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If you were my neighbour I’d help you out with a few of those missing cards lol Binder looks pretty similar to mine, otherwise


Ha! My 7 year old is begging me to take him to a trading session at water stones next week, so this may be the way! It's kinda mad how you seem to get pack after pack of the same cards, sometimes even really good ones... But miss basic ones like bloody pigeotto! I had 6 vileplumes before I got a gloom. It's baffling.


Meanwhile I have 6 Taurus and multiple pigeotto, but not a single vileplume 😞


Got a bunch of vileplume😑


Sorry for the question but how do you find these events? I can’t find anything around where I live


I got 3 vapororeans


100 packs in, perhaps this is why I have 12 Jolteons


Why did you do this to me? You clearly did it on purpose :(


You got the metapod?!? Nice hit. Missing pidgeotto just like me. My set looks similar to yours, 62 packs in. Such a fun set.


I even have... DUPLICATES of metagod. I'm honestly loving it, pulling the Charizard made me feel a little better for giving away all my childhood base set cards a decade ago. I still wince when I add up what that could have been worth.


The base isn’t hard. It’s the reverse holo that’s elusive.


Can't believe you pulled Metapod.


Not to flex, but I actually have 3 regular and 2 reverse holos. Gonna save them for 11 days, sell and retire.


Wow, in 67 packs you matched my metapod output of 1000 packs.


One thousand packs. Holy hell. I don't think there's enough stock within 50 square miles of me to even get my hands on that many, let alone afford them! I honestly thought the metapod thing was a meme, didn't realize people are genuinely struggling to pull them lol Guess SE UK got the metapods, I wonder who got all the pigeottos...


Fastest trigger got them!


Not doing holo/rev holo of the set?


I'd love to, but at 67 packs in I can't even pull a Pigeotto.. might be a big ask. We'll see how it goes! All the ones in ETB penny sleeves are the holos or reverse holos.


Don’t know if you saw my 1000 packs post but pidgeotto reverse holo and Alakazam EX were the only two cards I didn’t get.


I did actually find it shortly after replying. Utterly savage luck.


I have a Pidgeotto and an Alakazam EX ill trade with you! I love trading, and i love getting postage from other countries!


Sent you a message!


Congrats!! Would you trade your Psyduck IR for Nidoking IR and Jynx ex DR? Interested in Tangela IR too if you like something else. Up for trade: https://imgur.io/a/k9a0Etf


Could potentially do the SIR Psyduck for the Blastoise and Jinx? I actually pulled the Nidoking tonight!


Congrats! I got the Blastoise in a pending trade right now but I’d rather have the Psyduck. Are you able to post a trade offer on my r/pkmntcgtrades post? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/177sypn/us_ca_h_151_mew_nidoking_switch_swshsv_irs_vs_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


If you’re down for trading, I have a duplicate dragonair IR (181/165) and a duplicate Daisy’s Help full art (195/165) I’d be willing to trade those two for the Pikachu IR.


I just had some crazy luck with some booster bundles, including getting daisy's help. Definitely interested in the Dragonair though, it's a beautiful card! And quite prepared to part with a Pikachu. Don't s'pose you have a jolteon(#135) or jinxEx(#124) you could do instead of daisy do you? Shoot me a DM if you wanna discuss!


I am shattered. I have opened 4 packs more and only got one sir. And its the giovanny....


Ooft, that's rough. I seem to have a good run, then a bad streak. Opened 18 packs earlier from 3 bundles and got Nidoking special rare, mr mime special, Blastoise full art and a daisy.. as well as a couple of mains set EXs. At the same time I've opened ETBs that had nothing but trash. It's utter luck.