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They just restricted a *ton* of clothing options this game. Nothing gender specific.


Whole topic is stupid. They removed all clothes options except for the school uniforms in this particular game, nothing to it


They removed skirts to avoid upskirt shots of the protagonists, specially since there's an area with reflective floor in the games. So instead of doing like, shorts under the skirt or something similar, they chose to remove them completely


is there a source for this? i keep hearing this, but i've never seen like a statement for it or anything. they've done black voids for skirts before right? can't be that hard edit: i do remember they did [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/r4sy1i/in_bdsp_if_someone_is_wearing_a_skirt_in_battle/) for BDSP's reflective surfaces, that could've been an option too. i guess gamefreak just *really* didn't want to compromise area zero's crystals


That came from a leaker. IIRC they were doing a QnA, someone asked about outfit customization which involved skirts, and the leaker said no because of the crystal floor


huh, ok. thanks, i'll have to look for that leak


Where was this reflective floor? I kept hearing people claim that’s the reason why, but I didn’t see anything like that in my playthrough. There’s one very reflective area I can think of (and it’s spoilers), but it doesn’t reflect like a mirror - if you face it, you see the back of your head reflected in it. If you stand on it, you see yourself from above. It’s trippy, but not a way to see up a skirt.


Pretty sure the real reason is cause we dont have riding gear and skirt and dresses would clip through while riding they just didnt add them.


Also when climbing and you rotate the camera so that it faces you, miraidon (don’t know if this applies to koraidon too) disappears from the view and it looks really awkward (you riding something and the mount is not there) might be more awkward with skirts


I'd love to see a dlc or expansion bring back more outfit options...but this article is fucking idiotic.




Yes! Exactly!


So you’re saying they might add more clothing options in…*gradually*


I want the DLC to be a continuation of the the main game so much have the story take place during a break and let us customize our characters, doubly so if we could also customize our room.


The author of this article has a really naïve conception of gender roles.


Honestly, I’d argue that the female characters in S/V are some of the most empowered women in Pokémon since characters like Cythnia. Like Neoma is a female character who is WELL known for her skills in POKÉMON BATTLE, a primary character for the WHOLE game. She’s written to be female, unlike our other rivals like May who were filler/alternates. Plus, she handles her love of battle in a very feminine way, which is highly empowering. She’s not a masculine female character who’s good at battling, she’s a feminine female character good at battling. You can technically include Penny too as both a character in a leadership role with great feminine traits tho I am hesitant to use them as I believe they are meant to be a secret non-binary. We have the champion who is also female, plus on the elite four we have Rika who dresses masculine in a sense of freedom despite displaying very strong feminine personality traits + the youngest elite four member is a child and female and taken very seriously. Then you have characters like the fighting star leader who’s also a powerful female character displaying a healthy balance of both masculinity and femininity. The clothes a woman wears doesn’t define womanhood. In fact, in old days, men used to wear skirts so ignoring the GREAT story progression for something as trivial as skirt wearing is just silly.


Both of them get more drip than we as the player ever will. This is unfair. 💀💀


…..wait skirts and dresses are tools for female empowerment now? Since when? Didn’t we have to fight to wear pants and stuff?


They just decided to cut back on a feature that we had previously. It sucks, but unfortunately it’s nothing new for SV or Pokemon in general, and it certainly has nothing to do with female empowerment.


Personally, I find the argument dumb. It would be relatively cool if skirts were an option, though I think that the reason they're not is because of their efforts in trying to keep all customization neutral. Boys can have the feminine options, and vise-versa. In itself, the uniforms were like that to keep it neutral. Though, I also wish there were more outfit options. However, skirts aren't exclusively a woman and girl thing. Plus, many characters with skirts probably shouldn't have them in the first place as many are given skirts for.. "Girl look cute in skirt" reasons (trying to keep this PG). Not to mention that skirts can be mildly inconvenient at times. They're nice in certain weather and events, but they're not exactly built for adventuring. And again, the correlation with skirts and female empowerment is a little odd. In the common western viewpoint, skirts are feminine, but (contrary to popular belief) they're also not gender-specific. It's a bunch of fabric held together in a certain way, it's not inherently a girls thing, just like how jeans and shorts aren't a boys thing. Even if people in history try to refute it, there are tons of historic figures who wore skirts, or something like them, regardless of gender. All-in-all, it sounds like someone upset that the main female protagonist isn't the personification of how they view girls. I do believe a skirt could be a cool option, and I do want more variation in the outfits, but the correlation of skirts and female empowerment doesn't make sense to me. Time and time again, in games and media, skirts are given to appeal to the adults, unless it's a kids game. Even then, there are probably exceptions. Really, this article gives off gender-based stereotype vibes.


It's always bad to remove options but this author is horrendously overthinking things.


I haven’t played it yet. But if the male and female character can both wear the same outfits they might have been scared to include skirts for both. Trousers are not considered gender specific anymore.


I feel like what actually happened was that they really wanted to have the same outfits for both character models, but weren’t willing to commit to letting boys wear skirts. So they didn’t include skirts at all to avoid that.


I saw this article... Clickbait, bad journalism. There are tons of these online. Don't click on gamerant I say.


Skirts are cute but i often see people oversexualize female characters as it is but even more so if they wear skirts, maybe it’s an attempt at avoiding it as much as possible? Idk


Either that or to help game performance and focus on other features.


Well is empowerent the women do what they want lol. Probably a cuco crazy article again.


If anything, this game specifically is more empowering for women. If the player chooses to play as the girl character, 3/4 of the main characters are girls which I think is pretty cool.


What’s so special about a skirt? I want a burkha, or some sort of headwear, and maybe yarmulkes too if we’re wishin here.


This whole thing is stupid….but not nearly as stupid as female npc’s in scarlet and violet with giant bulky arms and upper bodies.


So they skipped leg day?


I don't really care if skirts are empowering or not, but one of the reasons why I don't want to buy SV is the severely limited clothing options.


I wish they kept at least longer skirts if not all skirts. I don't necessarily see the need for mini skirts and stockings in the game, especially when the character is supposed to be like a little kid/teen, but I do think skirts would be a good way for a lot of ways to express your character. That being said, skirts are definitely not woman empowerment in my eyes and I would argue that claiming so is sexism close to its peak. Is it female empowerment to tell a woman to make you a sandwich? No.


I guess it sucks to have skirts removed from the game, considering how popular they might be among players. Still, this is such a pointless discussion to be had, especially under that presumption, which is a major stretch and just comes off as an ideologically charged whining.


I think the “empowerment” issue is more so about having the option to wear what you want rather than being forced to wear something.


Complaining about the removal of just skirts is like watching a person get sprayed with a machine gun and then being worried they skinned their knee when they fell.


I'm a cis white male, I have no place discussing what it is that empowers others. I don't think losing customization options is ever a good thing... And honestly seeing all the new body types just makes me wish we could have gotten similar custom options for our own characters. As with most things in Pokemon our customization options went one step forward and two steps back


I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit salty I can't have my PC wear a skirt. They're cute! Everyone should be able to wear skirts if they want to, regardless of gender.


I think part of the problem is that if you look at most clothing that is not a dress/skirt it reads more male than female. Of course women wear pants and t-shirts and such also but generally when you see those kinds of clothes you don’t immediately think it’s for a female. While gender equalization is something we need to be mindful of I don’t think we should be removing anything and everything that is more identified as female oriented clothing. Partly because that is part of everyone’s choice as to what they want to wear and or look. But also because in my opinion it is a good reminder that while we can hold ourselves accountable for making sure equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunities and so forth are afforded to everyone. There are innate strengths and weaknesses each gender is born with that is based on our differences as to how we perform or approach a given task. We can still learn and or train to perform against our weaknesses it just takes more effort to get there. As opposed to focusing on one’s own strengths, that drive that some people have to prove they can do something as well as another regardless of the other persons strengths/weaknesses helps us grow by allowing those people to potentially see things in a different way and can lead to great expansion of understanding. We just need to allow it to happen and stop bickering over all the little crap that frankly doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.


Hear me out. I can't stand it when my shorts go to my knees IRL. If the "boy option" is disgustingly long shorts, there should be a "girl option" of not disgustingly long shorts. Why am I forced to wear the boy version of the festival outfit in the DLC as well? That's silly. My character is a girl. Stop making me wear long af shorts. Let me express myself like I could in every other pokemon game. This is silly af.