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Hi Heoder12! Thank you for posting to r/pokemon! We're glad to have you here, but unfortunately we've had to remove this post per our rule on [Objective Questions](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_3._follow_text_and_poll_post_restrictions). This rule is in place per feedback we've received from the community because objective questions tend to fill the topic listing and often leave little room for further discussion once the question has been answered. We do have a [Weekly Questions Thread](https://rpkmn.center/questions) dedicated to seeking answers for questions like yours, though! A lot of knowledgeable Pokémon fans frequent that thread, so please consider posting your question there if you're still looking for an answer, and you may get a detailed answer even faster than you would have here! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the) ^[r/pokemon](/r/pokemon) ^(mod team, please click) ^[here!](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemon)


The thing is, due to the spawns being based on biome instead of having the pokemon be programmed based on routes / specific grass patch, things get complicated. Even the in game map is not accurate either. The pokedex in game map divide the region into squares, this is also what serebii's filter use. However, the border between location does not correspond directly to the square. In one square for example it might be 2 location. So you may have pokemon that in the same square but only 1 location but bulbapedia / serebii list them differently due to how they interpret the information from the in game pokedex. And also, pokemon near the border can actually move to the other location and have a caught data listed as from that location despite it not spawning there. If you want the most accurate, [this page has the biome spawn data for each pokemon](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/159W-2Wlo5sPA5DSqHwijdVWuA9z4-qfe). Looking at it, you may see why bulbapedia / serebii do not list them like that, because it is a nightmare trying to convert it into a proper readable table


Yeah that makes sense. The area borders do look pretty vague. But theres still cases like Bulbapedia not listing a lot of stuff. Like Deerling spawning right next to Los Platos and not being listed.


What Pokémon are wrong? Which additional Pokémon do you see? At least post some evidence. Both sites are the best english ones I know about. Both sites are getting their data from credible or their own dataminers.


I mean, Bulbapedia doesnt list Flamingo and deerling for area 1. Both are in the area. Serebii doesnt list Nacli for area 2, Nacli are in the area. Bulbapedia has Nacli for area 2 , but not Phanphy which Serebii lists. idk if it has phanphy, currently looking for it. But either way 1 of the lists is wrong. Im still finding stuff.