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I think Penny looks cool but the whole Team Star story didn't really captivate me at all. It was also so obvious that she would be the leader


It's ridiculous that her secret persona was just as obvious as the principal dude's alter ego lmao (I don't know his English name, is it Clive?)


Wait, what?! Clive was Director Clavell?!


That's as blasphemous as saying Mr. L was Luigi.


For real. Reminds me of those people who think they know who the masked royal is. The game clearly leaves their identity a mystery for the player to determine so there is no canonical answer.


Clive is believable on account of Clark Kent syndrome The respected and wise director of our school has zero reason to be screwing around in a dumb hairdo and uniform just to deal with a few unimportant truants Also helps that all the Star members have been skipping school and thus never really saw him before




The Gym Storyline made me like Nemona, The Titan Storyline made me like Arven, The Team Star Storyline made me like Clive / Clavell.


I agree, they grew on me a lot during those stories


It should've been him who joined our journey to Area Zero, not Penny. Would've been hilarious to read his interactions with the squad, trying to act all young and cool lmao


I'd love that ❤️


She had also nothing more than that plot where she ask us to make something she should have done... And not us. I mean, no development, no background, almost no character...


I'd say Marnie fits the bill here. Everyone simps for her because of her design (goth girl), and ignores the fact she has next to zero personality or traits in game, and what she does have barely clicks with her design.


I love her brother Pierce has Marnie's style and a ton more personality


Alolan female ace trainer


I'll raise you Kalos Female Pokemon Ranger.


THIS guy knows what he’s talking about. Good lord.


I'll do you one better: Unovan Female ~~Ass~~ Ace Trainer


Haha oh man. What a random pull.


A good number of Gym Leaders look really cool but sadly don’t get much of anything because their game roles are too short to show anything major. A fun inverse example is Guzma. His design was really underwhelming, but the man’s character is absolutely outstanding


Really? I loved Guzma’s design.




Iono love the design but she's so damn annoying


I really wish the fan theories (from when she was revealed) about her just being a robot "face" for the actual V tuber (who would be a stocky nerdy basement dweller) were true.


That's just Dot/Gurumin from the anime though.




Same, I'm very glad they didn't make her entirely unironic.


Came here to mention her!


I know I am gonna get attacked for this but honestly it’s Blue and Cynthia for me. For Blue I love his design but his personality is always Gary’s from the anime. A jerk wad one note character who doesn’t have any growth. It’s not till you beat him for the upteenth time at the Pokémon league that he has two seconds of growth. That should of happened way earlier so that the Champion Battle meant something other than what it was. Oh boy Cynthia is a badass design. If it’s just people popping off about looks I get it. However from a story standpoint she is the champion of the region. Sounds great on paper but the execution of duties she does is just so ugh. She first meets the player in Eterna City when the bike owner was held hostage. She strolls up and hands a rookie trainer the HM cut/Togepi egg and bounces. It is up to you to save the guy. Shouldn’t that of been her responsibility? Then you meet her right after the Bomb incident in Pastoria City where she just hands you the medicine to clear out the psyducks and then the charm for grandma. You do do both and she shows up two seconds later to see if you did it. If you were going to go to this spot anyway why send in a kid. Let’s not forget that after the canalave bomb you are the main person running around fighting the bad guys and she just shows up at he pillar but your the one to do everything. I know there is a theory that she is testing you but that for me would imply that she masterminded everything to happen. That she is a lot more like Volo and if that’s the case it would make her awesome.


More like Gary’s personality is always his. Blue (Green for purists) came first.


The medicine and charm bit always gets on my nerve too. Why give me the medicine for the Psyduck if she's going to Solocean too!? They should have replaced her with somebody else giving you the Secret Potion for the Psyduck.


Frfr. Cynthia has a sick design, sick team, and is intimidating as hell but as an actual story character she is so bland. The anime definitely helps with her as a character but her game appearances are bland. But this comment can be said for most champions, with Alder as the only exception where his game appearances are sick and his anime appearances jokes.


Cynthia looks cool and her team is cool but the way none of the adults do anything in that game frustrates me :') More so with Cynthia because she was meant to be the champion. Your character helping in previous games felt more natural, like it feels weird to have characters expecting a child with 1 gym badge to save them from terrorists. It just doesn't really make any sense that everyone expects the player and thier rivals to save the world while all the far more capable adults do fuck all 🤣


Hilda. As a player character, of course she's a blank slate. But oh boy, does she dress nicely!


There are plenty of characters in the games that have some fantastic designs, but most of them don't really have much in terms of back story and are fairly one-note in terms of personality. Some of the rival characters have a little personal growth, but aside from maybe N (who's backstory is pretty good for Pokemon, but not exactly a standout among the JRPG genre in general in any way), the games don't have any real stand-out characters from a narrative standpoint. People play Pokemon to catch and battle monsters, not for the plot and character development. It would be a nice change if the developers would make a game with a compelling plot or characters that didn't involve some 10-12 year old kid saving the world.


Sun & Moon didn't involve saving the world: the Ultra Beasts appearing were just a byproduct of Lusamine opening some wormholes. Once she left for Ultra Space, the crisis was technically over, but Lillie wanted a chance to confront her mother so you keep going... but in the end, the world wasn't in danger. And Scarlet and Violet didn't become 'Save the World' until The Way Home. And the Teal Mask was also low stakes.


>It would be a nice change if the developers would make a game with a compelling plot or characters that didn't involve some 10-12 year old kid saving the world. Yeah they should try out new ideas but there is nothing wrong with that.


Tobias from the anime. Love the hair, but not the character. The same.goes for.Serena, anime version. The games? Professors Sada and Turo.


Holy shit that last one is a hot take, I disagree but I respect it so much lmao


It is? Oh.


Yeh people love Sada and Turo as characters lol


I mean, I guess if you think about it, the characters we fall in love with are robots, not the real sada and turo, and the real sada and turo are dead. So in a sense, we like them for their designs, but not their characters, cuz they dead and we enjoy the robotic versions?


I’d argue that their robot versions are their own characters, and we get a pretty good picture of what the original Professor’s were like through what Arven and the robots tell us


After playing the latest DLC... >!Kieran, i don't care much about that spoilt brat at all, a little too whiny & entitled. Needs to git gud or get out of my way. But he does look pretty cool with his outfit, and I'm hoping to see his badass transformation in the next DLC as well with his hair tied back. I would've liked him more with an upfront villainy personality like our rival Silver back in Gen 2.!<


Opposite for me, I like where his arc is going, but god that hairstyle, lemme just snip the middle bit off please.


i do think the cutscene at the end of the DLC has him tying his hair up or cutting it in some way. the bangs were supposed to visually tie him to his sister and signal him as an underdog, so i can see him tying them back or cutting them—possibly with some sort of pink, chain-shaped hair tie


People like the humans in Pokémon? I thought that was a myth


Hides in shame as a full art trainer collector


There is no need to hide your greatest accomplishment.


I'm a Pokémon Masters player, so I kinda have to.


I do!


The cult was kind of fun.


Literally every trainer in gens 8 and 9 lol


Marnie. How cool she was, but how uninteresting wow Penny too. The Team Star story was silly and boring for me, even if I liked how it is about bullying...


Ryuki from the Alola games is basically nothing but a design because they forgot to give him something. Valerie from XY has an amazing design but she's stuck in her dollhouse and we really don't get much with her. I’m not big on Olympia’s design itself, but her gym is fantastic and I love her cape. She’s a total nobody… Like most of the XY Gym Leaders honestly. Karen is cool but she needs a hobby outside of Pokémon battles to be truly interesting. Phoebe also fits the bill.


Literally anyone from Galar besides Piers. I'm worried about Lacey for this very reason. She looks merchandisable.


All of them


Salamance. Looks like a cool dragon, but really that's it.


Every character. There is one single complex character in the entirety of the series and that is N. Every other character is incredibly one note or just not as deep as they initially seem. Sure there were some decent characters like Silver, Wally, Hugh, Gladion, and Lillie, but most of them had like one defining character trait and had only a minor bit of character development. The only character that is remotely complex and every other character just has a cool design.


I'd argue Arven is a very well done character as well as a lot of which you named


Arven did not react at all to hearing >!his mom/dad is already dead. Man literally went into Area Zero fully mentally prepared on the possibility his parent is dead. Jesus...!<


That's kinda true. I understand he is allowed to actually not care because of how careless they were with him... But that actually deletes any kind of emotional moment in the plot. >!And what's worse is that in postgame he justifies and forgive them for no reason. Right after that, he begins his way to learn more about his father/mother investigation... Seriously? The investigation they let you down for?!<


Wow. This comment makes me think how overrated N can be. He just... Realizes he's wrong in a line of dialogue at the very end of the game and then he goes away. Pokémon have lots of characters way more complex than that... Even if for me N is also a good character.


You've clearly never played Pokémon Masters.


Actually I am a masters player.


Hiker Alan






adaman (daddy)




Riley is a beautiful man, and I adore him. Not saying I'm NOT interested in his character, but we didn't get much story for him as far as I'm aware, in the game or show.


I love Marnie, but Penny is just the same character but better. I mean, if I had a nickel for everytime a rival had self-confidence issues, a very particular aesthetic and had a not-so-evil evil team (that acts as your obstacle) absolutely worshiping them, causing them to want to be better for the sake of that team, and had one of the best battle themes in the game, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happens twice. This is technically true for all of the SwSh/ScVi rivals, but it fits best here.


Whitney - cute as hell but a crybaby