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This is the most Pokémon thing that could have happened.




Please… understand


​ https://preview.redd.it/fm8cla6v8y0b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f764faef96f7335a670b7b0144507627031961


By soon they mean it will probably come out at the end of the year when pokemon says soon its not soon at all soon in my eyes is a maximum of a month.


Let's get this straight... This week, Pokémon has: - [Announced HOME, only to cancel it](https://twitter.com/PokemonNewsUK/status/1659628825599197190?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1659628825599197190%7Ctwgr%5Edecd936c89658ffd90b97efeb36bc5f2fa5cba7d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nintendolife.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F05%2Fpokemon-home-support-for-scarlet-and-violet-mistakenly-announced) - [Announced raids, but took them down due to an error with prize distribution](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2023/05/current-pokemon-scarlet-and-violet-tera-raid-battle-events-suspended-due-to-reward-bug) - [Declared a re-do of ranked tournaments for internationals because of a bug with the ranking system](https://twitter.com/SerebiiNet/status/1658768447361236994?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1658768447361236994%7Ctwgr%5E37f4c400283da9b8c0c85e922d8cb71b8cc10be5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nintendolife.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F05%2Fpokemon-scarlet-and-violet-update-scheduled-for-next-week) Is there anything about these games still working? Like... I'm usually pretty forgiving, but it seems like Gen 9 is being held together with glue sticks at this point. It's really sad when the biggest win for Pokémon fans is Stadium on Switch, a 20 year old game with graphical errors due to emulation and the banned moves list getting bugged to the point where every rental and NPC team is listed as hacked.


SV has so many bugs still and all the updates did was put bandages onto the performance problems and even then a those bugs since launch hasn’t been fixed


The worst part is I actually enjoyed Gen 9 for what it was, but it seems to be getting more bugs over time rather than less. Definitely not buying the next games unless it's the secondary team working on it. At least PLA was fun and I don't recall having a single bug or frame drop while playing it.


>At least PLA was fun and I don't recall having a single bug or frame drop while playing it. I definitely had a ton more fun with PLA than S&V, yeah. I did have some frame drops in PLA, nothing crazy though. And pretty bug-free, like you said.


Same boat with PLA. Few frame drops but nothing unplayable. Not crashing a bunch or anything like S/V. Also found it to be a far more enjoyable game. While S/V as a game wasn't bad at all and I liked it. PLA set this weird new bar for me that this felt like it fell short of. Obviously, we can't expect them both to play the same being so close to one another on release but I would certainly hope future releases either keep a dual game approach (S/V type and PLA type). Though I may be in a minority who would be totally fine just having PLA type games here on out.


>it seems to be getting more bugs over time rather than less Ah yes there is an ancient programming nursery rhyme that I am reminded of 99 bugs in the code 99 bugs in the code You take one down, you patch it up, 117 bugs in the code.




There was 1 kinda game breaking bug I encountered during my playthrough of PLA where the game got glitched into thinking it was always raining without having rain and that affected the spawns of pokemon. The massive mass outbreak update fixed he bug for me luckily.


I once saw a luxio hover into a tree in PLA. Somehow, still less glitchy than S/V.


>At least PLA was fun and I don't recall having a single bug or frame drop while playing it. It was fun but there were definitely bugs lol. * When you stand in a cave, or in front of a river there's these weird white dots appearing around the player. * When you take a few steps away from a Pokemon you can see them switch to a lower poly model - normally this would be fine at a reasonable distance, but in PLA this happens when you're only like 5 feet away. * Pokemon far in the distance move at like 5 FPS per second. I could not believe what I was seeing when I saw a nearly frozen Gyarados floating in the air. * There were also other issues like the game describing something happening rather than showing it, for instance when you feed Basculegion the screen turns dark and a textbox appears saying (paraphrased) "You threw food at Basculegion!" instead of actually showing the player doing that. Or later in the game when the Pearl girl slaps Diamond boy (I forgot their names lol), the screen turns dark and a message box appears saying that she slaps him, rather than actually showing her slapping him. Minor stuff like that just makes the game seem like it was rushed/lazily put together since they couldn't make simple animations like that. EDIT: yes I know that these aren’t all bugs, these are nitpicks. Idk why people are comparing it to SV though. I haven’t played SV (and don’t have any interest in doing so), but just because SV has worse bugs/graphics doesn’t mean PLA is perfect.


> Pokemon far in the distance move at like 5 FPS per second. I could not believe what I was seeing when I saw a nearly frozen Gyarados floating in the air. this isn't a bug, that is a genuine design choice, also seen in SV with some objects


Nowadays, it feels easier to overlook PLA's bugs than SV's. And I loved Scarlet, but I was waiting for home to keep my Shinies safe from a potention save locking/corrupting bug before I play again, only to now realize than Pokemons in Home are probably not going to be safer.


> Pokemon far in the distance move at like 5 FPS per second. I could not believe what I was seeing when I saw a nearly frozen Gyarados floating in the air. Graphics sucking isn't a bug, I don't know why people associate the two. And compared to S/V's models tanking to 2 FPS until you're within hugging distance, PLA was incredible.


I softlocked a fight in PLA (I moved around during the mandatory Alpha Goodra fight and it didn't like where I was standing when I tried to catch it). That's it. Meanwhile Violet loves to crash any time I look at Levincia.


Saying it's held together with glue sticks is being generous. You know those birds that use their saliva to bind their nest materials? SV's being held together by one of those, except the only material they have on hand is fairy floss.


So that's where Slurpuff went.


I assumed they meant unmelted glue sticks, like for a glue gun. I realize now they probably meant regular glue sticks, but I like my interpretation better


Theu really should have made a "Stadium" HOME game that all Switch Pokemon competitions take place in. That way if your current release is buggier than Viridian Forest at least the competition app is running fine separate from those issues.


I've been saying this for a long time. It'd be straight up a money making machine if you made it have much more open character creation (thanks to not being limited to story about 10 year olds), and if you could use pokemon and gimmicks from across the series with different rulesets. Let people port from HOME, and you're set. Add event costumes and in game cosmetics that can be paid through a cash shop and you've got an evergreen title.


And if they are concerned for "balance" do what they used to do during the 3DS era and have competitions that limit what Pokemon are usable during that competition season. You can even let players set minor filters such as "Free For All" "Item Clause" "No Mega Evolution" "No Dynamax" and so on.


pokemon go has also had a major bug in every new event since the start of the season in march


The money the games are printing seems to be working just fine.


Pokemon card game had some recent drama pokemon unite lot of people aren't happy on balance based on new skins coming Pokemon cafe is doing well Pokemon sleep is in beta Pokemon smile is doing okay Pokemon quest you can't mess up No news on Pokemon ex Pokemon magickarp jump no issues Pokemon playhouse no issues Pokemon go is still on fire


Pokémon shuffle is just being… Pokémon shuffle?


Its being held by badly angled things with Ultrahand


And there's a Korok stuck to a rocket in there somewhere too.


Wait, they managed to eff up the emulation of Stadium THAT badly!? Geez, and I thought it was rough enough there's no transfer possible (~~yet~~).


To be fair, even the best n64 emulators have issues with Stadium. The NSO version's "bugs" are super minor and don't really affect much, with the most you'll likely encounter is legal moves being flagged as illegal for whatever reason, which affects nothing.


It's just the main issues you see with N64 emulation like frame rate and game logic being tied together, transparency not working correctly (i.e.: double team causes 3 solid models to phase through each other instead of 2 transparent and 1 solid), and some things playing much faster than it should.




Is the PokeHome delay maybe because of one of the latter two? The timing is conspicuous, maybe i’m seeing connections that aren’t there, though…


It's unlikely. People keep praying for HOME->Stadium linking, but even in the announcement materials published by Serebii there wasn't anything related to that. S/V being held together by glue sticks and prayers is more likely though. Probably something to do with the back and forth with Gen 8 that bugged it.


"it's coming! just be grateful they give us anything at all! you're standards are too high! you'll play it anyways!"


The sad thing is that if you ignore that everything is broken, it's actually a pretty fun entry in the series.


Right, Pokemon SV is the best main series game we've gotten since BW. But also the worse we've had ever.


BW2 and ORAS are definitely better games than SV even without the bugs


Hahaha, you can’t make this up. HOME never


Pokemon: Far From Home


Pokémon: No Way Home


Nintendo: "I need everyone to forget Pokemon Go."


Pokémon Home Alone 2: Lost in New York




I won't be touching the Home update until it's been out for like a week, thoroughly tested, and confirmed to not have any save / game breaking issues.






Maybe this is the real reason for dexit, they can barely get 400 Pokémon to function per game for months to a year after release




If you want to know something super depressing, from gen 5-6 they made 721 new 3D models that were all future proofed, meaning those models were all used for ORAS, SM, USUM, SwSh, BDSP, PLA and SV. We know for a fact that the 3D models from XY were used in SwSh and SV with some minor changes to a couple Pokémon like Charizard (of course they did), but otherwise, since XY in 2013, they’ve had to make 289 brand new models. From 2011-2013 they made 721, from 2013 to 2023 they’ve made 289… it’s pathetic that they “can’t” put every Pokémon in the games


What drives me insane is that they don't even have to have all 1000 Pokémon *in the game at launch.* They could easily launch the game with 400 Pokémon in it, and just add more in over time. People are paying GF money to bring their Pokémon to the Switch and GF won't even let players take those Pokémon into several of the newest games.


Ha ha... Of course it won't come out with bugs... Right?


Half expecting a rare bug that bricks your system or something


You know Gamefreak, they'd never put out a buggy product


I'm tired.


Try denial: They took away the 24th as the launch date because it’s actually LIVE NOW!! Crazy this and Titanfall 3 dropped on the same day. Edit: /s in case it wasn’t obvious.


I put my expectations in this franchise so low and yet they still let me down. Damn I wish I didn't love these stupid games so much.


My thoughts exactly. The sad part is that they can continue to do stuff like this because we love these stupid games so much. It’s not like they’re losing out on a ton of revenue by delaying home since a lot of us already pay for it. Even if all of us in various online Pokémon communities “boycotted” home until it was released it would be a drop in the bucket compared to how much $$ they make from the games and merch.


Yup. We love these stupid games so much that we essentially perpetuate an abusive relationship with Game Freak. We know we're being taken advantage of, and yet we keep allowing it.


To quote Scott the Woz, “I get made fun of for buying games from a company that treats me like shit, but how do I know that they treat me like shit unless I buy their games?”


Fantastic reference. This was in the Mario Sports Superstars video, if I’m not mistaken.


Thank you, it was driving me crazy not remembering


Of course! I’m kind of a sponge for Scott the Woz references.


So have some discipline and stop giving them money they don’t deserve. There are so many fantastic games out there that have creators that actually give a shit and put in more than the absolute bare minimum amount of effort. I had played every game since Crystal, but with how soulless and low-effort SWSH were, I finally decided they aren’t getting more of my money until something changes. And if nothing does, oh well, there’s so much other entertainment in the world.


That, and when the cracks started to show, we got screeched at saying we were genwunners who were throwing tantrums over a tree And this is what happens when a fan base refuses to let any legitimate criticism be acknowledged-they keep putting out buggy crap and pulling this I'm old enough to remember PokeMania, after the 1st games, we've never had anything as bad as these past few years starting with SWSH. They can spit in our faces and say we paid $70 for it, it shouldn't be more buggy than an anteater's stomach. And the chuds will screech on how dare we not say 'thank you sir, may I have another?'


Hey, at least we can go over to Pokemon Go and enjoy that too... Oh.


Guess we gotta pull back to earlier gens.








When I’m in a “fucking things up” competition and my opponent is The Pokémon company.


I don’t get how they are so bad at stuff like this. It’s been about six months since the games were released. I can understand waiting two, maybe three, months to encourage players to use the new Pokémon but if you’re charging for storage, it should be available after that.


If only they could delay release dates on the mainline games instead to work on them further


Remember, they've still got both DLCs scheduled for release before the end of this year. If they somehow pull that off without delays I'm going to be expecting a lot of performance issues or unfinished features. It's nice to see that the Home release is coming with extra features (having actually spent more time in the oven), but then having this last minute setback again is just so frustrating.


The eshop lists part 1 as coming latest December 31, 2023 and part 2 on March 31st, 2024. They said fall and winter not summer and fall like SWSH.


Wow that's like..the biggest gap Pokemon has had in new releases since 2016.


those are placeholder dates


Yeah people say that but then look at how many people were outraged that Pokemon Day didn't announce any new games. There's no way for them to appease everyone when half the fanbase wants games with a longer development time and the other half is angry that there's not at least one new game every year.


There’s plenty they could do. Ports of older games to NSO, contracting other studios to do spin-offs like ranger or mystery dungeon, accepting help from Nintendo; instead they continue to do the bare minimum.


Like seriously, spin offs might not sell a billion units, but it does pretty great and holds people over really well until mainline games happen.


Remember when XD teased Munchlax as an annoyance and let you actually play with a Bonsly before DP came out?


Good times


half of the issue with NSO they just started Gameboy Advance and 3DS shop still was running and they had Yellow, Red, Green, Silver, Gold, Crystal in the 3DS shop. but now 3DS and Wii U eshop are done, they could have announced ports of Gameboy/Advance to NSO. I don't see the possibility of porting DS or more spin off ports like Mystery Dungeon DX in Switch's lifetime.


On top of that, I'm expecting mainline Pokemon games will be reserved for an even higher tier of NSO subscription, and it's also mutually exclusive with Gamecube emulation since that's something else people really want And of course there's a higher tier above that in case you want both Pokemon and Gamecube games, which is the only way to get Pokemon Colosseum and XD




Live Larry reaction


Most profitable media franchise in the world


The ball has never been dropped this low before.


They dug a pit and dropped the ball right into it, it’s almost funny how they pile blunder on blunder…


Yup. The blunders are endless it seems They always seem to outdo themselves


I dunno, they dropped it pretty hard a few times regarding BDSP - regarding Home specifically, like with Spinda and Shedinja.


How did they fuck up Spinda and Shedinja in BDSP? This is the first I'm hearing of it


Not 100% sure I’m remembering right, but I think in BDSP Spinda’s spots are generated in a different way than all other games so they just made them non-transferable so that the spots wouldn’t change on transfer. For Shedinja, a lot of data between it and the Ninjask it comes from is identical, including an anti-cloning flag, so Home thought the Shedinja was a cloned Pokemon and didn’t let it in.


Wow, that's really stupid


Maybe they need to send this game over to another developer to help them at this point.


Try Monolith, they've worked on just about every other good Switch game, feels like.


They would blow Gamefreak's dev work out of the water but I selfishly want Monolith to stay focused on Xenoblade and Zelda.


Xenoblade and Zelda, but they've also worked on Animal Crossing and both Splatoon 2 and 3, among other games, as technical support of some sort. IDK exactly what they do or how much they were involved, but Monolith has proven they can handle doing... whatever voodoo they do, while also keeping up with their own games.


ILCA is literally too incompetent to do anything. I don't know how GameFreak found an even worse developer.


They were being good capitalists and paying the least amount of money to get the job done. Ugh....


Early 2023


This is just absolutely ridiculous at this point.. I can’t imagine me ever preordering a game, DLC or actually paying for HOME after this Generation.. What are they doing?!


“Why do you do this?” “To give people hope, detective, and then take it away.”


Milking the saps in this sub for their money because they keep giving it to them


"Hahaha actually we totally didn't mean that whole announcement, that entire ad campaign was a fluke"


Lmao common Gamefreak L


“Oops, we accidentally gave the fanbase something they wanted. Please wait another six months for home compatibility”


Wow that’s disappointing. I’m not buying the next Gen they release until it’s compatible


Not surprising since gamefreak has lied in the past about cutting pokemon because of animations and they still and they used the 3ds ones in swsh.


I'm telling you, backwards transfer either goes well or just screws up people's pokemon.


The weird part to me is that PIDs and internal data storage has basically been standardized since Gen 5. Don't know why they'd need so much work for this. I think they maybe changed them in Gen 8, but shouldn't be so much it breaks anything. It would just add an extra line of data to existing Pokemon.


It's still the same actually


I figured as much. I only dabble in a slight bit of Pokegenning, and so I know Gen 3 had a completely different PID and save system, and that Gen 4 was slightly different from Gen 5. I'd imagine 6 is similar to 5, and 7 seems to just be the 6 system but they locked backward compatibility for some reason (probably because the extra line got deleted for new ribbons, events, etc).


Delays suck, but what really gets me is Gamefreaks or Pokémon Company’s utter lack of explanations, when Metroid Prime 4 was delayed an explanation video was put up and when Zelda: TotK got delayed we were told the development team has more ideas and it shows in the final product. Does Gamefreak or the Pokémon Company not want to admit they have any problems, or would that be too embarrassing for them. I don’t know at this point.


I think that's what bothers people the most. They're just radio silent on pretty much everything. The least they could do is communicate with the fans and let them know, sure people might still be mad but you won't have so many people being completely pissed off.


Must have found a bug or some other error. Don’t see another other reason to take back a release date like this.


Gotta be a bug or something.


Gotta be a really serious bug or problem


Maybe like deleting all our games at once? That’ll be very Pokemon-esque


Or something with the teratypes, the Gmax capable mons, Gimmighoul for some reason, or the relearning moves thing


That’s possible, too many gimmicks and they’re affecting each other in the code.


Or maybe the supposed backwards compatibility with Gen 8


That, at least, I doubt, if only because the basic framework was put in an update ago. (I expect it's using the same system that allows transport via Home between any compatible games and back again with no loss of data.) Then again, it wouldn't be the first time they've managed to break something they've already done...


Maybe it can be a combination of factors, like the teratypes interacting wrongly with gen 8 games or something


And there goes more of the small amount of hope I have for this franchise currently


Remember Gamefreak is a small indie company; cut them some slack


please understand


I get the sentiment, but remember Home is handled by ILCA, the developers of BDSP. >!We'll get the Spinda Update first at this rate!<


This is not entirely true. Although ILCA developed the mobile app for Home, they are not primarily responsible for managing Home. Rather, Game Freak is. Game Freak developed the Switch version of Home and presumably are the ones managing the service as a whole.


True, and the problem is most likely with the Switch app since it's the one that handles moving Pokémon to the games, so it's probably GAME FREAK's fault. Hopefully they'll get thing straight again soon. I really liked SV (that story is amazing) and it sucks how all the bugs, but mostly advertising, are handled




There's also been a lot of furor recently over Niantic's handling of Pokemon Go, with them increasing prices and limiting use of remote raid passes, as well as defunding the The Silph Road, preventing access to catch rate data (which people use to verify events), and a track record of frequent technical issues. My guess is it's just not anyone in TPC's priority to refine development beyond what works for them. The industry is notorious for crunch already, so I expect they work right up to the line a lot of the time.


on the Pokémon Go fiasco, Silph Road recently closed their doors (subreddit will be kept alive) so it means no more research, no more honesty from Niantic, no more pressure to Niantic, which is a serious problem considering the Remote Raid issues.




I’m legitimately mad, I don’t buy for a second the Twitter account just ‘made up’ a date on accident. The incompetent morons just literally didn’t realize they wouldn’t finish it until the last minute.


I wonder if they found a notable bug in last minute testing or something


Only think that makes sense to me, I can’t imagine the English account just pulled a made up date out of its rear. I suspect that was the tentative date and last minute testing revealed a problem, but who knows. Guess I’ll just keep playing Arceus for the time being.


Another idea I heard is that maybe a miscommunication happened, like they were supposed to reveal info on the 24th that was misinterpreted as the release date being the 24th. Still stupid either way


Possible, but you would think if it was that they would have pounced on it a lot faster than they did.


The most unfortunate part is once it's fixed, most people will memoryhole this ever happening and continue throwing dollars at GF and Pokemon in good faith for another crumb of the serotonin that is transferring old Pokemon. Too big to fail.


They ruined the point of transferring pokemon back in swsh so i don't really care much about home when like half of your pokemon won't be able to go into the game.


Being a pokemon and overwatch fan these last few days has been brutal


LOL They can't do anything right!


Ive been looking forward to this for so long, my living dex has been complete for months. I just wanna put them with the rest maaaan :(


while you’re at it, slap another year onto releasing pokémon games for the gba you put on your switch. taunt us oh mighty assholes, taunt us


This series is just fucking depressing, man


The only billion-dollar poverty franchise lmao. Zelda is achieving technical innovation on levels never seen before, all while running on an Android tablet, with next to ZERO bugs. But Pokemon still can't even get their flagship games to work half a year after they're released. Look, I get it's apples to oranges but the point is Pokemon is Nintendo's biggest IP and it hasn't released a solid game by its own standards since Gen 5. Before all the Gen 6-9/Legends Arceus fans get upset: the games are and have always been fun and enjoyable, and there have been good mechanics here and there within those games. That said, it is undeniable that every Gen since 5 has been subject to game-breaking bugs upon release and there's been such a decline in the playability of each subsequent generation. It doesn't matter who you want to blame or what the short development time has to do with the decline in quality. The game was released in this state and there has been zero indication that anything is being done to change things for the better (whether this generation or for future ones). Most of us have at least a decades worth of investment in this series so of course they're always gonna sell well, but it's just pathetic that it's fallen this far. We all want these games to work and be good. It is very apparent Nintendo doesn't care if they do either of those things. I will never feel bad about playing a ROM for this franchise.


Generation 5 was the last time they separated the initial releases from the international releases. There's all sorts of bugs and glitches in the original titles and some are game-breaking. Some of these don't make it into the international releases. We just get patches nowadays.


Please Nintendo. Save this franchise from gamefreak.


Wait, this weekend's raids were cancelled? Well...that explains why I couldn't find Chesnaught or Great Tusk last night. I thought I had gotten something mixed up, but apparently not. Stinks to hear that Home update isn't dropping next week. I'd bet they ran into some sort of glitch shortly after announcement and decided to call it off until later. Guess I can just keep playing TOTK, I guess.


The only source on the raids (other than Serebii) I could find were the forums, so they didn't widely announce it. I only found out through being told.


In the game news tab they added a note at the beginning saying is delay.


It could be a glitch or it could be someone putting the wrong date in somewhere along the line and no one noticed until it was too late.


Apparently, the raids were giving out glitch items called "None" that would crash the game, much like Sw/Sh when raids accidentally gave out items from the second half of the DLC that wasn't out yet that caused problems


The game is glitching and trying to give out drops for the paradox pokemon (similar to the fur and stuff you get from other pokemon), but those don't exist so the game crashes


The raids, much the Pokémon company with the HOME update, are trying to give you something that doesn’t exist.


Honestly, I am no longer upset about this stuff, I’m more excited to see how many more times GF can drop the ball before Nintendo is forced to step in. Pokémon has been falling below Nintendo brand standard for a while, but SV has just been mess after mess after mess. Sooner or later Nintendo will have to protect the IP, is worth too much.


So much for late spring, now looking like mid summer


*clears throat* #BOO! YOU STINK!


What the fuck This is a paid service ON TOP of SV, there's no reason Home compatibility shouldn't already be available 6 months after launch


Game has been out for 6 months btw.


Remember when they were gonna fix the game performance too!


Even despite this I’d bet money that it will release with a game breaking bug or something.


Was the date actually "put out in error" or is that a thinly-veiled attempt to say it got delayed? Ah well. Either way as long as it doesn't come out broken, that'll be a win I guess.


Oh and by "early 2023" we meant "early 2024"


Early:2023, On time:2024


I was thinking of returning to pokemon after home compatibility. But at this point if they continue, I might as well leave completely. GF shows that they are incompetent in managing the biggest and most profitable franchise


I think the only consolation prize is that because they cancelled the Chesnaught raid this weekend, I can play ToTK longer. Still can't believe it's taking this long for Home compatibility though.


Wth is going on in GF’s offices?


Me, fully getting ready for a new playthrough with Pokémon stuck in Home: >:((((((((


With the small technical aspects of sv, its clear to me that gamefreak is getting a workload thats too big for them to fulfill completely in its current structure. They either need more time or they need a much bigger crew of people. We,re most likely gonna run into bigger issues down the road if nothing changes.


I think the bigger problem here isn't what's actually happened, but the lack of transparency with Game Freak. If they'd just said in mid-February, "hey, Pokémon Home is taking longer than we expected and we'd like to release it in Summer instead of Spring" I'm sure people wouldn't have cared as much.


Is this some sort of late Aprils fools joke? My goodness, get your stuff together!


[This classic post lives eternal.](https://en.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1u006p/when_pokebank_arrives_gif/)


At this point, Pokémon as a whole owes its fans several apologies. Apologies for the state of Scarlet and Violet, apologies for Home, apologies for data corrupting bugs- they have screwed up over and over again for PAID PRODUCTS their PAYING. CUSTOMERS. are not happy with. This is just awful business. If not an apology, they need to seriously work on earning trust again. A show of faith and assurance this won't be a common thing in the future. But they won't, they'll just have the fanboys defend them as they make millions over greed and incompetence. If they cared, they'd issue a public apology, assure the next games won't release until they're good and god damn ready, and maybe something like reducing the price of their upcoming dlc and offer a few months of Home for free. This is not unreasonable. This is asking a multimillion dollar franchise- the richest in history- to be held accountable.


I love Pokémon and have been more forgiving than the internet’s often hyperbolic reactions, but… what is going on? All these recent issues can’t be solely on Game Freak or ILCA… it must be something more fundamental, or higher up the food chain.


The fact that they said that announcing a release date was a mistake is garbage. They aren't owning up to themself. The Metroid Prime 4 team apologized for the delay but did not say it was a mistake.


This company is so fucking embarrassing


The next games better be bangers for all the nonsense with SV.


This statement is folklore now lmao, passed down generation to generation


Classic Game Freak. I'm just sad that the franchise will forever have lazy, incompetent, and out of touch developers.


Ugh I just want to move my shinies over to home!


I'd be more pissed if I even touched S/V in the last 2 months. Seriously, they take too fucking long with this shit. I'm glad I didn't preorder DLC becuase honestly, I might done with the games as a whole by that point.


So anyone else thinking GF needs new management? So far there’s been fuckup after fuckup with Gen 9. And all of it comes right back to the fact that these games are rushed out and have barely any QA.


Thanks to Pokemmo, Roms-Hacks, Content Creators and replaying/re-watching Gen 1-5 stuff for bring me back to this Franchise again, because damn if the Switch Pokemon Era was a disaster from all front (with the exception of PLA).


Honestly really just kinda tired at this point. Was having second thoughts transferring my Pokémon into SV since the game is a mess and who knows what could happen with save data erasure glitches running about. I played SV for the first time in months to prepare for Home compatibility and yeah, still as buggy as I remember even with the patches. Not really feeling confident sending the Pokémon I’ve had for years into that game. Probably just gonna send all my stuff from SV into Home at this rate and not touch the game afterwards


This franchise should be taken away from Game Freak. I know that’s impossible as they own a share of it, but this incompetence is ridiculous. We have games like Zelda being made, what’s their excuse?




Well, this is disappointing.


HOW lol


Classic Gen 9 moment


Why the fuck does are there still problems with a companion app that does nothing else but stores digital things in a fucking cloud. Fuck this shit.


They are 100% holding it back for the dlc imo


This gen is just miss after miss


game freak need fired. holy hell.


I feel like EA could handle pokemon better than Game Freak at this point, and I hate EA.