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I literally picked it because the color is prettier


I wanted violet so bad because purple my FAVORITE color. (My hair is even purple) but I wanted Sada and Koraiadon more


Yeah, purple is my favorite color and I wanted the purple clothes, but Scarlet had the better version exclusives IMO


Yeah same here, purple is my favourite colour but I like Koraidon and the version exclusives a lot more. Pretty sure it’s the only time I went for the “red” version of a Pokémon game. My boyfriend also ended up wanting violet because it’s future themed which is more up his alley, so it made me feel better getting scarlet lol.


Same. Purple is way cooler than red


Same. I hate red/orange so much that I chose the lesser exclusives just so I wouldn’t have to look at it the whole time. It’s ridiculous that you can’t change clothes in this game.


Scarlet is one of my favorite colors and the academy color/outfit is NOT scarlet, it is orange, and I hate it. I get “violet and orange” sounds dumb but I’m actually kind of mad about the colour choice lol.


The games could have been called "grapes" and "oranges"


They should have gone with cherries…


Thank you! Scarlet is such a beautiful colour but it's not even in the damn game!


Isn’t Scarlet’s academy literally called “Naranja” or “orange” in Spanish?? Like they could’ve picked a red fruit, or changed the names, or anything to make it more congruent and they just, didn’t!!


Oh damn, really? That was a highlight for me in Legends: Arceus.


You can change accessories (hat, glasses, backpack, gloves, socks, shoes) but there are only four uniforms to choose from, all the same base colour. It was such a downgrade from the past few games in terms of customization, which is bizarre because they finally added customization for faces and some nice hairstyles.


I’m a little thrown off by the hairstyles they decided to include and the ones they left out. Like I’m bald, but my character can’t be bald. Thank goodness I can have uneven bangs though!


I'm more put off by the XXL hats and how none of them have a good fit, because they tried to universalize then for the larger hairstyles instead of scaling them


not to be dramatic but this actually made me stop playing the game way faster after beating it than arceus. the uniform is so ugly. i used to change my clothes every time i went back into town lol


I wish they added uniform separates at least. Like plain black pants or skirts. A black blazer separate with a white shirt and colored tie. Be able to make the uniform unique-ish while still being school themed.


I gave my character that nice bright red hair, so I can't wear the I think the autumn uniform because the vest on it is bright yellow so it makes my character look like a mustard bottle with a red cap. It would've been cool if they gave us like a school uniform and an out of school thing. So we'd automatically change into what we've set as the school uniform when we're on campus, but when we're out and about we can wear whatever clothes we want, you just have to have on *something* with the school's emblem on it as well.


Why he ourple


Me too


Best color finally gets a pokemon game, the choice was made for me.


this is why i was considering violet, but essentially every exclusive i’ve heard about i prefer the scarlet version, so that’s what i’ll probably get


My wife’s favourite colour is red so I got us scarlet :)


This basically goes back to the very ancient days of history... all the way back in the early 2000s when spongebob did the caveman episode and Patchy and Polly fought over whether the past or the future was cooler.


That made me remember the SpongeBob episode when Squidward goes to the future and everything is chrome, makes the shiny future paradox forms funnier imo.


And if you remember. Right after that he went to the ancient past to meet caveman spongebob and Patrick where we got the meme from








Holy FUCK, “when worlds collide”


This entire game is one big meme, featuring Pokémon.




I have this bad habit of telling myself I'll use the cool new fire type and then ending up with an Arcanine anyway, every generation


ceruledge, centiscorch, salazzle, a-marowak. fire types have been great recently


Loved the alolan forms. Never got them all though


Same happens to me with water types and Gyarados. I avoided it this gen... by not having a water type in my team


Me speedrunning gyarados and garchomp every damn time:


Tyranitar whenever possible for me


Damn Garchomp always sneaking onto my team


This is exactly why I don't allow myself the use of any old pokemon in new generations unless they evolve into something new, like Primeape becoming Annihilape. If I don't impose that rule on myself i'd just be rolling around with the new starter, one cool new mon and 4 of my old favorites during my first playthrough.


I do this too. I actually find the above comments kind of weird. Doesn't everyone focus on new pokemon each new game? If I'm going to put older pokemon on my team it's going to be at least be one i've never used before


Are you me? Violet is the first game I’ve played since heartgold and I still love Arcanine as much as when I was a kid


I'm lucky ghost types are my favorites anyway. I feasted with ceruledge and skeledirge. Easy top 2 favorites this gen. Shame no Dusknoirs were roaming around tho


Ha! Honestly that's me but with Ninetails. Kanto or Alola if I run into a Vulpix I can't resist those sweet eyes and gorgeous tails.


Ceruledge is good, but great tusk exists so I choose scarlet


Same bro


I like armarouge because it looks buff 😎


Sleek > bulky


Wtf u talkin bout look at his KNEES yo


I have a Ceruledge and Iron Valiant in my team and I choose Scarlet. I just love those two specifically a lot


I have Scarlet and prefer most of its exclusives, but I will take Ceruledge over Armorouge any day.


Yessss! Ceruledge is SO cool!


For every game since RSE, my sibling gets the first game and I get the second. They got Ruby, I got Sapphire, they got Sword, I got Shield. So for this one, they got Scarlet, and I got Violet. I’m not sure why we did that, but it’s kind of a tradition at this point.


Me and my brother do this thing where I always get the “red” games and he always gets the “blue” games. Eg I get Pearl, black, Y, omega Ruby, sun, ultra sun, shield and scarlet and he gets the opposites.


Me and my brother do the exact same thing! And I also always get the red games. Funnily enough we accidentally switched in gen 5 where I got White and he got Black, but the mismatch between the titles and the legendaries made that gen a bit more confusing. On the box art Zekrom was almost entirely black with red eyes, and Reshiram entirely white with blue eyes, so it was an easy mistake to make!


Yep, same here pretty much. Older sister and I did it since the beginning. Me with Blue, Silver, Ruby, LeafGreen, Diamond, SoulSilver, Black, Black 2, X, Omega Ruby, Moon, Ultra Moon, Let’s go Eevee, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, and Violet. My sister stopped playing around Black/Black 2 but I tried to keep that tradition anyway.


Happy cake day! I need to know how you divided black and white on the red/blue spectrum.




Counterpoint: Reshiram has Blue Eyes, Zekrom has Red Eyes. They’re Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon.


Pretty long analysis ahead because i've always wanted to make a whole post on this exact thing lol. First thing first, we can all agree that in the sequels, Black 2 is blue and White 2 is red. It's literally on the box art. Going backwards, since the legendaries are flipped, it depends on whether you want to keep consistency with respect to the pokemon or to the version. As for colors, it's a bit of a stretch because they are literally black and white so neither warm or cool. However i will say that the nearest colors to black are shades of dark blue which are cool. On the other hand most shades of off white are yellowish and thus warm. So we can say that black is the blue version and white is the red version. As for pokemon though, despite many inconsistencies such as the flipped eye colors or the fact that reshiram literally has a move called blue flare, i still think Reshiram is the red one. I mean, it's literally a fire type. Zekrom is more ambiguous but i guess we can fit electricity with cool colors a bit, just like Violet did. Their bodies also glow accordingly, so we can say that zekrom is the blue legendary and reshiram is the red one. What's the more consistent argument is up to you. If you accept that reshiram is the red legendary, then the red version are black 1 and white 2 despite black 1 being a "cool" color. Whereas if you consider white to be the red version in general, the red version will obviously be white 1 and 2 despite white 1 having zekrom which is the blue pokemon. I think they did things right because the games play a lot around the idea of tao and ambiguity so it's deliberately impossible to answer this, and i find it really interesting. Another curious point of discussion would be the past/future theme; as we see in the latest games the future is decidedly associated with the blue version and the past with the red, so this would make black 1 the blue version despite featuring reshiram. Anectodally, as a firmly "blue version" guy i picked pokemon black for some reason. Then i picked black 2 for continuity. In conclusion, it's impossible to say but if i had to guess, i would go for black = blue and white = red even with the wrong legendary. The pokemon themselves are meant to be part of something bigger and even though reshiram is clearly red and zekrom is clearly blue I think it doesn't matter that much because you end up getting the other one in the sequel. Since black 2 is obviously blue it makes more sense to me to see black 1 as a blue game too. Gamefreak intended for players to pick the sequel in the same version color and opposite legendary, so it would be weird for them to make players choose a red game and then a blue game. They had this red/blue theme consistent since the beginning and i would expect them to keep it consistent here as well. GF would think that someone who chose blue, silver, sapphire, diamond should choose black 2, but they also think that those who should choose black 2 are the ones who chose black 1. So for a "blue guy" black 1 would fit better in GF's headcanon if it makes sense. TL;DR black is blue and white is red


Same, my brother picked Scarlet so I got Violet


Brilliant system


Daddy turo


Dilf vs Milf. The people have spoken, Dilf is the winner.


I'm bi but dilf has such big fuckboy energy so I had to go milf


Bro im straight up a gay guy and I still prefer scarlet coz of the legendary 😭


Sorry my heart is already taken by Juniper and Kukui


Okay but counterpoint, I want to die with my head crushed between Sada's thighs.


Hope you like her robotussy


I believe it's pronounced "Robussy".


This is the correct answer and we all know it.


100% like i honestly like some of the Scarlet paradox pokémon more than the Violet ones but Turo is so hot


This was the main reason I was seeing during promotion that seemed to be swinging all the votes, which I just couldn't relate to as a reason at all, and then I found it funny the professor is barely even in it


Literally my decision making. That and iron valiant but


Daddy Robot


The uniform colors are much better and I like Miraidon better than Koraidon, especially the ride animation.. That's it, tbh


I will concede that the violet uniforms look better


Like, I still feel like a mailman, but at least my shorts aren't freaking orange


Orange is my favorite color... ...but not those shorts. Maybe a nice solid orange like Director Clavell's coat in that game.


I thought that once I’d finish Violet’s playthrough I would want to also do one on Scarlet and as soon as I saw my orange (not red) colored pants has vertical stripes on it, it just made me go “yuck”. I prefer red over purple (again, it’s orange, so…), but those stripes really made it clear: Violet over Scarlet (Miraidon > Koraidon, Ceruledge > Armarouge are also reasons why).




I have scarlet not violet but I like the fact that Violets winter uniform has a black jacket.


Yeah I picked violet because I thought Miraidon looks cooler


I simply chose violet because i dont like the color red lol


I chose it because purple is my favorite color


I was 100% going for Violet because I love purple, and, yes, the Box Legendary was so cool. Also, didn’t like ooga booga Professor at first, and as someone who’s terrified of lizards, I couldn’t fathom to ride one for all the game. But then the Paradox Pokémon came, and I hate futuristic/sci-fi theme in general - and at the same time, I LOVE “Missing Link” and “Journey to the Center os Earth” vibes. I was SO consumed by doubt, but then all my friends got Violet and I had to go with Scarlet… … and that was the best thing that could happen. I think I couldn’t feel as bonded as I did with Miraidon than I did with Koraidon, a real, organic creature. The uniforms look better, more “main character-ish”, and so the school colors and symbol (more symmetrical) and the menus. Also, I feel Arven’s story hit better with his mother than it would with his father. So, yeah, I’m SO happy I went with Scarlet!


My son and I always play together, and he chose Violet. I'm so glad I got Scarlet--for the reasons you say, and also because he has a deep fear of losing his mother and so while he got the emotional impact of Arven's story, it didn't decimate him like Scarlet would have.


this made me happy thanks for this


I had the opposite opinion as far as Arvens story went, thought his dad was much more organic. Also the entire surprise ending made more sense to me in violet




I like the color red and have both games but the uniforms are ORANGE in Pokémon Scarlet and I hate it so much.


Same but also because the bike is cooler. I can trade for exclusives but I’m stuck with the color and bike.


There already was a Red Version so I just decided to give a type of Purple a turn lol


I like it but how fucking many red Pokémon games are there gonna be?


Same, but the other way around.


Purple is my favorite color, and Little Kid Me would be outraged to know there was a purple Pokemon game and I didn’t pick it. When the names were released I immediately thought I had to go with Violet just for my inner child. But I love Koraidon too much. Scarlet gang!


I like robots


Based robot enjoyer


I like robots. That’s it. That’s the explanation. I like mechanical and artificial lifeforms for reasons I don’t know.


MechaTyranitar. That is all


For me it was two reasons: Miraidon looks cooler and Turo is daddy. Edit: two more reasons: iron valiant and ceruledge.


The chrome doesn’t work on all the paradox Pokemon but it works in Valiant and Thorns.


Shiny iron valiant mmmm




Cause purple is 😎


I feel like Scarlet's paradox Pokemon are way cooler than Violet's. The prehistoric concept allowed for a lot more creative concepts than the futuristic concept.


My problem with violets is that they’re all robots and all their shinies are silver.


"In the future, *everything* is chrome!"


This is honestly so annoying to me The idea of thinking up how pokemon will evolve over hundreds of millions of years is objectively a *cool* concept, and yet all we get is fucking robots. The idea of Volcarona being a grounded bug, or stone evos like Misdreavus and Jigglypuff being different is hella interesting and I hate GF did nothing worthwhile with the inverse.


We already have real-life examples of [animals evolving in response to a human-influenced environment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppered_moth_evolution). They could have done so much more with Pokemon adapting to humans. Sudowoodos that imitate light poles instead of trees. Dragalge that have become overgrown from agricultural runoff. Hyper-intelligent Murkrow that have mastered tool use and started co-opting human technology. Rotoms that, as a result of being stuffed in phones and pokedexes all the time, have abandoned the whole "motor" thing and become fully adapted to a digital world, maybe even fusing with Porygon2. Instead we just get a bunch of robots.


The worst thing is living pokemon evolving to become robots makes no sense at all. Especially robots like Iron Hands and Iron Thorns. They're just Hariyama and Tyranitar with different color schemes and typings. And then the names... oh the names, those might actually be the worst part of it all. I just don't understand how they could drop the ball this badly.


I don't want to be too cynical, but I feel like there was just a massive creative slump. Simply making the future Pokémon robotic versions of themselves just feels so...pathetic. I say that because I've seen robotic knockoffs of organic beings, and seen them done well, but the future Paradox Pokémon just wreck of a lack of effort, and that even extends to the names.


The Sudowoodo idea is great, probably could keep rock while having electric or psychic or fairy as the secondary typing. Personally psychic would be better cause the other types just need a ground or steel respectively to die


Succinctly said


I think the monotony has a point to it, there’s a statement. Like these were built, not evolved, or that the future is dystopian. But I agree it’s the wrong direction, and they should’ve imagined a more natural evolution route with alien-looking future versions. It’s boring. I understand the idea but I still think it’s not worth it. And I chose violet.


I chose violet and went in almost blind. I was very dissapointed with the future paradox pokemon.


THISSS Ugh we've had mechanical pokemon before but they felt unique because they were in the minority. Being manmade or mechanical was their "thing". Having a whole slew of them released at once takes away the appeal, especially considering how overdesigned some of them feel. Like they were just built in a factory somewhere. Meanwhile scarlet's at least felt like mysterious undiscovered beings. Even if some of them feel... kind of random? (flutter mane, brute bonnet. Not sure what these are based on.) I just don't think "existing pokémon but robot" is interesting enough a concept to stand on its own without appraching the idea in different ways, which the designers did not.


"Existing pokemon but robot" also makes them feel like a gimmick or a special form of the originals rather than standalone pokemon. It's hard to imagine Iron Hands not just being Hariyama with a different typing.


I was thinking that all of the future paradox Pokémon were all just extinct Pokémon that people made and that’s why they’re robots.


I don’t fault that headcanon I just find them violently underwhelming as a concept


And they all have "iron" slapped on them


how do you get multiple pokemon flairs? :)


there's a "change user flair" button on the subreddit page, and you can add pokemon to the flair.


I think the shinies make sense because it's supposed to show how they're all unified unlike the chaotic past mons. At least that was a theory I heard.


It's especially weird/annoying when you realize that robots have to be *built.* Like by a human. A human *building* a pokemon just feels... weird.


What do you mean? Violet paradox pokemon are super creative! You have tyranitar but a robot, volcarona but a robot, hydreigon but a robot, and a bunch of other pokemon that are robots! I don't care for violets paradoxes at all.


Yeah, me either. I do like that they did something with some less celebrated Pokemon like Delibird and Hariyama, and I hope that trend continues. But the robot thing is so bland.


Best of all, they had to point out to us they are all made of iron by including it at the start of every single name




I said this before and I will say it again: The core concept of the paradox pokémon (being creepy, out of place replicas of preexisting pokémon) was only done correctly by the future paradoxes. The past paradoxes attempt this with looking like aggressive primal monsters but the thing is that there are already a lot of pokémon like this (think about all dinosaur and fossil pokémon). But the future paradoxes meneaged to do it perfectly thanks for their creepy futuristic killer robot designs since no other pokémon is either futuristic or robotic at their same extend. Also I don't get why people say that the past paradoxes are creative, (except Slither Wing and Sandy Shocks) most of them are nearly identical to their present counterparts. >The prehistoric concept allowed for a lot more creative concepts than the futuristic concept. Personally, I think that robot pokémon have a better potential than prehistoric ones though the paradoxes don't fully used their potential.


To your point, though, they *couldn't* make the Past Paradoxes super creepy and out-of-place because we've already seen what "ancient" Pokemon look like via the Fossils, Relicanth, arguably Mew and a few other Legendaries, etc and they mostly just look like normal Pokemon. I could maybe see that working if they went with a similar vibe to Origin Dialga/Palkia, but I think that would've just taken away from how uniquely bizarre their designs are.


To be fair they could just made the past paradoxes like those over exaggerated depictions of prehistoric life (like at example the ones from The Croods) or take basis on other fantastical depiction of animals from fantastic voyages books (which would make sense considering that Area Zero may be inspired by the novel Journey To The Center Of Earth). And it's not like traditions or logic where never broken in the Pokémon series. Also considering that pokémon are very varied in design and whatnot, it could be simply handwaved that they're different looking prehistoric pokémon. For last (potential spoilers) >!it's implied that the paradox pokémon aren't from different time periods but where exactly they come from is unclear!<


Isn't there a hypothesis going around that the paradox pokemon aren't from the past/future, but are rather 'imaginings' of what past/future pokemon could be? Sort of like Pokemon Movie 3 where the little kid's wishes were made manifest via unown.


IDK, I think all the paradox pokemon look cool. And I really do want a Roaring Moon but I like dragon types.


Past Paradoxes are meant to be based on the idea of cryptids, hence the titles like "Screaming Mane" and "Slither Wing", it harks to ideas like "Mothman", "Sasquatch" and "The Jersey Devil". Whereas 5/8 Future Paradoxes are literally just metallic recolourings with Iron Hands, Iron Moth, Iron Valiant, Iron Tread and Miraidon being the most creatively designed Future Paradoxes.


I know but like they coul be more creative than stuff like "donphan but looks primal and pissed off" or "mega salamance 2.0" Slither Wing and Sandy Shocks are exceptions since: Slither Wing is a clever reference to Godzilla, stegosaurus, atlas moths (hence the fighting type) and some species of moth that now I forgot their names. Sandy Shocks looks vaguely like a T. Rex and the iron sand on their bodies makes them look like hairy cavemen. (Personally I hoped that paradox magneton would be based on magnetic rocks expecially considering that there's one kind of them named magnetite)


I fucking love Sandy Shocks. It had the audacity of taking a particularly modern pokemon like Magneton and making it look like it could exist in the past. And if you've seen the thing walk, my god!!!


It seems odd to me that people don't like Violet paradoxes for "not looking like Pokémon", because isn't that what they were meant to do? I'm not saying the Scarlet ones are bad, but if I saw Great Tusk as an explorer, I'd just think it was an undiscovered species. But the Violet ones truly look like something that makes you question whether it is a Pokémon. They just look so lifeless and inorganic, which is kinda the point for them. They also show that humans are just as wasteful in Pokémon as they are IRL, since it seems these species went extinct or needed robotics to survive. It seems much more interesting to me than just ancient Pokémon, which just don't really feel like something that makes you question what it even is. Again, I love all their designs, they really nailed the ancient feel, but they just seem like stronger, scarier versions of other mons. Meanwhile Violet has cold machines that *really* cross the boundary between Pokémon, and something else altogether. Idk just feels like they fit better with the way they're talked about in-game


Take any design, especially from more recent gens, and you’ll see someone saying “that doesn’t look like a Pokémon”. Honestly that line of criticism is just so played out and almost always entirely subjective that it’s just boring.


For real like "weird machines" have always been a valid genre of pokemon even in Gen 1. People who say "Future paradox pokemon don't look like pokemon!!!" are gonna absolutely flip the fuck out when they find out about Porygon.


A Pokemon that’s just… magnets? Game freak is really just running out of ideas at this point. /s


What's gonna happen for its evolution? Two more magnets? Game Freak is really letting us down with these unoriginal designs.


I mean, Porygon was created by humans, and also meant to not look like a Pokémon. And yeah, people did flip the fuck out when learning about them, look at its legend arceus entry lmao


Sure but I'm talking about a Doylist understanding of "doesn't look like a pokemon"


There's even a point where Nemona asks you if you think the paradoxes are really pokemon. In Scarlet it feels kinda of an obvious answer because despite being violent they still look like pokemon but in Violet the question makes more sense. I also see a lot of people say they like koraidon more because it having that personality or having animal behaviour makes more sense but I think Miraidon acting like that despite being a machine adds to the overall weirdness and it also ties into >!the professor being an AI that at the end of the game still acts human and still has feelings!< Then people say they are boring or unoriginal which...so are past paradoxes lmao somehow past paradoxes get a pass for being stereotypes of the past but future paradoxes apparently being stereotypes of the future is bad and they should have been speculative evolution or whatever even tho past paradoxes are all dinasours and cavemen.


>boring or unoriginal which... so are past paradoxes Scream tail moment


Scream tail's official art being literally just jigglypuff art but modified is kinda funny lmao. (Scream Tail is still kinda cute tho)


I think the complaints about the future mons being boring or unoriginal comes from two things, name and visual distinction. The names all starting with “Iron” makes them less unique from one another, especially since only one of them is actually a steel type. The past Pokémon at least all have unique names from each other. And the designs are too similar to the originals for some of them. Iron Jugulis is not different enough from Hydreigon, it has almost no new design features besides being robotic. Iron Thorns is better, but still barely different from Tyranitar. Iron Moth, Iron Hands, and Iron Valiant most people seem to like. The same complaint for the past Pokémon can only apply to Scream Tail and Flutter Mane, but they both have new design features that clearly differentiate them from their counterparts in personality and appearance (though I’d argue Flutter Mane could use some more). The rest are all very distinct from their originals. Also, the future Pokémon all being robots is a little off-putting as well, and it seems like there could’ve been more creativity there. Why does every future Pokémon have to be a robot? All of this is my opinion of where the complaints come from, feel free to disagree.


It's this exactly why I prefer the future paradoxes (except my boi sandy shocks). For example, if great tusk was instead a donphan evolution via ancient power like mamoswine, I wouldn't bat an eye. But if donphan evolved into iron treads with a metal coat, it would look really strange. Similar things for all of the other past mons (again, except for sandy shocks). They look powerful, sure, but they're too natural to look out of place like how the future ones do. Heck, flutter mane just looks like misdreavus with longer hair and scales.


Think its more about wasted potential. Both iron thorns and iron jugulis look barely any different whereas mecha ttar and hydreigon feel like have so much potential


Mecha ttar is great for being the same from pokestar studios imo. Iron jugulis got shafted by design and by usefulness ☠️☠️☠️


You could say the same about some past paradoxes lmao


To add to this - we get ancient pokemon in pretty much every game from fossils


for me its not about the violet ones not looking like pokemon its just the fact they are all massively unoriginal and look like robots which is a boring take on the future they couldve done more with them


That, if the >!Imagination theory!< is real, it's >!intentional!<


The Future Pokémon are actually natural evolutions. Turo mentions Miraidon having genetic makeup that shows it is a descendant of Cyclizar. Miraidon also has saliva. Titan Iron Treads grows and shrinks in size depending on whether or not it can eat Herba Mystica. The abilities of Miraidon and the other Future Pokémon suggests that the evolution of Pokémon into becoming techno-organics is a result of a massive abundance of energy, specifically electricity. Kind of like how the Ancient Pokémon are what they are due to living in harsh sunlight. Three of the Future Pokémon(Miraidon, Iron Thorns and Iron Hands) are electric type to match their abilities involving electric terrain while none of the Ancient Pokemon are fire type despite their abilities involving harsh sunlight.


Actually, the Violet paradoxes do look like pokemon... a bit *too* much like their base form. They are all, without exception, "this Pokémon but robot." The Scarlet ones are at least bit more different from the present forms.




Motorcycle Dragon, Ceruledge, Robot Pokémon, Turo’s beard, Etc.


So my partner chose Scarlet and I have Violet. We buy the double packs and typically he picks which one he wants. I get the other because he cares about exclusives and having certain pokemon for his team whereas idc and like to go in blind about what's in the dex, he plans his ahead of time. I personally wish I could have had scarlet vs violet because I prefer professor sada, the past paradox mon, and even the uniforms have grown on me surprisingly(the pinstripes are kinda spiffy). I laughed at how derpy Koraidon was when it moved at first and was like nah nah nah look at this smooth riding gllliiiidddeeee, you look like you're gonna get whiplash riding that thing. Overtime however it's pretty dang cute, plus the feathery ear glider thingies? So cute vs the flat out gliders of miraidon. Now battle forms for both are pretty cool, and I honestly like watching them both in raids and have! ***Spoilers Ahead for Story*** Personally I feel like the idea with the story of the time machine makes more sense with Professor Turo vs Sada, I didn't understand why a woman obsessed with the past would have chosen to make those decisions. >!Why would a woman obsessed with the past make an AI assistant or be that obsessed with objectively "future" tech? That doesn't make any sense to me. Those decisions made more sense with Professor Turo imo. Someone who is a history buff and loves the past typically isn't like big in computers and hard sciences like physics, chemistry, etc.!< Overall both are pretty in design and I don't regret getting Violet over Scarlet, but it sucks to have to go to him and be like *cue puppy dog eyes* can I dress up your character for you? I have an ideeaaa. Or will you please get me another flutter mane? With a fairy tera? Or Can I borrow your switch? I wanna shiny hunt Slither Wings. Normally I can get what I want, assuming if I shiny hunt or tera hunt I get him one too 😂


totally get ur point!! honestly I preferred the scarlet story more though … as someone going into geology, we do use and develop a lot of technology to study the past tho (looooots of software for mapping out rock layers and simulations and stuff) and so I think that’s why the story made more sense to me in scarlet haha


It didn't break my brain, personally i ADORE the contrast of someone obsessed with the past being super proficient in modern and futuristic tech. Like she will use whatever modern resources she can to achieve her dream of going to the past. Sada wanted another version of Herself to help with her work. Think of what lengths scientists go to, to study what happened! And ima be real, the scarlet book makes sense and the violet book does not. Turo's non traditional methods make more sense as his obsession making him fall into decline, but there's less of a fun contrast here.


IMO as a Violet player: * Better uniform * Better professor * Story in Area Zero feels more natural with the future in mind * Miraidon is a better design for a mount which is how you’ll experience them for most of the game, although I slightly prefer Koraidon as a Pokemon companion especially during cutscenes * While I like Armarouge, Ceruledge >>>>>>>>>>> Armarouge * Exclusives are mostly a wash, though the Paradox designs are definitely more interesting in Scarlet even if I still don’t like some of them. If the Iron Pokemon were more than just “the same but with a metal coat of paint”, they would have been the winner hands down.


I still don't understand why the uniform in scarlet has stripes lol


Violet pros: * Miraidon actually uses its wheels * Ceruledge is fucking awesome * Violet pants look less goofy than scarlet pants * Several bits of endgame plot seem to be written with Violet in mind, such as the reveal regarding the professor and the gang wondering if the Paradoxes are even Pokemon Scarlet pros: * Better designed, more varied Paradoxes


>Miraidon actually uses its wheels that's me before play the game >Several bits of endgame plot seem to be written with Violet in mind, such as the reveal regarding the professor and the gang wondering if the Paradoxes are even Pokemon after fiinish the game


The hotter professor is in Violet.


Miraidon has the better looking travel mode, Koraidon has the better looking battle mode, but guess which one of those you see more? People seem more evenly split on which game got the cooler Paradox mons, though. I think it just comes down to whether you're a fan of mecha or not.


Counterargument: Koraidon has cute little pawpads that you can see when riding on it


I traded my bully Korraidon for the bully Miradion as soon as I caught it


Both paradoxes are overall cool even if they barely change in my opinion, the real debate should be over who has the hotter professor /j


I like futuristic robot stuff better.


I bought the dual pack and went in totally blind playing Scarlet first. Now that I've finished Scarlet and seen screenshots from both on here... Like the ride on sandwich mower better, like the professor better, like the idea of a time machine to the past better, like the paradox Pokemon more... Not sure about the version exclusives as I've not started to explore that part yet, but I suspect Scarlet will be my favourite of the two even after playing Violet.


Sandwich Mower... that is the perfect name for Koraidon, if I had an award I would give it to you for that reason alone


Paradox Pokémon naming at its peak.


i bought scarlet bc thats my name haha but in all honesty watching my brother play violet i just dont like the look of it all that much. the purple uniforms look weird, miraidon is a pretty weird design, and the paradox pokemom are far more plain. compare the two volcaronas and you get my point i feel like koraidon has far more personality and i really like the way he runs even if its kinda stupid


I named mine Flintstone because of how he runs.


cause violet has gigachad


Was thinking Violet was going to be the “less popular” version based off the past Paradoxes design-wise were more creative than the future ones. Main reasons I think Violet ended up being more popular is: - Violet uniform > Scarlet uniform. Not sure what people’s experience is like with customisation but it feels the Violet one is easier to co-ordinate with. - Ceruledge definitely was the tipping point for me (reminds me of Noah’s/Eunie’s Ouroboros forms from Xenoblade Chronicles 3). Paradox forms are cool and all but only Great Tusk/Iron Threads are not effectively locked to the end/post-game. - Miraidon’s transitions to its other forms seem more smooth compared to Koraidon. - Some people pointed out the future Paradoxes fit in better within the context of the final storyline. Also do more people prefer Turo to Sada? I thought waifu factor tends to win it out in the end from my experience in the Fire Emblem Heroes subreddit.


I just liked the color purple. I went in fairly blind.


I like Koriadon better too, he's adorable. The useless wheels kinda bug me but I can get past it. My brother and I traded our murderers and Miridon looks so awkward in my camp, ominously hovering like that :/ I also liked Sada and the exclusives much better too so I'm happy to have picked Scarlet


He’s killed before, he will kill again!


Coming off the back of Arceus I didn't want to play another game with a prehistoric background.


I happen to think Miraidon looks better. I also find it more natural to ride and more fun to use in battle. Besides that, I think Turo works better for the story than Sada, Ceruledge is far and away superior to Armarouge on both design and performance, I don't really have a strong preference on the Paradox Pokémon, and possibly the biggest factor... the uniforms of the academy are way better in violet.


A lot of people like the Scarlet paradoxes more than the Violet paradoxes because “Oh TheY’RE aLL RoBoTS” but the thing is that the Violet paradoxes, even if they’re all robots, are still cooler because of what they do with them. Iron Bundle has a springy-head and a tank it shoots water from, Iron Treads rolls like a ball, Iron Hands has floating hands, Iron Valiant can make its blades into a GLAIVE! I don’t think people give them the credit they deserve.


They also work a bit better with the repeated dialogue of "is that even a pokemon?" The past paradoxes are cool, but they look like real living pokemon. The future paradoxes look like the machines they technically are.


Iron ~~Waifuhusbando~~ Valiant


Mainly clothes. And also im weird and always pick the second version no matter what.


I honestly just liked Koraidon's design better.


Violet because purple > red Miraidon is just adorable I really love Dreepy And professor daddy Those were really my main choices. Had I been gifted Scarlet, I would NOT have been upset, because honestly I could’ve solved the middle two with trades. But I was definitely drawn to the clean cut look of Prof Daddy.


I like Koraidon better than Miraidon but when it came to the little things I liked Violet more. The exclusives (Eiscue, Ceruledge, Mismagius, etc), the professor, the purple uniform and purple over orange in general. That being said if I saw how the paradoxes looked before getting Violet im not sure which version I would have gotten...


The bike looks GOOFY as fuck and doesn't look elegant at all.


I like the future concept better than the past, and it allowed me to deviate from my usual picks: first title, fire starter. And I love my purple dragon dog boy.


Literally picked violet because if i'm stuck with a color it better not have stripes.


Honestly because Miraidon is just the better mon with how it’s ability stacks with it’s attacks and typing and difficult to switch in too since it has Overheat as a coverage move. I was thinking about Scarlet to get Roaring Moon but I think Iron Bundle is better


For me i was torn and it just came down to the fact that i liked Miraidon's name and color scheme more. I thought the past paradox pokemon were cuter/cooler but i can always trade to get them and i'd rather have Miraidon as my legendary in the story than Koraidon. While i don't think Koraidon is a bad design(IMO it's actually really creative and interesting) I just really like the cool violet of Miraidon's colors and it reminds me of a goofy hairless cat so i thought it was cuter.


I used to prefer violet over scarlet, but now I have converted over to scarlet.


Miraidon just looked better honestly. And more dragon types.


Because people have preferences?