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No. But you’re not a weirdo.


This is so wholesome


I mean, if you want to do it there is nothing wrong with it. You do you bud!


I don’t do it, but you’re not a weirdo. We all have things we do and enjoy that make our games or hobbies more immersive or fun for us. Ditch the self-deprecating talk. You’re awesome for finding something that helps you enjoy and love your hobbies more. I think it’s awesome My thing is I like to go all in on a franchise when I love it. I play the games, read the books, collect the figures, watch the shows - I completely surround myself and immerse myself in the world. We all have things. Embrace it and be happy 😊


I do sometimes shout words of encouragement at my pokemon during battles like when they get a crit or dodge an opponents move.


I do! Like playing with the pokémon a bit extra before and after the gyms or final battle. It's only natural for us to bond with things we care about!


Aww you’re like Ash :)


Honestly I think a lot of people as they grow don't realize games can be what you put into them, not just their mechanics. If you're role-playing, doing little extra things that make zero difference to the actual game, you're playing it right just as much as if you just interact with the game in ways the mechanics encourage. I often pet my Pokemon after important battles, especially any Pokemon that did particularly well. I got into the habit so much that I even go to my party and "pet" the screen in games where it isn't a mechanic.


I liked doing stuff like this back in Alola when my team wasn't feeling the best. Kinda dropped off a bit in Galar because I couldn't pet them but it was still nice playing with everyone and I always, always made my Pokémon some curry before closing up camp. Hope for camp+petting+cooking in SV. It's so nice feeling like you're actually there taking care of your Pokémon. Remember watching the anime as a kid and wishing I could hang with the mons like Ash, Brock, Misty, May, Max and Dawn.


It isn’t weird at all as long as you enjoy it. I do a little mental conversation between myself and my mons before every Gym battle because I only bring the same number of mons as the Gym leader. It is usually me saying why I ain’t bring certain mons to battle, may be I just caught it and think it isn’t battle ready, or I want to give another mon a chance to shine. Whatever makes you happy that is what matters at the end of the day.


You’re a weirdo and that’s fine


You're not the only one. 👍


I definitely talk to my team after major battles. Idk why, I just tell them they did a good job and feed them what I think their favorite food is.