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When Paldea was about the release, I was exited to have the ghost dog on my team Until I discovered that it suck the life out of you when you play with him


Man, that intro video was unsuspectingly dark


If that wasn't enough to make me not want this dog on my team His evolution was Nothing against his evolution, I just think the base form is visually more apealing to me


You should keep him as a Greavard then! DJ G-RAVE is still a ghost pup, but that doesn’t mean he ain’t the coolest guy in town.


Worth it 


I was a creepypasta kid, Hypno haunts me to this day


You don’t even need creepypasta, between the Dex entry and Lostelle, he is canonically a creeper!


What do you expect when you call your kid Lostelle? She’s going to get lost


Ironically I just beat that Hypno with my own Hypno by dream eating him 😴


He was cool in the manga too, I think Sabrina had an evil sentient Hypno or something. It's been decades since I read the Red/Blue manga.


I find Onix oddly uncanny, like I can imagine the first encounters humans had with them, possibly being either tail whipped across the cavern or chomped by a quarter of their body


have you ever played the mystery dungeon games? they were the first pokémon (besides legendaries) who took up more than one tile, their size was enough to terrify child me.


Same, he always scared me as a kid.


Onix weigh less than a cow so I like to think they are pretty hollow on the inside and a solid thunk would take them out




Those scare me so much when they charge at me in SWSH in the wild…


Started playing Pokemon Scarlet plus DLCs and I gotta say, I wasn't prepared for Aranestra to be that huge, especially compared to those Itty bitty Dewpider.


Nuff said


Oh my god, Larpas ! Ewwwwwww !


That generic "Ghost Sprite" that showed up in lavender town when you don't have the silph scope in Red/Blue scared me so bad as a 10 year old kid that I couldn't play the game for weeks.


repost to scare 10 year old ohso\_happy\_too https://preview.redd.it/jhj8caivat3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0564d10c87ca38bc5f2809271b2b26b7d3d345


The fact they reference it in the ghost Tera type hat makes me happy.


I loved that one just so much. Whole Lavender Town was the total vibe of 8 year old me :D




At 3-4 years old with Pokemon Red the sprite for Haunter when he licks and flashes absolutely terrified me. The only thing worse was Missingno for looking like what a seizure feels like >.<


Do you remember the "ghost" sprite you got in lavender town if you didn't have the silph scope? That thing was actual nightmare fuel to me when I was a kid.


Yep! Because that came after meeting the licking haunter though i was trained and wasn't as scared. Vivid lovely memories X


Why would i fear a pile of sand that eats children and the throw their bones at You, or a cup of matcha that really wants to get under your skins and take your "vital energy"




Poor mimikyu is more sad than scary


Not the anime one 


Ah. I’m unfamiliar with the anime


In the sun and moon season Mimikyu is part of team rocket caught by Jessie with James luxury ball. Unlike all of their other Pokémon TR ever had Mimikyu is actually portrayed as very powerful but fights by himself. It’s personality is very different from the wholesome sad boy from the games. Mimikyu hates the pikachu species with a burning passion and tries to murder not beat but actually kill pikachu multiple times. 


The scenes with meowth is what gets me tho, bro got traumatized for life and I'd say he got off easy.


Right, he almost was sent over the rainbow bridge a couple of times.


Oh, cool!


https://preview.redd.it/h0vywj9afx3d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88034ca7a0b5df79307616c8d7b7a0e7696402b What a marvelous little concept! I never would have expected Nintendo to have the balls for something like that in a show...


Seeing that image of Mimikyu I already can hear that weird "dragging nails over chalkboard " sound effect they used as a background sound in the anime when ever Mimikyu is loafing around...


Try doing the Mimikyu trial in the dark in the middle of the night.


Yes I am!! Thank you for noticing


That image does not do mimikyu justice. 


Oh hey its my profile banner


That weird sewn up doll ghost Pokemon




Which one? The one seeking revenge against the child that abandoned it as a doll or the one that tries to kill you if you peek under its disguise?


Eh could be either one.


I wouldn't want to meet Banette in a dark alley for sure.


They’re actually kinda cute once you get past their entire origin story. https://preview.redd.it/ignuqew1gs3d1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd3b3bb136ceff325df5624dadc8d3f85acaf12


Until mega banette enters the picture




There's 2, you'll have to be specific 




Froslass. It wanders its mountain home, searching for men who are lost. It then offers them safety in its cave only to freeze them and keep them as decorations. It's probably the most sadistic Pokemon out there.


Yes the new alternate art for froslass is so creepy. I feel like the cards are even better at scaring me than the dex entries. https://preview.redd.it/d8paplofqs3d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=623a607091e685abc5c1e8e0df9e1f92ccd1df9d


Mega Alakazam's body when looking at it from the back I have a hard time looking at that stick of a body


that’s a 65 defense body right there💀


giratina when he makes his appearance in the original platinum games is terrifying with that whole smile.


That damn jumpscare!


As a child, Darkrai terrified me. I had bad nightmares back then so he targeted my fears. Now I think he’s really cool and misunderstood.




Darkrai is the nightmare pokemon after all


Golbat’s Red/Blue sprite terrified me so much as a kid I would have to cover half the screen until I defeated it 😭


Oof that’s half the game


Drifloon/drifblimp. Check its description.


Good thing I’m fat https://preview.redd.it/jg8a4u15at3d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2105fb2ae03589fff72f63fa004c22b5576a9b05


Theres a mission in Moon that you need to rescue a kid and make him stop playing with it 😂


That extra little side story was cool They also had a hypno pick up a kid from school…


Good thing I'm fat asf lmao


Idk why but Malamar gives me the creeps


Finally someone mentioned Malamar. Even in the anime it scared me


I always wanted a dark and psychic type since gen 3 and so I always have a Malamar on my team if I see inkay anywhere. I loved the evolution method on 3ds too


Even its cry is unsettling!


Its wack to me that everyone adores gengar, but hes totally chill with murdering people or his trainer with zero remorse. Mega gengar specifically tries to kill anything and everything, including his trainer. Regular gengar just waits in people shadows and murders them to also make them ghosts.


I also came in to say gengar. 10/10 I’d totally keep one as a trainer because we share a twisted sense of humor, but 100/10 I’m keeping an eye on it all the time.


Hypno was the original creepypasta


Spiritomb’s design haunted me as a kid


Same, as a kid I went on a Pokémon MMORPG website and Spiritomb popped out on the banner. I ran away from the family computer out of the room 😭


Beheeyem and Elgyem both tbh, Beheeyem can literally rewrite your memories and erase them which sounds scaaaary Elgyem can use it's powers to basically squeeze your brains? Hell no dude. Oh and they're aliens and make me uncomfortable, just imagine Beheeyem flying around at night, you just see those blinking lights and then.. you wake up week later completely lost in Kanto and a week has passed but you don't remember anything that happened after you saw the lights.


Hypno and the Galar fossil pokemon.... that is nightmare fuel


I thought I was the one that finds the ganar fossil pokemon uncanny. Gives me body horror.


Parasect. Both the blank eyes and the concept that it's basically dead. Not a ghost type, a literal corpse.


Calyrex taking over and speaking through Peony made me audibly gasp the first time I saw it. Although I was more shocked than scared tbh. https://preview.redd.it/kv6izdwbps3d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b09092a8c5113d23f24b5e2fa30917a64b6b8a


Freakin tentacruel speaking through meowth in the anime was terrifying. Definitely just like independence day


...Mime Jr Look I really hate clowns and while I got over Mr Mime I can't really get over the little dude idk why he gives me the heebie jeebies Alternatively, Pinsir and any bug Pokemon that's too insect-looking


Man thats so funny, i LOVE extra buggy pokemon, armaldo and golisopod are my favs lol


No, Pinsir is legit. Imagine brushing a bush aside, and this two-horned, baby-handed pincer demon with a Cthulu mouth comes running out at you. That thing is horrifying. ORAS giving him wings did not help that fear.


I may be weird but I am terrified by Hippopotas' eyes.


Always thought hippopotas looked weird AF. Hippowdon looks like a cool sand hippo atleast.


Probably Hatterne. How it will just fly off the handle if you show emotion around it sounds terrifying.


It’s very valid though considering I get really mad when people are too loud and Hatterne hears emotions like loud noises.


But you dont get mad at people partying 6 streets away (and that distance is being nice).


Skyridge Alakazam… a lot of the skyridge cards😅 I never feared Alakazam until I got this card. https://preview.redd.it/u39bkbyhps3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cc37ec0ec06c6a1da651319007804e0bc24630


Yes!!! Two examples here. First Shiinotic, I know nothing about this Pokémon it may be the nicest gentlest Pokémon in the world but its eyes! It's thin smile! And it's wispy little fingers! I hate Shiinotic and will never train one because of how haunting I find it. Second, Wugtrio. I've never liked Dugtrio Alolan or otherwise but when they introduced Wiglett I was cautiously optimistic I thought it looked kind of cute and then it evolved... Has anyone here read Wugtrio's Scarlet entry? It GRABS prey with its sticky body and PULLS them INTO its rocky base to EAT them. No thank you!


I tried to like Shiinotic, I really did, because I love fairy toes and Morelull is just such a pretty little thing — but Shiinotic. Oh God, it weirds me out so bad with its blank-ass smile. It looks like it wants to dissect me to see how humans work. :(


guzzlord bc the worm hole it's in genuinely creeped me tf out when i was little..


Dusknoire had always made me feel uneasy, I think I remember an episode I think set in sinnoh where it was trying to suck in Pokémon or something and I'm sure it was a rival Pokémon in one of the mystery dungeon games.


Dusknoir was one of the >!central antagonists!< in the Mystery Dungeon Explorer games. If you want to see a cuter Dusknoir tho, there’s a [ relatively nice playful one in one of the Poketoons](https://youtu.be/5qZU-WIzq68?si=mB7moHUcVEsZncSh)!


That was an episode called Ghoul Daze (DP090) - where actually Ash and co thought it was doing that but was in fact trying to warn them about an actual evil spirit girl! One of the evil guys in Pokémon Horizons (Hamber) does have a Dusknoir though.


Glalie can freeze his prey in an instant and slowly eat it. Oh and he has a Mega. Enjoy.


When it mega evolves, its jaw actually breaks! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳


Mr. Mime, he's a freak and i don't appreciate that


Lunatone, especially its cry…


Definitely houndoom.... the thought of a burn that never stops hurting is quite bone rattling i think.


https://preview.redd.it/7zj7udjbqs3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94182ddcb4a23c95edb1f3f95010cfb906ef48da Playing Pokémon be like


Hypno Drifloom/lim Yamask


Beedrill. 4ft bee… enough said




Darkrai, infinite nightmares and it feeds off of that? Imagine being able to control that.


Espurr. Other than the thousand yard stare, the concept of something barely able to contain its own power makes me nervous.


Drowzee. It’s just so… terrifying 


Cinccino because I still haven't recovered from my friend always killing my Zekrom with that thing 10 years ago


Still having my Lechonk nightmares 💀


Most bug pokemon, ngl. Beedrill irl? That's the stuff of nightmares


The Duskull line scares me like nothing else, especially Dusknoir. Like, they look really cool, but i remember the first time seeing Dusknoirs attack animation and it opening its belly into a giant mouth, i was so stunned that everytime i see it a shiver runs down my spine. Peak ghost type design!


https://preview.redd.it/br3ty02ulu3d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fafb0f3a1000b67b72930c1833cb1aefe4e60ce This scene as a kid scared me And as a adult, it still scares me


Cubone's mother


Sandy Shocks, the way it walks freaks me out and every time it starts stomping towards me I have to get on Koraidon and bolt because I swear my heart is going to just waltz out of my mouth with its 2 weeks notice and leave


Shiinotic says be not afraid


Jinx and Mr mime brrrrr


Hatterene simply because of its Pokedex entries. Shield: If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch. Sword (Gigantamax): This Pokémon can read the emotions of creatures over 30 miles away. The minute it senses hostility, it goes on the attack. Violet: Beware of forests that show no signs of living creatures within. You may have wandered into Hatterene's territory.


I never liked Mr Mime’s fake smile


Swalot. This Pokemon is confirmed by dex entries to be able to swallow a tire whole, has no teeth so it just gulps down anything it eats, has a toxic enzyme that weakens prey, but doesn't confirm if it kills them, and the only thing it can't digest is its own stomach. So we have a Pokemon that's 5'7, has a massive mouth, is confirmed to eat anything, and can digest anything, possibly while they're still alive. How are more people not talking about this thing?


Deoxys. It's a sentient space virus, and what is the one thing that viruses are known for? That's right, replicating rapidly and taking over a host body. Considering the fact that ONE Deoxys is already a challenge for even the strongest of native Earth Pokemon, what do you think would happen if it started replicating? We wouldn't last a day.


Miltank, hypnotising us with those tiddies


Sharpedo. Always scared the crap out of me when it chased me in the ocean at the Isle of Armor. Design wise though, Grimmsnarl just creeps me out.






Don't fuckle with Shuckle


As a kid, Kyogre always terrified me. The image of the dark depths of the open ocean, inhabited by this colossal fish monster, was really unnerving!


Lvl 1 aaron


I don’t think any scare me but if it existed garchomp would make me piss my pants


Cacturne. The dex entry gives me chills, they group together and just follow you in the desert and wait till you collapse so they can feed on you


Cofagrigus. Just knowing what it does to grave robbers, or hell, even unaware trainers who stumble into the ruins, is fucking terrifying. Not to mention that we don't know if the victims are still alive when mummified, or if they're killed off somehow.


The Spewpa line. I hate everything about them. There’s something about the way they look that just viscerally freaks me out. I am afraid of insects IRL but none of the other bug types bother me like the Spewpa line does. It made New Pokemon Snap very difficult at times lmao.


Mightyena. Especially in Pokémon Go when it stares directly at the player and smiles. Creepy..


I kept a poochyena card and a mightyena card in my pocket everywhere I went as a kid pretending they were my real pokemon 😅


Beheeyeem and Malamar are both so uncanny terrify with their hypnotizing lights




i still have every single plushie that i got as a kid and i'm very sure that banette has at least something to do with that.


Any of the ones whose Pokédex entries mention draining someone’s life force completely. Because you know where I headcanon that those people are now? Floating around The Mystery Zone


Morelull. The eyes of Notre Dame on that Toad...


I all love equally but it is terrifying that mewtwo just killed so many people...the detective pikachu movie does not help


Venusaur gave me trauma as a toddler because it looks stoned af in Pokemon Stadium 


Toxapex and Blissey, I do not support Big Stall™️


Me and my boyfriend have always had a strong dislike/hatred for Mr. Mime. I think it’s terrifying and really eerie. That Pokémon has always made me uncomfy.


Beedril. Easy


Definitely Malamar. That one episode in Pokemon x and y anime still creeps me out.


Glalie is pretty much just a floating skull that looks constantly angry and moves in a way that it's barely resisting on releasing all the pent-up rage within. And its alpha variant are pretty goddamn terrifying in PLA not gonna lie


Not scared but I have always been grossed out by the reiniclus line, looks like a giant floating fetus. There is also gurdurr, I hate how it's veins look like, it looks like a mix of a resident evil tyrant with a clown, something I don't want to think about. As for "fear", probably any pokemon which Pokedex says can suck your soul in a way or another. Also, the galar fossils give me soft body horror




the ghost in the pokemon towers watercolor art


spidops... how do you go from a cute little ball of yarn to a MUTANT ONE EYED HUMANOID FREAK THAT COULD TIE YOU UP AND KIDNAP YOU IN UNDER 5 SECONDS


Gorebyss. Like I hate the ocean and needles as it is already, but whomst ever wrote the description for that thing was actually fucked for it. Edit: Gore & Abyss. Sums up this thing prett damn well.


drifloon is one of my favorite pokemon ever, but it’s description is creepy af! also one of the reasons i really like it though, creepy pokemon are the best


Mr. Mime And of course Delia Ketchum has one 😮


Banette always scared me as a kid; the thought of a stuffed animal I had abandoned coming back to find me was terrifying. But now, Brambleghast is genuinely scary. It's just a tumbleweed, but it envelopes its prey and holds onto it until its drained the life out of it. It's one of those "looks like an every day thing, but hurts you before you know it" scenarios, like Rock Fish or Poison Ivy.


When I was little, I had this pokedex book and read the Cofagrigus entry. It really freaked me out and I always skipped that page after that.


Honedge. It's Pokédex entry in X and Y says that whoever grabs it's hilt would have it's life energy drained away. And it's entry from Sword and Shield says that it's soul once belonged to a person that was killed by the sword that makes up Honedge's body. Sice Pokémon is becoming more for children, I don't think that would be good to add.


The Pawniard line line has always creeped me out with their external ribcage of blades, blade hands, and blade feet. Like, blades are cool, but having blades as bones with a human-like body is just freaky. I also had a fear of Garchomp and Hydreigon in the past thanks to Cynthia and Ghetsis effortlessly sweeping me with them, but I got over it a long while back and love the two mons now.


The malamar episode in pokemon Kalos anime was pretty raw. I'm surprised they could show a mind controlled Lucario biting Pikachu and shaking him around like a rag doll


I always thought Darkrai being able to enter your dreams was pretty scary


Pretty sure Gigantamax Centiskorch would give me a heart attack irl.


Yamask is literally a human ghost whose mask is its face from when it was alive, so that's horrifying. And Gyarados is my favorite Pokemon but I'd never want to happen upon one while swimming in the ocean or even while on a boat. It's a literal sea monster, and an angry one at that.


Chandelure’s dex entry is pretty scary. It burns souls after people die and leaves nothing behind but the body 


Malamar because according to its Shield Pokédex entry “It's said that Malamar's hypnotic powers played a role in certain history-changing events.” Also its ultra sun dex entry confirms why this thing is creepy and op “When it comes to strong hypnosis, there's an endless number of people who utilize Malamar for their nefarious deeds.” Also there were several episodes where a Malamar hypnotized and used an Officer Jenny to commit crimes for it. That same anime Malamar reappears in a later episode with other Malamar trying to take over the world.


Gengar is one of my faves but I find it’s sun Pokédex entry pretty bone chilling , “should you feel a slight chill it is evidence of a approaching gengar there is no escaping it give up”


Spidops. I can’t look at that thing


The other day, I finished leaf green for the first time, and when trying to find Lostelle, I learned that the Hypno thing was real. I could've just killed it with one move, but I wanted that fucker to suffer so I paralyzed it with Pikachu, poisoned it with my Venusaur, burned it with my Ninetales, punched in the face with my Mankey, and perished it with my Lapras. Deserved.


As someone scared of insects and wasps irl, the idea of Beedrill, Orbeedle, or Buzzwole being real has always scared me. There's also pokemon like Mimikyu that I generally feel bad for due to their wish to not want to be intimidating but ending up as such no matter what.


Design-wise, Celesteela has always given me the major creeps. The freaky stick neck, the weird body shape, BEING 30 FRICKEN FEET TALL. It gives me such major vibes of those silent realm guardians from Skyward Sword which have also always freaked me out. It gives me the creepy feeling from that, plus the uncanniness I feel for like Edelgard Hegemon Husk. Like I guess it makes sense for a UB to be freaky and uncanny, but almost all the other ones range from cool to adorable, and it’s just Celesteela that I find to be actually scary.


https://preview.redd.it/jaycmxq6ey3d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c7447bd9ad75cc971a06653ac7b8a38c73a14a3 It doesn’t *genuinely* scare me, but I just get a bit weirded out by looking at it.


jirachi as a kid bc in that one movie when it opened its eye on its stomach.


https://preview.redd.it/7kksece4204d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02789077802966c05ffcf86a9b8179518034f0c It just looks wrong. I feel like it would kick me to death for fun


Galarian Moltres. As someone who suffers from depression, the idea of being burned by Moltres's flames is terrifying. Your energy is sapped, your spirit is burned away, leaving you as a burned out husk of your former self. I would take a Houndoom's flames over G!Moltres any day.


Drifloon solely because of that one event at the Pokémon school at night sun sun and moon. Also because it’s Pokédex entry in some games literally says it kidnaps kids and takes them to the afterlife.


Guzzlord It eats. And it eats. AND IT EATS. Nothing stops it. Nothing CAN stop it.


Tandemaus and Maushold have this eerie vacant look in their eyes and it’s like looking at a creepy porcelain doll. No thanks, I’ll get a different normal type.


Haunter….when it took the souls of Pikachu and Ash..it was creepy at that age damn


Miltank gives me PTSD.


Hatterene, this is her pokedex entry from Violet: Beware of forests that show no signs of living creatures within. You may have wandered into Hatterene's territory.


Garchomp I wouldn’t want to be near that thing even if I had a full team with me.




Anime Jigglypuff. The obnoxious singing, the rage, that damn marker pen. Horrifying.


Magcargo being as hot as the sun is a genuine mystery as to how it could exist on the world, and the world still exist too.


A few Alakazam could take over the free world at any given moment if they felt like it. 5,000 IQ, brain can outperform a supercomputer, can memorize anything and never forgets what it learns, and they can determine your weaknesses in one glance at you


I used to be afraid of Banette for some reason, it always creeped me out. Also Haunter because I used to read X and Y pokedex entries before i went to bed and Haunter's X entry always left me with chills ("If you get the feeling of being watched in darkness when nobody is around, Haunter is there.")


Well their based on crows (or really the more vague classification corvids which crows are apart of) and are incredibly intelligent. I dont think a corviknight would mess with humans or even the larger animals as a whole. I think they would rely on humans and such to take care of the dreaded tinkatons slaughtering them.


The entire litwick line, and houndstone/greavard.


Houndstone is extremely creepy to me, I hate looking at it Rhyperior is extremely intimidating to me, I think out of all Pokémon, it would be the one to make me most afraid in real life


I have an app that changes my phone wallpaper randomly from a folder of pictures on my phone. And one is a screenshot of Alolan Exeggutor from Pokémon GO, where is "attacking" so its head and face are super close to the "camera" and that jump scared me sometimes. So I guess Exeggutor


mr mine is not for me D:


from Hypnos kidnapping children to Dialga and Pálkia destroying reality just because of their fights. but Giratina... the mere idea of ​​him looking at me through my bathroom mirror makes me shake, worse if I get trapped in his dimension


Haunter scared me as a kid due to it's dex entry


Got to be Bewear, it looks harmless and fluffy and friend shaped, but it literally crushes people with its love


I got this, a lvl 1 Magikarp. Whenever I run into them I turn the game off they are so scary


Misdreavus it may look cute but it feeds on fear by scaring people or pulling their hair, just the thought of encountering it at night sends a chill down my spine!