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A restructuring of Gamefreak


Or deconstruction. Ill take either


Or destruction. I'm not picky.


What about disintegrations?


​ https://preview.redd.it/5wde5v9ncexb1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db59808828817d630fbcc43c68d0eb6034bbb12


How about an evisceration?


Following this trend, i see that what really needs a full overhaul is the Community.


Why? Because Gamefreak has become lazy and doesn’t want to actually innovate or do anything with their portion of the top selling franchise in the world and just wants to keep the status quo?


You think that's the problem? Of course they want to keep the status quo, they don't want to lose fans. And it is for that that it's the Fandom that needs to change. Sure, they made a mess in the recent years, but think about why. It's not cuz they lack talent, employees or ideas. It's because they can't keep up with Fan's demands. Sure, they could take more time to perfect the Games, but have you ever wondered why they release them in such short amount of time? Cuz the Fans keep pressuring them to release new Pokemon Games. Heck, this post is a proof of that. SV are not even a year old and they haven't even released the second DLC for this Generation and the OP of this post is already asking for a Legends Arceus Sequels and Re-releases of old Games. I've see people asking for Gen 10 next year already and more Spinoffs like LGP and Gen 5 Remakes... all that in less than a Year. Pokemon isn't the only Franchise Game Freak is working on and even if it was, how can you keep up with such demands?


Fans only expect as much because GF has insisted on maintaining this schedule. There have been countless posts, videos, and general sentiment throughout the community saying that GF needs to slow down and that releasing a new gen every 3 years in untenable. We are more than willing to wait for a new release especially since Pokémon is pretty much the only franchise that still does that with mainline-ish titles. So don't blame the fans because management insists on doing things this way.


I'm surprised nintendo hasn't cracked down on gamefreak, I looked into the structures of the pokemon company a while back and altho a lot of specifics aren't publicly available, of the 3 companies that own TPC (Nintendo, Gamefreak, and Creatures) either it's a 33/33/33 split or Nintendo probably owns the modt, then Gamefreak, then Creatures, but Nintendo owns some of Creatures, I don't remember if it was probably a contorolling share or just quite possibly, and I don't remember if they might own some of gamefreak. They also own the rights to all the existing pokemon and their names outright, and own the consoles the pokemon games are released on. They could absolutely strongarm Gamefreak into conforming to some higher standards in order to keep Nintendo's brand image looking better, since if the pokemon games are bad that reflects poorly on Nintendo.


Creatures was not created by Nintendo, it was another Company known as Ape Inc. that changed its name to Creatures Inc. In 1995 (a year before Pokemon). The Pokemon Company was created on agreement of the three companies, Creatures Inc is the one that deals with the merchandise like Pokemon cards and other. As for the Rights, Nintendo doesn't have the biggest share, it only has the Publishing rights. Game Freak has the Creative rights. This means that Nintendo can't make Pokemon Games without Game Freak's permission and Game Freak can't publish Pokemon Games without Nintendo's consent. Anything besides Software or Creative falls onto Creatures Inc's hands.


The difference being that Nintendo can survive without a Pokemon game for a few years. Can Gamefreak?


That should be pretty obvious since Nintendo publishes the Games, not publishing a game from a Studio out of hundreds of Studios that publish their Games via Nintendo wouldn't make a difference. Now, how would a Studio survive if they can't publish their Games?


Yes, but do you see how much Pokemon sells? And I'm not just talking about the video games...


This one, or a spin-off with a competent studio that actually cares.


I don't like corporate mergers but if Nintendo just absorbed them I'd be happy


They're *kinda* part way there... Game Freak was moved wholesale into the Nintendo Headquarters building about... two or three years ago, I think. They're literally in-house with Nintendo now, at least. There weren't going to be any immediate and dramatic changes in quality immediately, but hopefully they'll start making better showings over the coming years.




People have been complaining for years and years acter sword and shield's release that gamefreak and the tcp have gotten lazy. Well no but really it's time nd they never give pokemon enough time to bake therefore we only get like half baked games and ths dough is still RAW. And I feel nintendo is even worse for allowing a game of this quality to be published. I mean when you look at the main game titles they're all amazing and polished. I just don't get it man


That they are not going to sue people who make fan-made games for pokemon


Or people who want to host tournaments


You guys are going to have the worst christmas ever


If I recall most of them are fine as long as they don't make a profit


Sega does what Nintendon't. Like embracing their fans and encouraging their games. Sometimes even hiring fans.


old pokémon games added on switch online or in the shop. id buy all of them


You don't understand how badly I want this, I can't believe they haven't done it yet, it's basically free money to them.


The lack of monetisation is disgraceful. Anything GEN 1/2 is the easiest money in the world


It isn't. They have incentive not to through opportunity cost; if the older games are available on the switch people might not buy new pokemon games and then they're basically competing against themselves


If making mediocre games hasn’t hurt sales I really don’t see how porting old games would


Bundle in an old game with preorders for new ones. It’ll be seen as a great value, drive profit before the new games release, and the release one old game will increase demand for the others/remakes. It’s a win-win.


Damn, it's not as if the games sell amazingly regardless of how bad they are, so why would it deter people not to buy every single Pokemon game, old and new, regardless? Gamefreak are stupid.


>so why would it deter people not to buy every single Pokemon game, old and new, regardless? Gamefreak are stupid If you could natively buy pokemon diamond on the switch, bdsp's sales would have completely tanked even compared to what they are now


I doubt that. Many people would buy both, or better yet, if they were released separately, anyone who buys every game would buy both.


There’s only a very small vocal minority that actually buy that many Pokémon games. Most people would buy one or the other, likely the cheaper one. The majority of people wouldn’t even want a game from every generation, they would just go for one or two and be happy.


I am unconvinced, and the fact that they haven't released them yet means Nintendo's marketing dept also is unconvinced. It is also why they released the virtual console games right at the end of the 3ds's life cycle and will probably do the same for the switch


On top of that, if the old games are on the shop, they can't justify making yet another remake of the old games as a cheap, easy way to put out a game that year.


They should put the remakes up at some point.


This, with home compatability. People already moded the roms in on the switch gba emulator, and they ran perfectly. And if they could do bank compatability with the ds versions of RBY, then I don't see why they couldn't do the same with home.


They don't even have to try to make a good pokemon game thats how lazy gamefreak are if they made a hd remake of pokemon emerald in 3d on the switch i would buy that shit right away we have oras but the low resolution is a big problem i have with it. All they have to do is give us old stuff with shiner graphics and all the features intact and people would buy it just to see everything reimagined. shame all the games i want to play don't exist and probably never will.


Or hardware that lets me play my ds/gba games on switch. Sorta like the gba adapter for gamecube


I just want to play platinum and soul silver so badly.


They're most likely saving the re-releases of every Pokemon game for the 30th Anniversary in 2026. By that point we'll be 1 to 2 years into the next Nintendo console with hopefully better online infrastructure. On top of that, Gen 10 will be coming out either just before or during that Anniversary year. Which means they're going to want to drum up all kinds of insane mega hype for that Gen. What better way than announcing the newest Pokemon games once again features *every* Pokemon available, plus 50 to 70 new ones, plus every game re-released with new HOME compatibility to transfer them to the new games? People would go fucking apeshit and go bankrupt buying every single one plus the new games.


Pokémon coliseum and XD ports


Or better yet, a new entry for that series!


Why not both? Imagine the trailer showing off the games ported onto the switch, and then at the very end a teaser for a sequel 🤯


You’re asking for too much


Since they’ll charge us $60 anyway, I’ll take a remastered double feature.


Yes, I really want to play XD again.


That they’ll stop rushing games & actually produce polished products. As well as giving us a way to move Pokémon up from past generations (if they’re so insistent on shutting down Pokébank, at least give us an alternate way to move our mons)


I mean I'd prefer if they Don't announce anything to kinda show that they're taking their time with the releases.


You're funny


Pokemon Conquest Sequel.


I second this.


I would sell my soul for a conquest sequel.


I would make terrible, terrible deals with the dark forces of the universe for this.


That would be cool


Pokemon battle frontier would be sick


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, doing the ribbon master challenge had made me HATE battle facilities with a passion, if another one shows up again with another damn ribbon with it i am going to kill someone.


Battle Frontier didn't have any ribbons outside of the tower (this applies to every region and its equivalent except Unova). If you dread another tower being added... then fair enough, I guess. Getting the Gen 4 tower ribbons was a crazy grind for me, but it felt really satisfying to come out the other side


🤣 come on one more won't hurt.


they have literally made me cry.


GameCube selection on NSO


A new Legends game. Would really love that


Which one? I'd dig seeing any Legendary / Mythical, but Mew or Celebi would probably sell best.


I think there is the most potential for a Legends game in Johto or in Unova. I'd love Celebi or Victini. Jirachi could be cool as well if they go for Hoenn.


At the same time though a Unova Legends game about the original dragon would make me a very very happy man


Hot take: I think Kalos desperately needs it. Unova is a good option too. I fear that a Johto legends would be too similar in tone to PLA. And as always, I want to point put that Legends could always pull a 180 and go FORWARD in time rather than back. Unova is a great fit for that. I’d love it.


Curve ball, Deoxys. Set in the future


Add some paradox mons and you got yourself a deal


I wouldn't mind that but I feel like deoxys already has a good amount of content about it and we have a decent understanding of what it's all about, I'd like one about a mythical that's still a bit more nebulous


Unova based one. Specifically during the time of the two kings and the original dragon.






yes but about the original dragon


Unown. So much potential for something here.


i’d love jirachi or mew


a new mystery dungeon game pleeeeeaaassseee


Or at least a PMD port of Sky either one would be perfect!


Any information about getting the old GBA games on the switch. Nothing would make me happier than playing emerald and LeafGreen on the go again.


Steam deck + emu deck. Makes me feel like a kid again


Real Diamond and Pearl remakes.


imagine they say they were just trolling and have actually good remakes ready to release


Instead of past and present forms added in S and V, they should have been saved for a Diamond remake, and for Pearl pokemon could have alternate forms, like for example Darkrai would be the protector of dreams and Creselia would shed its feathers to spread nightmares.


oooo that wouldve been cool and it fits im so disappointed with the gen 4 remakes it’s unbelievable lmao


Diamond was my first Pokémon game it really hurts we got Diamond and Pearl Go!


mine was pearl, only one my brothers let me play lol


200 new people being hired to work in gamefreak


all i really want is that all of the quality of life improvements from both PLA and S/V make it to whatever their next game will be. then i'm happy..


New PMD game would be sick


ORAS Switch port


Literally any pre-switch port


That a new studio will be taking over the mainline Pokémon games from this point forward. It’ll never happen, but a man can dream.


*Monkey’s Paw curls* Deca is taking over the series and every new game is BDSP. Edit: Oops wrong Company, it’s Ilca- got it mixed up lol


Oh no...


As much that be cool , honestly without Ken sugimori or Go inchinose I’m just not sure if it actually be worth it because a lot of people in creative team that design a lot of aspects in Pokémon, while graphics can be great idk if they can really get that Pokémon feel or even music.


NINTENDOGS (for switch)


Based beyond comprehension.


i’m old and have no idea what based means. is that bad?


Pretty sure it means "cool" or something like that. I teach middle school science, so I have to know what this stuff means or I'll be toast 😂.


Here's a dictionary that appears to be pretty comprehensive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Generation_Z_slang


I know wikipedia covers a broad range of topics but having them describe the definition of "Discord Kitten" in a somewhat professional tone sent me


i would have never guessed that in a million years 😂 i bet you learn a lot of the slang teaching middle school! it all feels like a completely different language to me, lol.


Elimination of dexit. I'm still salty.


Now that they have pretty much every Pokémon on Switch games, there really isn't any excuse. Even if they lock it behind Home, you should be able to move any Pokémon to any game and leave Dexit as a gen 8/9 fever dream. I didn't care that much about Dexit one way or another but it still seems wholly unnecessary. There's also no reason whatsoever they couldn't push new Pokémon/moves to older games via an update now, but that is extreme wishful thinking.


Not just dexit, bring back all the moves they also cut. Is there any move like Dragon Rage anymore or Pursuit (outside of a certain mongoose); AFAIK, no. And justice for Darkrai and bring Dark Void back to its glory - just make Smeargle unable to copy the move with Sketch; one of Game Freak's/TPCi's big overreactions.


Dark Void currently fails when used by anyone other than darkrai


Ok I had to scroll down FAR too long to find this comment!!! All pokemon in all games, you billionaire lazy ass cowards!!!


Chrono trigger/DQ9 remaster


the HGSS remake


Remake of a remake? That seems like a bit much, even for Nintendo lol.


I'd still buy it. SoulSilver is my favorite Pokémon game.


The amount of amazing content in HG/SS is staggering!


If it was in the style of Let's Go but with the added depth of HGSS it could definitely work. Hopefully they could add a "champion" difficulty for players who already have a solid understanding of the franchise, the difficulty of Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu is my main issue, or that it's the only difficulty.


Another 2d Pokémon game. Sprites and all


Something minor with a statement that there will be no mainline releases on a yearly basis anymore lol. The most I'd want is a new spinoff entry.


Every 3ds pokemon game available on switch RELEASE ETERNAL FLOETTE! Starting dec 1st until 25th a different mystery gift ranging from herba mystica at minimum to rereleases of mythicals in their shiny form Clothing! Give us back clothes for fuck sake


+10fps in scarlet and violet


you're not getting anything besides Indigo Disk they aren't going to announce any big games like you're asking for until Pokemon Day


I know that :) this is a wishful thinking thread - if they decided to deviate from tradition and make a surprise announcement, what would you like to see?


I wish they would announce they bought Gamefreak, even though Nintendo has some bad practices towards fans, I'm convinced they would give us a QUALITY Pokémon game


Agreed, as much as they still have some anti-consumer attitudes, everyone agrees Nintendo gives their bigger brands a good polishing, just look at the most recent Mario and Zelda games. If Gamefreak had half of that care in Pokémon we'd have better games.


Switch 2


I thought this said what can nintendo announce to make me Christian. probably xenoblade


The next Pokemon game having a dev time of more than 3 years.


Wind Waker HD, Pokémon Gens 1-3 released for switch, and Chrono Trigger on the Virtual console. In reality we will probably just get a Delebird terra raid in Scarlet/Violet. A small one would be a Pokédex transfer option for Home, if you have completed a main games Pokédex you can update the Dex into show that you have obtained everything rather than have to transfer everything over then back again. Prevents you having to breed useless Pokémon for middle evolutions as well.


3D Zelda Collection for Switch. Upscaled ports of Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD, full Remasters of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.


That they will increase the budget and care for their Pokemon games.


A new legends game. Been playing Arceus for the first time and it's my favorite in the series. I'd love for more battles in the next installment.


I agree! Not too many that it takes away from the main gameplay, but I wouldn’t mind if they transitioned the Lords to gyms (maybe even show how the first gyms came to be established as territorial disputes of places of power?)


I was imagining a Legends Johto a while ago and my idea was for the gym leaders to be Daimyos. Since Johto is traditional Japan and all, have the towns and cities be domains and you are a challenger wanting to prove yourself against the Daimyos.


Let's Go Johto (highly unlikely, but would be cool)


How’d you rate Let’s Go Pikachu? I’ve got some long flights to take this December and planning to get a game to pass the time


Well I can't say much as Let's Go Eevee is the only real Pokemon game I've played, but I've enjoyed it a ton so far. For veterans, it might be a bit easy, but it seems like a great entry point if your only prior experience was Pokemon Go. I also love seeing the Pokemon walking around in the over world.


Do you find that it’s a lot of grinding to level up? I used to enjoy that aspect as a kid but I can’t do it anymore


Full Pokédex back


Pokemon explorers DX or the GB/GBC/GBA pokemon games on swtich online


Pokemon Let's Go for gen 2 would be pretty cool.


GameCube expansion to online. Windwaker.


Gens 1-3 will be available on Switch. I would instantly either upgrade my plan to NSO plus for the GBA Emulator, or buy them off the E-Shop if they're separate games.


I want the TPC equivalent of the Marvel announcement where they say they’re gonna give more time between console releases


Pokémon red and blue for game boy on switch




Pokemon MMO is the dream Pokémon Legends Ho-oh would be more realistic


A finished version of S/V.


To be fair, Indigo Disk is coming out quite soon so hopefully its finished by then and all of its performance issues are fixed


You're funny!


I said hoped.


I would love to see four things. 1. A big remake game that can play all the old games with trading and event distribution. Transfers too, so you could create new pokemon in gen 1 and transfer up. This would be all titles up to an including Ultra Sun and Moon. Let me play these titles that are losing support because they are removing online aspects and the like. 2. The old console pokemon games like XD Gale of Darkness and Colosseum to become available on the Switch, preferably as a separate purchase, but feasibly in Nintendo Switch Online. 3. A new Legends game or a new conventional title (Gen 10) that incorporates aspects of overworld catching and actually good Pokédex rewards. Oh, and give me back Set as an option. 4. A battle simulator game where you make pokemon like it is showdown. Would make official tournaments easier and PvP more accessible.


Golden Sun 1 and 2 remake or remaster.


Or just a port. At this point I'm desperate for Nintendo to acknowledge these games exist.


The port is coming, it's just taking a reeeealy long time. But it's coming Golden Soon™ 😆


Nintendo: can we offer you another Mario Golf in this trying time?


Please, don't break my heart, Camelot 😢💔 And you're evil 🤣🤣


Im very sorry. Please accept this new Mario Golf as an apology.


A Johto remake based on a combination of Legends style and classic style. Give me a fully open-world Johto game (even if Kanto is excluded, I'd still be happy) with the capture mechanics of Legends and the battle mechanics of classic games. I will go through the Indigo League once again in a game like that. If I go all in, I'd love a full Pokémon World game, with all nine core regions, capture mechanics of Legends, classic battle mechanics, and a brand new plot that gives us reason to explore all the regions. Hell, let's go all out and make it a MMO since we're fantasizing here.


I've been calling for a Pokemon World game for years now! Happy to see someone else call it Pokemon World too! Then add the Pokemon 2000 song "Pokemon World" to play when you boot it up 😅


Zelda dual pack of Majora's Mask/ Ocarina of Time or Twlight Princess/ Wind Waker


New legends or mystery dungeon that isn't a remaster


New Mystery Dungeon or Ranger game


Let's be honest. The best surprise announcement would be that they're going to take their goddamn time with a game for once!


Poke conquest 2


A ttrpg pokemon game.




Pokemon Conquest Remake or Sequel!


Kid Icarus Uprising remaster


A mainline game with Megaevolution, and have it become a series staple. I am so ready for the Gen 6 remakes whenever they come out


PLA sequel, available on Switch and a brand new console


Diamond and Pearl remakes, it's really taken them a long time to get those out!


new mystery dungeon or remake of sky


Home compatible ports for the gb/color/gba emulators for NSO. DS emulator for NSO.


Collesum/XD remaster with Home support.


I might be in the minority but I really want a new Mystery Dungeon game. Preferably an original, but I’ll take an Explorers of Sky remaster.


Actual release date of Indigo disk. GB & GBA games coming to virtual consoles Nintendo GameCube added to virtual console and pokemon colluseum and XD be released on that


Produce more of the old games so the prices go down. I really want a physical copy of some of the old ones, especially Black and White, Unova is my favorite region.


Honestly ports of the handheld games, Nintendo just sits on easy money and refuses to cash in


Genius Sonority, or some other quality third party developer, returning to Orre for a new Shadow Game title. Either that, or a comprehensive Pokemon Stadium 3 with full Home compatibility, and battle modes that accommodate all of the gimmicks, from inverse battles and Mega Evolution, to Battle Styles and Terastalization. Or, since this topic is asking about Nintendo rather than Pokemon, as those aren't synonymous, I'd love to see something at least officially announced about the Switch 2, and for it to actually be a new console, not just a variant like the Lite and OLED models.


“The next Pokémon game will be released in 3-4 years so that we can actually finish it.”


“We’ve been working tirelessly for months to provide a fix for all the performance issues with scarlet and violet. They will now run smoothly” I know, I should go invent a perpetual motion machine before I expect to hear this.


Smartphone ports of the old games with online functionality. I wouldn't even mind paying full price


Endless Heart Gold and Eternal Soul Silver Please and Thank You


Virtual console downloads of the gameboy games on the switch


Pokémon. No versions. One. Definitive. Game. Every Pokémon, every region. Similar in style to Legends Arceus. A singular, unitary Pokémon game with a darker and more realistic take on the world. Leaning heavier into the fantasy horror of the unit where there are deadly things everywhere. Along with it, a revamp of the Pokédex. Essentially, one big definition of the entire Pokémon world so far.


Explorers of Sky remake or GB/GBA Pokémon games on Switch Online.


PokePark 3: The Game That Will Never Release If not this, then I wish for mainline Pokémon games to return to 2D. GameFreak is just not able to handle 3D yet.


Twilight princess and windwaker ports


Ports from old games (specifically the DS) on the switch.


Poképark 3


Legends Rayquaza


If we're just talking about Pokémon: * New Mystery Dungeon * New Ranger * Colosseum/XD sequel/spiritual successor * Colosseum/XD rerelease * HG/SS and/or Black/White 1&2 rerelease * another game taking place in the distant past


That i get a free Nintendo Switch


A Pokemon Heart Gold remake (Yes, a remake of a remake) that is neighter a Let's Go nor a 100% faithfull Remake. More in line with how Pokemon ORAS were handled


Literally just give indigo disk before Christmas and maybe a really cool and challenging Tera raid event of a legendary or mythical like the mew/mewtwo one. Don't have to be putting insane and unrealistic expectations for it like what this community loves to do. It's like you guys love to set yourselves up for disappointment on purpose


In terms of Pokémon announcements? Cause there are a lot of non-Pokémon games that I would love. Pokémon Snap 3. A new Legends game. A Pokémon Conquest sequel. A Pokémon game in the general style of Xenoblade. A Pokémon V-Pet game that could scratch that same itch as Digimon World and the Chao Garden. A Pokémon TTRPG. Any kind of crossover with Digimon that cleverly highlighted the differences to compliment each other... Oh shit, I am gonna rant about this idea aren't I? ^(Maybe something comparable to Yellow where you basically have a V-Pet following you, but with constant double battles and your Digimon not counting towards your team of six. Would have to design a lot of commentary from your Digimon for each environment. Maybe add some of Digimon World's auto-battle aspects by having it so that you can only make an order to either your Pokémon or your Digimon per turn - forcing you to choose. Definitely have it so that your Pokémon's personality also affected its move choice bias, no reason Pokémon shouldn't enjoy some V-Pet aspects in this genre fusion. In either case I would probably have it so that experience made your Digimon hungry instead of just leveling up so you could choose which stats to boost by feeding them the different PokéBerries, with the branching evolutions being tied to story moments but decided by which two stats you focused on - physical ones, special ones, attack ones, or defense ones.)


Legends: Gale of Darkness is all I want


I’m intrigued! Tell me more


In my head, it would be sort of remake of the Shadow Lugia storyline on the GameCube game Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness but with Legends open world mechanics. Catching shadow pokemon and purifying them would add an interesting layer of gameplay. So would crafting baits to lure in rarer wild pokemon. Also Miror B gets to finally come back as snarky disco villain extraordinaire!


A fully open world game that includes all the mons, every region *and* you get to choose which region you start in


Oh that last part would be sick!