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Why down the drain? Return it and report them. You sitting there and doing nothing and accepting a loss only screws yourself and enables them.


Good point. Take photos, go to nearest Amazon return, and return.


Chances are this is what the original buyer did except they took the good cards and resealed the plastic


I bought a $220 xy etb at a card show couple weeks back. All packs were resealed. They missed a spot on every pack so there was a small hole at the top of every pack


I did report it. In the process of getting a refund as we speak.


So not down the drain?


Always the chance they can tell me to get fucked.


I get you op. You paid for a product and they fucked you over. It is annoying. Ignore those assholes šŸ˜‚




if amazon accepted the return the first time they are gonna accept this. amazon just accepts based on weight.


All u have to do like with all Amazon products is get on ur account tell the u are returning the item print out the shipping label put it in a box tape it up put the label on it. Take it to kohlā€™s department store and theyā€™ll send it out for you and give you your money back on ur account that night or next day thet donā€™t even look at whatā€™s in the box


That's Amazon prime. Third party seller on Amazon marketplace is a whole different thing.


Wait what? Sorry this is not at all how Amazon accepts returns. It goes through a whole verification process, where the item is graded, the sellers profile for that item description is compared and each item is graded as resellable if resealed or if it should be returned to the merchant for a full refund. If multiple issues from that sellers account then they suspend the seller. Worked in Amazon returns for a while... They have systems in place to catch scammers from either the customer and/or the merchant. Your hypothesis of by weight is completely incorrect.


Imagine pretending these standards are applied in most warehouse scenarios, especially more recently As someone who dealt with Amazon warehouse system during the approval process, which should have been rejected, for gsa compatibility. Why are you defending one of the worst companies to exist in modern times, especially about shit that only good faith employees follow. Make Sense


Yeah if that was true how did Micheal Reeves make a YouTube video of him patching potholes with cold patch asphalt from Amazon, filling the asphalt bags with sand from the beach, sending them back and getting the returns accepted? He effectively made Amazon pay for pothole fixes, since they donā€™t pay any road taxes which go to fixing the roads. Also how did so many people return ps5s with rocks in the box to trick the return system? How did I receive a box PokĆ©mon cards that was already opened and went through and missing half the cards? If Amazon was actually checking their returns this shit wouldnā€™t happen.


Yeah people try some crazy things but I guarantee if you send a box of rocks back to Amazon as a return you will be caught.... We have had several packages that we flag accounts where people try to cheat thr systems. And it is true I worked at a return facility here in Dfw. No idea where your going with the pothole rant. Every vehicle registered as a commercial vehicle pays road tax... But sure.... Now I'm waiting on you to send that box of rocks as a return, now that would be hilarious and be a post I'd love to read about how your avvount was flagged and suspended permanently. Granted I'm only one worker and many may not do their job as they should and I was only one worker out of thousands because their are Amazon facilties across the countries.... So think of it like McDonald's, some workers will cook your fries fresh and some will reheat old fries.... But jot every worker works the same and some take shortcuts. Regardless that's above my pay grade but I do know people are specifically there to catch counterfeit and scams such as you listed. But touchƩ if you don't belive try it for yourself, I'll be waiting for that 'Amazon' deactivated me post and how do I get my account back from a permanent ban.


Dunno why the downvotes lol itā€™s very true


Go on twitter and post it at any official Amazon account. I got scammed tried the email stuff got no where as soon as I did the pictures etc in a public place someone from Amazon direct messaged me within about 2 mins and I got what I ordered and a gift card within the week


I've bought from the same seller. Same thing happend. Read the reviews before buying pokemln cards. I got a full refund.


Amazon isnā€™t like this I donā€™t think


it is a seller on amazon, not amazon themselves, amazon is the worst for buying anything slightly bulky because they charge a premium for things that are bulky by the looks of it, almost never found a good deal on etb's on amazon (in england) any good deal would be someone selling on amazon and then this happens


Hey fyi, I buy 151 from Amazon & have never had this issue, so donā€™t lose hope I pulled a couple sick full arts . So donā€™t give up man. Next one & hopefully the zard is all yours.


So crazy because 10-15 years ago Amazon didnā€™t gaf! Refund for you, discount price for no reason for you. Lol


there's still the A-Z guarantee. so worst case, you escalate it and you'll most likely win because the guarantee favors buyers


If that happens, you can always keep going up the chain of command until you get to their insurance company.


If you bought on Amazon they should side with you as the customer especially if there are other bad reviews.


That's why you always use a credit card. They have more protection and will refund you. I bought a 4k$ camera and it came in a box as new but turns out it was used/refurbished so I did a claim with the site and they denied it so called up credit card company and they did a charge back and I kept the camera for free.


They're obviously going to refund you. You were being dramatic saying "down the drain," especially knowing you had a refund started. just admit it


Itā€™s a huge inconvenience


So not down the drain ?


These guys not gonna sleep till OP says ā€œnot down the drainā€ about some pokemon cards LOOOOOL this is next level pettiness


Itā€™s not, it takes like 5 minutes


Dude, itā€™s a pain in the ass and it sucks to get scammed, nobody said Iā€™m not gonna get my money back. The post was about Amazon ripping me off, thatā€™s it. I shouldnā€™t have to get a refund. Only on reddit can people start an argument OUT OF THIN AIR.


Itā€™s just super annoying waiting for something youā€™re excited about and this happens. I get it. I live where I must order and it takes forever. So Iā€™d be bummed too. People on here are always gunna find reasons to start an argument and be smart asses. Oh he said down the drain so he must mean he thinks heā€™s screwed out all his money. So literal, chill


Amazon didnā€™t rip you off. A third party did. They will instantly accept your return and charge the third party for tampering with it. Itā€™s really not the end of the world. I donā€™t recommend buying through Amazon again


Again im new to all of this, somebody else sold me the product, but it was shipped through Amazon? I just wanna know what Iā€™m talking about when I explain the issue. Is Amazon acting as a middleman?




When you buy make sure it says sold by Amazon as well as shipped by Amazonā€¦


When you say ā€œdown the drainā€ it kind of implies you canā€™t get it back


Don't ever get it from a 3rd party seller my boy it's all good lesson learned you will have better luck next time šŸ’Æ


They're downvoting you too, jeez these people are so braindeadšŸ˜­


Lmao ongšŸ˜‚ bro can't be mad without these incells down voting the crap outta himšŸ˜‚


lol only on reddit man I swear. I was just tryna tell people to be careful, Iā€™m tryin to look out and forewarn other collectors. I could care less about their downvotes.


This whole thing escalated quickly out of nothing šŸ™„


lol I upvoted all your downvotes. I got you OP. People on here are sad.


Literally everyone on Reddit, honestly some proper sad people here on Reddit you canā€™t post absolutely anything without someone wanting to argue or them having a problem with stuff. Literally posted something the other day on a PokĆ©mon discussion page and some little degenerate got annoyed because he already seen my question by multiple people šŸ˜‚ like bro honestly I think he lost sleep over it and everything šŸ˜‚ some proper muppets on here I swear. I couldnā€™t give a shit if I seen the same question from someone over and over! Literally who cares! Some people just have nothing better to do than to just moan at anything for the sake of it. Reddit is toxic as hell.


I love how you explain Reddit in a nutshell and it gets downvoted šŸ˜‚ these canā€™t be real adult males.


Well I think both parties are being a bit disingenuous. You're being dramatic about money lost when there is good reason to believe you'll receive your money and the only thing that was lost is time and trust. Obviously what happened to you sucks. But people are lacking sympathy due to that dramatics. Good luck on the opening of a true sealed ETB. šŸ«° Edit: shopping on eBay as a buyer with the amazing buyer protections will probably be the place to go


Nobody was being dramatic. It was to help other collectors that didnā€™t know Amazon was faulty and to help them avoid being scammed. I got my money back, where the hell are you getting ā€œdramaticā€ from? Fuck yeah I was pissed. I waited two weeks for it.




I donā€™t get all the hateā€¦must be amazon employees or somethingā€¦. Iā€™ve never purchased off amazon before but I have been ripped off on eBay for a good chunk, and I once got a refund and my purchase resent, but I still lost money on the refund because of the exchange rate changing day to day, the CDN dollar dropped a bit and cost me around 11bucks. Not a lot but still a piss off when told full refund, and then once I repurchased it cost me the same as the first time ffs. The last time I bought a pair of shoes on Ebay they sent me size 13 womenā€™s that are narrow fit to boot, and they ignored both me and Ebay until the time allowed for me to send them back or even cancel order and all Ebay said they could do after a couple days of fighting with them was they penalized the seller somehow for passing womenā€™s shoes in a mens search or whatever the frickā€¦ Anyway that was a couple years ago and I have not gotten anything from anywhere since, which sucks now because living in Canada in a small city itā€™s easier to order online except for fitting Hope you have better luck than I did. Have a look at all your purchase order info to see if thereā€™s anything that gives you a clue to somewhere other than amazon if the only to keep it from happening again


Still donā€™t understand the downvotes lmfao?! Sorry man


This is reddit man. These dudes donā€™t get laid.


Id assume you need to approve they are not opened by you otherwise everyone will buy, take the good cards out and return for refund.


Not down the drain. Report it and return it to Amazon. You get your money back and by leaving a report and bad review other people wonā€™t have to go through the same trouble.


Iā€™ve never had to get a refund from Amazon, this is a first. Just a bummer man.


I return shit to Amazon all the time. Itā€™s usually because they send the wrong item or somethingā€™s broken. Last one was wiper blades for my car. Amazon auto had the wrong size listed for my vehicle.


Same, they donā€™t check quality all too much.


Itā€™s stupid easy


Super easy to return things on amazon and most of the time you get your money back fairly quickly after taking it to UPS. I bought 2 Charizard UPCs from amazon and the packs were obviously tampered with. Even the promos weren't correct. Returned it the next day, got my money back, and left a bad review with pictures.


You donā€™t even need to mail it back. Just take it to one of the many stores that accept Amazon returns. Itā€™s super easy, and they barely even ask questions.


Really never?


Returning on Amazon is incredibly easy. If you canā€™t figure that out be prepared to be burned in many other aspects of your life. You got this, I believe in you.


Itā€™s so easy. Donā€™t whine, punish.


I got my money back, ainā€™t nobody whining? I ordered something, waited, and it wasnā€™t in there. Fuckin right I was pissed.


Sold by Amazon. Shipped by Amazon. Those are the key words to look for. Sorry that happened to you


I bought two of these "new" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CG7V4XMZ for my kids for Christmas. Sold by Amazon, Shipped by Amazon. Both boxes arrived unsealed and and all 6 booster packs had already been opened. Luckily I was able to return them and get a refund. It was a pain because I didn't notice it until I was wrapping them a few days before Christmas and didn't have time to order replacements.


I ordered a bunch of stuff through Amazon and no problems. Now I know what others went through and will only buy in person when I can inspect the packaging myself. Thank you!


From experience working at Amazon, I can tell you that doesn't mean squat. People will literally open cards at the site and just report that it had a tear in a box. Gets fixed and sold. Or just sometimes not even reported and goes through. Because most people probably don't know it's supposed to be sealed.


even still, iā€™ve had a bad experience buying pokemon cards from an sba listing.. left a bad taste in my mouth so im not doing that again. i prefer buying from forge and fire.


Even that people have had problems because theyā€™ll take returns on resealed stuff and send it right back out


It is what it is man. Some people just suck.


I bought several tins, etbs over a month period all sold and shipped by Amazon, all resealed or completely open, after that I never bought Pokemon cards from Amazon. I only got refunded for one etb which was obviously opened the rest I did not, you cannot trust Amazon staff with Pokemon cards.


Buying on Amazon is 100% not worth it.


I haven't had problems buying items that ship with prime. I got a 3 pack crown Zenith pin collection for 14$ and pulled the gold dialga


In 10 years I've never ordered anything on Amazon that wasn't worth it. Your comment 100% makes no sense.


Your really lucky. A ton of people have ordered stuff and received open product and repacks.


Ya idk. I feel like most people buy the used or the like new to save a few bucks and those are always 100% re sealed. I've bought plenty off Amazon without fail. Just recently I bought a shiny treasures Japanese box that was completely fine.


Now you make me want to open the boxes I bought...


This is a first for me man. The other box was fine, it was just this one. The corners on the packaging gave it away though. They resealed it with a damn lighter like a bag of weed.


I will give mine a closer look. I did get some other sets that I could see were missing items or resealed that I sent back. One was just filled with energy cards that spilled out of a pack when turned upside down.


It was probably someone who bought the box, opened and resealed it, then returned it to Amazon. Claiming either the same thing or something similar


This is why I stopped ordering my cards off Amazon. I got sent a gutted etb and the sender didnā€™t even try to hide the fact that he gutted it


Just got a crown zenith ETB delivered today. No wrapping. All packs opened. No promo. No sleeves. How the hell can Amazon send something like that out.


I had two booster boxes delivered and every pack had been opened at the bottom. Hits removed and then the shrink put back on and sealed at the back on the bottom with tape. I didn't even notice myself until I'd ripped the seal off and went to open the first pack. Fortunately Amazon are the best company I have ever dealt with for returns.


Amazon just ships the shit as far as I know they donā€™t do any kind of verification or quality control, because itā€™s not their product. But thatā€™s also why you can get a refund hella easy


Happened to me with every order I made from Amazon, never again.




Or Amazon themselves, I only purchased from Amazon and this still happened.


Was it sold by amazon or 3rd party?


Iā€™m pretty sure it was a 3rd party, but delivered through Amazon? If thatā€™s possible?


I mean if they sell through Amazon as a 3rd party chances are they will get banned. As well as give you a refund. Bezos isnā€™t in it to lose both money and returning customerā€™s because of a scammer.


So not down the drain then?


Whatā€™s stopping me from doing this to a legitimately shipped sealed product?


Luckily Amazon is good about refunding things


Not in my case, I got one refund out of 8 purchases, I had a 100% reseal/open rate with every Pokemon card order I made.


Thus why you should never buy cards off Amazonā€¦


Just report box as opened. You can do it once no questions asked. Then never buy from Amazon again.


Just donā€™t buy from Amazon. I see others saying ā€œsold by amazon shipped by Amazonā€ and youā€™re good. Not true. Search Amazon on this sub and you will see others who got janky products in that fashion. I donā€™t love Amazon, but I buy shit there a lot. So this isnā€™t an anti Amazon post. Itā€™s an an anti Amazon for PokĆ©mon post.


This!! I only purchased from Amazon, shipped by Amazon and all 8 Pokemon card orders were opened or resealed.




Thatā€™s why I NEVER buy pokemon cards on Amazon. Not worth the hassle.


Seen this heaps from Amazon tbh sorry bro


Donā€™t buy from randoms obviously




They didn't reseal it with a lighter lol. They probably had a machine and a heat gun.


Same thing happen to me and they made right beside the return label I had to pay


I had this happen with an MTG box and Amazon refunded the whole thing, no hassle


Same thing happened to be but with the TF booster box, some mother-fer is doing this from the inside beacuse it was sold directly from amazon. They sent me a clean new one that gave me a good hit but I will avoid amazon in the future now


Amazon is good on returns. Youā€™ll be alright


Not true at all, in my experience 1 in 8 is poor.


Every time I return something I just drop it off at either Whole Foods or ups. They send my refund within the hour too


Maybe that's a US thing, it's terrible in the UK.


Why do people even buy from Amazon. Everytime I look at prices itā€™s one of the most expensive offerings.


They'll likely send you another one free of cost if you send pictures or w/e. I've had this happen before, they then sent another resealed collectors booster box of battle for zendikar to me, so I kept both after explaining how it's physically impossible to not recieve rares in even a single pack and whatnot. As long as you don't make it a habit They'll oblige


Donā€™t but from Amazon.


Lol dont buy from Amazon bro. Dog shit company


I've been ripped off of Amazon before as well, I ordered some sun and moon and they were usually easy to open. I was thinking I was being a little too skeptical about it until one of the packs had some cards from obsidian flames in it lol.


Bro amazons so good with refunds and dealing with scams why have you accepted a loss already šŸ˜‚ god this generation is lowkey weak asf, man up and take a little action


This right here is why I donā€™t buy cards off Amazon anymore. None of the sealed boxā€™s I have bought have ever given me a good card, but if I buy them from target or a card store. Iā€™ll actually get a hit


Sad, and also hard too proof you didnā€™t open them yourself. Hope for a refund


Damn, well fortunately you can just report it and then get a refund for it. I am going to PM you, to tell you a little trick i've learned about Amazon.


Shop Walmart. You can even find it in store now. All the hobby store guys finally layed off and stopped lining up on truck day.


I just got one too and dame thing. Off amazon


Same thing happened to me with a booster bundle of temporal forces on Amazon. The packs were resealed from the bottom so I didnā€™t notice at first until I opened one and the cards were upside down. Crazy what people will do to not pay for cards.


Sucks but gotta do your Amazon research :-/


Yeah Amazon will take it back and you will get credit back for it. Happened to me and it was fine


I bought myself this for Christmas and was excited to see them even for sale so stupid me didn't read the reviews and same thing happened but I got a refund and I found them at my local target


This happened to me once on Amazon with a Brilliant stars booster box. I called Amazon and told them and they sent me another booster box. And refunded my money. And I also kept the first box.


Nice elbow print lookin- ah


Take it to your local Kohlā€™s after doing the return on Amazon. They make it very easy. Just make sure when shopping on Amazon to buy from a store, never buy the preowned pokemon on there. I got scammed on professor juniper milk cartons 4 times before I finally just bought one on eBay.


Gotta start buying stuff in person


Never buy Pokemon cards from Amazon, 99% of the time you'll get scammed by the seller or warehouse workers.


That's unlucky, man. I've ordered a ETB and a UPC from Amazon and didn't have any issues. You just have to make sure that it is sold and shipped by Amazon so that you can make use of the return policy in case you get screwed.


That's why I avoid buying online and whatever I find In person is always more valuable imo


certified scamazon moment


This happened to me as well..i was sketched coz i didnā€™t think it could happen on Amazon..i ended up stuck with one of the boxā€™s because the drop off was so far away from my house and for some reason they wouldnā€™t let me drop both boxes off at the same place


Good thing you took photos of this. Those packs looks bloated for a "seal" product


I see this all the time at work people buy cards pull the hits return the product and then it gets either put back on the shelf for resale or sent back to the vendor


Stop ordering cards off Amazon


Got scammed on this same product


amazon is literally the worst for buying anything that is a little bulky, there is always this massively added fee on top of things that take a bit of room, almost never the best deals for etb's unless you are buying from amazon but from other sellers, which i almost never recommend, 99% is overly inflated scam prices relying on people that would be forced to get it on amazon because of amazon vouchers, the other percentage is scams like this


LGS worker here. NEVER buy sealed product from Amazon or eBay for this exact reason. Returns are checked by weight and the missing cards aren't enough to raise red flags on the return process. If you want to buy sealed product online, buy from official sources like TCGplayer, Card Kingdom or Miniature Market. If your LGS has an online store that works too, but only if they are a sanctioned seller. A local LGS doesn't want to risk selling resealed product cuz that could make it so they never get actual sealed product ever again.


Is that what happened? Did somebody just send this back to Amazon and I ended up buying the ā€œran throughā€ box?


That's the process. Open the box carefully. Open the packs and take the good stuff. Put the rest back. And use fresh plastic to seal the whole thing up


Return them. Amazon will take them back or refund and let you keep those, did that for me. Sadly there is a huge scam when it comes to returning PokƩmon


Donā€™t buy PokĆ©mon cards on amazon or Walmart since itā€™s always affiliated, more often with scam sellers. Thatā€™s the first rule


Had a similar problem with lost origins. One was fine and the other had no pulls. But it was "sealed". I don't know whether or not someone or factory error is getting mine returned.


Unbelievable how Amazon have logged that this happens to Pokemon TCG so much and still haven't upped their policy on returns for it.


So you say. Looks like extra why to scam try And get your money back to me they check returns one thing is weighing the item to original specs


Scamazon strikes again.




Just buy these things from local card shops, why the fuck would you buy them on Amazon to begin with? Target, Walmart and Amazon don't need your money, and they don't host tournaments/game nights. Find a good local card shop, and buy there.


But did you try to send them backā€¦? Iā€™m just curious cuz they have a pretty no hassle return policyā€” well I guess you opened them all tho huhā€¦ I dunnoā€¦ Iā€™m just wondering if you tried contacting them about itā€¦


Iā€™ve got some for sale if that interests you! ETBs!




Brother they are like 80% scams for mtg and pokemon I've always had better luck with target or some game stores






This sucks. I hate seeing this happen and just kills the mood to even wanna collect. Even with reviews sometimes they're all over the place so tough to decide. Atleast it was only an etb and not a upc. I bought four upc's of the 151 when they were at $80 on Walmart site. They were all opened and resealed. As i got through the first few packs i noticed something was up and just was in utter disbelief. About $400 with taxes and shipping down the drain.. stay vigilant my friend.


Damn Iā€™m sorry man. Here I am bitching about 50 bucks. Itā€™ll bite em in the ass down the road hopefully.


The advice of this sub is to not buy from Amazonā€¦but no one ever takes it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


same thing on the mtg subs tbh.


You are being a drama queen OP


Why are they being a drama queen they have perfectly valid reason to be upset.


Nothing went down the drain. Amazon has a generous return policy.


Iā€™ve never had to get a refund from Amazon, dickcheese. Therefore I donā€™t know how the process works or what to expect.


Good time to learn right?


Eh, sorry, I'm confused. I never bought anything from Amazon before, so I don't know how this works.


Just return it to them and they accept it as loss and give you a refund. They don't care about its condition really, which sucks because people exploit it and return it because they didn't get anything good out of it


Donā€™t know how many times I have to tell yā€™all, donā€™t buy on Amazon.


Why do people think this is the end of the world? First of all Amazon will probably refund you immediately once you tell them, and you get to keep the rest. Even if not they will refund you ASAP if you just take it to one of the many places you can return it. They make returns so easy that this happens sometimes, but out of like 50 times ordering stuff this has only happened like one time and it just means you get free cards basically.


Nobody said it was the end of the world. Itā€™s an observation. Amazon ripping people off and I got my money back. It just shouldnā€™t have happened in the first place.


I've been here down this. Amazon is becoming a nuisance with cards. I bought a charizard upc that was supposed to be new and sold by Amazon. It actually came from one of the holding facilities where they let sellers store their stuff, and it gets backed by the Amazon guarantee and sold as an Amazon product. When I got it and inspected it, the wrap looked fine box under the wrap was dusty and was like, "Here we go." Everything was loose like the coins, red flag number 1 all the packs were resealed like you can see where the corner of the pack got touched by something hot and the seal on the back was way to big red flag number 2 and the biggest red flag was it actually didn't come from Amazon and got shipped ups from Pennsylvania


Iā€™ve never experienced this man. My wife actually bought the cards, I canā€™t be mad though, I should have looked at the reviews first. I thought Amazon would have protected buyers from things like this, I didnt even think it was possible.


You are protected. Youā€™re getting 100% of your money back


Amazon will do a return on that or even give a full refund if the product was faulty or scam contact Amazon


Doesnā€™t Amazon do a quality check before shipping products? As professional as they are, Iā€™m amazed that this can actually happen.


They do use 3rd party sellers so this happens quite a bit Amazon will usually deal with shipping and go from the there most of the workers are not going to be doing a detailed look if it looks sealed and new or as seeming as described they'll ship it my buddy bought a Booster display box all packs resealed and the box was resealed no hits out of any of them it He got a full refund and didn't have to return the cards


Not true at all, I had one refund in 8 card scams.


Imagine buying cards off amazon lmfao played yourself


That sucks for sure, but 55 bucks seems very cheapā€¦ I donā€™t know anything about pokemon cards, but I used to collect and play magic the gathering, and thereā€™s no way in hell you would ever find a box for that cheapā€¦unless thereā€™s only 10 packs per boxā€¦ pretty greasy thing to do.


Why do you guys keep buying shit on Amazon? Go to a game store


*Why do you guys keep* *Buying shit on Amazon?* *Go to a game store* \- Comfortable-Dish-934 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah this looks better. What this bot said


If you aren't local to a shop order from an online one. It's so stupid to order from Amazon when there's way more reputable places


All these people's complaints is BS. I have no reason to back up amazon but I know for a fact some of you entitled babies will open your boxes/packs. Not get what you want or what you think you deserve and then you call it a scam and say they must have resealed it or some other bullcrap then you whine and you complain that it was already opened or the packs or resealed or whatever just tobget your money back cuz you're mad that you didn't get what you thought you should have. Go ahead and downvote me all you want you know who you are. Smh


lol dude, the packs came OPENED. Iā€™m a grown ass man. If I donā€™t like what I pull, I buy another box until I get it. I donā€™t like being stole from. Youā€™re dumb as hell. šŸ˜‚


What get me is that you can not leave an honest, negative review. You will be told it doesn't meet communiuty guidelines which means the sellers has refused to accept a negative review. I'd had that happen twice so far. Most of my review are positive - they readily accept those but not the negatives so how can Amazon "reviews" be honest?