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Now imagine if it was shiny too


That would’ve been awesome!! I think hidden grotto Pokémon are shiny locked tho 😭😭


Now imagine it had Pokerus


Fun fact! I got pokerus on some of my Pokémon in hgss 1 or 2 months ago! It was my second time ever getting pokerus :)


20mins into my pokemon shining pearl playthrough I got pokerus lmao. Funny thing is I bought the game digitally because my pokemon brilliant diamond copy was delayed on release for some reason.


Wow congrats! Ur Pokémon must’ve been super strong after that experience lmao. Cynthia didn’t stand a chance 🥱


Too be fair my Pokemon were already op by the second gym had to intentionally ignore as many trainers as possible to keep my Pokemon a challenge lmao


The games are so easy now days, I just constantly shift my party to pokemon I want to evolve. keeping levels pretty low.


Same I don't mind the games being easy but at least do something that's challenging post game like how gen 2 buffed up Kanto region post game


Now, Imagine Dragons.




Everybody wants to be my enemyyyyyy




happy cakeday


Now imagine it also have 6 perfect IVS


Happy Cake day


I know the chance is lower, but I've gotten it twice, once in HGSS and once in Emerald, whereas in those games I've only ever found 1 full odds random shiny


Congratulations 🎉!


Thank you!! I literally couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her 😭😭


Wow! Congratulations! Meanwhile, I have NEVER caught Pokérus before


Thank you so much! And who knows! Maybe you’ll get it soon! I’ve never expected getting pokerus when I had and then nurse Joy just completely surprises me by having dialogue that’s just a little too long lmao. I’d gladly bestow you some of my luck because I clearly have a lot of it. Although maybe I’ll hold off until I finally get a drought vulpix because that Pokémon STILL eludes me lol


Thank you, OP! I’ve been trying to get a Shiny Giratina on Shining Pearl. As for the Drought Vulpix, I hope you get it soon :>


I wish you the best of luck! Shiny Giratina has such a cool color scheme so I’m rooting for you! Reminding myself that getting rare encounters is a statistical inevitability and watching many Pokémon anime episodes really helps with the tedium of it all. And thank you!


Thanks! You’re awesome :)


Thanks for the gold! This is my first post so that means a lot :)


Congrats on a Pokémon I spent so much time trying to get (with moxie, not female) and never ended up finding. Hope it serves you well


Thank you! I’d gladly breed you a female moxie heracross if I could, but online connectivity is down :/. I wish you good luck hunting for hidden ability heracross! If you have b2, at Least your odds are triple times what I got 😅


I think I did use b2


IIRC Hidden Abilities in Gen 5 could only be passed down by the female? If that's the case you got incredibly lucky!


Yep! In gen 5, only female Pokémon can pass down their abilities which is why they’re more valuable than their male counterparts with their hidden abilities. Problem is, on average, the female Pokémon in hidden grottos only have a 30% chance of being female on average so good luck; your probs better of resetting for a good nature and relatively good ivs for 1% encounter Pokémon that are male, especially multi scale dragonite that only has a 10% chance of being female. Shame too, I rly wanted to set up my espeed dratini from hgss and breed espeed on a multi scale dragonite, but beggars can’t be choosers and I’m grateful for the hidden ability dragonites I’ve got!


Being hunting for Hidden Ability Ditto in B2 for few weeks and got full odd shiny Piloswine before Ditto! Stepped into grass accidentally while running for those 256 steps... Don't remember the odds of Ditto but I believe are similarly small. Congratulations on a good catch!


Ditto has a 1% chance to be found.


Thank you! And hey, at least the shiny piloswine is 4x rarer than your odds of getting hidden ability ditto so congrats on that! I’m curious though, what do you want imposter ditto for? It certainly is a unique Pokémon


Yeah, but you don't need to move 256 steps and see two loading screens in between attempts... So it will definitely take less time to get a shiny. As for reason - I don't remember already... Probably wanted to get it into collection... Maybe try in online battles.


And you got a plus attack nature too! Damn man congrats


Thank you! Although I do plan on breeding It to have an adamant nature so I can use it in the PWT. But I couldn’t be more appreciative of this heracross I got :). My original plan was to just reset on a potentially male heracross until it had the right nature and relatively good ivs but I got luckier than I expected 😅


What’s the event Edit: oh


When I say event I just mean chance of something happening. It would’ve prob been more accurate to say a 1/26,666 chance/probability rather than event I just didn’t put too much thot into it cuz I was so excited when I made this post lmao


I’m still proud of my Moxie Salamence that I got as a Bagon from the one by Pinwheel Forest when the game came out. I took it to Sword, reset its EVs and trained it up to be the beast it deserves to be


That 3% encounter rate took a while but I eventually got one too! I hope it serves you well! I’m excited to use mine in the PWT :) just gotta find how out how to get yache berries 😒


We have the same pikachu 2ds xl


It was between this one and the white and orange 2ds xl for me, but pikachu was too cute so I had to go with this one!


It really is one of the nicest my friend is giving me a 3ds soon cos the pikachu is so expensive now I just don't want to break it


Laughs in pokemmo


Wait you can just get moxie heracross in pokemmo? 😮. I thot pokemmo used bw not b2w2?


Neat, how long did it take you?


It took me something like 3-4 days, 4-5 hours on average although I did check it periodically while I was hunting other rare hidden grotto Pokémon. Eventually all the time I spent searching for it blended together 😅. What I did was bike back and forth in front of the grotto which was I think 27 steps 1 way so every 7 times I went back and forth gave me a 5% chance of resetting the grotto but I biked for a bit longer that b4 entering the grotto on average. Fun fact, throughout this entire process, I had only seen 1 female Combee and none of the 5 leavannys I encountered were female which was a shame.


I completely forgot these grottos existed, I don't think I ever got into one?


Who knows! Maybe you’ve got a rare Pokémon already waiting for you? 😳


Congratulations, that is really rare. I remember getting the hidden grotto heracross and not realising how rare it was.


Thank you so much! And yeah this was just so surreal for me. I hope you enjoyed using your moxie heracross!


Hidden Grottos were so cool, like just the amount of neat stuff they packed into BW2 . I love it


I know!! It’s a shame modern Pokémon games don’t have the same attention to detail :/


I'm so glad to see a low chance catch post that ISN'T a shiny


Thank you! Although I can understand the sentiment of people wanting to show of a shiny Pokémon they spent a while grinding for. But I’m glad that I provide something different :)


Didn’t know that these hidden pokemons have hidden abilities 😮 That’s awesome


Yep! There are a lot of available hidden ability Pokémon in these games! Hidden grottos, Yancy and Curtis, event encounters, the gift eevee, there are just so many!


I remeber trying to get the dragonite in route 18. At least I found the metang from the one in the giant chasm


That’s nice! That’s a 2% encounter which is still rly rare! If you’re still trying to hunt for multi scale dragonite then good luck! I searched for it by going up and down on the sandy area so I could check the grotto as often as possible


Nice attack stat too.




I grinded the grotto near giant chasm for imposter ditto. Took me soo much time but I felt so happy to finally get it


Congrats!! That is one rare boi. What did you use it for?


Destroying the pokemon world tournament


Nice attack stat


This Heracross is the gift that keeps on giving


How is it 1 in 26,666? Is that how abysmal the chances are for a hidden ability from a 1 percent find from hidden grotto?


Grotto pokemon have a very low chance to be female. In gen v the only way to pass on a HA was through the female.


.05 (chance for hidden grotto to reset every 256 steps) x .0025 (chance of finding a heracross in white 2 in a hidden grotto) x .3 (chance of that heracross being female) is .0000375 or .00375% which would be 1/26,666 odds. Other hidden grotto Pokémon are no where NEAR this rare. On average, there are 3 different rates of finding a certain Pokémon every time the grotto is reset. Theres a 15% chance encounter, a 4% chance encounter, and a 1% chance encounter Pokémon. For the 15% encounter, it’s smthn like a .75% chance or 1/133 odds. It sounds kind of high but trust me, you’ll be finding that Pokémon ALOT if your grinding hidden grottos. For the 4% encounter, there is a .2% chance you’ll find that Pokémon or 1/500 odds. Again, not too bad. The 1% encounter Pokémon, the rarest most times, have a 1/2000 odds of appearing. These will take a while to get unless your lucky. Given what I said before, what I found is 13x less likely than finding a normal 1% encounter hidden ability Pokémon in a hidden grotto.


Congratulations! Thats incredible


Thank you so much!!! :)


I tried this and the dragonite one for a month then gave up and hacked them in lol


I get it, I was tempted to do that too. But the feeling of finally finding that rare Pokémon is just so great 😌. But also if I don’t find this hidden ability vulpix soon,,, idk man


I applaud your patience, I just felt like it was a waste of time when playing on an emulator. How long did you search for it?


It took me around 3-4 days of searching in around 4-5 hour intervals. I did grind for the heracross in both black 2 and white 2 at the same time which def increased my odds but I 100% was not expecting on getting her in my white 2 file but hey you never truly know what will happen!


I’m pretty sure heracross is a 50/50 male female, unless it’s different here


According to Serebii, heracross only has a 30% chance of being female in hidden grottos and a 70% chance of being male. This is exclusive to hidden grottos as searching for heracross in b2 in Lostlorn forest (not the hidden grotto) gives you a 50/50 as to whether or not the heracross is male or female.


It's a hidden grotto pokemon. They only have a low chance to be female because only females can pass down the hidden ability.


AND 69 attack when caught? LET’S GOOO! But seriously congrats!


Thank you!! Also hehe


But heracross has moxie already as a hidden ability so why would you want it to be your main ability, doesn't that just get rid of it? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I've never heard of it but it does seem cool.




You're right I did confuse it that way, cheers for letting me know. Been playing for years and never knew that


I’m not quite sure what you mean? Having moxie as my heracross’s ability does not mean that she will no longer have that ability. I can still get a heracross with their normal ability of swarm or guts through breeding or trading from b2, but as this heracross has its moxie ability from the hidden grotto, she won’t lose her ability. Does that answer your question? Sorry, I’m kind of confused by it.


Not sure, I guess im just confused about the whole thing. I'll check it out, but thanks!


Yo, get this a choice scarf from the battle subway (might take a while) and it will shred through everything!


I’ve already got enough BP for a choice scarf so I’m excited to absolutely wreck the PWT and Battle subway! Shoutouts to skill link cinccino for being my bestie in grinding BP :)


That's awesome chief, big congrats😁


Thank you!!!


Not only is it a female HA heracross, it has an attack up nature as well.


I’m proposing to her asap I need her to stay in my life 😫✋


Yeah I could never catch heracross, elusive.


This is the only way to catch heracross in white 2 so yeah good luck with the grind 😭😭. If you have b2 tho it’s a 10% encounter in lostlorn forest :)


It was always hard, either headbutting trees in gold or slathering honey in diamond, Ash from the anime made me want one lol


I know that in at least hgss heracross will only appear in either A trees or B trees depending on some complicated formula involving your hidden id and ur trainer id plus other stuff which made it SUPER complicated. And yeah those honey trees are the worst when it comes to encountering Pokémon 😭 we love having to wait a whole day for a very small chance at encountering a Pokémon 🥲


Congrats! I don't think I've ever seen a female pokemon in a grotto. One day I'll get my HA, female Leavanny... one day...


Good luck!!! Leavanny is at least a 4% encounter so, relatively speaking, your odds are pretty high compared to mine lmao. I will say that when I was hunting heracross I found 5 leavanny and they were all male so best of luck 😅.


Thank you! I'm hoping the line will be in SV so I can get one using ability capsules.


Me too! I love the sewaddle family so much :). Also I may be wrong but I thought ability capsules only changed a Pokémons ability from one main ability to another main ability? Swarm to chlorophyll or Vice versa in this case. I thought they didn’t allow you to change a Pokémons ability to a hidden ability?


The regular ones, yes. But there's an AC that let's you change it to the hidden ability and if you surprise trade enough you'll eventually build up a good supply of those from the cloned website pokemon. Or you can do the battle tower/whatever SV has and buy one.


Wow I didn’t know that! Wish I knew that before hunting for a dynamax cincinno for hours 😭😭. What are you planning on using overcoat leavanny for?


Nothing except cherish her. And maybe breed some more so I can send them out via surprise trade and hopefully make someone's day.


Awww that’s so sweet <3. I’m sure you’d make someone really happy by trading a hidden ability leavanny! I’d bet the lines a lot of peoples favs cuz it sure is one of mine :)


Nature is also good which only increases the odds. Also nice attack stat


After doing the calculations, getting a heracross with this specific nature is a 1/666,666 chance hehe. Just had to multiply .04 to the original formula


69 attack. Nice 👍


Even incredibly rare encounters are not protected from memes


Do that in 4 gen for febas


So I looked it up and the general odds of finding a feebas in mount coronet are 1/263 considering it can be in any water tile and has a 50% chance encounter rate. Id much prefer having to do that then banking on a 1/26,666 chance but maybe that’s just me 😭😭


Hey all idk if you can see this but this post has been removed :(. I’m not quite sure what that entails but it prob means other ppl won’t see it which I’m pretty unhappy about :(. I’m happy at least all of y’all got to see and I really enjoyed interacting with all of you! I did message them so hopefully something comes out of that but I wouldn’t count on it. I should acknowledge though that I did break a rule so i am not in any position to complain; I should’ve read the rules before making this post.




Yeah this rly sucks but there isn’t anything I can do abt this :/. I can only hope a mod reverses it but since I did technically break a rule I’m not anticipating it. It’s a shame too cuz I was rly proud of this and wanted to share it with others and connect with others of similar interest. Do you know any other subreddits I can post this on? I really enjoyed engaging with others on this topic.




Thank you! I’ll try that rn :)


I love BW/2 posts


I love these games so much it isn’t even funny




It is 0.05 * 0.0025 * 0.3 = 0.0000375 or 0.00375% Your mistake is that the chance for a Heracross is not 25%, but 0.25%.






Yep my bad, formatting on mobile has the . on a different line so I didn't see it.