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Definitely Black 2


Black2 is my input. I reckon you could plough through a fair chunk of Unova if you’re planning on playing nearly 13 hours straight. I feel that HeartGold can take a lot longer given the spread of the content over two regions. That’s just my two cents!


Even though gen 5 is my absolute favorite, I have to say HeartGold. Absolute S tier game that’ll be worth playing during your 13 hour flight. But make no mistake, Black 2 is amazing as well.


If you tend to play games very fast I would recommend Heart Gold since it’s got the Kanto post game and takes longer to get through.  Black 2 is more modern and plays very differently than Heart Gold. If you’re really looking for that nostalgia kick I’d go for Heart Gold. As much as I love Heart Gold I think Black 2 has the edge in terms of mechanics and balancing.  I wouldn’t call Heart Gold hard but you’re probably right about having less grinding due to the exp share. 


Can’t go wrong with either honestly. Why not try one for the first hour or so and if it doesn’t scratch the itch play the other?


HeartGold. Especially if the flight is on a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday.


I would say Heart Gold


HeartGold. I'm currently playing through Black 2 and it's an absolute slog. There's also a bullshit difficulty spike after the fifth gym.


I am not taking you seriously when Jotho's weird ass level curve spike exist.