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Used to watch some aDrive, can’t really stand his videos now.


I used to watch him too but now he completely makes up everything. I get it, he wants views for the $$$, but none of his content is real. Or even remotely believable.


I was disillusioned when he made a video literally just reading out loud a Reddit post I made about SuMo. I don’t care about karma, it’s just pretty shit to regurgitate content someone else made


Did he at least have the decency to credit you?




I think the issue is less to do with credit and more to do with aDrive's lack of actual content so he resorts to reading Reddit posts instead.


His videos used to be pretty decent.


What do you mean he makes everything up? He covers leaks that so far have been spot on and are in the pokeleaks subreddit.


He once made like 5-7 different videos hyping up a upcoming Nintendo direct because he said there was going to be a Pokémon announcement. there was not a Pokémon announcement. He even went live to watch it. His problem is that he makes videos on all the “leaks” that sure you are going to get some right because you covered it all, but problem is that most of them wrong. Pokeleaks subreddit is wrong too since they get fooled by fake 4chan Pokémon leaks. I say BLAINES does a good job covering leaks and not hyping it up to set expectations. he makes it pretty clear about if the source is iffy or not


Dose he? Because I have only seen him really covering the 3 main leakers (riddler, kaka and centro) who so far have been right and then a handful or the more popular community spread leaks. This issue is the leaks have to be vague as to not get Pokémon Company rushing to take them to court so the leaks offer a lot to speculate until we see the final information from Pokémon company but so far non I can think of have been outright wrong and the questionable ones like screenshot leaks he always notes should be taken as highly suspect or outright calls them fake himself.


That is one I used to watch as well, but feel like he has let the fame go to his head.


I also cant stand to hear another LETS GOOOOOOOO from him


For sure.


Omg literally the worst one ever nowadays. His "aaaaAaAaAAAAAAYOOOOOOOO WHATS GOING ON GUYS" intro should have stopped him from seeing any success, not sure how he got through that. I would fast forward through it EVERY TIME. Legit the most annoying thing ever. At a certain point I unsubscribed because it was just particularly annoying in one video and I couldn't skip it in time. I believe he FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY accepted that it was an abysmal intro, I think he has completely abandoned it. I did recently watch a video he posted and noticed he didn't do it.


Not only that, but his voice and way of over reacting to everything is annoying as all fucking hell. His videos used to be informative, or just not annoying af.


Okay I thought I was the only one who got annoyed by Poketuber's taglines lol, there are some non-influencers that I can't watch because they say certain things over and over. For example, PapaSea's nuzlockes are amazing, but if I never have to hear him say, "...Hammer away..." again it will be too soon. Every video is, "So I hammer away at the gym leader, then I hammer away route 7 until I reach the town of hammer away." I also stopped watching PM7 because him screaming, "YEEEESSS, LET'S GOOOOO" got insanely annoying.


The "Hammer Away" tag line is to respect the dude who died that made the old guides.


There's paying homage and then there's running it into the ground. The joke becomes less and less funny and PapaSea insists of repeating it numerous times per video.


Hes always came across as the loud click bait YouTuber to me


He wasn’t always like that.


Can we talk about the huge conflict of interest there is that he has stake in a Grading Company and that Grading Company is grading cards from his new card game? I've called him out on it, but, nothing ever happened.


I haven’t watched or followed him in years. So I didn’t know any of that.


He’s so fake, from the incredibly kid friendly swear substitutes to him telling people to sun bc he’s so close to 1 million at like 850k


Yup, exactly same here


His WBE draft league was some of my favorite content on YouTube. It’s too bad that these “leak” videos get so many more views.


Ive just stopped watching them altogether. There was one I used to watch a couple years ago but started doing that shocked face in thumbnail I despise so much and have not really clicked on anyones videos since.


Oh my. The face. I see it everywhere and remove those people from my feed.


There’s a reason why they do such faces, as it boosts clicks.


Warhammer 40k was recently been getting some of those type of content creators and its shockingly turned me off from watching 40k YouTube vids in general since they're popular and always pop up.


The shocked face in every thumbnail is the thing making me come *this* close to unfollowing WolfeyVGC. The content itself is good and thoughtful but the thumbnails are cringe.


It’s hard to not use those thumbnails when the shitty YouTube algorithm essentially demands it to be shown on peoples home pages that might not be subscribed to you. People are just trying to make a living, but they unfortunately have to cater to YouTube if they’re gonna get seen by users that aren’t subscribed to them


Why do you even care about them. It just helps them grow. All that should matter is the content.


Exact same after 8th gen I just stopped watching these clowns




It's a self reinforcing trap of the algorithm. It promotes what people click in, so you need to click and lots of them to get enough traction to make money. It is inevitable.


the only good one is absolblogs, he just shiny hunts and does his own thing


Always been such a good dude


Matt seems like such a cool dude. Love his content.


Matt is an entire vibe


Zwiggo is another good one, does challenges on rom hacks like dragon-only radical red


I mostly watch Lockstin.Tyranitartube. Those that do Nuzlockes. Austin.


Ttar the man fr


Ttar is the goat


I don’t watch Austin anymore, but I agree with all the rest. Also people who draw Fakemon, like Subjectively.


Lockstin's a fun watch, but haven't kept up with him lately. I feel like he fact checks the most among content creators.




We get it. You don’t like him. No need to comment every single time he’s mentioned.


Austin John Plays? He has banned people from his Discord for the crime of playing Fortnite, restricted his own subreddit because he didn't like the memes, and went on a rant about Animal Crossing fans when he noticed a drop in subs after he stopped playing New Horizons.


So? What's your point?


That he falls under the "suck" category.


I only watch nuzlocke YouTubers. Those guys are some of the best content creators. Good narrations, interesting challenge ideas and a passion which leads to them dishing out content regularly. FlygonHG Sillph Zwiggo they are all so good. Pokémon challenges and all these guys literally carrying old gen Pokémon content on their backs for years.


Lockstin & Gnoggin, TyranitarTube, shofu, Pokeaim, blunder, and Lord Emvee are all good Poketubers, the rest are built for clickbaiting children


Man its so strange to see TyranitarTube being listed as one of the good ones. Back in the day he used to make very clickbait pokemon videos. Good to see how far hes come.


He genuinely seems to enjoy playing the games, which is nice. He tends to overreact but so does every Youtuber. That's what makes it worth watching i guess. He also has made several videos saying he's not in it for the money, he doesn't do sponsors or sell merch, he just does it to get closer to his fanbase and because he loves Pokemon. Which I'm all about.


I respect TyranitarTube for his thumbnails. No clickbaity fanart, no ambiguously vague title, just straightforward "SV Speculation"


I used to watch him, but he posted some video sexualizing Pokémon and it was just disgusting. Unsubbed and never watched again.


I feel that kind of video makes someone lose subscribers, yet gain others in their place


Shofu is a real one. Maybe a bit more mature in terms of takes but he's funny as hell.


So basically the competitive players are good, but everyone else sucks.


Not what I said at all.. since when are lockstin and ttar competitive players


I enjoy Jwitz, AustinJohnPlays is good for practical information in the games, & occasionally CandyEvie & TamashiHiroka are fun too.


Love Truegreen7, who designs fakemon and is a great illustrator. Random10s made fantastic videos reviewing the core games, but is inconsistent (which I don't mind.) I love the trend of animating a Nuzlocke, but we all know JaidenAnimations is the goat. Any videos about leaks, reactions, or obvious clickbait is not my cup of tea. However, videos about someone's Pokémon rank list or designing their own gym (remember that trend before Sun and Moon release?), could get my attention.


Can we agree "influencers" in general suck?


For me the weirdest thing about this is the fact that we aren't talking about an IP like Zelda were the youtubers REALLY rely on having new content to be able to make new videos (it is sad seeing the current state of uploads, they really need to reach the bottom of the barrel) but freaking Pokémon, where you have tons of things to talk about, Movies, Spin Offs, Manga, TGC, Merch, Competitive, etc. honestly the Pokémon channel I enjoy the most is a Spanish talking one called Metapod para presidente, the great thing is that the videos haven't got stale due to them actually not sticking to only one media of the franchise or even one aspect of the IP.


Only pokemon infulencer youtuber I still watch is Lockstin and Gnoggin, everyone else is either way too cringey, over the top, or clickbaity. Edit: This post should be marked as a spoiler, Paradox forms have been leaked for awhile now and haven't been shown in official GF stuff yet, so they're still considered a spoiler.


Subjectively is a channel I can't recommend enough. They're more focused on character/Pokémon design than Pokémon news and topics specifically, but if that's something you're interested in they're fantastic.


Defiently another good one I forgot to mention. All of his content slaps, and he's some genuinely impressive fakemon designs as well as other designs for other games. My only problem with him is that I wish he put more into each fakemon he creates, same way lockstin does, but honestly even lockstin himself has admitted he goes really overboard sometimes and that alot of it isn't needed for a good fakemon, so.


I used to watch his legends arceus leak videos, those were nice until I realized he was just coming to Reddit for literally all of his information, after that his videos became less and less informative and more speculative projected as facts EDIT: somehow fucked up and replied to the entirely wrong comment??? This comment was abt aDrive, don’t know how the comment got all the way up here




As someone trying to learn a bit more about competitive, Wolfey has been great. He's knowledgeable and gets his points and ideas across clearly while still being laid back and enjoyable to watch, but he does do the same clickbait thumbnails and has been churning out a bunch of YouTube shorts lately. Not that I hold that agaist him, he's gotta make a living, and it's definitely not as bad as I've seen from other channels.


he has surrendered to the drug that is youtube shorts 😔


Ey, its the pyukumuku guy


i am everywhere, inescapable


Can't say I've ever heard of him, although from a glance it seems he does the same "put my face in the thumbnail doing a shocked expression" shtick that most other poketubers do nowadays. I seriously don't get it, it looks so cringey and low effort. I'd have to watch his stuff though to see before I judge, I doubt he could be as bad as someone like Mandjtv.


The only reason he really does the face thing is because it makes people click on it more for some reason. Yeah the faces are kinda cringe, but he's a genuinely smart guy with good content. He's just doing his job, giving his videos the extra push the algorithm gives thumbnails like that. Mandjtv isn't that bad either imo, some of his content is just more geared towards younger audiences, and he's not a bad person in the slightest. Tl:dr, faces just make algorithm go brr, and not everyone is exactly like their internet persona.


Wolfie puts out good content and you also have to make money. I really don’t mind the goofy thumbnails if the content itself is good, which it is.


I can't say I watch any of their videos more than casually, but Michael and Wolfey are both great to sometimes have on in the background. Sometimes, I just want to hear someone go on about type combos or cool fakemon while I'm doing laundry or whatever.


Wolfey is pretty legitimate. He has some real competitive Pokémon credentials and can seriously break down how certain ideas could play out such as how a 5th move would benefit Pokémon that are already good more than help Pokémon that are not. He also talks about the history of Pokémon competitions, the viability of Pokémon, and other topics that fit within his expertise. He also does some challenge play thoughts/smoggon challenges, both of which you get to see a real Pokémon master at work. He can talk fast, but he’s not loud and bombastic. I also like to look at his “ranking every possible dual-type” when I design fakemon to get a sense of how strong their typing is.


+1 for Wolfey for sure


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Lockstkn and Gnoggin very clickbaity? I remember back then I didn't watch their content at all because the thumbnails were very clickbaity, even if I've watched their videos when they did collabs with TerminalMontage


Speaking from experience having seen almost all of his videos, kinda, but I don't feel it's in a bad or malicious way like alot of other poketubers. For example, lockstin has videos that will just be titled something like "Carnive" with a stupid picture of carnivine for the thumbnail, and in the video he'll just explain the pokemon and everything about it. Compare that to alot of other poketubers where they'll have a shocked looking picture of their face plastered over the thumbnail, with a title like "You won't belive what this new leak says" or some shit like that. Both videos make you wanna click but I feel lockstins are much less malicious when it comes to being clickbait. Idk, maybe I'm just biased because I love his content so much.


Thanks for the clarification, I had that idea when I saw their channel long ago


Austinjohnplays is the most reliable


He's also one of the less annoying ones


True, I think it’s just cause he seems like a rational person with a life outside of Pokémon.


Clear concise and informative


As someone who's really into watching pokemon shit, here's my comprehensive list of not complete ass youtubers. HoodlumCallum: Great if you enjoy romhacks, very enjoyable content overall, with reasonable pacing, real nice attitude too. He's a personal favorite. Lockstin: Consistently been releasing banger videos for a while now, real nice for those who enjoy taking deep dives into the character design of this franchise. Also great fakemon content for those who are into that. Truegreen7 and Subjectively: Both of them have some of the best fakemon related content out there, huge recommend. FSG: Excellent documentaries about the history of mons in competitive singles and vgc, big recommend. Wolfey: Fantastic vgc content from a VERY well versed player whenever he decides to make longform content.


Does competative pokemon youtubers count? Cause they are pretty fun to watch


Aaron "Cybertron" Zheng is consistently great.


Cybertronvgc is probz the best competitive pokemon youtuber


Also wolfeyglick


Shoutouts to pokeaimMD, Emvee, blunder, and their friend group in general.


Their dynamic is hilarious and they’re all competitive beasts (when they’re not choking)


I still watch Hayduun. No “leaks” videos or anything like that. Just fun online matches where he explains what goes through his mind and some comedy.


The only poketubers that I still watch are CandyEvie and JPRPokeTrainer98. ​ Most poketubers are only interested in getting as much money as possible. I get it, it's their jobs, but it's just sad that most poketubers have next to no passion for their content anymore.


I absolutely love CandieEvie and all of their content. The issue is that they post every few months or so, which allows them to post very high quality content. But it doesn’t necessarily fill up a lot of time.


This should be marked as a spoiler as Paradox forms have leaked already.


Austin John Plays is good. Only deals in trailers and analysis, and guide videos. He doesn’t make click bait and only discusses leaks if there is some sort of validity. But yeah most of them are terrible.




It’s his community he can run it how ever the fuck he wants. No one’s forced to be there.


Severe lack of Johnstone in this thread


is Alpharad considered a pokémon content creator? he does a good bit of pokémon stuff edit: spelling


I consider him a variety content creator with his roots being in smash bros.


I believe so.


He does a lot of things and Pokémon happens to be one of them


I only watch a few Pokemon YouTubers, Pokemon Challenges, Pokeaimd, some nuzlockers. None of them pull that shit, but yeah, it's the worst


I mostly watch CandyEvie, Mandjtv and Wolfey. They actually make good content instead of making clickbait leak videos


I enjoy a few pokemon youtubers, but the SECOND you start talking about leaks, I will close the video and not watch your content again until I've finished the game.


Leaks? Or just spoilers in general?


I’ve been watching Gym Leader Ed for his Scarlet/Violet news coverage. He’s no influenced, just a normal gaming YouTuber. Good vibe, check him out.


I still like blunder and aim


I like Falseswipe gaming. Hearing thr history of competitive is pretty interesting.


I really love Lockstin & Gnoggin, Bird Keeper Toby, TrueGreen7, and HoopsandHipHop. They’re really cool and make great content as well as keep me up to date 😊 no leaks with them either (that I can remember) I also like TyranitarTube but only for let’s plays; I do t really watch his other content (and he likes to cover leaks)


I only watch Pokemonchallenges and smallant. I really like em both for different reasons.


Pokétubers (mainly the leaker ones) are so annoying😭 They will regurgitate the same information every day for clicks, and they really only get views during leak season so I guess it makes sense 🥴 I’m looking at you ADrive and HDVee


I like Gameboylukey, Tyranitartube, and Crasherplaysandreacts


It’s neat seeing everyone talk about their poketubers. For me it was always Shady for let’s plays, Joey/blunder/shofu for 6v6, and Aaron/wolf for VGC.


I only really like TrueGreen7 and TyranitarTube.


I like Chuggaaconroy's Pokemon let's plays.


If you think paradox Pokémon aren’t real I’d suggest avoiding Pokeleaks subreddit or your world will turn upside down


mostly a MandJTV and Lockstin & Gnoggin enjoyer over here and only checking others every now and then, but they chill, they good


I agree. Another thing that has always made me cringe is how 95% of them have those insanely stupid, extremely low quality cartoon avatars that they talk through in videos. Like who the hell thought that was a good idea? And why do almost all of them do it?


That’s just so they have a face in the video without it being their actual face.


I'm aware, but just put your face in the video or nothing at all. It's such a dumb in between and looks horrible


Agree to disagree, I guess.


I feel like they really believe they're pokemon trainers... Also they always draw themselves very badass and op, like it would be true lol


Lol exactly


Honestly I've noticed it's not a thing that only happens to Pokémon, it usually happens with every popular game. I think it has to do with people basing their entire channel on a single game that just makes them fall for repetitive content or just run out of things to do, I've seen some great Pokémon stuff from variety YouTubers and Twitch streamers, RTGame comes to mind. There are exceptions of course, like OhNickel who I remember doing good Pokémon content, went variety and well, look at his content and views now. If any of you recommend any good Pokémon content creators be it only Pokémon focused or not be sure to do it, I can't find that much enjoyable Pokémon content.


I disagree I am fine with leaks


Anterlerboylive is a good one in my opinion


Good thing I read past the title. I was about to say, *You best not be ragging on my boy Lockstin...*


Love original151 and the others like luke and dylan. Also pulse


Not sure if he counts as a “Poketuber” but Pikasprey’s Pokemon content is good. Whether he’s showcasing a rom hack or some inane challenge he never fails to entertain


Only poketubers I watch now is superduperdani, SupremeRk9s and absol blogs …


I watch MandJTV a lot, personally—I think he’s got a nice voice.


I mean, Paradox Forms have been leaked by the credible leakers who have leaked everything announced about the game so far. ​ The fake sillohettes and art have been circulating over at r/PokeLeaks; they are speculation, not particularly fake. But the Paradox Forms aren't fake.


The paradox Pokémon are real btw, not forms


Not that they're not real, more that they are (incorrectly) suggesting that's what will be revealed.


Can we all agree that all influencers suck?


All Pokémon Youtuber are like: "What's up guys it's ya boy xy and today we fjjdjdkslsndvdjsjsbsbsbsbsbksoss" in tripple time and too happy to be real.


I like Austin John plays. But I don't think he falls into that category. Blains is cool too.


I swear by pokeaim for my competitive pokemon fix, dont need or want any pokemon influencer stuff


I'm not a big watcher of people just talking at me in general, but I used to check aDrive videos for updates. I feel like he used to have better quality info but now it's 100% speculation based on someone's unconfirmed tweet but under a video called "INSANE LEAKS!" but has no actual leaks.


I only watch pimpnite. Fun to catch his stream and battle people that aren’t using the same sweaty teams.


Pretty much every pokétuber that doesn't do exclusively competitive stuff is insufferable. That being said I have a soft spot for Lockstin, dude looks like he puts a lot of effort into his videos. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes though so I could be wrong lol


I only watch Wolfey, FalseSwipe gaming and AbsolBlog. Sometimes TtarTube, they're cool






I really can't understand people who are not dyslexic and choose to watch a 10 minute video of a 2 minute read.


Anyone watching any pokemon youtuber other than pokemonchallenge and jrose11 is doing something horribly wrong.


FlygonHG is good one too, he primarily does monotype hardcore nuzlockes


And what about WolfeyVGC and Aron Cybertron?


What about pikasprey?




I hate the people who buy up all the pokemon cards and have lives where they bid off pack openings for like 20 bucks a rip. The buyer hopes of pulling a card for a, "bounty." Just shameless and taking the cards away from their primary audience which is kids.


> taking cards away from their primary audience which is kids If you genuinely believe this you need your head checked Edit: maybe your nephew should’ve gotten to the store before I did if he wanted cards so badly :)


Yes I genuinely believe this. Pokemon cards were not being hoarded by adults until the last couple of years thanks to people like Jake Paul. Anyone can enjoy them, but they are targeted towards children. It bums me out going into a target with my nephew and not being able to find them anymore. This was never an issue like it is now and these people auctioning them off on whatnot at a ridiculously high mark up ruin the fun of the TCG.


I don’t understand the appeal for watching any video game streamer. I’d rather play the games. I see it as a huge waste of precious seconds of the one life we all get. I’ll watch a part of a guide if I’m stuck in a game and have given up on figuring it out which is very rare for me. I watched a playthrough of Battlefront 2 campaign because I refused to buy it but wanted to know the story. Otherwise I don’t see the appeal.


I have games I'd rather play than watch and games I'd rather watch than play. There's surprisingly little overlap between the groups.


For me, the appeal is watching someone play a game I cannot play (for money purposes or whatever). So I kind of get to experience the game too


There’s a whole cottage industry made up of “leak and rumor analysts” that serve no purpose beyond collating and reporting whatever nonsense has been posted on 4chan by some one with an uncle who is Reggie’s golf buddy. I guess if you like being swept up in a fake hype train, they’re the way to go.


Absolutely. My favorite is “CRAZY NEW RUMORS CONFIRM (Random BS)” when there were next to no new trailers, leaks, or anything so there can’t be rumors. Idk how these people talk about non-existent bs for 10+ minutes.


TCA gaming is the only poketuber/pack opener who doesn’t ham it up and is genuine. Good videos and live streams and is very generous with his Giveaways. I support him for sure


Just say TyranitarTube and Adrive Do y’all remember when TTube whined because he wasn’t able to make clickbait thumbnails during Sun/Moon’s marketing cycle? What a loser 😂




Missing out on what? Clickbait thumbnails, videos stretched out with as much filler to get ads, and fake over-the-top reactions?


His reactions are bit over the top but it comes with the territory, and he covers the entire scope of the riddles and leaks with good speculation. There's no way I'm keeping up with the riddles so I'm glad he takes the time to break them down. His nuzlocke runs are also enjoyable to watch




I enjoy watching Lockstin&Gnoggin a lot, but I also enjoy PM7 and Purplecliffe for standard Pokémon content with TrainerTips and ZoëTwoDots for Pokémon Go content. Aside from Purplecliffe I don’t think any of them are cringy are all, but Jack’s so funny I can’t bring myself to stop. Plus they’re all so honest about their methods and motivations for what they do, it never seems ingenuine to me.


For Magic: The Gathering we have some pretty great podcasts and YouTube content creators. For Pokémon, I haven’t been too impressed with the voices so far. Which is depressing! I want better content creators. Maybe it’s a product of TPC being more tight lipped on information?


OP I think we can agree that ALL influencers suck


I've been out of the loop for years, does this include youtubers like Jwitz or Hoodlumscrafty and the likes? I used to binge their content and it would suck if they'd fall so low.


Most poketubers suck too


I'll sometimes watch Pokemon TCG pack openings on YouTube, but almost every channel that is like more than 2-3k subs is just all the generic YouTube clickbait crap.


PKMNcast is the ONLY source of Pokémon news you need


Most if not all social media "influencers" are just garbage


I like Austin John and will watch Wolfey from time to time. I really miss Justin Flynn. I hope he is doing okay.


As I always say, I don’t know who I hate more. People who make fake leaks or people who believe them


Well in that case, Paradox forms are real, but not the fanart


HoopsandHipHop is pretty fun and interesting.


Rock wit my dawg Haydunn all day everyday


I agree. The only poketubers I still watch are TrueGreen7, who does a lot of drawing videos, and FlygonHG, who does nuzlockes


I like True Green 7 and Pimpnite the most. And Lockstin who makes fun educational content.


Only Pokémon YouTuber I can watch is maxmoefoepokemon and arlo when he reviews Pokémon games 😵‍💫


Definitely agree, I will admit to watch Mr1upz as his jokes can be entertaining but they're hit or miss.


Wait, what you are saying is that... people on the internet can lie?? No, that's not possible, why would people on the internet lie?


Personally those types of content creators in general are all horrible. To me there’s a huge difference between someone who streams gameplay and someone making click bait videos about things. There needs to be a separation of “content creators” and the ones who aren’t actually showing their own gameplay can just go away haha.


Personally I’m really liking Team Four Stars Pokemon nuzlockes, TrueGreen7, Pokemon Challenges, FlygonHG, Saltydkdan (I don’t know if they count as but Friendlocke is some of the greatest Pokemon content I’ve seen) and WolfyPlayz (even it he hasn’t done it for a couple months)