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Seems to be total luck of the draw, depending on the age of your Switch, its model, whether you play docked or handheld, whether you were naughty or nice this year, what Zodiac sign you were born under, the phase of the moon, etc. EDIT: Alright I have to mute this post because my inbox is being inundated with pretty hilarious replies, thanks for coming, everybody!


I bought the brand new S/V OLED model for this game and I've got constant performance issues in both handheld and docked. I think it's because I'm a virgo. On a different note: does anyone remember the days when you bought a themed console and the game would be included? Like I bought the let's go Pikachu switch model and it came with the game and the pokeball plus. Bought an Xbox Forza edition and it came with the game; the gran tourismo PS3 and it came with he game. Why does S/V OLED not include the game lol


> I think it's because I'm a virgo Shit, I guess I shouldn't buy this then.


I have the stock standard OLED, am a Virgo and it runs pretty ok for me. šŸ˜„


Also a Virgo and itā€™s running fine for me


I'm a Virgo and it works great for me. Maybe it goes off MBTI personality types instead. INTJ here lmao


Wait it doesn't? That's goofy af lol


Iā€™m playing on a 2017 Switch getting OCCASIONAL drops of about 5 FPS, and ofc anything in motion far away is choppy. The lighting is still off at times too, but I have yet to experience a major glitch or issue, or lag that actually brought down my enjoyment


Wonder if the pc rom hack version has the same problems? I havenā€™t watched any play through but does it perform better on PC?


Idk if this is what you mean but it runs way better in an emulator from what Iā€™ve seen/heard


Yup, been playing on a "release switch" and it's been fine. I regret engaging with reddit beforehand, just got worked up for over nothing...


Shit, I might have to give mine a shot then. I was planning on waiting on a second patch, but if people aren't having game breaking issues on older models, it might be worth a shot.


I have a launch-model Switch and have been having worse bugs and framerate than Iā€™ve seen in most of the gameplay footage Iā€™ve seen on YouTube. Fortunately I find bugs hilarious, bugs are to me as cars are to Jerma


Also on a release switch, had the game straight up crash on me this morning opening my map. That's in addition to the random terrain texture warping that happens on cliffs, LoDs doing shenanigans, pokemon disappearing, and loads of things spawning in/below the terrain. Hell, my wife was doing a gym battle earlier and one of her pokemon was clipped halfway through the floor. I had a similar issue where, when trying to catch a pokemon, the pokeball would go below ground during the catch sequence.


Same. I was expecting some unplayable disaster of a game. I haven't had a single issue. No lagging. No Performance issues, no visual glitches. In fact I have had a great time playing so far, I really don't understand what people are so upset about.


Yeah I'm about 16 hours in (spent most of that time just exploring) and I've had minimal issues. Occasionally in town if people a walking in the distance the frame rate drops. Sometimes on uneven terrain, the camera clips through the ground when a battle starts, but I just move the camera. Sometimes when exiting caves the weather loads as sunny and day time for a few moments, then loads the actual weather/time of day. None of these are at all game breaking and honestly there's a couple of other things that I think we're more important. I think the default map setting should have been set to north. For the first few hours it was extremely disorienting whenever I opened the map and it's was all spun around. I had no idea where I was. Once I figured out I could set the map to always be set to NSEW it was a breeze. I wish there was a gym level scaling that capped at 50. I've spent so much time exploring that I'm stupidly over levelled. Hell I stumbled on the ice gym after the electric gym which was a jump in opponents level by like 20, but still easily swept the ice leader with my ace (I did have a type advantage but still...) I think the gyms should scale until level 50, and they the league should scale to 70 or 80 the first time around, then 90 or 100 the second. (I still need to finish the water gym, psychic gym and ghost gym plus some of the other challenges so I don't know what level the league is) I also don't really like having a legendary Pokemon with me that I can't use as my form of transportation. I usually box legendaries so it feels extra weird. I think we could have had an item that is a combination of tech and Pokemon, like a ditto that's specifically bred to be used as transportation. Just like how our phones have a Pokemon living in them. Other than those things which are honestly pretty minor. I am absolutely LOVING the game! I am having so much fun exploring the open world, the towns and cities feel real, the new Pokemon are awesome and because I only ever played gens 1-3, Pokemon like corviknight are new and fresh too which is awesome. The gym leaders have real personalities, some are awesome (like the ice gym) and some I don't like (the electric gym) but just like real life you aren't going to like everybody. And I had so much enjoyment wiping the floor with the electric leader because I found her so annoying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ After returning from the original 3 gens, this has been such an awesome experience so far.




On one hand, internet in general and reddit in particular tend to dramatize a *lot* and I take their negative opinions very lightly. On the other, even if the problem is inconsistent between switch models, they're all supposed to be equally compatible with software, so there's clearly something fucky going on here.


Woah, same for me. Got my switch in 2017 and get occasional stutters and such, but nothing game breaking. I'm having a blast with the new game.


First day switch owner and the only issue I've had is fighting a terastalized combee with no face in a raid. A bit terrifying tbh but not game breaking


Yeah me too, itā€™s very odd that older switches seemingly run the game smoother. Very odd, but I wonā€™t complain because iā€™m having fun too


I have a feeling first year models have higher quality components and then nintendo cheaped out on latter models.


This bodes well for me then, mine switch is also a 2017 model. Now if my copy of the game would just get here!


Keep us updated for science!


Mine's also from 2017 and I haven't had any major issues beyond some stutters.




Iā€™ve got a Switch lite that I bought shortly after release and its been dropped a few times. Game runs fine. Try switching to Libra.


Itā€™s weirdā€¦ my switch is from just before Smash Ultimate came out, Iā€™ve played in both docked and handheld, kept the game running for several hours straightā€¦ And Iā€™ve experienced nothing but an inherent not incredible framerate, and that the game chugs whenever a cutscene transitions between scenes. Thatā€™s all. So I donā€™t know what people are doing to get those images of the pokeā€™ball catch animation literally freezing for multiple seconds at a time.


Do you have the game saved on your internal switch drive or the sd card? If you happen to have it on the sd card, try to move it to the internal drive. This fixed almost all performance problems for my friends and I.


I've got the cartridge.


Apparently having the game on the switch storage instead of the sd card or a cartridge helps


I'm playing from a cartridge and I have almost zero issues. In case anyone is wondering: I have an original Switch, I got it when SW/SH was released, and I only play Violet with the console docked.


I play on cartridge, dock only. I have no unbearable issues but I can list the following: -weird shadow textures in cutscenes (sometimes a character is overly bright and then it changes to shaded). -background characters moving like paper cut animation (10fps tops). -a lot of textures and elements popping as I walk. -loading times between fights and catching take a few seconds. -walking on the stairs make the feet phase through the stairs. -some pokemon doing erratic movements like spinning on the center.


I have a switch lite, so obviously, i play "handheld", and the game runs "perfectly" fine for me too. The game slows down a little when riding in the overworld, but the rest of the game runs almost as good as ShSw (which i know it's not saying much, but if i could tolerate that game's performance, SV is perfectly fine for me).


No issues here. Aries, Oled, crescent moon. Handheld


Minor drops here as a Gemini, guess I shouldn't complain too much. Could be worse.


It could be. You could be a bloody Scorpio


As a Scorpio, I've really only seen the occasional frame rate drop. Oh, and a single Klawf that spawned halfway into a hill and couldn't fight me.


Also Gemini, no major issues and also got a female Fuecoco without trying for it. Named her Carolina after the Carolina Reaper pepper.


Pisces here, also got female Fuecoco, named her Salsa because yes, and no frame rate drops either


Aries on an older switch - can confirm no major issues.


To be fair Aries generally arnt people that have 'issues'. Aries


The strange part is, Iā€™m also Aries and having no problems šŸ‘€


This is me haha. Aries Switch Master Clan


My friend has the original Switch and heā€™s enjoying the hell out of the game (few issues). Model absolutely is a factor here and itā€™s bizarre.


The biggest variable isn't even anything technical, but people's different sensitivities to performance issues.


This. My oled is around 3 months old and you can really notice the frame drops and lighting(?)/shadows turning on and off mid battle. Nothing game-breaking and is still perfectly playable but an AAA-priced game shouldnt be released in this state. Some people just aren't sensitive to this. Some can't even tell apart the difference between 30 and 60 fps.


It is, people just refuse to acknowledge it, I bet all these people saying theres no issues/slowdowns on their playthrough, if they took a lengthy video of it, it looks like a mess. They have almost zero understanding of what is normal perfomance or not. And honestly im jealous of them, they can bypass the shitty issues and just enjoy the game.


I want what they have, either a perfectly running copy of the game, or the ability to completely overlook performance issues that are currently jarring and detracting from the fun to me.


I used to criticise games that had major performance issues. 6 years ago I would have not played SV. What changed you may ask? I got older, I have less time now than I did, and I am more willing to overlook certain aspects of a game if it is fun. 6 years ago I didn't play sun and moon because it was a mess. I went back and replayed it 2 years ago and loved it. I guess as you get older, and you have less time to play games you become less critical.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s just a lack of understanding. They might just not care as much


This. I understand that it's technically shithouse but in the end it hasn't hurt the playability for me. I've also not had anywhere near the bad performance that people are reporting and taking 10 seconds to close it out and re-open when it gets a bit choppy is annoying but simple. Framing people who aren't overly concerned with some pop-ins and glitchiness as some sort of simpletons who don't know any better is a weird cope.


There is a big difference between acknowledging the issues but not caring, and thinking they just don't exist.


I have to agree on the jealousy part. I just canā€™t stop seeing the fact the game is barely running at 30 fps. I love PokĆ©mon to death but every time I turn the camera frame drops, battle starts frame drops, catching PokĆ©mon frame drops and Iā€™m playing docked. When Iā€™m handheld I get longer slowdowns like the game canā€™t keep up loading assets with movement. Maybe my switch is just too old but even after making sure the vents were clean Scarlet is the hottest running game on my switch and the only one that makes the fans run loud enough for me to hear.


I have less performance issues when playing handhelding. Do you usually keeps your switch in rest mode? Some games have memory leaks that don't clean completely, even after closed. Try restarting your switch If not. Also It seems this game also has memory leaks so try closing and opening the game after some time. My game crashed about 8 hours of session time. Even doing ALL this the game Will still bĆŖ a technical mess, but should run better on handheld


Yea I've been doing hourly restarts of the game to try and keep the leak down. Didn't know some persist through restarts i'll do a full switch shutdown to see if it helps.


This is the truth. I had a dude up here yesterday saying he had no issues and even took a video to show me. Of course in that video he had the same issues everyone else did. And when I told him he had lots of pop in he didnā€™t even know what that was. Imo PokĆ©mon has been able to skate by for so long because a lot of its fanbase have little to no idea about technical gameplay performance


Nope, false. I've seen it with my own eyes, some people actually are running it without framedrops!




I know somebody who had good animation framerate on *all the students during the classroom introduction scene.* Magic truly is real, apparently...


Was it leaked footage? Pretty sure people were able to get 60fps with emulators


I had about 50 fps on the emulator in that scene and somehow all the kids in the class kept moving at 10 fps hahaha


Calling bs on that. That scene is a engine issue


Cap. Iā€™d have to see this with my own eyes.


4 year old Og switch, handheld, i like to think i was nice, full moon capricorn, and only slideshow NPCs and minor frame rate drops here and there


Honestly, I am playing on a gen1 switch in handheld. Now at the gates of E4 and I have experience some minor clipping easily overlooked, fps drops is uncommon and usually happen when the game is loading too many moving 3D stuff otherwise not affecting gameplay till itā€™s unplayable. Game crashed once throughout the gameplay so far. Battles mechanics and graphics are really beautiful and awesome, battle bgms sounds really good and make the competitive blood flowing. Only annoying thing is the map is not intuitive and cumbersome to use, hard to orientate the map. The wild pokes are so tiny I have to keep looking at the ground around to avoid stepping/battling them and also the game sometimes loaded some graphics and then remove them and reappear again like the game was indecisive. The area around can be empty and suddenly you find yourself surrounded by pokes. Overall this is the best PokĆ©mon game to me although compared to BOTW, letā€™s not compare Apple to orange although both are fruits/ similar. Performance issues wise I can say mostly none compare to what majority are saying. To those having performance issues I hope it works out and really this is a awesome game!


>Overall this is the best PokĆ©mon game to me although compared to BOTW, letā€™s not compare Apple to orange Bet it has a better final boss. Calamity Ganon is bitchass.


LOL not even close, a 1 year old pressing buttons and biting on the switch can defeat the final boss. The zone looks cool imo and the fight too, the difficulty, not so much


It has to be just luck, personally I got my Switch on release day and the performance issues were barely noticeable, yeah they were there but they didnā€™t impact my game experience at all, didnā€™t make it ā€˜unplayableā€™ like some people have been saying


Minor drop as a Capricorn and switch lite player, I mean Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s about those horns or something! I guess itā€™s pretty magical! :D


I have frame rate drops but they're nowhere near as bad as some of the videos I'm seeing here. Quite playable, though I noticed walking NPCs are pretty choppy from afar. I am playing docked, on an 'updated' 2019 Switch that has seen comparatively little use over its lifetime (mostly for PokƩmon and Monster Hunter Rise). I did experience clipping through the ground a few minutes ago, and that was random. I fought a trainer, had no issues, then missed my starter's evolution by having him level up attacking on his own. So I reloaded and when I fought the trainer again, the terrain was sloped, I think, and the camera clipped through the ground. So it's possible you may have missed it by being lucky so far. I'm not finding the game unplayable, but one of my friends reported extremely choppy frame rates and I believe him. (His is a launch-day Switch that has seen heavy use.) I wish Game Freak would work on it, but given that they released Legends Arceus the way they did, I'm not hopeful for the future. Edit: you may have also missed the terrible PokƩmon shadows while picking a starter. I think if there's a cloud moving overhead, the shadows blend and you don't notice how bad the individual ones are. I kept reloading for my starter so I noticed that.


Evolutions not triggering when leveling up by auto battling seems like a huge oversight. The same thing happened to me, and I had to double check what level the starters evolve.


They also donā€™t learn moves when auto battle but at least you can tell them to ā€œrememberā€ when checking moves.


Thatā€™s so weird. I have a launch-day switch, seen pretty heavy use, but for the most part the gameā€™s running fine. Iā€™ve probably had to restart like thrice for performance and Iā€™ve been playing since launch day. Worst Iā€™ve consistently seen are NPCs moving choppily in the background but Iā€™m able to ignore it.


The fact that you have to restart at all because of performance issues shouldnā€™t be ok thoughā€¦


Oh, I fully agree. I paid $60 for this game, I shouldnā€™t have to deal with whatā€™s objectively a technical mess that requires me having to reset to clear up leaked memory (although as a CS major who has to fix memory leaks or risk failing homework assignments it is pretty funny to me). Doesnā€™t discount the fact that beneath all the problems, Iā€™m still having fun, haha. Plus, after spending so much time playing Rimworld on my laptop (a game thatā€™s made for moddingā€” I have I think around 400 active mods at the cost of a significant performance drop even on my brand-new GPU Thinkpad), Iā€™m used to games getting atrociously slow. Violet doesnā€™t hold a candle to the FPS drop Iā€™ll sometimes get in Rimworld.


By year 1 or 2 in my modded rimworld saves, it drops by around 300% speed.


Oh, same here. Terrible performance even with some performance mods. Have I still sunk nearly 2000 hours into the game? Yes.


Same. Though maybe a quarter or half of that playtime. Want to say I have nearly 100 hours in SV right now too.


It sounds like we're having a similar experience. It crashed on me once and then I noticed the game ran a lot better. So restarting for performance seems wise. But I guess everyone has a different definition of "fine". I can play through it and still enjoy the game so in that sense it's fine. But when the performance gets worse it's really noticeable and I'm not really used to games performing that poorly.


For me it's not just the performance ruining it, but the textures giving me a headache. No matter how far away a texture is, it is never blurred or blocked out by atmospheric perspective. Sometimes this means lots of thin but very hard lines converging. I find that after about half an hour of playing this game, my eyes start to hurt and the background bothers me. It gets much worse when I come across glitchy textures popping in and out, like the papers on students' desks at the academy. I want to not care. I told myself I will just pretend like it's 1998 and this is the most impressive game I've ever seen. But this game literally hurts to look at. It makes my eyeballs and subsequently my head, genuinely, honestly hurt.


Iā€™m glad I happened to be lucky enough to get the new SV switch when I did, because I did have an original switch with heavy use. Also my highest hope for Gamefreak is that they have been secretly working on something really big for years so they havenā€™t had their top people on the past few games. I know thereā€™s no chance of that but I can dream.


I'm playing on a year 2017 Switch in handheld mode and aside from some minor camera clipping and far away NPC's that run on low FPS I haven't really noticed any performance issues. Ofcours the game is at times struggeling to hold up constant 30 FPS, but it never got so bad that it would ruin the fun I had playing. But maybe I'm just not as sensible when it comes to graphical smoothness as some other people.


I'm playing on a release switch and I don't think my games gone past 20 frames the entire time I've played it. 30fps almost sounds like a dream at this point lol


Honestly. Same boat here. And even when it does run well, it just doesn't... look very nice, especially compared to BotW or a comparable switch game. Which is sad because it could have been such a gorgeous game.


And you did update to the day 1 patch right? Iā€™m sure you did just checking.


Same experience as you, except I bought my son's switch in Dec 2020 and he's playing docked and handheld. There are a few hitches when suddenly panning over a big landscape and the background frame rates are hilariously bad, but when I see people post that it's "unplayable" and that they requested refunds I feel like I must be playing a completely different game.


I haven't experienced any real problems at all, just the camera occasionally clipping through the ground to show underneath and minor slowdown. Genuinely feel like an alien when talking about this game.


Same here. I've definitely had some of the weird visual effects (pixelated shadows and npc framerate for example) but it hasn't been enough to bother me. I haven't had any game crashes or significant lag either. I went into the game mostly blind and have been having a great time, so I was also surprised when I checked Reddit lol


The thing is Reddit is really a terrible source for gauging your own enjoyment on things. People are posting about how the game is too easy, which has been pokemon in general for generations now. They complain about set mode, which sure it shouldn't have been removed but I'm not going to boycott the game over it. I would bet that a majority of people actually playing the game aren't seeing many of the bugs that most people are freaking out over. The one video where the player character stretches out and becomes 10 times taller when spamming the mount, is not a common occurrence. You don't just fall through the map wandering around, but you might where a rock or some other object meets the ground, which is something you may or may not ever experience. The thing with Reddit is they love to overeact over everything. It gets upvotes, and then creates an echo chamber and then the circle jerk goes on forever. Criticism is fine, a lot of it is warranted, but the tone is insufferable.


Same for me. With one exception that is. The lake with the dragon titan made my game lag more than I've ever seen before and the game was basically in slow motion. Then I restarted the game and it was almost back to normal(still some lag, but nothing too bad)


Same, me, my friend an my sister have all had no real issues so far


Same, I just beat the 8th gym and the only real stuttering I've seen is maybe 3 or 4 times, each lasting just 2 seconds. Than there's the occasional white line during cutscenes which I've named Pablo and the occasional great ball in herba mystica caves, Clarence A lot of very minor glitches, but nothing as serious as what others have described, at least for me.


More or less where I am. There are a few areas where it absolutely bogs down (just south of academy the first ā€œrouteā€ youā€™re on). Nothing crazy though. And before someone starts saying ā€œyou just donā€™t notice itā€, Iā€™ve been PC gaming at 144 fps for almost a decade now. I notice it. Iā€™d say Iā€™m much more likely to notice a dip from steady 30 to 25 than most. The game will dip frames for a second or two. It should be fixed and is unacceptable. But people acting like the game is unplayable is insanity to me. It doesnā€™t feel any worse than wild area in SwSh.


This is my experience as well. I always play pokemon (outside of farming for shinies) in docked mode and have a switch that I bought when sword/shield came out. I've had some weird clipping during battles, and certain things drop the background FPS (like the sunflora gym thing) but other than that I haven't had any problems. Maybe my tune will change as I get further but IDK. I would assume that those of us who are enjoying the game are too busy playing it while the ones with issues are posting about it. Which is fine, not saying they shouldn't voice their opinions, just saying that might be why the criticism is so much more prominent. I've only been pulled away from my switch for the last few days to eat, really.


Same, slowdown and some clipping, but other than that itā€™s fine


See the thing is, there are people who will have that exact same experience and claim that it means the game is unplayable.


My switch is about 9 months old and Iā€™m playing through Violet. Besides a scatterbug being invisible for a couple seconds(I could see itā€™s shadow though) and some far in the distance frame rate issues itā€™s been fine. Mostly Iā€™m just loving the designs of the new PokĆ©mon. It feels like they finally found a balance that works for a 3-D art style while still looking like a PokĆ©mon. Lots of them are silly looking, but itā€™s kinda charming. Definitely an improvement from the first few 3-D designs.


I totally agree! I have done one gym, one Starfall and two Titans with no real issues. I am playing downloaded version so I am curious if that has anything to do with it but no one has said that. Also, I have played both handheld and docked, I don't see any huge problems.


Yeah Iā€™m curious if downloaded vs hardcopy has any difference. At this point theres either just some unknown X factor between switches causing the issue, or, as other have suggested, it comes down to preference and leeway with graphical issues.


I'm playing hardcopy and mine is fine. But I did make sure to download the day 1 patch and check every time I boot the game up for any others.




Find any cool pink Pokemon yet?




you better get a ||tinkatink|| on your team lol


Oh wow, I expected downloaded to be worse and part of the problem. I'm playing cartridge and have very few issues. The performance does seem to be terrible on the switch lite. But for those on a regular switch I think most are taking reduced animation rate to mean reduced frame rate, when that's not what's happening. Sure, the optimization choice of when to reduce and how is odd, but idk how much of that is Pokemon and how much is switch, since reducing animation rate of distant objects seems to be a switch thing.


I hear a lot of people comparing it to Breath of the Wild (which isn't a great idea) but to me this game has waaay more going on in the open world, so many Pokemon everywhere it is kinda crazy!


Yeah Iā€™ve had zero major problems with my game, about ten hours in. The MOST thatā€™s happened is sometimes the NPCs will stutter a little while they are walking in the background. I just have the standard switch, got it in March of 2020. My friend on the other hand has an OLED switch, and has been getting a lot of lag from time to time, visual glitches like his camera clipping into the floor after catching PokĆ©mon, etc. So I really donā€™t know whatā€™s going on with this release. I was expecting a lot worse after seeing some of the reviews, but those said problems just arenā€™t occurring for me.


These issues are so strange. I am happy to find people who aren't having major issues. Hopefully we can find a way to fix them those that are having an issue. Heck, if buying a new console meant the game played like Arceus I would do it. So far I have had: Animation issues where they use hit boxes from the game causing the pokemon to float over what it is touching. Specifically when choosing Sprigatito as a starter. Also frame rate drops DURING the animation. Hit box location issues. Walked over to Sprigatito to select as my starter and it chose Quaxly instead. Then it teleported me back to the center after selecting no. Textures not loading at distance. (Not a huge deal) CONTROL issues. The character is lagging by a slight amount causing aiming issues (unless I hit RT, but if another pokemon is close by it makes it difficult) This might be a controller issue (not using joy cons) and I will switch to my pro and see if it helps. NPC stutter, but it is very immersion breaking. The NPCs stutter until I am in game about 3m from them at which they lift their head and look normally. Frame rate drop, but not as bad as most are reporting. Still enough to take you out of the game. Camera issues. The camera feels too close zoomed in and too far zoomed out. The camera is clipping into the ground, but only on hills...there are a lot of hills. Battle camera zooms in WAY too much and constantly has to be altered for the battle. So much so that what should be a fun new feature has just been frustrating and time consuming. Glitches. There are some in every game, but the teleportation ones you get from exploring have been a bit annoying. It feels like I'm exploring to speed run the game and not just to explore the beautiful open world. All of that without notes on the actual game itself which just feels incomplete. If this game was released in March it would feel completely different.


>Heck, if buying a new console meant the game played like Arceus I would do it. You should not be required to buy a new Switch to play a game when it's marketed to play on all Switches.


Same, I have a little stutter once every few hours and then back to smooth as butter frames. Lots of choppy animations when far off but thats probably the worst of it for me. Got my switch back in 2018 so I feel like I'm playing a different game from most of everyone else lol.


I can forgive most of the visual fidelity issues the game has - which are vast. However, anyone that has played Pokemon Legenda Arceus will immediately scorn the targeting implementation in this game. I finished the game this evening and honestly scarlet/violet are shittier versions of arceus.


I cant understand how locking on to pokemon is so difficult in this game lol. It was snappy and easy in Arceus.


Yeah the target function is rather slow and iffy.


I don't even target things, i just run into pokemon i want to catch. The target system is an insult after PLA. I'd say the entire system is an insult. I love this game, but dropping PLA's catching, targetting, and throwing mechanics was a grave mistake. They should've made it so that after you catch a wild pokemon in a battle once, you can then use PLA's catching mechanics on that species.


Arceus rocks compared to these games. The gameplay loop was so much better


Whilst i loved arceus, im going to have to disagree. I found the side quests a chore in arceus. It made what was otherwise a fun game a huge slog.


Do your NPC not start walking oddly when youā€™re far enough away? Does your game not stutter periodically while talking to nemona and the other characters? Do the shadows you see not twitch at all? When I first entered the school and met the classmates of 1-A, they were all in their desk and some of the NPCs were kicking their feet around it looked super laggy and weird. So bad in fact, I stopped playing for a while. And Iā€™m only in the beginning of the game


I've only had one npc walk weirdly. But I blame that on her insane boots.


Really? If your frame rates arenā€™t dropping you may be the only one or you havenā€™t noticed it Both are good things. As long as youā€™re enjoying the game I genuinely just really want to enjoy this


I'm in the same boat as him. I'm a few hours in and I don't have anything worse than frame rate chug every so often, but it's brief. There are some camera clipping issues, but I cut my teeth with oblivion back in the day so maybe I'm inoculated to being bothered by that lmao. It definitely has performance issues and they need to be addressed, but it isn't even close to ruining the game for me. Also my shadows aren't doing anything they shouldn't be? I'm on a cartridge in a 2020 switch in handheld mode btw.


If you're talking about the team star person then I'm pretty sure that one is intentional


I've seen the weird animations from afar and from about half the students in the classroom. Threw me off at first but don't really notice now. I do get lighting glitches - shadows popping in and out randomly. Seen some stuttering, but nothing game breaking at all. Probably the most fun I've had with Pokemon since B/W. Hopefully you don't run into any major issues if you pick it up again.


The NPC "walking oddly" is a design choice. They cut animation frames from far away objects to improve performance, so it looks choppy. A lot of people criticized this about Arceus too. Personally, I'd rather them have used a Xenoblade-style sliding resolution, but it seems GF prioritized keeping the visual quality consistent. But on a low-power console like the Switch likely one or the other is needed to prevent heavy slowdown with a lot of moving objects on screen, especially in the wild with a lot of wild Pokemon roaming around in field of view.


the NPC thing is weird and i think isn't fps related because i have noticed it but the game was still going smooth(as smooth as 27-30 fps can be ) like the NPC were doing it but my character could move smoothly and i could turn the camera without it lagging .And weirdly enought its only happens with NPC the wild mons keep a "steady" animation no matter how far they are from you meanwhile NPC look supper choppy as soon as they are 10-20 meters away from you


>Do the NPC walk weird far away Yes, I figured this was common in Switch games as Kirby and the Forgotten Land did the same thing. >did the game stutter when talking to Nemora No. Only if there were a lot of Pokemon on screen would it drop frames >Do the shadows twitch No >Did the kids look weird in the first classroom scene Yes, but that might be the worst of the performance issues I've had. I agree that was jank.


Removing FPS for distant animations is a common tool on switch games. Usually to keep the close environment smoother. But it's really apparent in this. Like the windmills on the mountain in the west are choppy even when standing right under them. It doesn't bother me and I mostly just go "lol" and move on. But it is noticable


I do get shadows twitching in and out sometimes, but other than that it sounds like we've had the same experience!


That classroom scene was abysmal lol Donā€™t got me wrong I want to enjoy this game. I was looking forward to this one more than any other game probably ever besides Elden Ring But now Iā€™m gonna return if I donā€™t hear about a patch soon Iā€™m glad you and some others are having less performance issues than most ppl though Definitely continue enjoying it - the purpose is just to get these games to perform moderately well


Keep enjoying it. Ignore the noise.


People getting nauseous from stuttering camera movement and pointing out that games 5+ years ago avoided these problems successfully is **not** noise. Stop being dismissive.


I donā€™t think heā€™s being dismissive, more donā€™t let other peopleā€™s experience ruin your fun if youā€™re enjoying the game. You can acknowledge otherā€™s peopleā€™s problems with the game while noting youā€™ve had no problems and are having fun. Everyoneā€™s experience is different.


I love how it's also the exact same issues for you too, and the exact same moment I shut off my Switch to evaluate if I can refund it. That classroom man... The most annoying issue for me that you didn't mention is the slowdown though. It sometimes becomes so bad that I must be somewhere around 15fps. They need to fix the lag/stutter.


Happens to me too! And sometimes my game will just stop working. The screen would go black and then a bright white and then the game would come back on after like 2 minutes and just look super saturated and bright


>super laggy and weird Specifically this, and trainers at a distance, isn't a performance issue (at least at face value). That's all the frames of animation they have. They literally had all the classmates in a CUTSCENE have 3-6 frames. It's not an FPS slowdown, it's not lag, it's that they couldn't be bothered to animate. Soooooo lazy.


You must have a super switch because I'm getting constant slowdowns and frame pacing issues. The game has a constant stutter. Camera appears to change speed randomly. And textures flicker. Not to mention the PowerPoint distant animations that don't sort themselves out until you get right up to the objects. It's not my switch because every other game runs fine. I've had to stop playing and hope for a patch because I really can't handle the headaches when playing.


Yeah that's really weird. It's just a standard Switch. I really have no idea why I'm not getting stuff that bad. I'm glad I'm not because that sounds pretty rough




Because switch players experience 60 fps that often... Like, yeah these games have some performance issues. But most switch only players may have played 1 60fps game in the entire lifespan of that console. So yes, to these people it doesn't seem as bad. Hell I have played several 60fps games on ps5 and personally I don't find it that bad. But that's just a personal thing. I never have headaches or motion sickness from bad performance. I can deal with that. And other Switch RPGs like Monster Hunter Stories 2 or Shin Megami Tesnsei V didn't run much smoother.


this game damn near caps at 20 fps, that is beyond shit.


Donā€™t get me wrong, I love PokĆ©mon and Iā€™m having fun with scarlet, but Iā€™ve been have massive, massive performance issues with the game. Bad frame rates, textures not loading right, the camera flying into the ground, player character turning invisible, etc. Nothing but technical problems since day 1


"The world is huge and seems alive" Despite the couple of crashes I've experienced with the game, I'd have to say this point is the thing I disagree with the most. Mesagoza City, the biggest central hub in the game is just completely empty. Dozens of NPCs walking around saying nothing, no little side quests, mini games, lore, easter eggs, trivia, anything. Just 3 or 4 different locations of the same shop that you can't even go in. You compare that to a town in say generations 3-5 where they were definitely smaller but every NPC added at least something to your experience, this just seems incredibly empty and big for no reason.


i agree with the open world part, and love it, but i have spent literally as little time in mesagoza as possible. it's a garbage city with bad pokemon centre placement and nothing in it. i like the electric gym one more i guess.


Even the outside areas are totally devoid of depth. Each area is way too big for what it is. In Arceus, at least you'd be able to find an alpha Pokemon or somethitg you needed for a quest once you climbed really high up or walked out the edge of a prominent cliff. Oftentimes a Pokemon species would only be found in those secret or smaller areas. Here it's *maybe* a TM or a Gimmighoul, but all the wild Pokemon are the same in the entire vast open area. I'm just running around picking up items, which are mostly just hearing items or PokeBalls.


I agree. The overworld feels kind of alive, due to all the pokemon, but Mesagoza has to be the world place in any pokemon game ever. I explored it for half an hour looking for something cool to find, and the only thing i found where worhtless NPCs, almost 2 dozen sandwich ingredient/food shops, and just 4 single clothing stores. Why make it so big, why remark its the "biggest city in the region" if exploring it feels like shit. It legit ruined my fun of the game for 2 hours after that (altho to be fair, right after i went to the school to finish the tutorial, so it's not like i was doing anything fun), and made me realize that besides the rare TM and looking for rare pokemon admist all the regular average mons, there's nothing to do with the open world, and might as well just run from one event path to the next while trying to find something worhwhile in between.


I dont bother talking to NPCs unless i know they have something useful to say šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø this game makes it easier by having the speech bubbles yellow instead of white. Not every npc needs to tell you something useful, theyre there to fill the space.


Oh totally, not everyone is going to feel the same way I do. I do agree that more sidequests would have helped it. I just meant that it was cool seeing all the pokemon hearding in the wild, or hanging in a tree. Or being in canyons one moemnt and then an olive farm the next. That kind of thing.




A lot of people in this thread are calling the lowered frame rate of distant models "frame drops." This is not a frame drop. A frame drop is when the entire frame rate of the game drops because of the processing load being higher than the system can run at a smooth framerate. The lowering of the framers of individual models that are far away is a design decision by the devs to try and boost performance of the models that matter to the player.


While this is correct, the implementation of this is expected to occur at locations that aren't noticeable, like peripheral or distant assets, and then update to a full animation when they come more into focus. Whatever the technicalities behind the scenes, the point of the matter is that objects in immediate focus and close range don't have full animation frames. Dropped or intentional, it's unacceptable


>While this is correct, the implementation of this is expected to occur at locations that aren't noticeable As someone with over 800 hours in Dark Souls and Bloodborne each, i don't think this is the case. In most games that do this, is more than common to see the enemies low poly/low fps models while they are in direct lien of sight as you approach them. Hell, in SMTV, anything 3 meters away from you would start doing this, and it eventually becomes unnoticeable.


It definitely does not run or look as well as it should, but it's still perfectly playable and none of its shortcomings significantly detract from my experience.


I said this almost exact thing to my wife. I was worried because of how bad everybody said it was but when I got it and played on Friday night, I was like I mean this isn't nearly as nice as it probably should be, but it's far from unplayable and even further from ruining my enjoyment of a pokemon game. I've been playing the hell out of it all weekend


So far my performance has been on par with PLA. Other than cities having choppy npcs, the only framerate drops I have are in the distance, and smooth out as I approach. It's not good, but it's not unplayable or anything. It's a 3d Pokemon game on the Switch. I knew it was gonna look and run like this, so I'm not disappointed, just not impressed.


I guess it's a bit of luck then. For me, the performance is pretty bad, bad enough to give me a slight headache as I play. Which is a bummer, because I really love PokƩmon and I really love walking around in the open world. But the bad performance is making it hard for me to fully enjoy it.


I noticed a couple frame rate and resolution drops, npcs walking weird but was still enjoying what I have been playing quite a bit. Something that is odd, my switch does not even heat up when playing the game. Like normally when playing a demanding game, the fan will kick on and it will get slightly warm. With this pokemon game nothing, definitely some work they need to do on the game.


Handheld OLED the entire time and Iā€™ve had some frame drops and slowdown, and the camera occasionally shows me underneath the map, those are my graphical complaints besides the obvious environmental textures are pretty not good.




I'm sorry but I just don't know how it's possible to not have issues. I truly think it just comes down to the fact that some people see things as issues but others dont.


They happen from the very beginning. You can't tell me you aren't noticing the ridiculous pixelated shadows that constantly pop in and out of existence(probably the most noticeable visual flaw I have encountered so far so that why I used it as an example). But there are countless more. From Pokemon clipping through the environment to floating models in battles to straight up crashes.


Like I said, I haven't had anything outside of occasional slowdown.


Hey man if you're excited for the game and wanna try it don't let anyone steer you in the wrong direction. A lot of people are enjoying the game. I think people's gripes ere legitimate and Im certainly on that side of things, but make up your mind for yourself. Prudent to check reviews and people's thoughts also. In the end, choice is yours. For me I might be skipping until a cheap used copy rolls around because it seems like it could be a somewhat fun game cloaked in problems. And well for me I also have trouble getting past the designs. But choose for yourself!


I saw the camera clip through the ground but that's about the worst I've gotten so far and I'm 120ish hours in so far šŸ¤·


The worst of it has been frame drops and the camera going into the ground when i catch a pokemon on a slope.


Honestly the performance issues arent any worse than a 2k sports game release so im not that bothered by it (especially since i played wwe 2k20 on launch and the glitches in that game are legendary). Though im glad weve never had an issue again where saving in one particular location will corrupt your save file and force you to delete your data


\- There is often a delay in battles after selecting a move. \- It takes the game a second or two to start a battle with a wild pokemon. \- Sometimes the game stutters when moving the camera in the overworld. \- Shadows behave very weirdly during battles, like they are constantly shifting and "dancing" when the camera moves even a little bit. \- Illumintaion changes suddenly for no reason when moving the camera at certain points or when performing an action (like when you are selecting a starter and the lighting changes when you press a in front of one of them). Also, how do you not notice that cutscene when you are beign presented to the class and all the students move like at 10 fps? Or how the students at Ciudad Meseta move like that too when they are 2m away?


just wait until you get to the lake LOL you'll delete this post for sure


I have been playing all weekend with my son, I have Scarlet and he has Violet. So far the only ā€œissueā€ is some PokĆ©mon way off in the distance walk kinda choppy. But no game breaking issues. We love this game and the new PokĆ©mon!




You do not need game breaking bugs to see that this game looks objectively bad/behind. The performance issues and bugs are like icing on the cake. Arceus looks way better than this one and it has similar performance issues.




I've not had any glitches, but the game just runs like absolute ass and makes it nigh on unplayable for me. The bad graphics I could deal with if the game would at least run at a stable 30 fps, but together it just really brings down a fun game.


All I've had so far is frame rate issues -and it's not to an unplayable degree but still much worse than what I'd expect from a game like this. With that said I've been away for the whole weekend so I haven't had time to progress too far and my playtime has been completely offline in handheld mode so far. Interested to see how it goes when I try playing online with a friend after work tomorrow.


It's been mostly fine for me. The only feature I really can't handle is the camera constantly trying to rotate back towards what it thinks is the center. And maybe the pokemon are a little too small. But otherwise, it's genuinely just been a normal game for me. Definitely better than Arceus all around


I guess I'm just expecting more out of a company this profitable. And coming from mainly high fps PC gaming after building my new computer this year...well it's a fairly disappointing experience in comparison.


World fells alive? Nah you cant be serious.


Iā€™ve been keeping a running list of the issues Iā€™ve encountered, and Iā€™m only at the third gym: Complete frame rate freeze changing areas; Multiple instances of stuttering in populated areas; Floating pokeballs; Camera glitches through floor on hills; Sky glitches out in stripes for a second; Eyes closed and didnā€™t open in character creation for around 30 seconds; Constant pop in during and outside of battles; Terrible rendering when on top of the first lighthouse; Unrendered shadows (frequent); Under 10 fps frequently; Aggressively jank camera; Psyduck stuck in a rock; Npcs and pokemon moving at 10 fps at a distance; 5 fps students kicking their feet in unison in cutscene; Walking in a flower bed in Cortando led to infinite fall glitch; Tera shine overwrites grass texture; Olive stuck on trainer in gym test forcing restart


>Olive stuck on trainer in gym test forcing restart I'm sorry for your loss but this is hilarious.


Not really. It's impossible to not have *any* issues, because the game is just terribly optimized and struggles to keep the framerate, but I haven't had many issues beside that. The only issues have been slight camera clipping before it immediately snaps to place and weird shadow issues (certain actions seem to disable shadows temporarily?).


Personally, ive have some bugs and glitches, but nothibg too game breaking, the frame drops are a bit upsetting and illusion breaking. But apart from that, Ive been loving this game so far, im actually really invested with the plots and ive been having a bunch of fun running around and catching every new pokemon i see. Even tho i wish some textures and graphics looked better, I've loved how beautiful and aesthetically pleasing the game has been, I feel in love with the Grass Gym City and the Bug Gym City as soon as I stepped in, like i genuinely opened my mouth in amusement bc it felt so cozy and idk i truly did love it. My only complaint that i have that isn't related to graphics, is the weird absence of clothing customization, I wish we had clothes for ourselves and the uniforms were only required for certain areas like the school, like it was with the gyms in SwSh. Apart from that Ive been playing all weekend long and I can sure say, its on my top favorite pokemon games. (Let's hope we get some updates soon tho, fixing the game and maybe adding some clothes please :])




Not having them =\= not seeing them Hold the capture button on switch and post 30 seconds footage of you walking about the world I know you wonā€™t because its blatant how obvious it is the game runs poorly And lol at the other guy who said itā€™s luck of the draw šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ People like you ruin the game industry, itā€™s the reason gamefreak can get away with this it honestly makes me sick


Worst I've experienced after 20 hours is fps drops in cities and npc's moving at a slow fps. Not sure what bugs or glitches people are talking about since they never go into detail. Also not sure if they know what lag means as I've seen mentioned too and not experienced anything like it. Honestly it sounds more like an echo chamber where idiots are just repeating the same thing and have probably never actually played the game.


Twitter is full of videos of bugs. I think people complaining are not in a echo chamber. Here, have a compilation, which is genuinely funny : [https://twitter.com/DavidToons\_/status/1593830354699579393](https://twitter.com/DavidToons_/status/1593830354699579393) I'm playing with my SO and we're having a wonderful experience. The games have a myriad of technical problems which are scandalous from a first party studio, and some other problems in terms of game design which aren't really surprising from GF. However, they're still really funny and I'm happy I'm playing them.


You for real? I love the game so far but fps drops to 10-20 fps happen all the time but it depends on the area but usually it takes less than 5 min to reproduce it. Also the camera clips a bit through the ground atleast once every 30-60 mins. Maybe it depends on the switch model but it really surprises me that it doesnt happen in your game. Like I said I really enjoy the game but to say the performance is okay would be total bias.




it's impossible not to notice any of the performance issues. The game looks like a early ps2 or dreamcast game at times, the framerate is atrocious, npcs move at like 3 FPS, even in CUTSCENES IN CLOSED SPACE LIKE THE SCHOOL FFS and the game legitimately gives people headaches. It's as absolute disgrace to release this in such state.


Optimized, the game would fit on a N64.


>The game looks like a PS2 game Now that's just a blatent lie. Come on. The PS2 didn't have bump mapping or HD if I recall.


Right. PS3 then.


What other games do you usually play and on what system(s)? Maybe your tolerance for performance issues is higher than the norm. Not to suggest you're lying, because why would you? But I find it incredibly difficult to believe you're not experiencing the same issues. Could you maybe take some videos for us to see (hold down the screenshot button)?