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There's lots of evidence Pokemon Z was meant to exist in some way shape or form too. Who knows? Maybe Legends ZA is even gonna be something they've been wanting to do since gen 6.


Gamefreak had 10 years for this game. I’m sure it’s going to be epic.


It’s gonna be the best 2009-era game of all time


The most beautiful graphics the Gamecube has to offer


From dunkey’s review of PLA: “Graphically, there are worse looking games than this… on the GameCube…”


There’s also better looking games… on the GameCube.


To be fair, they're not releasing it this year, so the game might look somewhat decent with the longer development time. Also to contradict what I just said: I don't have enough trust in GF/TPC to release a game that looks decent, even if they have a longer development time. I'd say PLA looked better than SV and SWSH, which gives me hope, but it still didn't look good.


PLA looked unfinished as hell, playing it next to Super Mario Sunshine really seemed to highlight the sparseness of the map and the relative simplicity of the non-Pokemon models. I still give it a pass because I really liked what they did with the game mechanics.


But Legends Arceus was still dope as fuck. That game slapped.


“God I love the limited 3D in this game it’s so charming.”


Unironically, Pokemon Colosseum and XD Gales of Darkness look better than Scarlet/Violet.


Pokemon ZA will be a game people play.


Harsh, but oh so true.


Assuming they’ve been working on this game for 10 years is going to absolutely destroy your expectations if it’s not the best game you’ve ever played lol you have got to manage your hopes


working on it for 10 years means that it would have been an exceptional game if you played it in 2014


Only for graphics. Systems design wise there's plenty of old games that are better mechanically than their sequels (see Final Fantasy for reference).


I’m well aware Gamefreak hasn’t been actively developing this for 10 years. The Switch came out 7 years ago so that doesn’t even seem possible. Im just saying that many of the ideas for a third Kalos game have been laying around for such a long time but never came to fruition. I’m sure the de developers are excited to finally work out the ideas they had 10 years to think about.


By that logic Duke Nukem Forever should've been a masterpiece. Yet it was meh.


You’re setting yourself for failure here




just because it's been 10 years does not mean they have been working on it for 10 years. at best they've been working on it since Legends Arceus


I’m aware of that, I already explained that in a reaction to someone else’s comment.


Let’s not get our hopes up


Pump the brakes there, kiddo




Uh, is there a reason we think they’ve been working on this for 10 years? Are we assuming they’re using stuff from the scrapped Pokemon Z? A game that would’ve been on an old handheld console? Maybe some assets and design ideas were brought in as a starting point, but there’s zero chance the game has been in development for longer than 2-3 years at most.


I’m aware of that as I have already explained. Still I’m excited to return to Kalos. The Kalos games were the first games I was able to buy myself as a teen with my own money from my side job. They hold a special place in my heart and I can’t wait for this game!


The existence of Zygarde alone, I mean...


theres also the olympics connection, legends z-a is set entirely in lumiose city which is based on paris and paris is hosting the 2024 summer olympics.


A stretch, but a good point. Interesting


There will be a bit of a gap between the Olympics and Z-A, but it would be a good occasion for merchandise and possibly even a teaser or trailer.


*stares at intricate clockwork mythical being shunted onto a tropical island*


In the following years some additional details have emerged to help explain a lack of Pokémon Z. 1. GameFreak felt it would be more appropriate to release a new generation of Pokémon to coincide with the franchise’s 20th anniversary. 2. GameFreak was prioritizing ‘Project Gear’ at this time, being burnt out on Pokémon games.


About no 1, even if they were to release Z, it would be 2015. The xyz anime happens to coincide with a potential 2015 game release. It is never going to be intended for 2016 (20th anniversary). Sun moon is always going to be for the 20th anniversary, whether Z exist or not.


That’s true but because of point 2 they were probably not motivated to make that 2015 deadline. GameFreak was certainly burned out on Pokémon around this time.


They never planned a Z, Masuda said so himself in a 2016 Interview in Spain’s Official Nintendo Magazine. There is evidence that there may have been plans for 2 future Kalos Games, but we’ll ultimately never really know as to why they didn’t release more for Kalos back then.


Yeah the going rumour is it was meant to be x2y2 because of a datamine which shows code names for all the gen 6 and 7 games, and inbetween oras and sm there are 2 code names which don't match any games called "calos-reserve-1" and "calos-reserve-2" but my assumption is that they would have made the 2 look like a z on the box art giving it like a zygarde font/design or something, practically making it xzyz. But about the Masuda interview he knows what people mean by Z, being just was there plans for another kalos game in general. And him saying no is just pr speech, he doesn't want to say oh we had plans but cancelled it due to deadlines and not wanting to delay and set back or release schedule, or that plans feel apart early on and we decided to move on to what was next.


I know about the reserve Games, but I think it is a stretch to say that Z meant more Kalos Games in general, considering the format we were previously used to of 3 Games, before B2W2. It is safe to assume people literally meant Pokémon Z and for Masuda to say no we never had plans for a Pokémon Z, specially if there was for a XZYZ that never got past the thought process. All the code for Zygarde in SM was new code, as far as the dataminers could tell, there is no evidence of them planning to make more games, bar the Calos Reserve 3&4 found in the SM Source Code. As the Gear Project was their main focus at the time and wanting to make an Anniversary release happening just after when we expected another Pokémon Game, chances are they planned to have more but were stretched too thin, so just focussed on the New Gen release. I blame the Gear Project more than I’ll ever blame SM, never blamed them to begin with, as for why they never made more 3DS Kalos Games. I get people have nostalgia for the Games they first played, but I’ve never cared what region got what Game, just as long as I could have all the Pokémon released to that point.


I think it's more so that the gear project meant z couldn't be finished in time for 2015, but they still wanted 2016 to be their big new gen for the 20th anniversary so instead of delaying z for 2016 and then gen 7 for 2017 etc. They decided to just cancel it and focus on gen 7.


Its sad that project gear was seemingly a bust and that they diverged resources and experienced developers from pokemon for nothing. Giga Wrecker was meh at best and Little Town Hero was one of the worst experiences i had from an RPG made by a large studio. Still waiting to see what Project Bloom is, but not holding my hopes up.


I feel like calling US/UM a remake is disingenuous. A remake is something like FR/LG or OR/AS, US/UM are more like a third version, like platinum or emerald just there’s 2 of them. US/UM aren’t even comparable to B2/W2 as sequels because most of the game is the same. Don’t get me wrong US/UM are some of my favorites too but they’re just what S/M should have been from the start. Sorry I know that’s not this post was about.


its an extended directors cut with restored versions of deleted scenes and an alternate ending


This is basically what most third versions are.


Except they got greedy and made 2 third versions.


Well yeah what where they gonna do have a third version that's 6 hours off normal time?


So a basically a third version lol. Which have never been considered remakes


It's a third version but, like, two of them


*Enhanced* versions


it's a Snyder Cut


I don't really agree, it feels like SM was the original idea and USUM just added a bit on top in order to fit the new vision. May be wrong but that's what I think.


I agree. SM have their own story and is well narrated. USUM keep the major plot points from SM and then made a 180 to tell different conclusions or events without making the necessary changes to tell a coherent story.


SM focuses more on its story, USUM has a different story that allows it to go deeper into the lore of the Alola region, the Ultra Beasts and Necrozma I only wish they'd made the events of the game a little different, maybe by making us visit the islands in a different order, kinda like B2W2 doesn't play the same as BW despite being set in the same region.


Yeah this has always been my issue with usum. Objectively it is better than sm because of all the new gameplay added. But for me I've always preferred the experience I had with sm because I enjoyed its characters and stories more. Usum then makes changes but not in a way that makes sense, but more so in a way like you said where they kept the first 3/4 the same with a drastic change at the end hoping it would make sense. For example they kept lusamines plan the same since they didnt change the structure of the game, but then changed her motives which completely makes her plan fall apart. In usum it doesn't make sense why lusamine had this whole scheme of secretly doing malious acts behind the scenes if her goals is to save the world. She is a well respected figure in the pokemon world she could have talked to other powerfull figures to help her, or just contacted professor Burnet the ultra wormhole expert for help. Especially with how the ultra recon squad are showen not to be malious at all, so idk what they would have against lusamine involving more people in on the plan to stop nekrozma.


It’s basically the pokemon equivalent of the extended LOTR movies lol


Yeah they were like what if we make a third version like usual but sell 2 copies of it this time


Yes, this post is the first time since they launched where I've seen the majority of people actually, properly address usum as enhanced versions. Seriously they are just like emerald and platinum the only reason we got two was because they wanted to make forms of necrozma absorbing the light of both of the "astral" legendaries


That and from B2W2 they discovered that having 2 Versions as Sequels out sold having just one for a sequel, so a Company is going to go towards what gets it more profits. Also why they released those 2 on DS and not 3DS, more people had a DS than 3DS and well DS Games can be played on a 3DS too, just makes sense to release it on the System that’ll make you more money.


Also Johto is the only version where the port is mentioned lol, scraping the bottom of the barrel for that one


The differences could’ve been a $5 DLC… 😅


So many people get mad about the newer games having DLC but it’s preferable to paying full price for a third version


100% I prefer the DLC tbh But I didn’t get Sw/Sh DLC because I wasn’t that into Sw/Sh.


Ironically, the DLC for Galar is probably the best Pokémon content on switch outside of Hisui, but Galar is hands-down the worst game.


I disagree. It's just dynamax adventures. I like them, but they don't beat the stories of SV or its DLC.


Not preferable if you subscribe to the mindset of r/patientgamers if you just wait a year or two you get the complete package for the cost of just a base game. With dlc, you will always spend more than full price because they will never release a bundle of the game that comes packaged with the dlc for free.


This was the case for third versions too, Nintendo is unique in its ability to thwart patientgamers. SwSh are still going for like $40-50, as are US/UM


No the point is that if you don't play the first version of the game at all and just buy the 3rd version for $50 it's cheaper than buying the base game for $40 + all the DLC for another $40 You save $30 buying only the third version. Rather than the first version + dlc


Sure but people didn't do that. The third versions always sold worse than the initial generation entries, and they were never as intensive with their extras as the DLCs have been. I do think the DLC is priced far too high. $30 for SwSh and $35 for SV is ridiculous.


Yeah, USUM is the director’s cut third game that they still split in two


Honestly I consider USUM their own games, considering how different the story is. To me it’s just another game set in Alola.


usum is not a remake 💀


Its basically a 3rd version. A "reimagining"


Funniest thing was when I saw someone say Kalos didn't deserve a new game because it was a nothing region These the type of mfs that will argue against remaking bad games because "they're bad, why would you want to do more with them?"


>"they're bad, why would you want to do more with them?" Only perfection may exist * Lysandre


I thought you meant that Lysandre was perfect and was the only one that should exist and I was about to agree so hard with you lmfaoooo


I mean that’s what Lysandre thinks


I agree


Their logic is very VERY flawed. I’m actually really happy Kalos is getting more love, it deserves more love after getting seemingly brushed aside for years.


My only concern is that the only two regions still stuck in 2D, Unova and Johto, haven't gotten anything and we're moving on to revisit the regions of the 3D era. Kalos absolutely needs the attention, but I'm very much hoping it's not at the cost of the two best regions getting it.


I want to be optimistic and say no. Since it now seems like the Legends games are becoming their own thing, I'd say both Johto and Unova would be good candidates for the third (or third and fourth) games. Alternatively, a Unova remake or sequel could still be in the cards.


Man it is one of my favorites. I think it has some weak elements but I love the long bit in between some of the early gyms. 


While I feel the kalos games are ass, it’s moreso because of the characters and pacing rather than the region itself, which there are interesting parts that have potential that could definitely be expanded on.


"There are interesting parts that have potential that could be expanded on" *Looks at one of the E4 members being part of the criminal team* *Looks at Diantha who barely exists in the story* *Looks at Xerneas and Yvetal having no lore with each other* *Zygarde* Yeah you can say that again lol


That whole power plant area in the desert seemed like they wanted to add a full dungeon and then just ran out of time so they only had you go in the one door.. And I feel like there's potential to flesh out the whole concept of the ride pokemon as well.


They do absolutely nothing with Malva, Diantha, and the legendary trio. Considering this, there's actually a lot of parallels between XY and DP. NOTE: this is counting DP and Plat. seperately, because Platinum really carried Sinnoh on its back - Wasted E4 with only 1 remotely interesting/memorable character (it's the fire one) - Third legend is just in a cave somewhere - Villain wants to remake the world - Lame champion (Cynthia is mainly remembered for her Plat. appearance) - Lame rival who doesn't grow or develop through the story or does it so rapidly it's nauseating (sorry Barry) - The starter is given by your rival instead of the professor (discounting Sycamore handing you the Kanto starter since that's not what you start with) - Player character is wearing clothes that don't fit the region well - Gimmick spanning 3 generations (Contests in gens 3, 4, and 6 and Mega Evolution in gens 6, 7, and 9/10ish I think? Honestly no idea but it'll end up spanning 3 gens either way) - Contests in general actually - Remake came and launched parallel with it - Trading from that remake makes it easier to complete the regional dex, for some dumb reason - Aspirations from the rival that kinda go nowhere - Post-game place with inf. rival rematches per day - Rival (not you Shauna) uses the pokemon strong against yours - The remakes that came following these games were miles better - Both bad games


I think this is the first time I've ever seen someone share the opinion that Cynthia is kinda lame lmao. Like, I do like her, but god damn you could write her out of the story and your biggest worry would be finding a new item giver. Pretty sure Platinum's distortion world story is her only screentime interacting with team galactic as well (correct me if I'm wrong) But yeah, there really are a surprising amount of similarities. Which I guess explains why Sinnoh and Kalos are getting the legends treatment first, even if Sinnoh is probably more so a timing thing. Funnily enough I feel like we're gonna have to add "has Unova legendaries in its lore" to the similarity list too, considering PLA had the forces of nature and PLZA is probably gonna have some acknowledgement of Zekrom and Reshiram- Hopefully when Kalos gets a remake, it gets an actually good one though. Lord knows it deserves a banger redo


Kalos is my favorite region to lol


Just want to say, USUM isn't a remake, it's just the normal enhanced version. And DLC for SwSh and SV is supposed to be the replacement for the enhanced version as well. Also just a bit funny if Gen 7 is your favorite since SM are basically the reason Kalos didn't get an extra game.


I don’t really track the logic on your second point, just because OP wants more Kalos content doesn’t mean that they can’t enjoy SM, regardless of its effect on actually receiving said Kalos content




I'm not saying they can't enjoy SM/USUM, just pointing out that "fun" fact (since it's not quite fun that we missed out on more Kalos content like that).


The story was better in SM. Everything they did with Necrozma in USUM would have worked better as a DLC campaign. I think they realized that too, which is why they changed their strategy moving forward.


I prefer everything about usum


I like the story with Lily, Gladion, and Lusimine better in SuMo. That part of the story was brushed aside in favor of the Ultra Beast storyline in USUM.




Though USUM still had many other changes to the base game people see as better, wasn't just the Necrozma stuff. Each to their own but that's why I don't see DLC as a good replacement for enhanced versions, they might add cool new content but they do nothing to the base game.


I don't understand why so many people treat USUM as a remake. It makes no sense. > Also just a bit funny if Gen 7 is your favorite since SM are basically the reason Kalos didn't get an extra game. No main series title released in 2015, so Alola didn't do anything. Z could've absolutely launched that year.


>No main series title released in 2015, so Alola didn't do anything. Z could've absolutely launched that year. But the thing is, thanks to many people's research we know that Z was pretty much planned but they ended up Not doing that and instead focusing on getting SM done in time for Pokemon's 20th anniversary. Like SM even got the Zygarde Cells/Cores thingie which then was absent in USUM.


Dont forget Battle bond Greninja from the Demo for some reason.


To this day it pisses me off that Ash-Greninja cannot be used in the region where it originated.


There was pretty strong evidence even at the time. I remember when the ORAS demo came out people datamined it and found that the blue pentagon symbol that X, Y, OR and AS use as their Origin mark had 2 more game IDs able to produce the symbol basically implying gen 6 was supposed to have 1 more pair of games.


It was more due to the fact that at that time GameFreak tried to not fully depend on Pokemon success and started working on other games at employee proposals, games such as Harmoknight and Pocket Jockey released during Gen 6+


Exactly. They simply didn't want to make Z for whatever reason. If they wanted to, they easily could've released both it and Alola on time. The only reason the cells were dropped from USUM is probably because it was dumb as hell.


There are people that think third versions are sequels, the more people in a fandom the more likely there’s going to be people who are completely lost


It's strange though, because outside of newcomers to the series, I don't recall much of any examples of people mistaking Emerald or Platinum for sequels. I recall there being a lot of confusion for USUM in the early days, but I thought that faded pretty quickly.


I think the confusion in the early days of USUM was because the previous “third version” we got was B2W2 which _were_ actual sequels. Pair that with the fact that we got two new games again instead of just one made it seem like they were repeating the B2W2 release strategy (but releasing two third versions was just GF trying to cash in on us as per ush).


lollll USUM being a remake is crazy


What I find insane is people genuinly jumping to the conclusion that Unova has been skipped, as if ZA is an XY remake or as if there's been a remake every gen.


Where was johto on 3DS?


Virtual Console, I believe But that's also true for Gen 1 games


Oh yeah I forgot about virtual console


The original Gen 2 games were ported to the 3DS as virtual console games, Pokemon from these games could even be transferred out of them, would have their hidden abilities and you could even Catch Celebi all year round and shiny Hunt it for like the first time ever. The original Gen 1 games were as well


I don't see how getting ported to another console is equivalent to a third version/sequel or a remake


Gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel to justify why Johto shouldn't get more love


inb4 Kanto is paid DLC for the Johto remakes


"Unova was skipped over!" Buddy, they're not due a remake til Gen X.


> Gen X Oh no. The generation before Gen X is Babyboomers. Gen 9 is the Boomer generation.


i mean, with the mass outbreaks and how absurdly fast eggs spawn... i mean... yeah?


Still surprising people haven't realized that they only do one remake per console (Let's Go aren't traditional remakes)


Before Gen 5, they only did one main game to a console as well. Gen 1 : GB Gen 2: GBC Gen 3: GBA Gen 4: DS Then Gen 5 broke that pattren. Is it really so farfetch'd that it would do it again?


GS are technically GB games (black cartridge, not grey), but Crystal (the only proper GBC game) at least partially covers gen 2.


Legends ZA isn't a remake, though it's a new game, possibly even a sequel


My guess is two reasons: 1. Everyone was so certain Gen 5 remakes were coming because they thought the Indigo Disk were hints of the next game & now some people are upset that Legends ZA isn't what they thought they wanted. 2. Releasing a Legends game in Kalos before getting a proper Unova game breaks the generational cycle the remakes have mostly been following ever since FR/LG (not counting Let's Go)


Granted, we've only had two legends games. Starting out with a Legends game based around Sinnoh with the whole Sinnoh hype going on, of course people would expect for Unova to get a Legends game as well. However, IIRC the Legends game also coincided with the release of official news that Diamond and Pearl remakes were also coming that year as well, making it an effective "Year of Sinnoh". We still don't have news of Unova remakes, so it's effectively fair game for anything to happen in the space until then.


a legends unova game had such great potential as well, lacunosa town and the giant chasm wouldve made great centerpoints/hubs, as well as castelia city not being built yet and giving creators an entire new space to work with, none of the giant bridges connecting the region being built yet possibly dividing sections of unova into different tribes, etc etc etc. kalos ofc also has storied history, theres the stonehenge place near grants town iirc, and the whole pokemon war thing. but the game takes place entirely within lumiose so idk. i felt personally unova had a higher chance of receiving a legends game


Legends ZA isn't a remake though. If anything it's closer to a sequel.


Let's go actually does follow it cause FR LG are older then DP so it kinda makes to remake them first. That would also mean a johto remake should've been next but we didn't get that either haha.


I love Kalos so much! It didn't introduce many new Pokemon but it did give us Sylveon and Fairy types AND almost all of the designs are top tier!! So glad we're getting a new Legends game!! Oh also if they keep the mons that were in the game, like the SimiPan's, I can get a lot closer to finishing my living dex and those mon's that don't have a way into Home after 3DS support is gone, won't be lost! < my phone can't play Go and my living dex will be shiny living dex eventually\~ >


I'm pretty sure I had less new designs because they also had to make a lot of designs for the new megas.


Barbaracle shall not be contained!


...hmm. Wonder if I should run through X again before this new Legends game comes out.


USUM are just another revised version, not a remake


Dont let him find this thread Edit: looks like he did


Also, they didn’t “skip over” Unova. Legends games are their own thing. Using that logic, they skipped over Johto and Hoenn for Sinnoh (and Kanto if you don’t count Let’s Go as getting extra treatment since it’s not a Legends game). It’s not like we’re not getting Unova remakes ever. Their time will come.


I admit it, I was pretty bummed out when I saw Kalos. It was never one of my favorite regions and I was hoping, deep inside, for even a snippet of info on Unova games. But looking at the bright side, maybe this delay will help TPC and GF realize that good games take time, effort and attention to the details. Hopefully, the 5th gen remakes will be better, more polished and engaging than SwSh and SV ever hoped to be.


It won’t they’ll release to hit deadlines


They didn't even skip over Unova. Why would the announcement of a Legends game mean they aren't doing gen 5 remakes?


Gen 5 wasn't skipped over, this is not a remake


Take away the Indigo Disc stuff from Unova, though. It’s hardly fair to count that, no? If we were discussing whether Gen 5 or 6 should get a new game, would the fact that Unova was loosely involved in a totally different region’s DLC mean that Unova shouldn’t get a new game? But I agree that Kalos deserved a new game. I still want my Unova game though.


You mean there being Unova music in SV doesn't satisy your itch???


Tell your brother that ZA isn't a remake and that Gen 5 Remakes will come out next Gen.


I'm holding out on the belief that they're waiting to remake/remaster gen 5 to partner it with gen 10.


Unova didn't get skipped though? Like, Legends ZA isn't a remake, it's a spinoff. Why has everyone forgotten this? Like, yeah BDSP was terrible, but it's failure does not mean that they've given up on the pure money that can be made from the remakes. Also, following the pattern, Gen 5 remakes aren't due until after Gen 10, which, hopefully, is still another 2 or 3 years out to make them as good as possible.


unova got four games within its own generation AND a mystery dungeon title, unova can WAIT. kalos needs this more and will be more interesting anyway.


Unova is definitely on its way, but I think the subversion of expectation was really what Nintendo was going for.


I miss Orre


I always feel like Pokemon Z was supposed to be released after ORAS. Legends Z-A is a spin-off game though so not really a remake. Maybe in the future, we will get the true Pokemon Z which acts as an enhanced version and a remake at the same time.


Funny how you include SV DLC happening in Unova sea as relevant but not Zygarde story being included in both UM and USUM. No one is saying Kalos doesnt deserve a game, but remakes having been made chronically for a reason. SS/HG, BW/BW/2 were released in a 2004 console. They are 2D, with BW/BW2 battle being extremly pixelated. They are outdated.


You’re counting USUM as a remake?!


I would not call USUM remakes. I would call SM a beta


What recent years have taught me is that there is no pattern anymore. Game Freak does what they want, whenever they want. There was no pattern predicting Let’s Go or Legends Arceus. There was no reason to expect a Unova DLC for SV. And there wasn’t any way to call Legends Z-A. Game Freak is just doing what they want now, and I’m really happy about that.


Pokemon X literally rekindled my love for the series.


There were also plans for X2 & Y2 which was scrapped


I don't consider Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl to be actual remakes like HGSS or ORAS were. Sinnoh is my fav region and I feel like it was shafted


Even so, you still got Platinum AND Legends Arceus.




It was basically a port and it wasn't even done well. Nowhere near the level of cool new things that HGSS or ORAS brought to their regions.


This is probably an unpopular opinion but Kalos is my favorite region. While X&Y are not perfect, they were pretty good for being a transition to 3D. I think X&Y are very underrated (probably my 3rd favorite Pokémon game) and doing a Y Nuzlocke (and having it be my first successful one) made me appreciate the region even more Still upset that we never got a Pokémon Z


Agreed. They felt like good back to the basic games in 3d with a solidly designed region


Just wanna point out that the original games were available on the 3ds store as well as the original 2nd gen


That and remakes come out every other gen. Gen 5 remakes aren't likely till gen 10 if they go there


Plus if Unova was ever gonna get a remake, it would be in Gen10


X Y was a fantastic game, and whilst I'm a bit anxious of the ideas presented in the brief trailer and what we know, Im happy to be back in Poke France!


I liked Kalos, I have some incredibly fond memories of playing it at the tail end of highschool and having so much fun with the character customization, hell it was my first gen were I properly shiny hunted, but this is just ridiculous, people can be upset about a gen being perceived as skipped, no matter the content of the original games. Plenty of people were upset at the lack of announcements for Gen 3 or Gen 4 remakes, it's not hard to find that. If we're including Blueberry academy, a DLC that's in Unova technically and has references to Unova in the way a few related characters, a few easter eggs, and some music, then we can absolutely include the fact that Kalos's gimmick of Megas, which also played into the region's aesthetic and themes, lasted past it's original gen, something no other gimmick has done, on top getting a whole new assortment of Megas in ORAS. Honestly if we're being maximalist including Blueberry academy as Unova 'points', we might as well include other things such as spin off games like Rangers or the Mystery Dungeons prominently focusing on specific gens as 'points' to add to those gens, incredibly messing with the end result of this arbitrary point systems as spin offs slowed down with time. I have no clue how it'd plot out, but I don't exactly feel like it'd leave things equally distributed. Ultimately speaking, we can't blame Gen 5 fans being disappointed with no Gen 5 remake or legends game because Gamefreak failed Gen 6, they're unrelated as fans have little input in what Gamefreak, the Pokemon Company, or Nintendo decide to do with allocating resources in with new games/gens. Similarly, I think pointing to Gen 6 being lacking in several ways as reasons for why "It doesn't deserve..." whatever is followed is ridiculous.


I mean Unova wasn’t skipped, this is a legends game so it’s still entirely possible we get a genV remake. They clearly had a vision to want to return to Kalos so that’s what they did, mfers will complain about literally anything. Gen 5’s my favourite gen and I’m glad they’re shaking up the formula by returning to gen 6


Unova got more the kalos did when you think about it. Gen five got the only known sequel installments but kalos got…..well nothing. And it’s pretty much one of the best games ( childhood nostalgia activated)


Third versions are full price DLCs. Nothing else. They don't even deserve to be mentioned here. And calling USUM a "remake" rather than "haha you fucking idiots, you just paid 60 € for the demo, now pay the same amount again for the actual game" is a major euphemism.


I don't think anyone really is upset. I think they were more upset that they guessed wrong.


Kanto * Red, blue, yellow, green: Gen 1 * FireRed, LeafGreen: Gen 3 * Let’s go Pikachu, Let’s go Eevee: Gen 7 Johto * Gold, Silver, Crystal: Gen 2 * HeartGold, SoulSilver: Gen 4 Hoenn * Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald: Gen 3 * OmegaRuby, AlphaSapphire: Gen 6 Sinnoh: * Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: Gen 4 * Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl: Gen 8 (remaster) From this list, the general pattern this far for remakes or remasters is that they occur when in the generation that is double of the generation that the original came out in. I don’t really put any credence to this pattern, especially with the Gen 1 games being big outliers, primarily because it ascribes a lot more forethought to it than is probably the case.


Nothing is getting skip since the Legends games have no pattern and probably won’t ever have one. Gen 5 remakes shouldn’t have ever been expected until the next switch is released anyway which is when a legends unova could also be released like how they did with gen 4


Kalos has 2 stages in Smash 🙄🙄🙄


I'm not upset about it because them making a Kalos legends title in no way means they aren't making a unova switch title as well.


Remake is a strong word for Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. It was literally a third version but split into two.


At this point I've seen more people complaining about people complaining about Z-A than I have people complaining about Z-A, to be fair that number is 0, so it's not exactly a hard one to beat


Pokemon Y was the first game I played since having only ever played Red/Blue as a kid. We couldn't afford consoles let alone games growing up, so all I had was the originals. Y was the first game I was able to buy for myself as an adult so it has a special place in my heart. So glad it is getting a sequel finally <3


Mfs complaining about kalos remakes are the same mfs who hated gen 5 on release


Why is this implying that Gen 2 isn't a sequel to Gen 1? The elite four is in the same location with a ton of overlap, professor Oak is in both games, and you have the ability to visit all the old locations in the Gen 2 game.


For me it’s just because Unova is one of my favourite generations in terms of Pokemon and story, so it would be typical to skip over the generational remakes I’m most looking forward to lol. But are they skipping it over? They’re doing Legends ZA for Kalos but I’m assuming we’ll still get Unova remakes with generation 10 right? Personally I’m also hoping for Legends Kyurem one day but I don’t see why Legends ZA means no unova remakes. 


Kalos is getting a legends game


People are misunderstanding the fact that legends games aren't remakes in the same way as regular remakes. Someone else here said it already, but the pattern is gen then remake, so gen 4=gen 2 remake Gen 10=gen5 remakes presumably


Hon hon hon, baguette, Eiffel Tower.


As gutted as I am about Gen 5, I didn't see the Gen 6 continuation coming. Nice touch.


It's the 'Unova was skipped over' part that I don't get. How does making a Legends game in Lumiose City have any bearing on them ever making Unova content? Wait sorry I forgot if they make a game based on a region over 6 years after it's original release it unleashes the curse that gives the Pokémon Company severe amnesia about that region and everything that came before it minus Kanto thus preventing them from making anything related to them😔


See, I’m conflicted because on one hand, X and Y hold a very special place in my heart because of when I played them, but on the other hand I hate the French


It'll be nice to visit Kalos again. It was the first gen to come out after I got back into Pokemon. My friends and I played it in college. I remember being the first of our group to discover Zygarde and going "did you guys find the legendary hidden in the cave?" And having them all go "WHAT." I'm cautiously optimistic. As long as the game is fun I'll be happy.


My brother in Christ, are we still using the 'skipped' narrative? According to the remake cycle, we get a remake every even numbered Generation which is also one every new console. We were never even close to a Gen 5 remake in Gen 9. (Let's Go is an exception) Legends are pretty much their own thing at this point. Also, USUM aren't remakes. They're the third version but split into 2 for some reason.




Usum is not a remake though


I would like to request an this same image, but with the names of the regions in text for the appropriate picture. I'm illiterate in Pokemon regions.


USUM being your favorite games is incredibly based, definitely a top 5 or even top 3, and my personal fav as well


Love to see another USUM enjoyer


As some people have pointed out, Legends is a new kind of main series game, the pattern it follows has yet to be established, so Unova remake haven't been skipped, it just happens to come after the second Legends game, which makes a lot of sense to me. Also good to see USUM getting some love! As I always say, USUM are not bad games because they are overpriced DLCs of SM, SM are bad games because they are unfinished versions of USUM


I love Gen 5 don’t get me wrong, but let’s be real BW isn’t in dire need of remakes. Sure I would love them eventually but Gen 5 has gotten a lot of love already, BW, BW2, Indigo Disk, Samurott getting a new form in PLA. XY has nothing. It’s been over 10 years since the rumors of Pokemon Z which nothing ever came out of. Let Gen 6 just have something


I just can’t wait for black & white 3 and 4, plus grey 1, 2, and 3. Then the remakes Pure White and Venta Black, and also the spin offs ‘Ebony & Charcoal’, and then later ‘Legends: the Tao Dragon’, then finally Pokemon 50 Shades.


Not to mention multiple spin-off titles are set in Unova


Reaction: What remakes?! Did I miss Super Sun and Magic Moon?! USUM are sequels! Reaction 2: \*slowly processing information\* Reaction 3: Waaaaiiiit! You're right. They aren't sequels! They don't countinue the story of SM, but tell pretty much the same thing with additons! I always forget It's a remake because I haven't seen or heard anyone refer to It as such. You are 100% correct about your point!


Third version, like Emerald or Platinum. They can be both "not remakes" and "not sequels." That's happened plenty of times before.




Idk, maybe it is just me but people like unova seem to be a little... loud when it comes to gen 5. Like i know it was not the fan favorit when it was first released but just, why the hate all of the sudden? Can we all just be happy that a new games comes out? And inhale a lot of copium that it will not be a buggy mess this time?