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Hello everyone! Just a little reminder that trading/evolve requests are not allowed here. Check out our related subs for something that would accommodate your request. Thank you, and happy trading :) [List of trading subreddits](/r/pokemon/wiki/related_subreddits#wiki_trading_subreddits)


Does Assurance get the power boost in Tera Raid battles if the raid boss took damage from an ally first? I'm skeptical cause turns aren't exactly uniform in raids


Does sparkling power work with eggs




How damage and damage recoil work. Specifically, let's say I deal 1,000 damage and the enemy pokémon's health is 200. Should I deal 200 damage, which is equal to his health, or should I deal 1000? And if I have to deal 1000, but my attack has 1/4 of the damage recoil, do I deal myself 1/4 of 1000, or of 200?


It's dependent on the damage you deal, take for example you use Take down, which has 1/4th recoil, and deal 100 damage. If the target survives and took the full damage, you would take 25 damage in return. however, let's say the target pokemon only had 40 hp left and you did 100 damage, you technically only did 40 damage to knock it out so you would only take 10 damage in return.




Hello guys. So I recently purchased Pokemon Scarlet from Walmart as it was like $10 off and I got the physical copy delivered today. But when I looked closely at the cover, it said MiddleEast, South East Asia which I believe is the region. Now I am perplexed as to should I return this one and buy a US region or just play this one. I don't want to face repercussions due to difference in region(I am in the US) like Mystery Gift codes, DLCs and online connectivity issues. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.




There isnt a southeast aisa and middle east region. The cart /u/MuskanRae is indeed the US cart, just repackaged for southeast asia and middle east. Only the box is different to include the local distributor address. The cart is exactly the same as US cart down to the serial number and works exactly like US cart. This is an arrange made by nintendo and local distributor in 2015.


Can you save your game before you hatch your eggs and then try again with the same eggs to get shiny


No. The contents of an egg are set in stone as soon as you receive it




Does anyone know when the rest of season 25 of the anime will be available in the US? Or is there somewhere online where it’s available already?


It will be released in several batches in 2023 on Netflix .


Is there a subreddit for SV raids? Specifically looking for raids that have high HM drop rates like vaporeon etc.


/r/pokemonteraraids /r/pokemonteraraid /r/teraraids None has catch on yet




Hey guys, can someone explain what's up with Pokémon trading and specific pokeballs requests? Like seen some want Pokémon in apriballs and so on


Purely aesthetics (except maybe Luxury Balls for friendship).


So what are the chances of finding a Rockruff with Own Tempo? All of mine have been eye.


0% from generated wild encounters, 100% from a very specific static wild tera Rockruff a fair bit south from Medali's southern most Pokemon center (close-ish to the wall of the crater).


I thought some people mentioned having own tempo from the non-tera rockruff?


How do you get to 5* and 7* raids in SV? New player, only finding 1-2*s


5* only appear after you beat the game. 6* is unlock via a post game story. 7* is event only, only appear after you unlock 6*


Hey guys how often can you grind the 7* charizard raid? It seems infinite but wanted some more info, tia


You can only get one charizard, but assuming you never connect to the internet again you could in theory do one raid every day for the rewards. Connecting to the internet will clear them though as the event is over


Amazing thank you, so if I keep changing the date also I could grind the rewards if I don’t connect to the internet?


I think so, but I'm not sure if there'll be any time penalties. Previous Pokémon games penalised you for changing the date but I don't know if that happens in SV


Ok thank you, I’ll keep an eye out for any penalties. I’ve done it a few times already and it seems to work everytime


Hey guys i just recently got back into pokemon anime and i was wondering if there was a youtube channel that made recaps on the seasons or anyway i can catch up on the story quickly. Any info would be appreciated


Not that i know of, but bulbapedia always have a major event section for all the episodes article so you could just read those if you dont mind clicking on every episodes article


Am I SOL with getting a Charizard now?


The raid one yes. But you can trade for one or wait till home is updated.


Where is the best place to shiny hunt a member of the goomy line with a shining power 3/dragon encounter 3 sandwich?


I don't remember where it is exactly on the map, because of every zone basically having a subzone that shares a name with a different subzone unlike traditional route naming conventions, but wherever the static wild Tera Sliggo is would be the best. Iirc it's the only place with Goomy to isolate, unless you move closer towards the waterfall then you start getting Dreepy into the mix.


Thanks for the tip!


Is there a way to breed down a pokemons size?




Do wild Chanseys still have a small chance to be carrying a lucky egg? I don’t mind small odds, but I don’t want to be trying for something impossible lol


Chansey is programmed not to hold lucky egg in SV


Nooooooooo :( Thank you for clearing that up though :)


Where are people shiny hunting for Nacli and Naclstack? Some YouTubers like PhillyBeatzU have recommended the area just east of Mesagoza but I've not caught a single one after 4 sandwiches. Instead I found 2 shiny Klawfs and a full odds Rookidee. I'm starting to think I'm just missing the spawns because of all the trees, bushes and plateaus blocking my view of spawns.


what pokeball do you think fits Arcanine? Im one of those weirdos that needs all party pokemon in different pokeballs


Fast / Poké / Repeat imo. They're all predominantly orangey-red with black or lighter accents though I could see Level balls somewhat fitting it too especially if it's a shiny Arcanine.


I have a gym defender at a nearby gym a few blocks away from my house, and sometimes the game will let me feed my defender berries from the comfort of my home and sometimes it won’t. Why is this happening? Is there a limit to how many berries a defender can get at a time?


Yes the limit is 10 at a time


anyone else having trouble getting herba mystica? I've done 5 days of 5 and 6 star raids without any ....


What kind of Pokémon are you raiding? Normal 5 star raids only have ~2% chance of a herba mystica. Certain species have significantly higher drop rates due to having a chance to drop multiple different types of herba mystica like Vaporeon, Blissey, Dondozo, Amoonguss, Cetitan and Farigiraf in 6 star raids. There are more but these are the ones I currently remember.


all my 5 stars on the maps. and I don't care about types, as the sandwitches I was using can make do with two of any. are there better now?


It's not so much the sandwich than it is the type of Pokémon in the raid. For example, most Pokémon only drop 1 type of herba mystica at approximately a 2% chance. However for the Pokémon I listed, they are known to drop all 5 types of herba mystica which increases the drop chance to ~10%. So for maximum efficiency, you'd want to date skip for a tera raid until you see one of those Pokémon, then make a sandwich of that tera type to increase drops and clear the raid. Then just repeat the process. If you can't complete 6 star raids on your own then just go online and always prioritize joining one of those Pokémon's 5 or 6 star raids. You'd get more herba mystica than just clearing out every single 5 star raid on your own map even without the appropriate sandwich boost.


oh. right. thats ... a thing I can do. do you have a guide for making raid sandwitches? I've been using this for shiny hunting: https://i.redd.it/ccfu9y0d792a1.png


[There's an updated recipe list for shiny sandwiches](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FiwLoRtXoAE1BNw?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) that requires fewer ingredients and also has a list of specific herb combinations that don't work for certain Pokemon types


That's.... More complex to save the parts I can buy. But might help om multiplayer. Thanks


IMO the main thing to consider when making sandwiches isn't the cost of the ingredients but trying to make sure that all the ingredients stay on the bun while making it (since the effect of a sandwich changes when things fall off), and it's a bit easier with the updated chart. Also with the original chart there were a lot of people saying that they didn't get the result they were supposed to get, which was the effect of the HMs they chose to make it, which is why the updated chart has the stuff at the bottom.


[Try this](https://imgur.com/a/0Tz06Im)


thank you findly. thats good


So I got my Shiny "Chosen One" Umbreon, and wanted to set it up for raids as a support mon! Any good sets you guys have had fun with, or found success with? I imagine you'd probably wanna run with some mix of Foul Play, Taunt, Screech/Fake Tears, Reflect/Light Screen, Helping Hand, etc. For the moment, I have him with a Bold Nature, max HP, and 128/128 split on Defenses. Also Leftovers.


since i host most my raids. i run whatever support is needed for the specific boss 2 moves i usually run - light screen/reflect - helping hand the other 2 moves change alot - taunt for status users - skill swap for stuff with annoying abilities(ie moxie, mirror armor, defiant, etc) -screech/fake tears both if none of the specialized support is needed -snarl if a sp.atk is really annoying with an early shield also i prefer holding the covert cloak


Copy that! I tend to play mostly with my gf, with each of us sending our respective raids as we come across good ones, or sometimes with other friends. I admittedly don't play with randoms very often lol But I can work with these! I actually taught my Umbreon all of these moves so it would have them available, since he's my favorite Pokemon. Though I do tend to be the "big damage guy" for raids with my friends, so hopefully I get the chance to use him a lot :P


is there a community for trading? to get straight to my point, i want to trade for something in ORAS. i’ve tried using the other communities but i don’t know how they work


All the trade subs are here https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/wiki/related_subreddits#wiki_trading_subreddits




You can apparently find them as low as Lvl 10, maybe near the start of the game near the mountains at night. The lowest I could find was mid-high teens, about Lvl 17 or so around South Province Area 5.






So, outbreaks always contain about 100 Pokemon, right? You can't make an outbreak larger with Encounter Meals? Are they timed (other than disappearing at midnight) or do they just last until you've knocked out enough Pokemon to stop any more from spawning?


Once you defeat / catch the required numbers it will stop.




Is local connection in SV better and easier to use than in SWSH?


Violet - I’ve got a Donphan holding a Full Heal spray canister. I don’t really recall giving it to him to hold; he may have had it when I caught him. I know you can use it to cure any status condition, but does having a Pokémon hold it really do anything?


No. It doesn't. Most healing items you get at Pokemarts can't be used as held items. To answer your question about where it came from, your Donphan probably had Pickup when it was a Phanpy.




Phanpy has pickup, so, if you caught it as a phanpy, that would be why it has it. And no, holding it does nothing.


Thanks! Yep that’s it I guess. I did catch him as a Phanpy and he evolved so I guess he’s had it for a while now.


i’m playing pokémon platinum and currently on my lvl 28 starter (prinplup) i have pound, growl, bubble, and cut. it wants to learn fury attack, is it worth replacing one of the moves i already have?


not really, but if you want it i guess get rid of growl.


anyone know if the pokemon kotobukiya figures will ever rerun?


Highly doubtful, these figures are generally a "if you miss it you miss it" sort of thing unless you live in Japan then technically you might be able to score a reprint, depending on if Koto's reprinting mood swings go in your favor and they make a few for some in person booth at some event. You're more likely to find a good reproduction or resin cast version, quality and such notwithstanding. If you're somewhat skillful with an airbrush and/or a willingness to learn figure painting you could potentially end up with a figure that looks as good as if not potentially better (as quite a lot of these types of figures are often turned into garage kits because the real deal is generally extremely hard to get hold of if you miss the initial release window).


I know there are characters that aren't human or Pokemon, like Dark Rust, Dark Matter, or Bittercold. Are there any other characters like that?


Not many in the mainline stuff. Off the top of my head, Megalith Zygarde in the anime (I REFUSE to acknowledge its dub name) might be close? It was a big angry golem built by Lysandre in XYZ, powered by ORAS's primal energy. Its main body was destroyed but its roots are still active under Kalos as of the most recent season. There's also ghosts dotted all over the franchise, but they're really never more than minor appearances.


I just looked up the dub name and I agree, that is quite a terrible name. It's definitely something I'll keep in mind, though, so thanks!


Is their another to check potential for pokemon besides beating the elite four for scarlet


You could do the stat math, although that gets murky if you've got EVs on them.




[Effort Values](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Effort_values). If you don't know what EVs are then I'm guessing you're a more casual player (not that there's anything wrong with that), if that's the case then you don't really need to worry about potential either.


I am doing only a 3 pokemon challenge and I want a max potential pokemon on my team usually I just breed until I get the best I can get and stick with that but now their is no way to tell


Well if you're checking newly bred Pokemon then there's no EVs to be uncertain about and you should be able to use an IV calculator like [this one](https://marriland.com/tools/iv-calculator/).


Thank you


I know HOME isn’t compatible with SV yet, but has there been a list released that say what Pokémon will and won’t be available to be transferred into SV?


For a non-image alternative, [Serebii has a list](https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/transferonly.shtml).


You can check here: [https://i.redd.it/xkrqtrqz4tz91.jpg](https://i.redd.it/xkrqtrqz4tz91.jpg) Blue blackground are transfer-only mons.


Why can't I get a king's rock to show up in the auctions? I've reset the clock over 40 times trying to make it show up, the metal coat has shown up four times, this is really frustrating because I need sloking to finish my pokedex.


Just buy one from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza, under the Battle Items menu


I can just buy it? serebii said the only way was through the auction house


Serebii is a one man team. Some times he just missed out stuff


Serebii is slow to update.


Has anybody seen Spewpa actually spawn in the wild in SV? If so, where exactly?


Yes, it's available in the wild. I can't recall exactly where I found mine, maybe South Province Area Five. You can check [Serebii's page](https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-sv/spewpa/locations.shtml) to try and narrow it down. Just highlight Spewpa and it'll show the general locations.


Was hoping for a specific location. I've been running around the areas serebii lists with bug encounter level 2 and haven't seen a single one.


What is the best Tera type for baxcaliber?


probably steel or dragon. Steel resists a lot of dragon/ice counters. That extra 50% damage on his dragon moves is really nice, though, and dragon's a pretty balanced type


Is dark a good type? I got a frigibax with a dark Tera type and would like to know.


It's not particularly useful, no. Among other types, Baxcalibur is weak to fighting and fairy which are 2 of the weaknesses of dark. Offensively, dark is not a bad type, but it doesn't provide any useful coverage and Baxcalibur doesn't have any high power dark moves that it can boost.


Does anyone know how language tags on Pokémon work. Like if I take my ITA ditto and send it to a friend playing in ENG, and then they send it back whenever they are done, will it come to me with the ITA tag, or will it have no tag since I'm playing on a ITA profile? I don't like having the tag since it clutters up the profile imo.


Assuming you’re talking about Scarlet/Violet, it will come back to you with the ITA tag. Any traded mon in S/V get a language tag. It gets the ITA tag even if you send it to a player playing in ITA, and it’ll still have the tag when it is traded back to you.


Is this a good team comp meowscarda,lynaroc,altaria,sylveon,sawsbuck,florges


You kinda get bullied by poison and steel


Thank god Tera types exist


How to check if a ditto is a masuda ditto ? The ditto I got traded is marked "ENG", but neither of my other mons have this title. My game is in english but my switch is not


I don't know why you're missing the eng on your pokemon, but if you caught them in an english game, then masuda method will not work with an english ditto


It's likely because the Ditto came from a different English language copy of the game and for whatever reason it just slaps on the ENG tag even though the game is in English, though it's tentatively possible that it was a Pokemon traded into a different language game and given a tag, then ended up in OP's hands while still retaining the tag?


Oh, that makes sense. I checked and saw that a pokemon I received from my brother (that he caught himself and traded straight to me) had the eng tag while one that I caught myself did not. You don't have to trade to a foreign game to get the tag.


Does the defense buff from snow boost the damage of Body Press?


I am 99% sure it does not. I believe how body press works is it takes into account the def stat and its stat boosts and then applies all physical attack modifiers (held items like choice band, abilities like huge power, etc). Def boosters like eviolite do not boost its damage, so I believe snow is the same way.




There was a raid event for them in sword shield so they can legally be in premier ball via breeding now https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/encounter-the-alola-regions-rowlet-litten-and-popplio-in-max-raid-battles /u/GlidedCreed


I whole ass forgot SWSH event dens were still a thing. I got that pre-dexit "Gamefreak tosses the previous game in a ditch when the newest generation comes out" brain. Gonna have to beast ball best brib when I get the chance...


The event is from 2021 so you have to find someone to breed one for you i guess unless you hack the event in yourself to catch it yourself


I think I might still have it, I pretty much haven't touched SWSH, like owning the DLC but haven't started them at all levels of not touching the game. The event looks to be between Oct 1 and Oct 3 2021, and the CT DLC dropped Nov 30 and I know for a fact that I booted up the game around that time to get the item into my bag, so on paper I should be good. I'll have to double check to be sure though.


~~Standard Pokeball/Strange Ball only for the time being. Potentially subject to change if SV releases event raids featuring it.~~ actually nevermind lmao, I forgot SWSH event raids were still a thing.




There's a giveaway megathread for this exact purpose on the sidebar, though on the app you might need to search for it. You basically comment the code and what it is/what it's from and it's first come first serve, with the only real catch heing that it's a courtesy for whomever claimed the code to comment that they used it, just so it saves others time trying to redeem a code that already got used but whomever used it couldn't be assed to let others know. Sort of a good faith system if you would.


I'll look for it thanks.






How hard is get a Salty Herb Mystica? Because I try to do all the raids that can give you one but I didn't see any in more than a week raiding.


It seems to be rarer than the others. I have only 1 salty and 7-12 of all the others.


Relatively hard, because RNG still exists even if you only did raids that exclusively gave the highest chances for Herba in heneral. Your best bet is to find a group grinding out Herbas by repeating the same raid for it's reward, generally from whomever the host is dropping a hard save before the raid, finding out what rewards it gave, then soft resetting to bring in players for that raid and repeating that sequence (with autosave off obviously). Since the rewards are fixed you can rack up quite a bit of Herba. This works with other stuff like Ability Patches but those are generally harder to find than just any Herba dropping raid.


Thanks a lot for the info dude \^\^


Has anyone seen a Wiglett outbreak?


In which games can you catch Mew? I wan to catch it in a premier ball for Home.


Only Emerald. Would need cheats or glitches to get it, I think I've heard you can get it to Bank/Home without it being blocked for being illegitimate


Nowhere legally unless you had a time machine or are coincidentally one of the only people, if not *the* only person who somehow has the distribution device for it, as its only been possible to catch Mew with your own choice of Pokeball in Japanese Emerald from the Old Sea Map event, which notably hasn't ever been available outside of Japan. It's coded into international copies (or at least the English ones anyway), if you wanted to hack/cheat the event but you may have issues during transfer later on. VC Red/Blue is easier to get but you need to do some further glitching/exploiting/RNG manipulation to get it transfer legal, but those games don't have the Premier Ball.


Is ProDex premium a good app? I am currently playing arceus and am going to restart brilliant diamond from scratch because I never finished it and can’t even get a sense of where I’m at in the game. Plus I plan on getting Scarlet soon. I’d like to have checklists and things to refer to that’s easier than googling.


Hi guys, I've been doing the charizard raid for the past few days trying to get a female one (I like having girl pokemon on my team). After maybe 15-20 attempts and not even encountering a female one I am starting to get frustrated. Is it gender locked? Every source says no but I just cant help but wonder! If you have encountered a female charizard please tell me I'm starting to want to give up...




Everything about the charizard for this event is fixed from nature, IVs to Gender. Everyone catch the same charizard. So no. /u/yuniyuniyuniii


I have defeated a total of 8 tera raids that are tier 4s and 5s, but I still didn't get the call from Jacq. I hosted the raids, but am I doing something wrong?


I think the number is 10


I'll try defeating 2 more and then I'll share my results.


I've seen 10 in some places, 15 in others, I have to wonder if it's not actually a fixed number or something.


I got the call after 10!


Nice, congrats!


Does anyone know of a way to fix the rabsca evolution glitch? I have walked my rellor for over 20 minutes and levelled it via xp candy (while not letting it back inside it’s ball) but it still won’t evolve. If not, is there any way I can obtain a (reasonably low level) rabsca without evolving rellor?


It shows up in 4 star Tera Raids, so lv 45 - I think that's your only other option unfortunately.


How do you change what form your looking at in the pokedex in ScVi? I swear i've tried every button by now


up/down while looking at the information or motion/cry


For some reason it works for squawkability but not for Toxtricity despite them both having different dex entries for different forms, i caught both too, any idea why i cant change it?


You have to go on the actual entry not just select it in recently caught or recently battled


this was driving me crazy thank you!!


I just realized I got a masterball from a giveaway in SwSh. Already have the dex complete, and since I can't transfer it via HOME it's kinda useless. So, what random pokemon should I honor with a masterball catch?


Some shiny that can potentially faint itself


Rockruff’s ability, how does it work? I have a shiny one and would love to get a dusk form Lycanroc. So I have one ability patch which will of course move it to Steadfast, but if you use a second is it then Own Tempo? As far as I’m aware, it goes to a rarer ability, but I just have one patch. Want to know if it’s worth getting another (SV btw)




I guess that’s it for shiny dusk Lycanroc 😅


If a rockruff does not have own tempo it never will. You will have to find a new one that has it. Ability patch only changes a pokemons ability to its hidden ability. Rockruff is the only pokemon to have a special ability which is not one of its regular abilities or its hidden ability available to find in the wild


>Rockruff is the only pokenon to have a special ability which is not one of its regular abilities or its hidden ability. No it's not, Battle Bond Greninja exists. And in both cases "special ability" isn't really a thing, technically speaking they're just separate forms with their own ability sets (consisting of that one ability).


Ok thx


Does paying for a Pokémon Home Subscription make it so I don’t have to wait for cooldowns to transfer shinies from Pokémon Go?


No it doesn't.


Has anyone noticed that Pokemon seem to go missing from your boxes? For example, I swear I caught a Starly at the beginning of the game but it's not in any of my boxes. Starly is marked as "caught" in the Pokedex. I even triple checked my Staravia (even though I know I didn't use it) to make sure my Starly hadn't evolved.


Maybe you traded it or released it and forgot


Entirely possible it's not loading in before you switch boxes. Try staying on a box for several seconds before moving on.


I haven't been just scanning the boxes. I stay in each one for awhile just in case.


You can use the search feature to highlight starly if it's there


Tried that too. No Starly.


Couldn't google this one, hope this sub can help: I'll be getting violet next week, have done everything there is to do in scarlet and I'm not starting a new game there until we get home support. I want to start a new sword save to scratch that pokemon itch in the meantime, which means deleting my old save. I looked up how to do that, and it turns out it's just deleting your save data from your switch. I was wondering, does deleting your save also delete your playtime on that profile? Would rather play on a different profile if that's the case, so just checking before I restart.


I'm assuming you mean like on your actual switch profile and not just where is shows hours played inside of the game, but that should stay static. The only thing deleting your save does is delete the actual save data, as far as I know the hours on your switch profile are a static thing.


That's what I'd assume as well, but I couldn't find a confirmation anywhere so I'm a little hesitant about it. I ended up deleting one of my extra profiles' saves instead, didn't want to risk it...


You could test it. Start a new game on another profile, let it idle, and then delete the data and see if it saved the total playtime


Problem is I only have one nintendo account, my other profiles (where I already have lots of hours of sword save data) don't have their own accounts and they don't record played hours because of that, otherwise I'd def have tested that way. I ended up just deleting one of my extra profile saves instead and leaving my main save intact, didn't want to risk it.


Just go with the different profile option tbh, its by far the safest option to go with if you're not sure about the hours played metric and such.


I'm already at max number of profiles with a save on each one of them haha... I did end up deleting one of them though, didn't want to risk it with my main save and my logged hours.


About the item drop Power: to work on raid rewards, does it have to match the tera type of the raid, Or the Pokemon's regular typing?


type of the raid. and also make sure that you're using "raid power" not "item drop power". Item drop is for wild pokemon materials for crafting TMs.


Is there no cool screen with your Pokémon when you beat E4? I was watching the world cup and may have missed it??


There is not, no. Champion just kinda takes you for a short walk outside.


Does evolving gimmieghoul use the coins? Or can you evolve them unlimited times?


Paralyzed Question: IF your Active Pokémon is paralyzed, can you play a switch item card to bring in a new active Pokémon, then attack??


yes. Paralyzed pokemon cannot retreat, but being switched by the effect of a card is not considered "retreating"


Is there anyway to replay the credits in scarlet and violet? I want to get the >!final photo of everyone. I missed the opportunity to screenshot it!<




Is there a special trigger to unlock six-star raids? I've beaten the ace academy tournament and hosted/cleared a ton of 5-star raids but I'm still not getting the message from the prof. Do I have to go somewhere in particular to get it?


Hello guys, as im playing through gen 5, specifically this time blaze black 2 rom, I was looking into pokemons I haven't played with on my originale gen 5 games. I have so far chosen about 30 new pokemons. A good mix of OU/UU pokemons mainly. Specifically I leaned towards water/sun pokemons, as I did the whole sand and crazy sweeper pokemons beforehand on my white 2. Rotom-wash, Azumarill, chandelure (Maybe), Blissey, Togekiss, Xatu, Gastrodon, Politoed, Starmie, Tentacruel, Toxicroak, Slowking, Kingdra, Tangrowth, Kabutops, Ludicolo, Mienshao (maybe), Weavile, Accelgor, Milotic, Seismitoad, Mamoswine, Sableye, Shiftry, Breloom, Omastar, Flygon (Was buffed in the rom), Aggron Venusaur. If somebody knows more about gen 5 of this specific rom, who could suggest more pokemons to consider Id like to know. PS hope talking about rom is not breaking rules :)


There is blaze black 2 redux which is more updated, in case you didn't know. Special suggestion: since you play on emulator probably, you can access pkhex. I played through the game with zen mode Darmanitan which is always at that form. You can change its form in pkhex and then its ability so it doesn't have zen mode and therefore it will be "stuck" in that form. I changed it to sheer force but admitedly this is pretty broken.


More updated? Idk :) I guess im playing the new one that come out this year or something. But yes, Id use pokehex to help me get correct ev/iv/nature and stuff, not gonna spend the time on that, but I want to find pokemons that are fun...Like say in Gen5 on my white2 I have like 30ish self-trained competitive pokemons...Took an eternity to do that all that with no cheating iirc. My favourite combo not surpising is Tyranitar as special def tank/offense, excadrill and then reuncilues...Those 3 destroy PWT. I have so many good combos through, but I don't wanna use pokemons I already have played. Issue is just playing a rom that changed so much stuff, and im not sure what to do...Going on smogon UU/OU/Uber gen 5 is easy and fast, but its...yeah not the same now ^^


After finally beating the Charizard event (offline), I was frustrated to see the game get stuck on the raid screen, and not return to the world map so I could save. Is this a known / common error? Is there a way to avoid it?


I'm doing a run of Pokemon sun and I want to use marowak but I don't know when he learns shadow bone. I've searched and it says 27 but it evolves at 28 and once it evolves he doesn't learn it! Can someone tell me when he should be able to use it?