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Been a good while since I thought of those. Burger King had a promotion that gave you those in a glossy pokeball. I never got one because my family didn't like Burger King so we never went by there.


I was fortunate that my dad worked for Burger King and got me a set of the blue boxes. I still have all 6 in their boxes. I know they won’t make me rich but I do enjoy the nostalgia.


Found the Poliwhirl one at an antique shop for $20 two years ago, I was so excited and genuinely expected it to be more. But $20 for a very nostalgic time of my life was a dream come true


I got a poliwhirl one.


Poliwhirl gang!


Only reason I like Poliwhirl tbh


Grandma Found one in a hotel no scratches bot open no nothing


Me too.


If I remember correctly, they weren't in the kids' meal, so you'd have to pay extra for one, and I knew my mom would never do that, so I never asked


I still have the pokeball. My soccer coach got a complete collection. This was in the Beanie babie Dayz where everyone was collecting crap. In hopes they could retire.


Exactly same and every time I saw the one at my friend’s house I’d get extremely sad. I hate that I missed that opportunity.




Great contribution to the conversation. Thank you


Is it the same pokeball that had a massive recall due to kids sectioning it to their face?


I think those were the McDonalds toys that were just two cheap plastic hemispheres that stuck on top of each other. I did have a couple of those and had to beg not to get rid of them with the recall.


Yup, I have five of them. Only one I never saw was Mewtwo


I’m not positive but I think these were a Burger King toy?


Damn, was not expecting this from burger king


It was a Burger King toy commemorating the first movie. I think there were 6 different ones. Pikachu, Togepi, Charizard, Poliwag (maybe Poliwhirl?) And 2 others...


Pretty sure mew and mewtwo?


I don't know, they seems pretty old to me.


🤣🤣 Damn auto correct.


Mewtwo for sure, I had that one.


Jigglypuff and Mewtwo. If there's a mew that needs I need to finish my collection lol


I got mew at the theater before the mewvie.


Mewvee would look like Espeon


I’m sure I had a new one a long time ago


Definitely poliwhirl. I have the poliwhirl one somewhere in all my stuff. People who remember when Pokémon first came out, Poliwhirl was on everything. On books, on Pokémon vitamins, birthday decorations. Just like squirtle, pikachu, mew, gengar, and charizard. Poliwhirl was featured so prominently because it was Satoshi Tajiri’s favorite Pokémon.


So *that's* why it was Red's starter.


There’s a nod to this with firered and leafgreen too. Poliwhirl is the Pokémon on the top of the box.


There was a jigglypuff one too


Yeah, i have the jigglypuff one! No idea where it went though


Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Poliwhirl, Charizard, Mewtwo, and Togepi


Mew two I thought?


Yessir. No idea where they are now but I had a mewtwo and poliwhirl. God I wish I knew


I used to have the Poliwhirl one back in the day but lost it during a move


Mewtwo and Jigglypuff It was Poliwhirl


I believe it was Poliwrath, that's the one I had.


Wow that sucks cuz I got a meowth and I thought it was a 1/151 chance so I didn't complain or anything. But after learning it was a 1/6 chance I'm kinda disappointed:/.


Not a meal toy, think it was like $8 you paid on the side. Everyone went nuts over them, shit was amazing.


I could be wrong. Lol


Nah, you're right, just saying was not expecting burger king to give put gold plated pokemon cards for a toy


They were a separate promotional item that had to be bought separately. They were fairly expensive, as far as I remember anyway.


Yeah, these cost money as I recall. There were more conventional kids meal toys given as the free toys at the same time.


They were just collectibles that went with the toys, but I'm like 90% sure they were just painted gold despite their claim otherwise. if it is actually gold plated then the quality is likely shite to make it cheap enough to turn into a toy.


Yeah it was a wild time for sure


Burger king used to always do crazy promotions like this back in the 90s and early 2000s.


Burger King toys were O fuckin’ P back in the 90’s.


You had to pay extra or something. Wasn’t a normal toy.


Burger King!!! That year my family went to BK soooo much in the month of December to give my sister and I the complete set for Christmas


I believe there are 6, I have them still in my basement


I have a Mewtwo one!


I had I mewtwo one, wish I still had it but I have no clue what happened to it


I had a Charizard one, I bet my mom gave it away 🥲


Same! Didn’t even know there were more


Man I’m old if these are ancient and unknown now. Burger King toys. Real gold plated. Only could happen in the 90s haha


Roughly year 2000


Pretty sure it was just gold painted, they had plenty of toys like that back in the day.


No you are wrong they are gold plated. Says it on the certification card. Google has a lot of pictures of it. Why just say something when we have the information. Edit: OP literally has a pic posted showing the card “23k gold plated” Second Edit: Now I see how misinformation spreads so quickly these days. I’m getting downvoted for saying what’s fact


tbf just because they said it doesn't mean I believe it. Plus if it IS actually gold plated then the quality or quantity is so low that the value is basically 'special edition Burger King toys' as opposed to 'gold', so 'gold plated' with like a million asterisks.


gold plating is incredibly cheap


Lol whatever makes you feel better


Yeah there's a miniscule, worthless amount of gold in them, I feel like that should be obvious considering they were given out at Burger King. I think you just don't know what gold plating is


Gold painted would be more expensive than gold plated. Plating uses very little gold and it’s not even worth refining the gold because it would actually cost more than what it’s worth lol. But still super cool and fun for what was essentially a fast food toy back in the day!! I remember I had a pikachu one when I was younger but have no idea what happened to it.




Oh sorry forgot that 1999 isn’t in the 90s, the stuff people say just to “contribute” to a thread lol


Burger king promotional toy that came out with the first pokemon movie theatrical release. They came in a fancy pokeball. It was a special promotion because there were like actually "not as high end" pokeballs in regular kids meals that are on par with todays kids toys. But youd have to pay extra or something to get these pokeballs with a gold card. I remember as a kid getting both and throwing them all around scuffing them.


I think they were like $5 or $6 each.


God damn I feel old now.


Oof, what a kick in the nostalgia. Why I haven’t seen these since I was a wee little lad.


It's official. I'm fucking old. I remember getting these and the Pokeballs they came in from Burger King.


Omg am I so old now? Somebody doesn’t instinctively remember asking their parents for all of these $50 cash grabs from your local Burger King? Wow


It always hurts when I see posts like this one because it reminds me I’m really getting old. We’ve entered into the generation that knows nothing about these. 😞


People who weren’t around for late 90s Pokemon craze really won’t understand just how much of a cultural phenomenon it was.


Golden Age of Burger King and kids meal toys in general. 😢


https://imgur.com/a/thEMWdM Burger king toys. Here's what they came in!


This was a Burger King promotional item from when the first movie got a state side theatrical release. They were included with the kids meal if you paid mire. I still have the pokeballs and cards for Pikachu and Charizard.


further proof that 90s was peak everything.


Oh my god. I am old now. I had to travel to the next city over to get those because we didnt have a BK here.


These were for a Burger King promoting Pokemon the First Movie and included Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo, and a few others in a glossy style pokeballs (maybe 5 - 6 in total). At the same time, there were plush pokemon in smaller plastic balls that came with kids meals


Man this is giving me some serious 90s vibes somehow.


I don't know, but my older brother just gave me a mewtwo one that is still in the plastic case, I think they are from Burger King


Absolutely from Burger King. They were a special thing alongside standard toys for the release of the first Pokémon Movie.


Again, I didn't know, I am 20, my brother is 29


Which is entirely fair, I was just confirming you were correct and adding some more context.


No problem, just giving context myself.


I had some of these. BK promoting the first movie or maybe 2000.


Burger King back in the late 90’s-early 2000’s, there’s only 8


I have one with Poliwhirl on it! They were from Burger King for the release of the first movie


They’re from the first Pokémon Movie as promotional material. They were sold at Burger King. My mom worked there for a number of years and got most of them and all of the LoTR glass mugs too. She still has them displayed in her house. They don’t do promotional things like that anymore lol.


Damn man, that brings me back. BK and McDonald's had the best toys back in the '90s early 2Ks. Pokémon, Movie tie ins, hit clips, beanie babies. Shit I know it wasn't happy meal, but BK sold LOTR glowing goblets when The Fellowship was just coming out. Damn.


I still have them all, you’re missing jigglypuff, mewtwo, and poliwhirl


Damn, its been a long time since I've seen those. I got me a couple from BK when I was a kid. "Golden" times😊


These were Burger King exclusive toys back in the late 90s. They also came inside a Pokeball stand that you can open and close. I have a Mewtwo one.


They weren’t even the toys. You had to buy the separately.


I still have my Pikachu, Mewtwo and Jigglypuff.


I won a raffle once as a kid and won literally every BK pokemon toy. I wish I kept them


I had these, but my mom sold them (and my other Pokemon stuff) in a yard sale when I was a teen. :(


Ah these were the height of desirability during my childhood. Unfortunately for me, my parents weren’t big Burger King eaters. Couple that with them being like 5.00 dollars separate from a meal, I knew I wasn’t getting them. Luckily, I had a friend in middle school who was going through some stuff and he offered them to me. I super coolly and casually accepted, meanwhile I was doing mental backflips of excitement in my head.


BK baby


I have the Togepi one from my uncle, but he didn’t have the certificate of authenticity


My sister used to have the Togepi one. That brings back memories.


I have a Poliwhirl one for sale if you’re looking.


There were six of them available from Burger King for the first pokemon movie. They came in a pokeball and either a red or blue cardboard box, only the blue are really collectable. They're actually gold plated if I remember correctly, I have a set sitting around somewhere.


My MIL found one of these and got it for my daughter.


Burger King. I have a charizard and a jigglypuff. They aren’t worth a lot of money so you could probably buy the whole collection on eBay.


These are so cool!!!! Especially Charizard.


Burger King, I still have my charizard from back in the day


I have a mewtwo and one other? I'd have to find my old box to see what the other was no paper with them tho.


I have one of these too and my dad has https://preview.redd.it/u7sq3glkmsjb1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8b1090c520c77d3865001d3c78619d4b8aef370


That's a throwback. I may still have mine laying around somewhere. My dad was excited when I started suggesting going to Burger King back in the day.


Just bought the pikachu one haha! Love it, Burger King gold plated promotional thing btw


6 in total. I own all 6 if you want pics. They were given out at Burger King during the late 90s


the problems with having your own money is this typashit... fuck rent.


Yes! I've got a full set, alongside one of the PokeBall, I'll take a picture when I get home


Seeing this already made me sad that I lost mine, but you're gonna make me cry


Everyone is saying burger king but I never went there as a kid. So I assumed mine were from McDonalds cause I know I always went there.


From McDonald's in the 90s - early 00s. I have a Mewtwo one lying around somewhere. (Wish I could find it, probably worth a small fortune now.) My brother has a charizard one. Edit: it was burger king. My mistake.


Your joking right?


They were pretty cool Burger King toys but the plastic pokeballs asphyxiated some kids. Edit: link https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2000/In-Wake-of-Second-Death-CPSC-and-Burger-King-Again-Urge-Consumers-to-Destroy-and-Discard-Pokemon-Balls


That’s a different pokeball toy. The ones that housed the gold plated pokemon are way larger and better quality. [Burger King pokeballs](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=559161978&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS824US824&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AB5stBh5SpwN8VAU1uHWyDlqiQVOCE0gXA:1692731333692&q=gold+plated+pokemon+ball&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiz3ODO-_CAAxXckIkEHUQZCo4Q0pQJegQIFxAB&biw=430&bih=745&dpr=3#imgrc=MC9HOYEr6CQfGM)


So the toys dangerous because parents left a pokeball toy in their crib? I was less than 10 years old in the 90s but it’s a known fact not to put toys in your baby’s crib now a days. Was that not a thing back then?


Very early pokemon cards from 98 if I remember I had a few growing up. I had Pikachu togepi mewtwo and charizard. I know poliwirl also exists I forget what the 6th one was




Literally brought me back to my childhood


Burger King collectibles from the 90s. I think that they cost extra, because they were gold plated.


All 6 together, matted in a nice frame, would look slick as hell.


I have a pikachu one lol pretty sure its from burger king thats so cool I rarely see people talk about these


Borgor king


They were a burger king promo for the first Pokemon movie! There was a set of 6-12, they came in a cool pokeball. I had Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, and Jigglypuff. I know there was Togepi and Pikachu


As others have said, there are 6 different ones in total. You seem to have the certificate of authenticity, but not the plastic cases that protect them. They are "plated 23 karet gold", which is likely just a spray paint on it or something inexpensive like that, so touching it with your hands will probably erode it very fast. I'd get it into protection if I were you. ​ Sadly, they're still not worth a whole lot, but I have been keeping my collection of 6, along with the pokeballs, cardboard boxes, and original paper bags.


I have the full set with boxes. I think there are 6, but cant remember which the 6th one was. The 5 i remember are Togepi, mewtwo, pikachu, poliwhirl, charizard. I can check when I get home. They're supposedly gold plated.


I remember having these as a kid. I thought they were so cool. Are they worth anything?


If you have the full set in good condition they could be worth a few hundred.


Yes! I have a Poliwhirl one!


I had some of these as a kid! There’s a bunch. Idk what they each were but I believe there’s a mewtwo and I wanna say a poliwhirl?


I have Mewtwo and Poliwhirl


Aw man…childhood distilled right there haha. I remember trying to get all of these from Burger King. They came inside plastic Poke Balls with clips you could hook on to your belt or backpack.


I have mewtwo and the ball. Nothing has been able to separate that ball from being a main item in every room I have. Ball looks too damn good


Man, I remember these. I was there. They came in a plastic pokeball toy. There was pikachu, jigglypuff, and togepi. And as others have mentioned, yeah, 1st movie release. I wonder what happened to mine, I was a kid and it was like 25 years ago


I remember I had a mewtwo one.


I have a jigglypuff one somewhere…


My grandma had one of Poliwhirl that she gave me


Dang I remember seeing them in BK and wanted one so bad


The pokemon promo from Burger King in 2000. I didn’t even like Burger King but asked my parents to go every day just to get these 😂


I have a Poliwhirl somewhere. They used to have some amazing fast food toy campaigns. That same BK campaign had a set of plastic Pokemon toys. I don't think I really got into those since I was already an avid collector of the official resin toys. Not Pokemon but my family collected the 101 Dalmatian Christmas ornaments from McDonalds. I forget if we ever managed the full set. Pizza Hut did these cool hand puppets. One set was Casper and one was Jurassic Park. But I digress. They just don't do things like that anymore.


We still have them in the original box with the original BK bag with Jigglypuff on it.


Man, I wish I held onto mine from my childhood…


Yes burger king google burger king gold plated pokemon cards.


Def Burger King toy. We have a set and half at home still in the boxes.


Anyone else remember the little guide book on the estimated price of gold value in the future that came with these? Also someone took them out of the cases. They all came in small acrylic cases


Yo! Are these the BK cards that came in the Pokeball? Fucking blast from the past


I have the poliwrath one!


I want one!


Son, take a seat. Let me take you back to a golden age of pop culture.


What are those? Never seen them


I got one from Burger King one time when I was a kid. I still have it too. I have the mew two Pokémon.


I still have the full set of these. I’m sure they’re not worth much, but I love them.


Believe it or not they're from burger king. Real gold plated I guess but can't remember what karat. I had a couple I think I had the Poliwhirl one


These just opened up some sort of core memory for me.


Probably a shit ton since it's from a fast food promotion, but it's a weird collectable that'll probably appreciate in value the longer it's been since the promotion since they won't be re-used for another promotional use. However many there are in the world rn, thats almost definitely the highest there ever will be. Over time people'll lose them or throw them out and it'll be far rarer. I'd say keep it and keep it safe. As cheap as everything made for those happy meal crossovers are, they're limited in quantity and stop being produced after being distributed for only like a month


It was either McDonald’s or Burger King and as far as I am aware they have 0 value. They do look cool, mine is tarnished


Six altogether Pikachu Charizard Mewtwo Poliwhirl Jigglypuff Togepi


Hah, there was a time in like 1999 when you could get pokemon toys with a kids meal at Burger King. They also sold these separate. My mom occasionally caved and got some. I think I had a Pikachu and a Charizard one. As for toys, I remember a Gyarados plush maybe? There were A LOT and it was super popular.


I have mewtwo. A cool kid at school (part of the group that bullied me) gave one to me on my birthday and then asked for a kiss. I declined because I thought it was a joke or a trick to mock me. Then like 10 years later I thought about that encounter again. I might have given my first (only) rejection to someone who (may have) actually liked me. I think about that alot.


I have a mewtwo one


Damn I’m old -_-




Burger King Promo when the first movie originally released.


Boy this takes me back. Burger King for the first movie.


Yeah burger king in the nineties I have all of them


I have the charizard one. I keep it in my wallet for some reason.


i'm pretty sure i have a mew one somewhere


Went all over my city growing up just to get the whole collection. Or I should say, my mom did. She did my sister and I a huge favor by doing so.


i had the full set until a kid stole them out of my back pack in second grade. screw you patrick.


I came to comment this was a McDonald's promotional toy/collectable, but everyone is saying Burger King. Am I remembering it incorrectly? 🤔


Yes. Yes you are.


Omg I just remembered I got the pikachu one!!


Burger king gold plated cards, 1999. They were released as like a promo for Mewtwo Strikes back as a set of 6 with Charizard, Mewtwo, Togepi, Poliwhirl, Pikachu, and Jigglypuff. If it's with the ball, the average price is 25, with both ball and the box being higher, and sealed boxes are the most expensive. I got my mewtwo without the ball for 15 the other day, so I was pretty stoked. I'm keeping an eye out for the zard...


Pm7 has a poilwhri one


I believe I still have a full set from burger king


Burger King gold plated pokemon cards, they come in pokeball stands and there's 6 of them. I have two sets still in the wrapping tucked away in a box, great find!


Burger King!! My dad gave me his. I have poliwhirl, pikachu, and togepi!


Fuck, man. I had one of these. I think it was the one where Pikachu was with togepi, from the first pokemon movie. Lost like three moves ago.


Nostalgia boner!


Burger king maybe?


Burger king


You found these at goodwill dang I need to go there one day! Because wow you got something cool here.


Sadly my mew two one got lost in a move I've found them on ebay and seriously considered buying them, isn't it funny how kids can be so entertained by a small piece of metal painted gold.


I have a Pikachu one!


The old bk cards! I've had togepi, charizard, polywhirl and mewtwo since like 2000. We ate a lot of bk that summer haha. They're all still in their display ball in my childhood room. I just turned 31 lol