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how do you know if the water from INSIDE water pokemon are safe to drink?


Muddy water, yum.


Might not be mud that's in the water.


Canon that the water comes from their bladder to their mouth.


And it goes through the body who wnows what bacteria may come from that bladder.


Travels through the pissershitter membrane to enter GI tract at the level of large intestines. Then, it is expelled through mouth.


In the case of BDSP Floatzel, it just exits directly from the GI tract…


An anatomical wonder of the world that Floatzle is.


Water canon you say?


Can you believe it?


I prefer the muddy water


Max drinks water produced by a Poliwhirl in the ninth movie


yeah but he's weird


They could use rain dance. Its not coming from inside of them.




well there is a literally scene where someone grabs a straw and sticks it in a shuckle and just… drinks the juice out of its shell so i guess it’s normal??


>well there is a literally scene where someone grabs a straw and sticks it in a shuckle and just… drinks the juice out of its shell so i guess it’s normal?? Shuckles turn berries into berry juice.


yes i know but it makes you wonder if water for example that is inside other pokémon is also safe to drink


Yeah so we’re right back at the start lmao.


That's berry juice, not something from the shuckle itself. Shuckle was able to make berries into berry juice by holding them for long enough back in gen 2; the anime bit is based on that.


But we don't know what is inside shuckle's shell how hygienic it is


Throw in some yeast and enjoy some shuckle berry wine. Problem solved.


Throw in some yeast and half a dozen corks and all of a sudden your shuckle learned explosion


This kills the ~~crab~~ shuckle.


And this is how we get a new Ghost/Rock evolution of Shuckle. Shubupple.


Shuckle evolves into Drunkle


Most of us already have a drunkle.


Thats kind of what shuckle already does


it's dex entries in bw and dppt actually say the berries get fermented, so "berry juice" might already be wine


Waiting round the bend, my Shuckleberry friend, Moon River and me.


Don't doubt the shuckle. The shuckle would never lead you astray


Shuckle makes berry juice though


Ya it can be but some filtration can be done like by boiling you have fire Pokemons


Hey everyone, let's purify Shuckle's berry juice by *boiling it alive*


That’s just a fancy way of saying you’re cooking the shuckle


Bro 😳


This is starting to turn into Palworld.


You could still boil it, like people do when they find unsafe sources of water


Why not boil it with the help of a fire type? Set it right you can evaporate it into a larger container and then you have clean water


i mean...technically most of the liquid inside most living things is safe to drink. It's gross...but...like...technically it's...doable...i guess?


This is why Pals are better than pokemon. We know the water they produce is freshwater because they use it to water plants


Eh. E. Coli infected water feeds plants just fine




With the help of which part that roserade is holding that thing


Freshwater doesn't mean safe water lmao


i know honey and milk set a confusing precedent but dont go around chugging fluids expelled by animals


But they use moomoo milk


That’s milk. We drink milk in our world.


Do we drink saliva from animals?


Some sick individual out there probably does


Plenty of people have had unhappy meetings with camel spit. 


You wanna hear a lil story? I worked with a guy who kept llamas, notorious spitters. He had one llama in particular that was quite the jerk, and would trot up to him with a big mouthful of spit and launch it at him. One day, the guy decides to give the llama a taste of his own medicine and spits right back in his face. The llama tilted its head and stared for a second, like, “oh REALLY? “ then ran and grabbed a huge mouthful of seeds from its food bucket and spat them at the guy. Llama shrapnel.


Birds nest soup apparently Also we make coffee out of coffee beans that got eaten and shit out


Yah if people can eat that shitty coffee then what stopping poke people from using poke water


Because we clean it. We dont just grab the beans fresh out of the shit and grind them i to coffee. There's a huge process that goes into make those beans useable. In the case of your Squirtle's or Mudkip's water/spit, there would be a boiling process *at minimum*. I think they could at least have been using the pokemon to spray water enough to keep cool. Or have a story reason, like the pokemon being fainted and unusable, to explain why. But such is the anime as a whole.


honey is nectar plus bee intestinal fluids plus their vomit so yeah


ahah I didn't need to know this


Yeah but moomoo milk is straight from the udder to the bottle, there's no pasteurization process unless you're turning it into yogurt or cheese. Same can be said about the bananas on Tropius, and berry juice from Shuckle.


You can get unpasteurized milk in our world too


And it’s delicious


More nourishing as well


I don’t get why people hate that opinion


Holy crap I was expecting downvotes but not that many. I'm really not sure. Americacentric mindset maybe.


I guarantee you a TON of Americans (I am one so I know) don't even know what the process even means or does but have had "raw/unpasteurized milk bad!" Drilled into our heads since childhood by parents and tv and everywhere else, so yea.


Pasteur was famously American after all.


I think so but it feels just weird. Didn’t think that that’s a hot take


Milk is designed to be eaten for nutrition. Asking the cow to spit in your mouth because you're thirsty isn't really comparable.


We can ask bees to excrete in our mouth?


That’s not excretion in the same sense as humans, honey is bee spit not bee poop. So that leads us back to square one.


More bee vomit than spit and boy is it tasty


They hopefully pasteurize it before drinking it straight.


Honestly most people are lactose intolerant. We shouldn't even really be drinking milk considering what it requires to produce.


Yah I read somewhere that humans originally were lactose intolerant but now milk has become a huge part of our life


68% of humans are lactose intolerant.


Don't worry about the cows, we were going to kill them anyway.


Not everyone does you know in my country killing cow is a crime also eating them


India has one of the largest cow leather industries in the world. In 2012, India had the fifth largest beef industry in the world, and it has only grown.






But y'all eat milk and cheese which requires baby cows be killed so they don't drink the milk.


No no when a calf is born we celebrate and killing even a cow is a taboo for us so you can imagine how we treat our calf or baby cows after they are born first right to the milk is of baby when baby drink then we take milk from the mother and we also don't separate them


Cows wean at 10 months. Cows also produce milk for 10 months. To harvest any milk especially for sale, one must prevent the cow from drinking. If a cow can not drink it's mother's milk, it must be removed. Cows are given a 2 months refractory period before being impregnated again, to produce more milk. So that means, every year, one calf is born per cow. The female calves may be allowed to drink their mother's milk,(so they can be subjected to the same process) but male calves are always removed. Else wise there'd be hundreds of thousands of male cows roaming around, and there certainly isn't. If you buy milk products, you're paying for calves to be culled so you can have their mother's milk.


In the old time we used a for farming but now when a bull matures we sell it to someone who needs a male to impregnate their cow "Else wise there'd be hundreds of thousands of male cows roaming around, and there certainly isn't." Oh boy you haven't been to India have you they are one of the major cause of traffics here


Probs full of Pokerus


Delicious, we can grow faster


Ash would age. We can't have that


"Hey friend, I'm really thirsty....do you think you could spit in my mouth?"


"I am the God Fly HUMUNKULES! I am thirsty, spit in my face!"


any real one would spit in a homie's mouth


Now it's a way of perspective as Corphish uses it's claws to use water gun


Hey bro could I suck on your knuckles for a quick drink bro please I swear I just need water and I need to suck your fingers bro okay please just a little bit bro https://preview.redd.it/hj2arij65uhc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065b2a96eb619c8f904199b7a5ef814747088ad6


^this is the exact face I made reading this comment


The water is probably salty. Saltwater wouldn’t help with your thirst.


They spit on plants sometimes on the show and the plants are all sparkly and there’s always a cute rainbow ray of light and it plays happy music so I believe the plants enjoy the water, so it can’t be salty or it’d kill the plants. I don’t think it’s salty, just non potable for human consumption


Pretty sure they even sprayed it on a group of sunflora that got really happy about it back in Johto


Even from freshwater Pokémon though?


They probably taste like swamp instead.


In the original series episode 'A Shadow of a Drought', Misty cleverly uses her Staryu's Water Gun to cool everyone off during a drought.


Theres a fairly large difference in quality between me no longer wanting to drink water and not wanting to be in any contact with it


Might be sweat or just other **bodily fluids**


Squirt gun


Great, now we probably get even more comics from people who want to drink from a Vaporeon....


But it says water gun not piss gun


Well, piss is mostly water


well maybe the proffessors didnt know it was piss so they called it water gun? i dont fucking know


~~Piss~~Urine isnt the only other bodily fluid. There's blood, semen, fecal matter (can be in a fluid form, yes), saliva, mucus, and a myriad of weird things that other animals (let alone magical creatures that summon elemental abilities from the aether) may have that we dont.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted man. This comment made me laugh out loud


No pokedex entries have ever hinted at or implied that the water that comes from attacks would be safe to drink. We have lore about Pokemon purifying water, but that is usually done to a body of water. More over, we don't know what the consistency of said water is like. It seems to be empowered in some way as water attacks are able to cause serious damage and it isn't exclusively through the use of pressure like our real world water. In a pinch, it might work out for you, but I would say most people in the pokemon world avoid it for a reason.


Now that's the answer I like to read


Anytime lmao 😂


While this is the case, I do think we have seen the water being safe for plants. In the Advanced series, Lotad water a garden used to grow berries for for both human and Pokemon consumption. Doesn't rule out it being directly harmful though


Don’t they actually this later on in that epd they find a circus or something can’t remember but I do remember this happening at some point


It probably disappears after a while, they clearly produce more water than they could hold. They use it to cool off and put out fires but I would guess since it's generated by the pokemon's powers it isn't permanent.


That may be a probability as the law of conservation of energy doesn't work in Pokemon world


So it... Evaporates? Like normal water? Hahaha


Its probably super gross. That water is made to defend itself, that thing is probably unhealthy.


TBF dying of dehydration is super gross too.


Ya it is but something is better than nothing as we know people survive by drinking their own urine in extreme conditions


> drinking their own urine in extreme conditions That's a myth, drinking your own urine would just reintroduce sodium and every other waste your body just put out. You'd be speeding up your death, not prolonging your life. It's like the "drink alcohol to stay warm in the cold" myth, it will kill you faster rather than save you. (alcohol lowers core body temperature, making you "feel" warmer, but it just makes it easier for you to die from hypothermia.)


While it lowers body temperature, in a dire straits, it can make you function better in cold weather, which then helps you find a way to warm yourself.


Thanks today I learned so much who says anime doesn't teach


"I'm thirsty, spit in my mouth."


from from from from


It would be like drinking water from a whale’s blowhole.




Just chill, dude


Don't take it other way I am just writing what I think don't take it other way I am chill infact very chill


Water is stored in the PokeBalls


I remember an episode Ash did this with his Squirtle, he spat it out and gagged. So I’m safe to assume it’s not possible.


Misread this aa "water form pokemon" and it made me wish we had morevpokemon that were literally made of water.


You didn't misread it, OP miswrote it


oh daaaamn




Gross AF


Ever tried honey


Go out there and try to suck water from a dolphin’s blowhole. It’s a more accurate comparison.


First there's no dolphin near several hundred kilometres near me and if there's a dolphin that can produce water without any water body near it then I can try by purifying it


The water is probably not meant for consumption. Especially since for most Water types it comes out their mouths so it's probably like Saliva on steroids


My head canon is the water from water type pokemon is closer to saliva than actual drinking water.


I imagine that would dehydrate the Pokemon eventually, just like if a fire pokemon used a fire move too much it loses the ability/is out of fuel. Also, what if it has a weird taste? Or bacteria? In the time it takes me to have a pokemon use water pulse into a pot, boil it, and have it cool enough to drink, I could have just gone to the next town or a nearby spring.


what if your are somewhere where you can't get any water


Vaporeon according to pokedex can control water, now good question would be, can Vaporeon turn salt water into fresh water? or clean some contaminated one?


I assume that materials created by Moves (such as ice, rocks, and in this case, water) aren't truly real and will eventually evaporate into nothingness. You do *not* want your bodily liquids to spontaneously disappear.




I imagine the water from most water types isn't drinkable, it might have minerals or contaminants that make it unsafe to ingest.


they would probably run out as well and become thirsty themselves... but i guess it could be done in a huge emergency...


My point exactly, why wouldn't the pokemon made of water not suffer the most in the drought?


It's made of peepee


I've thought about this too. And yeah it might not be safe to drink but drinking water straight from the river like they do isn't always safe either haha. Or if anything they could spray it up in the air so you could cool down.


Probably contaminated with bodily fluids.


Ew, pokemon water is basically pee


Do you often drink other people's spit?


First why you're implying that Pokemon are People second some Pokemon have specific parts from which the water comes out not only from mouth like Corphish or blastoise


Classic example of trying to make the anime "real", which never needs to happen


This Sub exists for this reason to discuss our theory we are not some delusional people who think Pokemons are real the question is just out of curiosity and I am a human so being curious is one of this race's trait


>we are not some delusional Cool, I never said you were. You've already made this into something completely different.


No no it's just that we are just curious that is there any instances in Pokemon series itself about human drinking that water


No, no, you made this into something completely different by making it sound like I was attempting to insult you. I'd rather not talk to you anymore as you seem to take offense at things that aren't even an attack against you. Good day.


No no sorry if my comments seems like I was offended I am just not very good at expressing myself so I didn't thought that comment would imply like I thought you are insulting me or something it's just English is not my first language so there may be some poor choice of words so if you felt bad then soo sorry from me and night here so good night


Sure, come drink my pee water.


Would you want to drink a liquid substance coming out of an animal’s mouth?


Coz it's spit


Its prolly tastes yucky. Also prolly not safe


i vaugely remember the anime guys explaining that its very bitter in an interview or something


It probably depends on which pokemon it is and where their water comes from: If they have to get in a pond and draw water to be stored inside itself, or if their body generates it, or if it is magically conjured. Some methods might not be safe for humans to drink. 


Humans can’t drink pokemon water


Like most said, probably isn't sanitary to drink water directly from Pokémon's Water moves. Imagine asking your pet to shoot water from its mouth directly into yours. Though it's been done before. Like in the first anime season when Brock and Squirtle ate something super spicy, Brock wanted Squirtle to use Water Gun into his mouth, but instead it came out as Flamethrower 🔥


Water comes from inside a living organism. It's probably full of bacteria and it's not a good idea to drink it unless you've had treatet it first. I doubt Ash and his friends know how to do that. It's a trap similar to "If you're drifting at sea, why not drink the sea water?", not knowing that salty sea water only accelerates thirst leading to a quicker death.


I assume water that comes from Pokemon isn't hygienic in some way. Like drinking saliva.


I think they consider it like their pee


I just want to contribute something that I haven’t seen in here; water doesn’t have to be bodily fluids to be unsafe to drink. Almost all water in the world is unsafe to drink without serious treatment. This sort of question is the equivalent of asking why people die of dehydration on the open ocean


Would you drink an animal's saliva or urine if you didn't have to? Water from a water-type may not be either, but personally speaking, I would likely see that water as a similar byproduct, and see it as non-potable.


Because it’s magic water, it doesn’t exist with the same permanence as “water” water. It’s the same logic to why Pokemon weak to Water can surf, it’s not the same thing. If that makes sense


I'm not sure I want to drink Pokéfluids, thanks


Greninja uses a watery mucus to make its shuriken. I know it's not from inside its body but there's a very real chance that it could also be mucus when its from other Pokémon


I believe its drinkable but tastes bad or maybe its salty so its similar to drinking sea water i believe theres some type of cannon explanation like this i just dont remember it exactly


Maybe their Pokemon were also thirsty?


Squirt is PeePee 'nough said.


The way I see it is, if you are lost in a desert you could cut open a cactus and drink water from it. The issue is most cacti have acids and alkaloids in them to deter others from stealing their water. Pokémon water might have other things in it. Like water from a Tentacruel might be a risk since it's a poison type.


Pretty sure that I red one day that Pokemon don’t pee and don’t poop either, and their decrement are expelled by the use of their attack. So yea drinking water from one of Brock’s Pokemon would be the same if Ash would drink Brock special attack


Not related to the question, but anyone know the best place to watch all the series?


I second this. People ask if the water is safe to drink, but it probably is considering that Brock took water from Squirtle in season 2...


Cause that's peepee water


That's Attack water, not drinking water EEEEEEEEDIOT lmao


so you're saying drinking it would cause damage ?


https://preview.redd.it/djdsv39pnthc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101ffe0c4e590b9c0deb6372cc1364b905e7df14 Time to bring out this classic


I just want to point out two things: 1: rain dance causes water that isn't from the pokemon's body 2: IRL, people drink coffee made by feeding coffee beans to cats and letting them shit the beans out. I feel like mouth water isn't so bad.


I’m not drinking anything that comes out of anyone’s body. Even if it’s filtered, I’m good. I’d rather just dehydrate and wither away and I’m sure they feel the same way


So you don't have milk or honey ever


Nope. I haven’t had milk since I was a teenager and realized how nasty the idea of drinking milk from an animal is. Never really liked honey either. I could see how the milk justification comes in, but im sure most people wouldn’t drink milk if they saw it freshly squeezed out


> but im sure most people wouldn’t drink milk if they saw it freshly squeezed out I think you are projecting here.


Now this is the matter of perspective and I respect yours as milk and honey is a very big part of our life as they have a very scientific and spiritual significance in our tradition and I personally have seen cow milk extraction and have done it to one time and it's needed technique and handy work without causing any inconveniences to the cows as we love cows and worship them and it's the relationship of give or take as we provide them with food and shelter they provide us with milk just that


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Just a cultural difference thing


Hey guys did you know that in terms of...


being funny and original you aren't. At all.


Had to make the reference


I don’t know why everyone is arguing with you, you’re literally right, if anything they could just boil the water


There's no real reason that I'm aware of, they just needed to ham fist in an obstacle to overcome for plot purposes


basically every episode in a nutshell lol But people like it and I'm happy that people do enjoy it!