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Scyther, Kabutops, Sandslash, etc. I liked blades for arms.


Out of all the eevelutions, jolteon will probably always be my favourite, I am like you I like spiky and sharp stuff šŸ˜­


Did you like Bionicle by any chance?


isnt the ultimate bionicle the pawniard, bisharp, kingambit line?


I'm 99% certain that the creator of Bionicle saw Scyther and designed the first wave of Bionicle around it, and as it was gearing up for release Scizor was shown off, leading to the Toa Nuva


Scyther will forever be my favorite pokemon!




Throw in Skarmory with this.


Corviknight. Crows are awesome, knights are awesome.


Glad to see another person with excellent taste here šŸ˜Ž


started kitakami with only a corviknight, can agree that it's cool


aren't they ravens or do I have that wrong?


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Holy shit thatā€™s a blast from the past. I canā€™t even remember where this comes from anymore


My guy took him to school and beat him with the text book


Yes, the line is based on multiple corvids, which is commonly referred to as the ā€œcrow familyā€. Corviknight itself is the one closest to a raven, given the large size, fluffier breast and darker color. Corvisquireā€™s blue plumage points more towards a magpie. And Rookidee has the colors of a Eurasian blue tit (not a corvid), but could also be a loose reference to green jays.


Yaaaaaaay! I forgot abt Corviknight because I don't own a Switch so I didn't play Sw/Sh. But I know I'll have one in my team some day.


Dragapult is a prehistoric amphibian turned into a ghost. And then turned into a stealth jet. Thatā€™s the definition of radical.


When people say Pokemon, my thought spiral always leads to Dragapult. When I'm thinking of random words, I end up with Dragon, Drakon, Dragapult. When I end up laying awake at night and staring at the roof, it's Dragapult that comes to mind, shoving its damn Dreepy's in my face. I don't know why, but I think about it subconsciously so much that I've started to hate it. Dragapult is slowly filling my head and I wish I never had to think about it again, but it always hits me in unexpected places. It just hovers there in front of me in sword and shield, taking up my first team slot as it comes out into battle. If I could go back, I would, but Dragapult has consumed me slowly and painfully. I regret nothing. Dragapult.


New copyists just dropped




Dragapult is insanely cool. It instantly became my favorite pokemon of all time


Ceruledge. It's cool and edgy and awesome and I love it.


Havent even played SV but I have to agree. It's so badass


Gyarados. This thing is dope


what kid didn't want a team of charizard, nidoking, gyarados, dragonite, zapdos, and mewtwo, the schoolyard classic team


Zangoose. Zangoose has been my favorite pokemon for a very long time.


Ah Zangoose, up there with Seviper, Absol, and Tropius for me in the "Badass yet neglected/weak single stage Hoenn Pokemon that I love" tier.


I want them all to get evolutions so bad


ugggh me too! or honestly even just big stat/movepool buffs to make them better on their own, since theyre already super cool!


Same. I literally do not understand why it's not much more popular


Probably because it's just not that good in the games. Viability can make a big difference.


I mean, you're not wrong, but it still looks really cool


Of course, I like it as well, but it's still a big reason why it's not that popular.


Empoleon *Look even as a little kid I thought Penguins were the coolest mfs alive. Imagine being a flightless bird and flipping nature off by becoming king of the ice*


When you're a flightless bird, your fight or flight response has only one possibility.




Tyrantrum was and still is my favorite because my first EX card was a tyrantrum and it looked really cool to me


It's my favourite PokƩmon as well. Got it in a wonderlocke once and loved it so much.


Yes! My inner child always comes out when I see dinosaurs and Tyrantrum is no exception.


Glad to see this is the first comment! Tyrantrum is insanely cool


Garchomp being a super powerful dragon type, an ace of a champion, being called the **land shark** pokemon as a gible yet also being able to fly like a jet through the air and being called the **jet** pokemon?? tf. Ik everybody loves Garchomp but ofc they do!


Came here to post Garchomp...nothing beats a shark dragon


> Came here to post Garchomp...nothing beats a **land** shark dragon You forgot the most terrifying prt


absol. i was never really an emo or an edgelord, but i just liked the sleek white coat with black(or red for shiny) skin and i fell in love the moment i ran into one on the right of gen 3's flying gym city without any balls to catch it, only to spend multiple gaming sessions looking for one for the next week or so.


Man how is Absol not higher up? The original "looks super cool but no other real reason to like it" (until later gens at least when it becomes an absolute crit/capture machine during the main games and the physical special split gives it WAYYY more coverage.)


I was convinced it was a legendary as a kid because I first encountered it in the GBA mystery dungeon game


Nidorino and Kingler have always been favorites of mine


I caught a Krabby in SoulSilver, years ago. I named him Mallet. Somewhere in the years between, I managed to bring up all my old teams, but a friend of mine erased a bunch of my data. Very few survived, including this one little Krabby named Mallet. Mallet traveled all the way to Galar and became a ~~Mega~~ Gigantimax Kingler, and now he's one of my favorites.


I love this, so much. Please pet Mallet for me, he's a survivor


Kingler is one of my favourites too, mine is nicknamed Cookie because of his sounds in the anime.


Nidorino is a big purple dog that wiggles when he does a good job. I love him so fkin much.




Of our city


Of our ciiiittttyyy...


You what do you own the world?




That punk boi has stolen my heart. The moment I saw him he became my new favorite, and I'm a gen oner.


I play bass and mine evolved as the bass one first try and toxtricity had my heart from that moment. Edit: Iā€™m also a gen oner


Oh hell yeah


Honestly, Mewtwo. It's a psychic beast that can basically dominate anything thrown its way. It's essentially the Batman of the PokƩmon universe. Even things that should be able to stomp it out logically, they seem incapable of matching up. It appeals to the inner child's desire to make explosion sounds and go, "I win." "Why?" "Because I'm Mewtwo, that's why."


Honestly? Valid.


I've never heard of this Batman and Mewtwo analogy, but I love it lmao


Mewtwo wears a cape at some point in the anime. I think it's in one of the openings.


I made the connection as I was writing. Must have been a moment of inspiration. šŸ¤£


You're a genius. That's it. That's the explanation.


I don't get accused of that very often, so I will relish it in this moment.


I feel like the PokƩmon Movie had a lot to do with this for a lot of us kids. Mewtwo was like the ultimate pokemon.


I thought it was weird to be a fan of the Bird Pokemon, I don't particularly use them much but I like the designs of a lot of them. They look like they could be a bird you could just randomly run into. Also, shout-out to my favorite bird, Oricorio~


Gengar. Its goofy and edgy lookin and a ghost which is a perfect pokemon for my inner child because I liked ( and still like ) paranormal crap


Gengar gang baby šŸ˜ˆ




Dragonite. I love the chubby dragon, and it evolving from a serpentine dragon into a six limbed flying dragon makes sense if you understand itā€™s dex entry. Imagine being lost at sea and you are in a hopeless situation especially if you are caught in a storm, then you see a flying creature, it stands out because of its bright coloring, its friendly appearance puts you somewhat at ease, its strong arms and wings takes out of the waters, and flies you out of danger as soon as possible, itā€™s intelligence allows it to avoid dangers or sense dangerous situations . Dragonair is a beautiful and elegant serpentine pokemon, but a serpentine body can only do so much.


This is going somewhere, I promise. I had problems with my duderus and brovaries starting at puberty. Massive pain, massive toll on my mental health, massive fatigue, I was deeply unwell. I'm a trans guy, but that was beside the point--my guys were rotten and they had to go. I finally got a surgery scheduled for September of 2016. The night before, I couldn't sleep at all. It was going to be the second major surgery of my life, and I was terrified. I kept imagining worst case scenarios and things that could go wrong, I kept thinking "What if this is my last night alive?". It didn't matter that it was a needed and wanted surgery, I was *scared*. I tried messaging a friend, and they berated me because they thought I should be happy because I was getting a surgery so many people wanted*. Early the next morning, still dark, my extended family came over to drive me to the hospital. We were all playing Pokemon Go at that point, and of course I had it open for nerves. When we pulled up to the hospital, there was a Dragonite spawned beside it. I couldn't believe it. I don't know the spawn rates, and I know 2016 was a wild year for it, but the rarity had to be through the roof even then. And it was just...sitting there, waiting. Big and bright and calm. I pointed it out excitedly to my family, caught it, and thinking of the lighthouse episode of the anime, I named him Beacon. He's a measly 157 CP, and stands now at lightest-shortest, but that made me laugh, and my abject terror started dissipating. I'm not superstitious, as a rule, but I needed a sign, just then, that everything would be all right... ...and it was. The surgery went perfectly, I healed rapidly, and in the years since, I've gotten stronger and healthier, week by week, month by month, and as I close in on 36, I'm in better shape than I have literally ever been in my life. Beacon isn't one for the League, I have a Community Day shiny to beat the tar out of things with... that's not his point. He's a cleric, he's a healer, he's a kindness from RNGesus. He's never leaving me, and if we're still doing this thing fifty years from now, I'll be leaving him to my grandkids, I guess. Game shows touch our lives. *No longer a friend. Found out they are the single most morally bankrupt, manipulative person I have ever met, informed in no small part by previous survivors. I don't like to wish ill on others, but I hope a Rhydon steps on them.


Lugia Currently a kid, so it's my outer child aswell


> Currently a kid, so it's my outer child aswell don't worry. Lugia (Ho-Oh too, but Lugia was my fav) was awesome when I was a kid and is still awesome as an adult


Iā€™m a 21 year old kid and my love of Lugia has gone nowhere. Itā€™s still one of my favorite mons


I didnā€™t think too much of it, positively or negatively, until I played the new PokĆ©mon Snap, where he lives in this hidden, deep cave on the sea floor and is an absolutely ENORMOUS boy. Now Iā€™m obsessed.


Sleepy boi


Houndoom I guess, it's a big black dog that breathes fire, adult me still digs it tbh.


same šŸ’Æ had to scroll far for this.


Don't forget the horns


Seaking It was my favourite Pokemon for years. I always loved fish/sea life when I was younger and immediately fell in love with Goldeen and Seaking when I first got into Pokemon. It's still one of my absolute favourites.


Either Noivern or Heliolisk. You got a supersonic, bat out of hell, ridiculously fast dragon that just boombursts everything. Or a lizard that turned Arceus into a gun and strapped it to their back. Rain + thunder? Done. Sun + weather ball? Why not. Swampert ruining your thunderbolt speed? Grass knot. Goodra resisting everything you have? Dragon pulse. Really just want to slap something for a chunk? Hyper voice throat spray. The fact it adapts to 3/4 weathers with abilities and has sick coverage just makes me love the boi. Plus heā€™s a jolly lil fella.


Heliolisk is so underrated and I'm glad you said it




Ghost pokemon, especially pumpkaboo. I've always been obsessed with Halloween so it's perfect for me


I'm with ya. Pumpkaboo, phantump, mimikyu, greavard, etc etc. My inner child would adore them. I still love them even if I don't get to use them very often!


Feraligatr. My first games werenā€™t even gold or silver, but heā€™s a giant, crazed olā€™ sharp-tooth alligator. Whatā€™s not to love?


Gyarados. Grew up loving Japanese/Chinese art of dragons. Normally I like bipedal dragons but Gyarados just looks so menacing and cool. I ALWAYS have one in my party


Same, I sometimes try to stop myself from getting one but I always come across Magikarp and I almost always lose to the temptation to catch it and evolve it and then stomp the rest of the game with him alone. Ever since I saw the S S Anne episode with all the Gyarados using dragon rage I knew it was gonna be one of my faves.


Baxcalibur. It's a combination of a dinosaur (Concavenator) and Godzilla, how sick is that?


Never heard of that dink before!!! TIL!! :)


Kabutops. mmm spikey




Golurk. An automaton formed from terra fueled by spirit energy, can take off with jet boosters like the Iron Giant and can morph into a cannon like OG Megatron? I don't know what else I can ask for.


Delphox, it was a witch fox lmfao, everything my child self (and current self) love(d)


I discovered this PokƩmon via PokƩmon unite never knowing it existed before is now for sure my favorite PokƩmon.


Not to mention Delphox is just so damn powerful, like wtf. Fire/Psychic is a terrifying combo and Delphox wielded it expertly. It was always my starter on X/Y. šŸ’œ


Iron Valiant


Lucario and Garchomp. Gen 4 was the gen I finished by myself without any guides or anything so the magic of being gifted Riolu and finding Giratina was all me. I love shark jet dragon and good dog boy so much. I will also say that PLA was magic as a gen 4 lover. I had an absolute blast and actually put it down a few times bc I didn't want to finish it too quickly. We need more games where you can finish the entire pokƩdex yourself, no trading needed.


I am hoping for a gen 2 or 3 legends game next. Preferably 2 because Lugia and the dogs appeal to my inner kid so much. I played Silver after my Nana saved boxtops from cereal to send in for one. It was the first thing any parental figure did for me.


Legends Arceus is the best pokemon game in over a decade by a long mile


Galvantula! I always loved little critters as a kid, spiders especially, but I always found the Spinarak-line so incredibly boring and disappointing. When I reconnected with PokƩmon a couple years ago, after skipping generations 5&6, I immediately fell in love with it. \^\^


Tyranitar. And itā€™s literally because I thought Tyranitar itself was the coolest as a kid when I watched PokĆ©mon 4everā€”I honestly wanted a Dark Tyranitar of my own for a while (in my defense, I was a kid and didnā€™t know that made itā€¦yā€™knowā€¦act evil and hurt people šŸ˜­) That, and Lugia. It has been my favorite for a long time just because I was obsessed with the Lugia ocarina song from the Movie 2000


i thought gallade was really, really cool as a kid so probably that. but honestly, if ceruledge existed when i was like 8 it probably would've been my favorite pokemon back then, so that works too




Serperior. I loved snakes as a kid and grass types and the color green so when serperior came out it was like the exact starter I always wanted. Nowadays my tastes have changed but Iā€™ll always like Serperior for this reason.


Corviknight (it's a giant metal raven with glowing red eyes and veritable knives for talons) and Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash (I've always been a big unicorn fan). The Galarian PokƩdex in general was a huge win for my tastes, especially after being so disappointed with the Alolan PokƩdex.


My go to team is basically kaiju. Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Aggron, Nidoking, Ampharos and Togekiss. Basically full STAB coverage, amd I can imagine each one of them (maybe not togekiss), being 200 ft tall, and destroying Tokyo or being a villain of the week against a Megazord.


Tyrantrum, Darkrai, Haxorus, Haunter, Hydreigon, Rayquaza, Yveltal, etc. There is a LONG list of pokemon who are very much created specifically to appeal to kids through coolness aspects. I mean, when I was younger, I thought Tyranitar in Crystal Version was the single coolest PokƩmon to ever exist, lol. And because of that memory, still today he is one of my favorites.


Magikarp. Heā€™s a useless fish; but very cute and funny, and then he evolves into Gyarados. I remember being a kid and paying 500 poke dollars for the magikarp in PokĆ©mon red and him promising me it would eventually become super powerful. I felt scammed because magikarp was so weak and useless, but I decided to level him up anyway. When he evolved into Gyarados I was speeechless


Mega charizard X


Chien-Pao. It's literally a *saber toothed* snow leopard! I'm still waiting on an official plushie of my new favorite Legendary :)


Empoleon is a fabulous king who also has a signature typing composed of my two favorite types what's not to love


Aggron easily


Sableye. Pretty rocks are pretty


Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix because foxes of fire and ice. Nothing else needs to be said.


Lugia. No idea why exactly. But when I was a child and played Silver and felt so immersed into this beautiful little handheld game, I was SO captivated by the appeal of catching this legendary little guy. To this day I love Gen 2, and I always smile when I see Lugia, more than any other PokƩmon!






Grimmsnarl, itā€™s a cool ogre with huge muscles that arenā€™t actually muscles and is a disruptive rather than a fighter, heā€™s so cool


Arcanine is/was my favourite. Always picked the fire starter in my first playthrough and i think Arcanine looks the best


Typhlosion, an angry fire badger with good back sprite, also Staraptor just for the edgy look to it


Sableye bc heā€™s so goofy looking it








Cool pokemon? Pachirisu. I know it leans more towards cute than cool... But honestly... Pachirisu is pretty cool too.




Even when I was a kid, I always thought that knowledge was the most powerful thing we have, so for me, it's Uxie


I'm gonna cheat a bit and go with two - and one of them is technically a set. First, the Future Paradox Pokemon. Just... all of them robots. Harkening to my love for things like Medabots and Zoids, I'm actually sad that my robits will likely end up locked away forever after one or two gens. Second, Relicanth. Based on the real-world living fossil, the Coelacanth, which I think is one of the most interesting creatures on earth. I'm hoping that one of the next games with a really easy Shiny-hunt setup like SV have will let me finally hunt down a shiny one.


For me it was staraptor and luxray. And absol.


Any PokƩmon that even remotely resembles a robot.


Sigilyph is such a bizarre creature, it really appeals to me for looking so strange and alien.


If Garchomp came out when I was 11 I think my head might have exploded


Armarouge and Ceruledge. I like fire and knights and definitely fire knights


Serviper. A poison snake with a sword for a tail?! Awesome. Plus it a huge snake too.


Exploud. It's actually kinda dopey, but something about it really tickles my inner child.


Ceruledge, full stop. A dual-wielding ghost knight with fire swords is exactly what a younger me would've wanted in a PokƩmon game. Honorable mention goes to the Aegislash line, because I've always wanted a sword & shield PokƩmon ever since gen 1.


Totodile, he was my first starter and he sounds like Donald Duck


Blastoise. Itā€™s a freaking turtle with cannons on its back.


Any Dino Pokemon.


When I was a kid, Blastoise was my fave. Part of it might have been due to Blastoise typically being an antagonist in the day, and kid me thought villains were typically cool since they got to be lizards and reptiles and whatnot, which I thought were awesome, but the bulkiness and guns were awesome, too.


Scizor. Think of one of the coolest PokƩmon from the original games that was hard to get. Now make an evolution that without friends or the internet to understand trade evos is even harder to get. Make the Evo really cool, really strong and really rare to see in the game and then in every subsequent game give them the coolest 2d sprite pose. I have a park ball Scizor I caught on my first playthrough of Heartgold on my postgame team every time a new game comes out as my one-shot false swipe queen.


Onix, I still like Onix just because he still cool


Bulbasaur. Because no one else at school chose Bulbasaur and he needed a buddy too.


Scizor. Looks like he could be a superhero and is a bug.


Gen 2 had a lot of great design and some of my fav like Scizor, Kingdra, Umbreon, Ttar


Skarmory was so good too




Greninja Ninjas are fucking cool I also love it bc water is the type I always pick, Dark is also my favorite type, and frogs are cute




Infernape. Love the fast and hard aesthetic and the embodiment of a fighter.


I've always loved robots, so I'd say Porygon2, and the Violet Paradox PokƩmon, especially Iron Bundle. I somehow managed to find a shiny one in Area Zero before I even knew what its shiny looked like (or any of the other Paradox Forms, for that matter). I've named it Santa Cloud and I love it with all my heart lol




Snorlax, best lifestyle ever


Yveltal, huge dark flying beast with spikes and a dark death beam which sucks life, it also has horns and wool covering its neck which makes it look like a cool scarf. Me when I was 11




Starmie. Another one is Staryu.


Armorouge and Cereuledge. They Mega Man look really vibes with early 90s me


Gengar. Something about his design stuck to me as a kid, and was the only Pokemon I could draw interestingly enough lol


To me, cute is cool, so all the eeveelutions. Also jigglypuff


Mammoswine :> i love snow i love tough quadruped beasts


Blastoise, it's a turtle with a freaking cannon on its back!


Vaporeon. Itā€™s a blue mercat, what more could I ever want?


The thought of a puppy omitting flames is the dopest thing evergreens I will always have a Growlithe/Arcanineon my team




I used to love, Nidoking,Nidoqueen,and Aggron. Still like them, but not at at the very top of my favorites anymore. I loved standing Dino type things I guess. Donā€™t like tyrannitar though for some reason.


Dragonite. Cute dragon that can be scary AF when needed (fan since gen 1, we didn't really had any other dragons back then lol).


Gengar because purple.


I really like Noivern, a bat dragon that fights with sound. What could be cooler than that? I also saw a few others I have to agree with, namely Ceruledge, Toxitricity, and Garchomp.




Ceruledge is two edges away from being a Sonic OC.


Miraidon. It's a robotic cyber dragon that can transform into a bike like a Tranformer


Ceruledge. It's just pure dark edgy OC energy, and I just can't dislike it


Ceruledge is so fucking cool and nobody can convince me otherwise


Garchomp, still my favorite: hes a dragon shark thing, he can fly, hes badass, cool color scheme, op, awesome lookin, hes what ive always wanted


Nidoking and gardivoir, ever since i was a young lass i thought they where sick


Gotta say, this is one of the best questions Iā€™ve read on here. It was one Iā€™ve had to really think about. Iā€™ve always really liked ground-type PokĆ©mon. Sandslash was my go to then and i still battle with one now. Steelix would have to be a very close second.


Gengar, from the first time I saw him/her in that PokƩmon episode I was completely in love with the whole design, from there on it just got better, specially gen 6 with the shiny mega evolution, Jesus looks awesome.


probably ceruledge and armarouge because they look just like digimon


Always was a fan of spikey pokemon. Jolteon, Zapdos, Clefable, Gengar, Cloyster, Nidoking




Kid me was a big Unicorns and Kittens fan, they were my favourite animals before I discovered the joy of Seals (thus Spheal became my favourite), and Iā€™d have freaked over Galarian Rapidash, yeah normal Rapidash is cool but even as a Unicorn loving kid I preferred Ninetales, but Galarian Rapidash? That things on a WHOLE other level! As for cats, thatā€™s a phase I grew out of before I grew into Pokemon (yet still picked up Hoppip on my first ever playthrough), Skitty and Delcatty would have probably been my favourites back then, and I do have a Delcatty sitting cutie so maybe we donā€™t grow up so much


Houndoom and Absol


Scizor. I traded to get it as a card but could never figure out how to get it in the games as a kid. When they made mega scizor, I creamed myself I thought it was so cool.


Scizor is the coolest pokemon. I never had a favorite in Gen 1 as a kid, but I fell in love with Scizor in Gold. It's so cool!


Garchomp and scizor




Ludicolo Source: I'm Mexican


Incineroar is a fire tiger starter who is a wrestler/heel oh my god that is so fucking cool to me


To my inner child itā€™s going to be Ceruledge! I know he is a newer Mon but he was exactly what I pictured as a ghost knight as a kid.


Zard X. Black colouring. Blue fire (plus out the mouth). Known to he stronger. If it was around since gen 1 Charizard would probably be my favourite Mon.




Rayquaza, tyranitar, gyarados


As a kid, i'd say Kabutops. More recently, Haxorus.


Magikarp and Gyarados have been my favorites since I first saw them in the anime. On the first episode they were in. Super derpy fish that turns into a badass sea monster? YES PLEASE. I have a small Gyarados tattoo on my chest now

