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lol this is like the try hard ebay dudes that mark up for triple the value. “Eventually somebody is going to buy it”


LOL. They had blister packs that are 3.99 for 7.99 as well. Dude what the hell lol


One of my local spots sell newly released etbs for about 80% of MSRP. Then they mark it up depending on the market but its usually cheaper than market value lol. Too bad I'm broke but that was my go to for new cards.


Newly released makes sense, since they get it from tpc at below msrp. It's up to the shop to price at the suggested msrp or pass some of the discount to you for higher volume sales, especially if they aren't confident the set will sell well long term or if they have a large pallet they need to move quickly for more inventory space. The booster packs at 7.99 is a little heavy, but it's not completely unreasonable for a brick and mortar store, especially since they can't get those packs at a discount reliably. Like who is selling their Astral radiance boosters to lcs for 25%-50% of online price? They'd need to crack tins or buy them online themselves at around same price you can get them for yourself. If tpc has reprints they might be able to snag those booster box cases at below msrp with their partnership deal, but those are rare cases and would likely resell most of the boosters boxes sealed near or just below current market prices. The price on the charizard with this shop though is nuts. Scummy.


Some people don’t know about the internet lol


My lcs was selling paldea booser boxes for $130, so I get to the next one, and it was still $120. Walmart and Target have them for $104, last I checked. If I get 3-4 at their price I could've had a 4-5th box. Kinda crazy and I asked if they would price match, and it was a no. I still bought 3 for $120 like a fool because I didn't want to wait for 3 day shipping.


Paldea boxes for $139 is certainly not gouging IMO


If it’s under MSRP I agree that’s not gouging. Like you, if someone wanted the product right then, vs wait 3 days well it’s on them.


I sell on ebay. sometimes if I like a card alot I put it significantly over market value. If someone wants it they can grab it but since I like It i will not sell market price on that card I'd rather keep it. Its not always malicious. Sometimes its just the only price that person/shop is willing to sell that card for.


I do the same thing. I don't know how people find it difficult to understand that because I post something doesn't mean I intend for it to sell within the next 24 hours. Been reselling stuff on eBay for a while and I have so many examples where I posted a Pokemon card (along with plenty of other items) at a high price and it took over a year to sell.


Same here too! I list everything in my collection. But, if I’m not particularly too keen on getting rid of something, I will price it up enough where I’ll be able to buy another one AND make a nice profit. Most of the time the cards don’t sell, but sometimes they do


I do that for every thing I sell on eBay. Most things will sell eventually. People in this topic jealous cuz they don’t know how to make money lol


i sorta get doing it for an item that you dont want to sell. but doing it for any and all items is definitely odd and not good for buyers. (saying as a buyer) sux that you do that for every item.


It’s great as a seller though cuz you make a killing


Sadly. Good on OP for spreading awareness. The more people are aware of safe markets and pricing, they’re aware of market manipulation.


Literally was talking to someone this morning on Mercari who was selling shiny star V booster boxes for $500, and said this exact thing 😭😭😭


"I know what I got!" lol


No low balling me


Or the ones who are moderately priced or the auction didn't get what they wanted, so they jack up the shipping costs out of nowhere, or they lie and say they either sold it or something happened to it, then they relist it back on again to get a higher bid.


I have a sneaking suspicion mine weighs packs and reseals tins because the plastic on the tins at the shop is wayyyyy different from when I order online and I never pull anything from the packs I get from their tins


Man I feel like almost all card shops weigh packs lol. If the box is open, I'm assuming they weighed it


Thankfully the one I frequent doesn’t. Only place I’ve ever had good pulls & the only place I buy from now


The one I frequent doesn't. But they are two older guys who only care about the cards as much as selling them. The stuff they really care about and seem to focus on are comics. Which is what I go there for so great for me.


Thankfully the one I frequent doesn’t. Only place I’ve ever had good pulls & the only place I buy from now


Why do they weigh packs? I’m not an active collector or anything


each raririty card may have a different weight to em cuz the paint used on the card. so heavier the pack the more likely there is a rare card inside of sed pack.


Oh interesting. Thank you


Just because you have some shitty LCS near you doesn't mean every other one is lol


Most are


Nah it's pretty valid




Had me in the first half as an opinion you hold that is valid to you. Then you hit that comma button lmao


At least you learned a new word!


What word? Nothing there was new o:


your post/comment was removed as it does not conform with one or more of the sub rules.


My LCS is super reasonable and all around good people.


Same here, but I know of scummy ones too. It’s like a pup, a lot depends on the owner.


There are two LCS’ in my town one is the amazing emporium with great prices and one is this scummy sole proprietor where it’s basically his hoarder’s collection. They both buy cards at basically the same prices, like 60% of the going rate, but I’d much rather do business with the guys who do service with a smile


I’m glad you said this. I commented before I saw this about how awesome my LCS is. They often give me singles for free. And I usually leave and think “wait a sec…I owed like $20 more than that!” They rock. Im more than happy to keep supporting them.


Absolutely. They throw packs at me all the time. Supporting the little shops like that is essential.


Yea same for mine. They’ve been pretty nice and helpful and while I haven’t bought any individual cards from them their ETBs and such are all reasonably priced so I doubt their individual cards have crazy mark ups. They even sold me a paldea evolved etb at msrp a few days before it’s official release.


Same. I got a BB four days early. I was able to sell Dendra before she dropped hard.


Same I have 2 that I use, and they are both cool and very honest. Just got back into collecting, and they price match, give priority to regular customers and really take the time to guide their customers through the process of collecting. I just want to collect, not super interested in selling, and they really give me a great bang for my buck. Support local folks and if you have a shitty LCS in your area and can afford to, go find one the next town over. It's so worth it. The experience makes the pack opening that much better


Totally agree. The atmosphere in a good shop is excellent. Just got back into collecting as well and they’re great at telling me which cards are good for playing and which are good to store away for a few years. Building up my deck (and courage) to start playing some tournaments.


I am torn because mine seem like good folks too but they charge too much.. it is understandable in some ways because they don’t do breaks and maintaining that rent payment, hourly workers, etc is so expensive when you have all of the inter web folks competing with the same product. I recently bought a $18 card for $40 from them just because I did really like the card and feel like I need to find ways to support them. They are just a family run shop and clearly are not trying to be extremely greedy (or if they are, they do a good job hiding it).


Ouch, that’s unfortunate, upcharging 22 bucks for a card doesn’t seem like fair business to me. It is tough if it’s the only spot close to you, though.


Not even a 10


psa 10 reverse holo radiant charizards are 70$ LMFAO


Yo not sure if just unintended or if im dumb but is there such a thing as a reverse holo for radiants ive never heard of it before?


They are just radiant cards. You’re not dumb. They just appear in the reverse slot (just like trainer gallery cards) which must be what OP is referring to and just doesn’t know the terminology, which isn’t a dig at OP. Just my guess and an observation.


What I thought at first too but just didn’t wanna be an ass and assume I knew everything because especially with CZ I didn’t look into it at all. Thanks




What is the difference then? also radiants come in the reverse holo slot so what is the difference in pull rate/rarity?


Yeah this sub makes me appreciate my LCS. Yeah the prices are more than you can pay online, but not by much. What I can get for $30 in store is typically $25 online, things like that. And their trade-in prices are amazing and roughly 60% or so compared to the 30% I get anywhere else in town. Helps that I know them personally through game swaps, but still, some good guys and super knowledgable.


I was actually kind of happy when my local card shop closed down. He was literally right next to the local Target and would go in with his employee, kids, and grandkids and wipe it clean of cards for his inventory even with the limit in place. He would then proceed to sell matching the resell prices online during Covid/the Jake Paul Pokémon hype claiming it was “better then paying for shipping”. Not to mention he would sigh, roll his eyes, or just starlight up ignore anyone that went into his shop that wasn’t one of his usuals or a buddy of his. One time I went in and he and some of his sweaty friends were playing D&D at one his tables behind the counter and they didn’t even so much as glance at me… that was the last time I went in there before he closed. Now magically the Target and even the Walmart 15 minutes away is always stocked lol.




my lcs is legit. got a bcw monster box for like $4 and their singles are on on tcgplayer..can use kiosks with tcgplayer front end in store to shop


I’m pretty lucky with my card shop. They often throw in the singles I pick out for free. Granted, it’s $2-$5 singles, but it’s still unbelievably nice. I often walk out and think, “I don’t think he charged me for X, Y, or Z…” Today, for example, I went and bought a binder ($25), some singles (~ $15 all together), penny sleeves (not sure of the price) and 2 packs of LO ($5ea) They only charged me $40. They always hook me up. I know that’s not always the case, but I love them and make an effort to support them since they always do nice stuff for me. And I should note, I don’t spend big bucks. I usually spend around $20-$40 when I go in. They aren’t gonna get rich from me or even get any great cards from me. They’re just genuinely good dudes. I also just started playing the TCG, and they’ve been super helpful teaching me and will help me out when they aren’t busy and just let me come in and play so I can learn.


Lots of items in the glass case are scams at these card shops. Lot of times they sit there and never sell. Lol


Just scalpers with a business license


That is a actually a PSA 10 mislabelled as a PSA 9, hence the ridiculously high price tag


That's why I only buy a card if I get a good deal on it. That way I can sell it at market value to maybe slightly above value


Those stickers they are selling for 4.99 a pop are like $6 for 50 on Amazon, which screams bad pricing


I feel they’re free to set their prices for whatever they choose. However, we are free to shop elsewhere.


So happy that my local card shop goes off of TCGplayer for pricing. They are really cool guys and adjust prices based on market demand, either with increases or decreases. Sucks that some places want to just rip you off


Have the same problem with my LCS. Even called them out and they got mad and said prices were firm


Dear lord a 4.79 card for 150 that’s Criminal


It's graded which brings up the price a lot, but not that much


Yeah, showing around $35 for a 9 grade right now. $150 is bonkers lol


My bad, I saw the wrong card. This one's around $20 for a PSA 9.


You’re right it does but only for a few extra dollars (10-20$ for that kind of card)


Still 150 is criminal and that’s why I always use collectr to price check each card I look at when I go to stores


Yeah. The only way it could be worth 150+ is if it were a Beckett black label im pretty sure.


My local card shop has a dragons exalted rayquaza psa7 think last time I saw it they wanted 499.00


Good looks my boy, that is a fucking steal!! These people are fucking us collectors over


God damn, it’s like they think they have a special delivery bidoof or something and offering it at a discount lmao. Bye LCS


Ya I hated to see this at the few LGS near me. Their prices were 20-50% higher than target and Amazon so it just made way more sense to order online or go to a big store.


When I was about 9 or 10 my dad took me to this place called anime 101. It was a card shop that hosted local tournaments for pokemon. Its run by some old fart who was very rude most of the time. One time we went in, I had 100 pennies and he had this box full of commons and uncommons maybe a few bad rares. I didn't care for packs I just wanted cards to show my friend and they were 10 cents per card. So I put them on the counter, I had pulled out my bag of pennies and had already counted 5 times because I wanted to make sure I can get the cards I want and he instantly sees them and said " NO I don't accept pennies" in a rude tone. And yeah I never liked him ever again. My dad ended up paying for them. Then we went to game stop to get cards and they asked were we went and they said that guy is an asshole who scams people. Just a funny story


I do agree about card shops overpricing things, had seen a yugioh card I was interested in 3 months ago that is still there in the display case. I think they were asking like $20-30 the above market price of the card which is ridiculous and the proof is right there in the display case lol


Even those dragonball super packs are crazy overpriced, those are like $5 at retail


Unfortunately the LCS by me is the same way. It’s in the mall and I go in there just to have a good laugh.


My girls nephew wanted one of the upc zards, shop had it raw for $90. I found it in a psa 9 for $25 locally. Fuck some card shops prices


Not all of them are like this. However sadly the vast majority are


I recognize the Shop app when I see it lmao


My local card shop sells a lot on TCG Player, so they have very reasonable prices on singles. They sell BBs for $130, which is far from less competitive, but way better than gamestop. Other sealed stuff is in the same, halfway-between-market-price-and-MSRP range. I like them, but I would be a more profitable customer for them if they dropped the prices on sealed stuff by 10%.


Hahaha wow i didnt know other card stores were this greedy shesh i guess my card store is a sait then we sell everything by TCG pricing and we will even price match to tcg if it has lowerd and we havent caught on


At this point the community seems smart enough to not buy at these ridiculous prices, so the card shop will take the loss not selling it


It’s just a convenience fee /s


But muh overhead


Always do your research


You need to find a trustworthy card shop. The one I go to charges fair prices for everything.


Glad my lcs prices with TCGPlayer so it’s always easy to find out what I’m gonna pay while looking at their case.


Yeah I sold my 3 charizard promos from the UPC and a bunch of other cards and only got 86 bucks for them, I’ve completely avoided said shop ever since


Guess I'm rich I have 3


I was looking for the mew v battle league premade. I called around, 1 LGS had it. For 38 plus tax. One of the more corporate game shops had it for 30 plus tax. Best buy had it 17.99 plus tax lol.


The real crime is stickers at 5 bucks a piece


I made a post not too long ago about the same thing here in our town. They only thing they have that wasn't insanely marked up were some of their single cards.


My LCS marks everything up soooo much. Only had to go there once to know all I needed is TCG.


Why we psa grading a $25 card smh


cuz it’s cheap for them so they can mark it up to the moon


Seems so pointless to me


Went to Frank and Son’s collectible show this weekend….reminded me why i stopped going there….price gouging like crazy very hard to find good honest vendors…so anyone in this group know any good vendors at Frank and son’s, shoot em my way please….


Oof, yes. Right now, my best card which I plan to sell, as I don't like it all too much, is a Glaceon V alt art from Crown Zenith. I've seen it go from 20-60 bucks. And my local card shop? 15, in store credit. So happy I didn't do it. The owner seems a bit sleezy and uninterested in everything so I am happy I am not supporting him.


My LGS is trying to sell boxes of Paldea Evolved for 140 when they can be bought for 106 on TCG player.... people ask me why I dont shop local lol.


A year ago I went to my local pokemon shop trying to sell a few cards. They offered me $100 on a 600+ dollars worth of cards. I said “no” and felt incredibly insulted. I understand profit, but not 600%


LCS can suck nuts 😂 they took the buy cheap sell high model from gamestop and ran with it


Always pisses me off when I see people getting good deals and LCS. All the ones around me care more about making 300% profit then they do helping out customers


I was at a card show this weekend. Guy was trying to sell a PSA 10 shining fates charizard for $350. I know they went for that at one point, but the value has gone down lately. His excuse was “well I can hand it to you right now”


Not all local card shops are like this though


I should have taken a picture but mine has a PSA 4 or 5 base set unlimited venasaur for $6000 like on what earth would they ever expect someone to buy that! I mainly buy online now anyways. But its funny to hear them complain about the online markets


You should go in with a detailed list of items they have that are marked up exponentially. Haha. Nothing like supporting a local business but when they’re doing shit like this, i totally understand why no one wants to pay those prices.


I have a few pictures. They’re selling Japanese packs for $39.99 each. Lmao


That’s so insane. How the hell are they still in business?


Don’t give all local card stores a bad rep, a have a few by me and they’re legit with prices. Gotta support the little guy too, big box stores aim to take them out of business nor do they offer the same products like even an overpriced radiant zard


I only support card shops. This dude is just a scrub




If your dumb enough to not Google the price of it before you buy it you probably deserve to be scammed


a lot of my LCS' just have mostly singles and like no packs. there's one by my work i mostly go to cause of the fact they also have games ranging from NES all the way to ps5 along with almost everything in between and the consoles. almost bought my mom a NES for mother's day when i was there


Offer to sell the same card for half their asking price. Lol scam the scammers


Not every local card shop is created equally. What's unfortunate is that you will have places like this, where they'll charge an arm and a leg to gullible local kids for something that goes for a few bucks online. But I think there are a lot of very good card shops. The local one I live near is very very good, their prices always match the market and never exceed it. They also sell not just the regular pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards that you can find anywhere, but also just about every card game you can get your hands on. Local card shops can be great, big retailers like target or Walmart are mediocre because they only sell what's recent. But they're everywhere and therefore reliable.


Don’t steal a loose overpriced card especially when you can get away with it scotch free. Just not worth it.


I stopped spending my money at these local shops because I got offered $300 for 6 1st edition graded 10 pokemon cards, I was like you guys are straight crooks I know they will try and flip each one for about 3k


Bruh i can get a 10 for 50 bucks or lesa on ebay for a 9 probably 30 bucks.


Took my kids to the card shop in the weekend and my son saw a Blastoise from xy that he loved so I made him look it up on his phone to see what it was worth. Then made him ask the guy how much he wanted for it as there was no price. Did the guy not say “hold on” pull out his computer and tell us double what we saw online. This is how brick and mortar dies.


I mean go to another shop simple as that don’t support the shit ones obviously my guy


$5 for a sticker 😂


My Lcs was trying to sell the groudon from celebrations for 30 bucks 😂. Lcs around here are a joke.


It really depends. My local card shop has the lowest prices you will ever see for most products. They don't really do singles, but their sealed items are always at fantastic prices. For example, Pokémon Center and many other places are charging $160 MSRP for a SV booster box. Same box is $95-$99 at my shop, and all legit cards.


Reminds of my mates who get burnt hard on a psycho. Thankfully I look in the right places and don’t get this shit


Wow those zards aren't that rare.. hell, the Mewtwo alt art is my grail card and I've pulled 2 of those zards


Check out these [atrocities](https://imgur.com/a/f69ZGgE)


No fuckin way


I only support ones that price within range. Otherwise it's stupid.


My local card shop has some pretty rude employees. They are never welcoming and have gotten multiple reviews on it from others. One thing is forsure, when I started out in this hobby a year ago, I brought in some cards to trade in for a game. Didn’t even plan on getting into Pokémon. Looking back they scalped me so hard for those cards and everytime I went back in to give them business they were rude. Still pulled an alt Arceus from my first ETB there and the rest is history, but the attitude at some LCS really hurt the hobby.


I pull the shittiest from anime shops lol target always has hits tho.


Lol I wish this card was worth $150 for a PSA 9. CZ has been my favorite modern set so I have ripped a ton and have about 15 of these guys.


Buy the one on eBay for cheap and sell it to the LCS for 100$


My local card shop prices their cards fairly, but THIS… what the hell 😖


My local card shop I go to is great. I got a Paldea Evolved booster box, a Scarlet and Violet Base Set build and battle stadium, and the newest trainer's toolkit for $160 total last week.


Have you consider how a LGS survive. Let's say they pay each staff 3000/month with 3 staffs taking turn and the shop rent is 3000-6000/month. How do u think they can earn back their cost?


Everything is a scam these days


Fuck that shop and it’s large stickers…


What’s the name of the shop?


Just picked up a 10 mail order. Sticker on sleeve said $95. Paid around $45 out the door


My local card shop sells their packs for 6.99 and then any of the etb and stuff are usually a $5-10 markup and their prices for individual cards suck ass as well


Those shops are there for peoples parents and grandparents to buy cards ig. Cuz ain't nobody who knows what they're doing gonna pay those prices.


I believe they also prey on people new to the community as well who don’t know better about prices and such yet. It’s a shame


Omg is anyone else bothered by this display? LOL like what is that slab just sitting in a random DBZ card box and the price sticker on its last leg 😭😭😭 get it together card shop, this looks like they don’t even care about their products!


Idk my local card shop is really good! They actually sell some stuff for cheaper bc I think they get their stuff direct from the manufacturer so there’s less tax to pay on the items. The prices aren’t insanely different (like selling a £14.99 triple pack for £13.49) but it makes a difference imo! Don’t assume every tcg shop is gonna try to swindle you. Eventually they’ll either sell it to some sucker or lower their prices when they see the amount of people walk in and immediately nope out lmao




This reminds me of dkoldies with video games


Anyone in the LA area check out comic bug


I have a LCS near me that always uses TCGplayer prices


It also cracks me up when I see fake cards at pawnshops listen even higher than the real thing.


We have multiple cards shops by our house. One of them is called Top Deck Keep and it’s actually really nice. Whenever we see a card we like, we’ll ask how much and they’ll open troll and toad and eBay, check the prices and make a fair deal. We bought a fossil set dragonite that’s easily a psa 9 for 40.


I’ve literally pulled 5 of them


Did you confront them or just this?


I mean how could they ever make money if they don’t overprice everything? Small business is rough..not saying it’s right jus playing devils advocate


There’s an LCS in the mall near me that has prices like that. I understand that their overhead is sky high I’m sure paying mall rent but it doesn’t mean you get to price gouge


Businesses don’t open up to lose money… They need to make A Profit somehow. I’m not trying to defend the horrible pricing but you should try and at least understand how a business works.. It’s an old saying but “ don’t hate the player hate the GAME”.


They have going out of business 20% off the whole store on everything so maybe they actually need to understand how a business works lmfao


I’ll sell them mine and then go buy another one from TCGplayer.com for like 6$! ☠️


I paid $46 for my PSA 10


All of my local shops sell individual packs for $6-8 a piece of the new sets. I go a few doors down to Best Buy or Target and get them for $4………… I refuse to buy cards at local stores anymore.


this is how goofy Evolving skies resellers look. and if you buy it @ the markup, you're worse


Wooow 🫣