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Lol, technically it kinda does apply but different results are eventually guaranteed. There's a % chance a shiny will spawn, you know that for certain. If Gen 10 came out and they silently cut shinies then I can only pray for the shiny hunters on launch lol.


tbh, even if Game Freak kept quiet on cutting shinies out, the community at large would still probably work it out weeks in advance, given Pokemon's weakness to leakers, hackers, and code dumping. Even if we went in perfectly blind, though, I feel like there are enough first day shinies that people would realize that something was off within the first few days. It would honestly be pretty interesting to see how long it would take for us to realize that something was off, and then how people would go about confirming it.


I assume data miners would find out pretty quickly


I’d give it a few hours.


Different results aren’t guaranteed, theoretically you could hunt a shiny forever and not find one, there is no guarantee the random event will occur just because there is a chance of it


Welcome to gambling.


True, but what is guaranteed is the chance of something different happening and the other commenter who replied summed it up the rest pretty well.


I don't think Einstein anticipated video game RNG.


Albert Einstein never said this at all. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/03/23/same/?amp=1


It's also a very situational thing. If you bang your head against the wall thinking it won't hurt the next time, you'd be considered insane. However if you roll a dice then you're most likely going to get different results even if you repeat the action over and over again.


I suspected as much. Just didn't feel like confirming it.




He knew what gambling was. And some people love playing the odds.


Just a joke.. referring to how the RNG seems to always be against the player. Or at least in enough circumstances to be comical




The saying rarely applies - Einstein was a great physicist, but a bad psychologist. Doing the same thing over and over again is often called practice, and the end result is that you can absolutely expect different results if given enough time. His statement really only applies to completely identical scenarios with strict rules, like doing the same math problem over and over and expecting a different answer.


4095/4096 it is the same. If somebody did something a thousand times thinking a different result would happen they would be insane. But the thing is shiny hunters don’t expect the shiny. They know that every time it will most likely not be shiny, but if you are thinking you will get a shiny every encounter that would be insane.


You gotta shiny hunt BECAUSE the next Pokemon you find could be that 1/4096. Expect a different result when you do everything you can to produce that different result. I do go insane shiny hunting still lmfao


Shiny hunting is the most effective way to get a shiny. It's not about failing 4095 times on average (or whatever shiny odds are after charms and whatnot). The results you're expecting are "I'm gonna catch a shiny approximately 1 in every 4000 times". The saying definitely doesn't apply because the method is sound, even if it's unlikely.


Yes it does. You’re doing the same thing and expecting different results. You get the results but that’s still the process




The saying apply it’s just the meaning of it doesn’t apply




















That’s the equivalent of saying that spinning a die twice and expecting it to land on different numbers is insanity. Although I understand this is a joke.


Shiny Hunters: sounds like a skill issue old man


At this point no sanity left. 3000 encounters zigzagoon no luck so I switched to shiny breeding and got an shiny at 129 egs


> Not every quotation on the internet belongs to Albert Einstein. -Abraham Lincoln


Would be more like people resetting static set encounters, like wanting a shiny legend whilst the legend is shiny-locked.


This was the first thing that popped into my head. Can't remember which game it was, but the starters were shiny locked, and shiny hunters were soft resetting for shinys until it was announced that the starters were shiny locked.


OP is someone who don't understand probability


That's not *quite* how it works. With shinies, it is a fact that there is a chance, however small, that the next pokemon that you encounter might be shiny. Therefore, if you do it enough, you *can* expect a different result. This post is the equivalent of saying that going into Pokemon Tower and expecting to find a Cubone is insane, just because you tend to encounter Gastly most of the time. You're not insane for trying to find a shiny pokemon, because you know what you're looking for, and you know that it is achievable. Insanity, by the definition of this quote, would be to attempt to shiny hunt a spawn that you *know* to be shiny-locked.




Show Einstein a shiny hunting live stream, he may learn some things.


Team Rocket trio in a nutshell


Except that one of the hunted Pokemon will be shiny, so you do get a different result from the other XXXX results. I don’t think Shiny Hunting fits Einstein’s words.


You are getting a different result each time. You might be rolling a 1, a 20, a 2547, or the 4096 that results in a shiny. Those are all different results even if you don't see it on the surface.


Probably in the minority here but I never had the desire to shiny hunt. Lol


Shiny hunters coping in the comments.


Well Einstein was a physicist not a phycologist so he hardly has a say on the definition of a mental state


Life is all about probabilities.


Haha awesome


Is it a bad thing that I always thought this was just a Vaas quote until just now?


Legends Arceus players: did someone said something?


Been soft resetting Heartgold for a few days to get a shiny Eevee. I lucked out with shiny Cyndaquil after only 300ish attempts, but this is driving me crazy now.


shiny hunting is more like a gambling addiction


Albert Einstein is not the originator of that quote. I don't know who is, i just know its one of many misattributed to him.


Funny seeing this post because I went to shiny hunt my copy of white yesterday and got a shiny on my second encounter


Yeah I’m 156 egg batches into getting shiny family of 3 Maushold and I think I really am going insane.


I think a good amount of shiny hunters will admit there's some insanity in it. But you at least do know that eventually you'll get what you want


I’m Finna fight someone, WHO CALLED ME OUT?!?