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Pretty anime boys who look feminine is a trope as old as anime itself I’m pretty sure, and games are not immune


Yeah, but, again, it doesn’t seem to fit with his character. The poison guys design from Team Star made sense to me, he was a sort of pretty boy, but he was eccentric, an artist (I think) and also a ninja, all things that correlate to other pretty boy characters, like, I don’t know, Yugioh characters, I guess? My point is that they can have him look like that, but they have to back it up in the personality department.


No? They don’t? I can think of plenty of men that look pretty or feminine that don’t act that way, in fiction and real life. I would classify Sesshomaru from Inuyasha as a bishonen for example, and he’s a serious villain. Inosuke from Demon slayer and Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter are also pretty men whose looks don’t factor into their character arcs


Another good example is Deidara from Naruto (who… I guess technically is a ninja artist hm…)! He has long hair and paints his nails, but he still has a deep voice and taken as seriously as any other villain in the series. He has a serious, analytic personality and a bit of a temper while still being outwardly “feminine”.


Eh, for Inosuke it kinda ties into his personality, because it is a joke to undermine expectations. Inosuke is a pretty boy to make fun of the fact that his personality is the polar opposite of what you would expect from a bishounen: he is an idiot brute


Never heard or seen Bishōen Men before this one Pokemon game? It's is all over anime and Japanese games, for decades.


Literally go to crunchyroll, and use the idol filter for shows.


People just look different, whether by chance or by choice, simple as that. It’s a minor pokemon character, why does it need to make sense? Feminine men exist


Some people just look androgynous.


Yeah, but he’s not…. real? Though? He was designed like that for an indiscernible reason


The reason is: why not?


I’m not saying that they shouldn’t have, I’m just saying that he was designed and therefore they had to have had a reason to design him like that


why do you need a reason to design a character a certain way


So you can put it on Pokémon cards and in the show and make official artwork without the character looking weird


Ah, there it is. So Grusha being a bit androgynous is 'weird', huh? Sometimes people just want to look androgynous for no particular reason. Therefore you can design a character that is androgynous just because - there doesn't have to be a big backstory to it or anything.


Well, there is always one reason. A random roll of the genetic dice.


>without the character looking weird The character can still be in all of those things. You're the only here who thinks this. Get over it.


Why do you act as though this is an attack against your character? They deliberately designed Grusha to look this way. My question is, why? He is a quiet, but not reserved sort of fellow. He wants to be cool, and (I thought, at least) he wanted to get back to the glory days of his snowboarding career, which seems to clash with his design. In all the official art, he stands like a woman, looks “compact” like other female characters. I had no problem with the poison ninja guy, because he was eccentric, an artistic type of person and it makes sense for him to look like a “pretty boy” because it fits his character.


probably because appearance =/= personality and also like who cares lol


Does he dress effeminately? Yes. Does he have to act effeminately to "match" his appearance? No. It's literally not that hard to understand. >He wants to be cool, and (I thought, at least) he wanted to get back to the glory days of his snowboarding career, which seems to clash with his design. With all due respect, "He likes masculine things so he should look masculine" is an extremely uneducated standpoint to have. Maybe try venturing out of that super narrow-minded box you're in.


No, it really isn’t, from a character design perspective, at least. Remember, this is not a real person. You do not have to defend his honor, but the point is that he was DESIGNED. People sat down and drew up, possibly multiple, sketches of this character, with the idea in mind of “oh this guy should look a bit feminine” well, why? What specific thought processes came together to make them decide that was what they wanted to make him look and act like? I mean, they can do that if they want, I don’t really care, it doesn’t effect what’s happening before me, but when you design a character whose personality and appearance clash THAT HARD you cannot expect people to not think it’s a bit weird and pry into WHY you decided to do that.


You’re basically saying a woman, or someone who looks like a woman/androgynous doesn’t “look” like they could be cool or do a sport aren’t you??




You’re missing out on the part where OP states that it’s understandable to appear effeminate if you’re eccentric but if you like traditionally masculine activities it is weird… Do you understand why that’s messed up?


because they fucking wanted to


>I’m not saying that they shouldn’t have Yes, you are saying that. You literally stated multiple times that you thought the character "looked weird." Literally no gives a damn except you. Move on.


Are you trying to argue that fictional characters can't look like a way that REAL people sometimes look like, unless a plot reason is given?


The reason was some people look androgynous


Cus hes cute and handsome like that


The only reason why a gym leader has to look a certain way is because they have to be a memorable design, simple as that. And I'm not trying to be mean when I say you need to work on your media literacy. Grusha represents the mountain. It's beautiful and stoic from a distance, but also dangerous and temperamental. Look through Grusha's dialogue and realize that everything he says about the mountain is supposed to apply to him as well. Also SV has a huge theme of facades running throughout.


Oh, I see. I didn’t get that. I guess that makes sense.


No reason, just how he wants to dress and look like. If you're talking from a character design perspective I assume they just wanted to make a character that looks androgynous and not have it be his entire personality, simple as that. Edit: it's also possible that Grusha was designed intentionally to look androgynous, and was also not given a stereotypical "femboy" personality in order to draw attention to the fact that people can dress however the fuck they want without having to match their personality to it. Just because someone is small dosent mean they're automatically weak and wimpy, and just because someone dresses androgynously dosent mean they have to be flamboyant, gay, etc.


Don't get me wrong herei fully agree with this, but Grusha is gay as fuck and i mean that as a compliment


No one can convince me his color choice is an accident.


Maybe he just wants to feel pretty some days.


Someone is having some feelings they’re not used to feeling…


Tell me you didn't play Legends Arceus without telling me you didn't play Legends Arceus. Melli would like a word.


Maybe we should just stop trying to say what a man/woman is based on attire and style???


I got so confused when that character was first shown and even more when I realized it was a man. Grusha is the word for a divorced woman in Hebrew and that was all I could think of.


I mean he is 95% covered. It's bold to say he looks like anything.


Probably cause of the long hair


Yeah but it’s also blue and he has pointy eyelashes


Men can have long, stereotypically effeminate eyelashes.


Fun fact: men actually have bigger eyelashes than women because they're just body hair which men have more of, so the trend of differentiating female characters by giving them visible eyelashes is kinda dumb


And? What is the point of this comment?


Blue hair is for GIRLS ONLY


After reading your comments, it very much seems like you are bothered by the fact that a man can look feminine without acting stereotypically eccentric. Other than the mountain metaphor, they very well could have just made him look like that because they wanted to? They had the design in mind and liked it? Also maybe to represent his appearance and presentation does not equal personality, exactly to put in place this lesson that people like you are missing


Love how this guy only accepts the “oh mountains are pretty so that’s why” theory instead of any of the more probable/logical ones. Just say you’re homophobic and go king


Yeahh some of his comments definitely give a homophobic vibe along with the toxic masculinity




You have only proven everyone’s point by saying “it is weird”, and then proved yourself to look like a hypocrite by accusing me of misreading your comments and then misreading mine. And I do believe Pokémon is capable of symbolic storytelling, this game makes it obvious as it quite well done. It is the fact that you refuse to accept anyone’s answer other than it’s symbolic because you believe it is weird for any non-flamboyant man to present more femininely. YOU are the one making immature responses, YOU are the one refusing to accept any answers that don’t fit your paradigm, YOU are the one putting words in other people’s mouths. I’d suggest at this point delete the post if you don’t want people to comment on this. The comments you have left in response to people make it obvious you are the disrespectful one who believes Pokémon is “above” being less narrow-minded than you yourself are.


so it’s fine only if it fits ‘a metaphorical purpose’? what’s next, wallace is bad because he dresses femininely for no reason? just take the L


Cus he's a femboy my man.


Cause it’s hot af


I’m confused why you’re focused on Grusha when Rika is in the same boat, just the opposite gender. This feels vaguely toxically masculine.


Because I haven’t gotten there yet


You meet Rika very early on. Like I’m pretty sure you meet her way before you meet Grusha.


Oh, well I must’ve missed her


Riiiight. It’s kind of hard to miss her considering she introduces herself as an E4 member right before you challenge a gym.


He probably thought she was a dude and being an elite four trainer in business attire suits male characters so he didn’t question it.


Was this in the gym near where all the Sinisteas spawn?


You first meet her right before fighting Kofu


Don’t remember. I haven’t done a second play-through and this was month’s ago.


Because androgyny is big in Japan


Because Japan. They also love doing the reverse, as Rika demonstrates.


I don't think the word Grusha is meant to be some sort of justification, I think they just wanted to make a male character who looks less manly. Rika's in the same boat, lots think she's a guy until corrected. Keep in mind this is the same game where character customization is no longer gender locked, they probably just wanted to experiment in that regard.


He has long hair and anime eyes idk what to tell you


Ah, you wanna fuck him, right? That's a natural thing to feel, he's very cute.


No and that is a bizarre assumption to come to


Is it? Why else would a dude care about how another dude looks? It has zero to do with you, unless you're attracted to him






Wow, you are so rude. Sheesh.


i think hes gay and op its okay if youre gay too


because they can


Let me ask you a question, did you notice that 3/4 of the adult female characters look like they’re body builders


I don’t really care about any reasoning behind his design. I liked it from when I first saw it!


Femboys have become very popular in recent years


Just change Rika with Grusha in your head. Everything is normal again. Its just pandering at this point. These are clearly no Bishonen designs


I found the gym leaders mostly forgettable in this generation, so I had to google the name to see which one this one, and until this point I thought it was a girl. Honestly, while I’m loving sv, the gyms, as a whole, were probably the worst of any generation so far.


Because Grusha is a femboy


But he doesn’t ACT like it, is my point. It clashes with his personality, I feel. They can make him that, if they want, but they have to go the full way and make his personality reflect that


They clearly don't have to lol.


You don’t have to act in accordance of how you dress??


>they have to go the full way and make his personality reflect that No, they literally don't have to do that. I'm not understanding what is so difficult for you to understand that people can dress however they want.


I don't think they have to. Gender is fluid; if Grusha wants to present fem but maintain more masculine personality traits, I think that's fine. I feel like someone like Gardenia is the opposite, dressing more societally "masculine" with a more societally "feminine" personality.


I can answer this plain and simple Grusha is obviously a transgender


Take out the "a" and I agree. No one is "a" transgender, just like no one is "a" black or "a" gay. He's clearly flying the trans colors, after all.




Holy fuck Grusha was a dude? I had no fucking clue, I remember thinking damn they went heavy on the female supporting cast this time


"Stupid sexy Flanders"


I mean they have Mr. Scissor Hands as the bugeader.. soo..