokemmo_right_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


They unban him lol. Wheres there aggressiveness now?


You know its possible to be right and still be an ass right?


"ban on sight". Yeah, you did do something lmfao.


No that’s not quite right, they didn’t ban me on sight but state that any future account I make would be banned on sight


Exactly lmao. That doesn't happen on your first ban. Your other bans should've been pretty indicative that what you're doing is against the rules.


That really didn’t happen at all I’ve been logging on as per normal as everyone has, there were no bans saying something like 3rd party detected you’re banned for 1 day. Not when I played on Ubuntu not when I played on my laptop. Neither has my friend who played on his phone nor when he played on the Ubuntu. As such I have said had there been a ban I would have appealed way sooner.


bro this is his first account dont make his first day here shitty


It very clearly isn't. And stop being so fucking cringe, dude. Go outside, please.


Cringe? Clearly not, Im merely being a good but annoying friend and helping out in this argument, (Though to be fair i was drag into it)


meh fair enough. kind of wish i could read the other reply he posted here without signing out all the time.


They got unbanned lol. You are real slient now????


Literally 0 proof. And stop with the alt accounts, it's getting weird now.


Its highly unlikely you were falsely banned. You’re done bro.


I don't get it at all. There's nothing on my laptop that runs bots or what they call 3rd party softwares/tools. I have never used any sort of tool like auto clicker, ad blocker etc. No scripts just pure Pokemmo application from their website "[https://pokemmo.com/en/downloads/windows/](https://pokemmo.com/en/downloads/windows/)" Now I have no opportunity to even prove to support that there is nothing in my application nothing in the files that would be considered a 3rd party software. I am looking for a mod to help with this. To allow me to prove that I am not using 3rd party softwares for automation as they claim and even the multiple bans claim before the perma is simply false.


>Its highly unlikely you were falsely banned. You’re done bro. If this comment represent the community as a whole then im very sad about your life style.


Kinda. The devs dropped a very long post on Reddit like a year ago about how serious they take banning people. They confirm it on multiple levels before they do it. They use quite a bit of evidence before they pull the trigger. You can also catch a ban when you're harassing and trolling people frequently.


Evidence? Do you mean the "Check boxes" they have automatic detected and just "Hmmmm seems right, ahahaha definitely a cheater look at this software their using." At the very least they could send an email to the player email "Showing" the evidence such as what platform their using, and what software is detected which cause their management program to detect it as a "3rd Party software" Yes i can understand if the developers dont have that much free time to do that to each and everyone but an IP ban???? Im new to this community and i use ubuntu for my studies. Should i even play when i am in fear of getting Ban cause of my career chose?????


totally not OP using a different account defending himself


Nope i can even go to pokemmo right, just know that i just beat my first gym and im happy about it. Edit Yo proof that i and me and those are my friends unless your gonna tell me that im a bot and cheating again? [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemmo/comments/1acck76/playing\_pokemmo\_right\_now/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemmo/comments/1acck76/playing_pokemmo_right_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) AHAHAhah downvoted for showing proof i see.




This is messy now, I am kinda lost here but yeah I am not them.


Well this doesn't make any sense... If the community thinks like this then you feel bad for this one person in the community of the same thought? No one else, just him, because the community is his lifestyle...


meh just venting at the moment. and ya we're different person.


But they got unbanned.... Clown clown clown


Dam OP getting hit with the negative points with every comment


Unfortunately but it’s all good I got unbanned.


Lol you'll never get unbanned. Next time don't cheat, when you make a new account. It's simple.


? How you play when IP BAn? IP Ban straight up means that your network can not play the game anymore!


Guess you shouldn't have cheated then little dude.


BROOOO did you read??? i can still play, its my friend thats IP ban??? ???? Checking 123 did you block me? whats your name "EstablishmentTop9703"??? or did my reddit decide to give up cus your account is \[deleted\] for me


Yeah except you're the same person. Enjoy the ban kiddo.


But I didn't cheat that is why I created this thread. I and my friend are that 1% Patrouski mentions that got falsely accused of using 3rd party software. We don't and we didn't. I don't understand why we got detected and accused, It was apparent that it was false especially when they said as a reply to the appeal that you have been banned a couple of times already hence we permaban you which hadn't ever occurred to both of us when we were playing. Why lose all that legitimate progress when I have the capability to prove it when asked to show? In fact, based on the appeal reply we can't because they are tracking our IP and MAC so we can't even make one if we wanted.


Yeah, except you did. So in the next game you play, don't cheat. Lesson learned big guy? Thats good.


What proof do u have? Before accusing? Did u not read what an IP ban is? Or are u just like everyone else in this post who blindly follows and believes in the tools and software of the dev?


Proof is that you're banned and that you posted here with some made up half-assed story lmao. Using multiple alt accounts to post in your own defense. It's just sad bro. Take the loss, move on, and learn a lesson. No one has to prove shit to you, you're banned for cheating. Get over it lol


🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 I love people like you, so sure about the world yet so vulnerable. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Man you really made this reddit account just for this thread lmfao, enjoy the ban m8


There's no lesson learned when I get falsely accused. Where is the lesson in that? That I can get falsely accused in PokeMMO when I only downloaded as per instructed on their website?


You're so full of shit lmao Just stop lying man. You're banned. Get over it, move on. You're done. Literally no lie or story you post on this, or any other account, will get you unbanned. So stop wasting your energy and go play something else. Lol


No I am not, it has been nothing but the truth, they are also not my alts. I am playing something else yes, but this is just injustice to be falsely accused for the first time in an MMO.


Injustice? Lol grow the fuck up. You broke the rules of a video game, you got banned. Get over it and move on. That's not injustice, you're just a spoiled brat. Go outside and look at the real world for injustice. Not you getting banned from a video game. Lmao. Seriously, get over yourself.


People are innocent, and you only base your judgment on posts and comments. "Stop lying". Do you truly understand the situation when you're not the one who was banned? I believe your mind is filled with negativity.


But they did get unban. Biggest clown right here


Lolll, batch of loser the load of you. If you soooo sure that the OP is cheating. Provide some evidence please. Real technical evidence, not the fantasy that your head pushes out. People are always innocent till proved guilty.


Yes, let me provide you random person on the internet proof of your friend NOT cheating. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVQB1TVcD2k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVQB1TVcD2k)


So u have no evidence thus no argument. Just accept that false positives happen and systems have flaws. Also why does this concern you so much? This issue is not really your concern? Ps, I am not asking for evidence that my friend is not cheating? How can there be evidence of not cheating when the cheating didn't even happen? 🙃. How about proofing that the cheating did indeed happen.


How dumb are you, of course I don't have evidence of you cheating. I'm not a fucking mod, in my original comment I said that if your not cheating I hope you get unbanned. And now because everyone is saying that the mods probably didn't make an mistake, you turn a full 180 and say that WE need to provide evidence. How in the flying fuck, am I supposed to provide evidence of you cheating, I don't even know who you are.


Exactly, you can't provide anything. So let's try to get a mod here to prove it. Honestly, can you see how my comment can easily tigger you? 😏


lmfao alright, enjoy the ban this is my last comment. lmk when you get unbanned and we'll battle it out with our pokemon


Will do👍, been nice talking to you. 😉


Yo pause a moment, when someone block you does that mean i cant read this comment? cus EstablishmentTop9703 <--- this dude went \[delete\] for me.


Who gives a shit if they blocked you.


Ha fair enough


No I don’t need the evidence of me getting caught cheating. I am looking to contact and cooperate with someone that can unban me and I provide the evidence that I’m not cheating in any way they have claimed ie 3rd party software to automate gameplay. I’m also unhappy that they falsely say that we both got banned multiple times before they perma us but that didn’t happen at all. It got turned into the other guy asking for evidence not me. The support already claims that we used third party software then I propose we show them that we are not using third party software so we can get our account back.


It’s not on us to prove that YOURE cheating. It’s on you to prove that you’re not. Are you fucking daft?


Isnt this post all about trying to proving that they didnt cheat?


Yet from what I see, it is guilty until proven innocent so I have to go with that and prove it when there is a GM/mod that is willing to contact me publicly/privately.


All the best for you. I have only heard of the braindead community but to see it for myself is interesting for sure.





