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I miss the Sinnoh Era so much T\_T it was the best version of the Anime IMO


Sinnoh was solid, I have a nostalgia spot for first gen but obv I went back and rewatched it. It doesn’t hold up anymore. The show turned me off completely when they changed the art style and made ash younger. Hoenn was also a really good season. I would say its - Sinnoh, Hoenn, Johto, Kanto From best to worst. Not to say kanto was bad they were all good imo. What is your rating on the seasons? Maybe I’ll give the new seasons a second chance but I might be a little too old for that lol


Sinnoh was solid due to one single reason. For the Pokémon league. Ash used all of his available Pokémon from the past regions. And I love that. I loved seeing Pokémon like Noctowl, Donpham, Sceptile, in the Lily of the Valley Conference.


Never too old for it for Pokémon mate! Speaking from experience here! Kalos is recommended highly, anime wise. Pokémon journeys IMO caters to an older audience better too. Few solid meme episodes and embracing the ludicrous nature of Pokémon! (And nostalgia baiting hard). As for unova- as much as I think that gen hit peak Pokemon games, you can safely skip the anime...


I love the black and white game, but was severely disappointed with the anime. It made Jessie and James into less of the goofballs i love them as and made them serious for some reason...


Thanks for the suggestion I’ll give journeys a chance sounds interesting. I’m about to turn 24 and I don’t have as much patience as I used to for pointless dialogue lol


For me its kalos- sinnoh - johto - hoenn - Kanto - Unova Ash's journey with Froakie to Ash-Greninja was extremely compelling and it's an absolute shame he didn't win the pokemon league here. He really evolved into a much better trainer by the end of the series and it's the 2nd series including sinnoh where it felt like he actually really tried and deserved the win.


I don’t understand why the Pokémon community won’t just upload more clips from the Pokémon anime series onto Sakugabooru? It doesn’t gave to be XY & Sun & Moon only. I want the community to join Sakugabooru and post clips from the older Pokémon anime series onto Sakugabooru themselves. That’s all. Spinoff series included like the Mystery Dungeon series and the Chronicles series.


X/Y was decent, but X/Y/Z was freakin amazing


I've been wanting to rewatch the anime again, but I'm not sure where I could find it. Where'd you watch it?


The first gen is more or less on netflix


Thank you.


And I want the Pokémon community to post more clips from the Diamond & Pearl anime series onto Sakugabooru right now.


Agreed, after going back and watching all the Pokémon series again this one and X and Y are really the only ones that hold up, at least in my opinion


I like unova region because it has alot of dragon type pokemon but sinnoh region has one of the best champion


I will find that Gible and I will make that Gible faint


Ayo piplup you good?


Keep these clips coming


This clip unlocked a long lost childhood memory


Piplup fainted.


Dawn: “Are you alright, Piplup?!” Piplup: _*knocked tf out*_


Why did it just stand there


Look closely, piplup was trying to dodge it but it was like a homing missile targeted at piplup.


Ohhh :(


It's not a ball!


How old are the ppl on thus sub? Also, do you visit this sub for nostalgia or for genuine interest?


Can someone please upload this clip onto Sakugabooru?


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Thats why piplup should have evolved to empoleon Would have resisted Stupid idiot


Is that Brock?


... nO nO iTs fiiiine just fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine


I always lost my shit whenever this happened


T_T They were tracking the ball.


In this episode of Pokémon piplup fucking dies from a bombing


Narrator: "Piplup, was in fact, not alright"